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Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to the

following exchanges.
Question 1. [NTL] Adam and Janet are talking about university education.
Adam: "I think a university degree is the only way to succeed in life."
Janet: "_______. There are a lot of successful people without a degree."
A. That's all right B. That's not quite true
C. I can't agree more D. That's life
Question 2. [NTL] John and Mary are sitting in a restaurant.
John: "Would you like some more chicken?"
Mary: "_______. I'm full."
A. That sounds great B. You're welcome C. No, thanks D. Yes, please
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
Question 3. [NTL] _______, there will be great joy throughout the land.
A. Once the war will be over B. After the war had been over
C. As soon as the war is over D. When the war was over
Question 4. [NTL] The Hung King Temple Spirituality Marathon 2024 took place on April 7th,
A. didn't it B. was it C. wasn't it D. did it
Question 5. [NTL] Whenever there's a tough decision to be made, he always _______, refusing to
take a clear stance.
A. cuts corners B. sits on the fence
C. throws caution to the wind D. faces the music
Question 6. [NTL] British Airways regretted _______ the cancellation of flight BA205 to Madrid.
A. to announce B. having announced C. announced D. announcing
Question 7. [NTL] Each child had to _______ a short speech to the rest of the class.
A. take B. make C. get D. do
Question 8. [NTL] The recipe _______ by the chef is a closely guarded secret and has made him
A. creating B. create C. created D. to create
Question 9. [NTL] Luckily, they successfully _______ the fire and saved all of the children.
A. put out B. took out C. put off D. took off
Question 10. [NTL] One of the essential elements of a happy family life is _____ communication.
A. affect B. effective C. effect D. effectively
Question 11. [NTL] The telephone _______ by Alexander Graham Bell.
A. was inventing B. invents C. invented D. was invented
Question 12. [NTL] Certain chemicals have been banned because of their damaging effect _______
the environment.
A. for B. to C. of D. on

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Question 13. [NTL] Mai has always dreamed of taking a tertiary course in _______ United
A. a B. the C. X (no article) D. an
Question 14. [NTL] While on vacation in Finland, Jenny went on a(n) _______ of Lapland, the
northern part of the country.
A. voyage B. excursion C. tour D. expedition
Question 15. [NTL] Going by air is sometimes _______ than going by train.
A. as dangerous B. most dangerous
C. the most dangerous D. more dangerous
Question 16. [NTL] He's not exactly a stranger to me, but we're only on _______ terms.
A. greeting B. knowing C. nodding D. talking
Question 17. [NTL] The passengers _______ to board the game when it started to rain.
A. would wait B. waited C. were waiting D. are waiting
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part
differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
Question 18. [NTL] A. smooth B. depth C. health D. bath
Question 19. [NTL] A. proud B. tour C. shout D. count
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other
three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
Question 20. [NTL] A. generous B. important C. popular D. confident
Question 21. [NTL] A. express B. discuss C. depend D. struggle
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word CLOSEST in meaning to
the underlined word in each of the following Questions.
Question 22. [NTL] The documentary was so engrossing that I forgot to check my phone for over
two hours.
A. boring B. confusing C. lengthy D. interesting
Question 23. [NTL] The company decided to enhance the quality of their products to stay
A. improve B. reduce C. maintain D. weaken
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning
to the underlined word(s) in each of the following Questions.
Question 24. [NTL] He is writing a letter of acceptance to the employer with the hope to get his
favorite position in the company.
A. confirmation B. refusal C. admission D. agreement
Question 25. [NTL] John has been unemployed for the past three years - he's really in dire straits.
A. in a pleasant situation B. in a bad situation
C. in a difficult situation D. in a serious situation
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs
correction in each of the following questions.
Question 26. [NTL] Last Tuesday, she has arrived at the airport just in time to catch her early
morning flight.
A. the B. has arrived C. her D. in
Question 27. [NTL] Tom's jokes are inappropriate, but we have to put up with it just because he's
the boss.
A. because B. it C. inappropriate D. the
Question 28. [NTL] They advanced their understanding of public opinion about the economy by
examining its particular characteristics in political economies undergoing momentary change.
