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Human Resource Planning

& Development

Human Resource Planning: Definition,

Objectives and Components of Human
Resource Planning, Manpower Forecasting:
Necessity, Problems, Approaches, and Benefits
of Forecasting.
Job Analysis, Job Enrichment, Job Satisfaction,
Recruitment and Selection of Human Resource,
Factors Influencing Recruitment and selection,
Different Methods of recruitment and Selection,
Case Study
HRP is the process by which an organization ensures that it has the
right number and kind of people, at the right place, at the right time,
capable of effectively and efficiently completing those tasks that will
help the organization achieve its overall objectives.
Human resource planning is the process of
determining and ensuring that the
organization will have an adequate number
of qualified persons, available at the proper
times, performing jobs which meet the needs
of the enterprise and which provide
satisfaction for the individuals involved”
Dale S. Beach
HR Managers must ask:
How many employees do we
need—in terms of numbers?
What are we looking for in terms
of skills, knowledge, experience,
abilities etc.—in terms of quality?
Where do we need the
employees—the location, the
division, the department?
When do we need the
employees—immediately, in the
next three months, six months
How long do we need them—for
a limited period or for a long
Importance of Human Resource Planning

•It gives the company the right kind of workforce at the right time frame and in right figures.
•In striking a balance between demand-for and supply-of resources, HRP helps in the optimum usage
of resources and also in reducing the labor cost.
•Cautiously forecasting the future helps to supervise manpower in a better way, thus pitfalls can be
•It helps the organization to develop a succession plan for all its employees. In this way, it creates a
way for internal promotions.
•It compels the organization to evaluate the weaknesses and strengths of personnel thereby making
the management to take remedial measures.
•The organization as a whole is benefited when it comes to increase in productivity, profit, skills, etc.,
thus giving an edge over its competitors.
Objectives Human Resource Planning
• Proper assessment of human resources needs in future.
• Anticipation of deficient or surplus manpower and taking the
corrective action.
• To create a highly talented workforce in the organization.
• To protect the weaker sections of the society.
• To manage the challenges in the organization due to
modernization, restructuring and re-engineering.
• To facilitate the realization of the organization’s objectives by
providing right number and types of personnel.
• To reduce the costs associated with personnel by proper
• To determine the future skill requirements of the organization.
• To plan careers for individual employee.
• Providing a better view of HR dimensions to top management.
• Determining the training and development needs of

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