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Date 6/as/20L2

Expt.No. 19 Page No.
lo evaluat the local aneshabic by_alilleent melhada.
Meslhi, 8. ; Rakash, A..Raclical Manual eExperimenlal and Clintcal
harmacologyJaypee Brothers Medlical Pubksthexs(2) Ld, f ediHion,
IDI0, ta no.- R28-LR9

Animal's freg, RabbiB Cquinea pia
Solution'g Rocainehydmehloride stock seluhion_(17,ly), HCL(a1n)
Eguipmentie Frog boar , Rabbit holder, Catbon wiek Ssusica

Learming_ehjechives z
Dirpart ho knaucledae lacal ansthlie elet o
Local anesifalos eversibly block _impulse conolucthon_
axond and excitable _menbranes.
he tr achion i useol do pmduce docal or eionak aneslhesia
and or _blocking pain senaaion.
The local ansahehie pnpei can he easilshudiedby sing
any thu Jollausing mehad
Neave Block Anesthesla Lsollman mehoe) ushere Ha dug ahhlied clese
o nent unk.
6)SunfaceAncasthesin adroinister tka drg inb he conjuncltva el he
2ye and Shuoy coneal nlax n painkd object
Teacher's Signature.
16Jp3 2D3
Epenintnt-9 yoi-120o0KB&
Paze na-Y4

1oevaluati he local andeslhehe by dillornd methods.

Pbsewaion dable
Medhod Parameler Response belore | Response aler
No. reatme treament
4. Nerve block (plexus) foot-10hohasl Jmmediab Alayed
aneshes ia potedune relax
|2. aSurfote anawthesto Caneal relex Present Absens
pv cedurt

3. Jnillerakon anashusia Squeaking o Presend bsent

prn ceolurt toltehin responde
o d i - lO00 S 66 Data /os/20

Expt. No. 9

nfHesaion_anesthesia shere hu dng is_adminisdered intsadecmally

and injechion diti Tested for reaction t pinpichs..
1 Nerve Block pexuus anesthesia l{st-woithdraal rler in eg
aDecenbral1d the bng iao-150g) ond deshoyed ha upper cpor o he
spinal cord codhhe help o pithing needle
L)Cut opened the abdomen and emoved all the abdorainal organs,so
hat a puch uwa4_ made e ahdominal usalls.
Exbssud he spinal nerves n the cavity
dPit the ngon fhe fg boorod oth hoo_ol Pk hind legs hanstng
eepm boand. lernahivel, he may be pinñtde t
he boorcd placeo verhicall sothat i ind legs hans e.
eImmensed haMiglt hind n dhe beaken containad o N HCce
Nofed he briekxellex eohoraaolel ha
hwhshedu imnmesded leq elitk lozoing salan or nomal saline
Kepealud Same aifh th l t hind lg.
Wnshed dks immexsed les
Placed ahout 10 ml e 7 y pmcaine hydmchleride n he
ahdominal pauch. he siadionere as exposed to the Local
_anesthehie ackons e he dhug. Alased h drug da act or 5minaia
Smnnersedaight_and thind lesa inuceLdaion in hbeaken
Contained_acid as belore.
Notadthe delayedin he llar_Lothdrausl kgu aler 5,10,15
and dominnis e dhug adminiuterafon.

Teacher's Signature
yobr-1RoooS66 Date 14/n.3/2022
Expt. No. 9 Page No. 6

Surtace anesthesa
Placed he mbbit in he rabbit holder kept the head outside.
bkxamined -he Coneal ellex_ns toinked response do touchad a side
e he Coanea coih_Coton iece
Shsilled a eo dnp o pmcaint HCL solution in the conjuntiva
in the sh pye ethe rabbit test).
d imultanouslyinsdalleo saline in -he Etye uhichdevEs as conhol
e)Recorded the coineal relhx efler hen _minit dug instillation_and
tabulatid he cbservahion
I.Snfilerahion Anesthesia
a)Shoved hu back o Hu Juinea pia
bInjectud he pancaine IcÍ selchon intrademall
c) h e aninal_shocoed 4he squeaked n_hoikehad wspanse on douchins
h injechon site e0tlh shasppin,2t indicalid he posihia
Aponselpin pick coifhdhausla).

A. ALct application e pmcaine ydnchloride o he nene runk /ples)
pmduces Local anaesdhe.sia as aot eothdaus! rellexes ane bloc keo
in ha
rocaina daoclloricde pmoluces the Less nl_comeal response in
he inshile eye indicaing local anasthetie elect
CAfkrinjection Pacainehyduochloride abelihes ha squeaking
koitekigg local) Ae pon on touching he injechionsikoidh
shorp pin indicatad hu docal dnaethchie elleek.

Teacher's Signature.
Jyot-2000SE6 Date /o3 2032
Expt. No. Page No. 7

Precaulions 2
Be Carelul ohile perfpoming the experiment
l a n f . nete he cadlirg llex ackon

Leanins Drilcomes
Leant ahot Au loeal anautheiod, depplari zalion
Learnt he dileent melools do study he local
naedHhehie popeily
Y Karnf o perfpm tha experimeni eith Cae.

Teacher's Signature

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