A. economy B. understanding C. characteristics D. momentary
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Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning
to each of the following questions.
Question 29. [NTL] My sister asked, "When will you be back from your trip?"
A. My sister asked me when would I be back from my trip.
B. My sister asked me when will I be back from my trip.
C. My sister asked me when I will be back from my trip.
D. My sister asked me when I would be back from my trip.
Question 30. [NTL] It is obligatory for all students to wear uniforms to school.
A. All students shouldn't wear uniforms to school.
B. All students may wear uniforms to school.
C. All students needn't wear uniforms to school.
D. All students must wear uniforms to school.
Question 31. [NTL] The last time I wrote a letter to Jane was five years ago.
A. I haven't written a letter to Jane for five years.
B. I wrote a letter to Jane for five years.
C. I didn't write a letter to Jane for five years.
D. I have written a letter to Jane for five years.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each
pair of sentences in the following questions.
Question 32. [NTL] Marie completed the project. She finally understood the importance of
A. Not until Marie had completed the project did she finally understand the importance of teamwork.
B. Such was the importance of teamwork that Marie completed the project.
C. Important as the teamwork Marie understood that she completed the project.
D. Hardly had Marie understood the importance of teamwork when she completed the project.
Question 33. [NTL] She is busy with work. She cannot attend the meeting.
A. If she weren't busy with work, she could attend the meeting.
B. Provided that she is busy with work, she cannot attend the meeting.
C. If only she were busy with work, she could attend the meeting.
D. If she is busy with work, she can't attend the meeting.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
The rapid pace of urbanization has led to various social challenges in many parts of the world.
One significant issue is the breakdown of community ties. As cities expand, traditional community
structures often weaken, and social connections among residents become more fragmented. This can
lead to feelings of isolation and a lack of social (34) _______.
Furthermore, urbanization can exacerbate social inequalities. While some individuals enjoy
improved living standards and access to better opportunities, (35) _______ experience
marginalization, discrimination, and limited access to essential services. Each year, countless people
move to urban areas (36) _______ a better life, but the reality for many is far from the promised urban
dream. (37) _______, millions of people annually migrate to cities in search of better opportunities,
but not only are unable to improve their living standards, but also get psychological issues themselves.
In conclusion, while urbanization offers economic benefits and opportunities, it also brings
about significant social challenges (38) _______ require attention and solutions to foster inclusive
and harmonious urban communities.
Question 34. [NTL] A. cohesion B. acceptance C. distancing D. distinction
Question 35. [NTL] A. others B. another C. other D. the other
Question 36. [NTL] A. hunting B. wishing C. seeking D. following
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Question 37. [NTL] A. For example B. However C. Therefore D. Moreover
Question 38. [NTL] A. whose B. who C. that D. whom
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the following questions.
Every student dreams of an ideal school - a place where learning is engaging, teachers are
supportive, and the environment is conducive to personal growth. However, reality often falls short
of these expectations. A recent survey conducted among high school students revealed that only 30%
feel their school meets all their desired criteria. The main concern for many is the lack of engaging
teaching methods. Traditional lecture-based classes dominate, leaving little room for interactive and
practical learning. Additionally, students expressed a desire for more extracurricular activities to
foster holistic development.
Furthermore, the survey highlighted a need for better teacher-student relationships. Many
students feel their teachers are detached and unapproachable, which hampers their academic and
personal growth. On the infrastructure front, over 50% of the students felt that their schools lacked
modern facilities, such as well-equipped labs and libraries. Safety and hygiene were also major
concerns, with several students reporting inadequate measures in place.
Despite these shortcomings, some positive aspects were noted. A significant number of
students appreciated the diverse cultural environment of their schools, which they felt enriched their
learning experience. Nevertheless, it is evident that there is ample room for improvement to make
schools more aligned with students' expectations and needs.
Question 39. [NTL] Which could be the best title for the passage?
A. Is your School just As you Want it to Be?
B. Can Teachers Live up to your Expectations?
C. Schools and Ways to Promote Teacher-Student Relationships
D. School as Learning Community
Question 40. [NTL] The word “hampers” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to _______.
A. assists B. avoids C. improves D. restricts
Question 41. [NTL] According to the passage, what do students consider a significant obstacle to
their academic and personal growth?
A. Overemphasis on technology
B. Lack of experienced teachers
C. Strict grading system
D. Teachers being detached and unapproachable
Question 42. [NTL] The word “they” in paragraph 3 refers to _______.
A. students B. aspects C. shortcomings D. schools
Question 43. [NTL] Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage?
A. Traditional lecture-based class is still the dominant teaching method criticized by many students.
B. The diverse cultural environment was highlighted as one of the positive aspects by numerous
C. The shortage of engaging teaching methods is primarily concerned by many high school students.
D. Most of the high schools surveyed could meet desired criteria for an ideal learning environment.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the following questions.
When you feel down, turning to self-help books might seem like a good solution. But new
research suggests it probably won't make you feel much better. Consumers of self-help books are
more susceptible to stress and show more depressive symptoms than those who don't read such
literature, University of Montreal psychologists found.
This small-scale study was conducted on 30 people. Half of the participants said that they
read self-help books and half did not. The self-help consumers were divided into two categories based

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on two broad types: problem-oriented self-help books that discuss the nature of personal challenges
as well as means of addressing these challenges, and growth-oriented books that promote inspirational
messages about life and happiness. All participants were tested for mental health traits like openness,
self-discipline, depressive symptoms.
The results show that readers of problem-focused self-help books had the greatest depressive
symptoms, while those who read growth-oriented material had greater stress reactivity - the tendency
of our body to respond to stressful situations by releasing stress hormones, which can lead to changes
in the body like faster heartbeat or increased blood pressure than non-readers. To put it simply: those
who read self-help books were more depressed and stressed out.
There's one important question here: does high stress reactivity and a tendency towards
depression lead people to read self-help books, or does reading self-help books result in stressful or
depressive feelings? Catherine Raymond, the study's lead author, said both are possible. "We would
need to perform an experimental study to have an unequivocal answer for this question." Still, the
results showed that reading self-help books did not correlate with qualities like self-discipline,
emotional stability and self-esteem. So even if reading those kinds of books isn't making things worse,
it certainly doesn't seem to make things better.
"Readers should take time to inform themselves about the authors of the self-help books that
they wish to read," Raymond said. "For instance, some self-help books that we call 'bibliotherapy
books' are written by health professionals, clinicians and scientific researchers and contain
scientifically proven facts about many subjects. We would suggest readers to go for these."
Question 44. [NTL] Which best serves as the title for this passage?
A. The Self-help Books you Read are Lying
B. Stress and Self-help Books: A Strange Link
C. How Self-help Books Ruin your Mental Health
D. Are Self-help Books as Helpful as we Think?
Question 45. [NTL] The word “susceptible” in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to _______.
A. unresponsive B. indifferent C. sensitive D. impassive
Question 46. [NTL] According to paragraph 2, the discussed study _______.
A. included two types of self-help books: bibliotherapy and philosophy
B. divided all participants into four categories
C. tested mental health traits of all participants
D. had all participants read two general types of self-help books
Question 47. [NTL] Which of the following is NOT TRUE, according to the passage?
A. Even if they do not cause stress, self-help books still hinder traits like self-esteem.
B. Raymond suggested that readers be more careful when they select self-help books.
C. It is unclear if reading self-help is the cause or the result of stress and depression.
D. There is a correlation between reading self-help books and high stress reactivity.
Question 48. [NTL] The word “unequivocal” in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to _______.
A. vague B. definite C. essential D. unclear
Question 49. [NTL] It can be inferred from the passage that_______.
A. most readers usually do not know who wrote the books they bought
B. not all self-help books are written based on actual scientific evidence
C. follow-up studies on self-help books and stress are already underway
D. only books written by professionals should be called self-help books
Question 50. [NTL] The word “these” in paragraph 5 refers to _______.
A. health professionals B. proven facts
C. bibliotherapy books D. many subjects


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