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Larry Kenney
Joe Dietrich
Jerry Woodall
Raytheon Network Centric Systems
Towson, MD

This paper presents a system in concept development that systems. ADS-B is the civil solution to the Mode S over-
combines the integrity of the civil Automatic Dependant interrogation and Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance
Surveillance – Broadcast (ADS-B) system for air-to-air System (TCAS) generated false replies unsynchronized to
conflict avoidance and air traffic management (ATM) interrogator transmissions (fruit) that jeopardize ATC
surveillance with the military secure Mark XIIA Mode 5 integrity. ADS-B is the affordable solution to safely
Identification Friend or Foe (IFF) system as the data link. increase traffic density, ensure conflict avoidance with
This new system, coined Military ADS-B (MADS-B), free-flight, and manage self-interference.
expands the traditional IFF surveillance data of range,
IFF over-interrogation also generates excess fruit that not
azimuth, altitude, and identity (ID) to include each
only jeopardizes IFF operational integrity, but also
platform’s dynamic state of motion and status. This self-
increases fratricide risk and produces surveillance gaps. A
reporting system significantly improves positioning and
secure form of ADS-B that complements IFF and offers a
status data between Tri-Service platforms and with Allies –
common set of training, tactics, and procedures with
who are also transitioning to the common Mode 5 system.
seamless process for military aviators to transition from
Beyond MADS-B’s securing of ADS-B data, it enables
the peace-time civil airspace to the hostile battle space.
overcoming other surveillance and navigation shortfalls
through future software based message additions. The With self-reporting reducing interrogation rates, the ADS-
paper summarizes ADS-B operations, the conversion of B can efficiently use the signal bandwidth at 1090 MHz to
data to the Mode 5 Level 2 formats, and examples of transmit an increased amount of information about the
message extensions providing surveillance enhancements. vehicle position, velocity, and status. A secure ADS-B like
system of surveillance and air-to-air conflict avoidance can
INTRODUCTION be can be the system that provides superior IFF
The objective of the secure surveillance capability is to performance into the next century, overcoming the
bring all the benefits of the civil air traffic management operational utility shortfalls in the question and answer
(ATM) Automatic Dependent Surveillance – Broadcast component of the IFF system.
(ADS-B) system to the military Identification Friend or
Foe (IFF) system. The proposed solution improves system ADS-B OVERVIEW
integrity, enables common flight procedures, and increases The ADS-B system is strongly positioned in universal
link efficiency. situational awareness. It is based on the concept of aircraft
self-reporting their geodetic location, both in the air and on
Civilian air traffic control (ATC) and military IFF share
the ground. It has been developed and peer reviewed
dedicated communications channels, with an exclusive
internationally over the last 20 years. ADS-B builds on
international frequency allocation of 1030 MHz for the
Mode S with requirements established by national
interrogations (uplink) and 1090 MHz for the replies
authorities such as the FAA, RTCA, EUROCAE, and
(downlink). They have evolved from radar beacon based
ICAO. RTCA/DO-260A [1] establishes the minimum
question and answer systems. The initial civil component
operational standards (MOPS) for airborne equipment for
is known as the Air Traffic Control Radar Beacon System
ADS-B utilizing 1090 MHz Mode S Extended Squitter
(ATCRBS). Legacy military IFF supplemented the
ATCRBS modes with an unsecured Selective
Identification Facility (SIF) for additional platform data in Since the goal is to routinely use the ADS-B self reports as
addition to a secure ID only mode. As civil air traffic a primary source of aircraft surveillance, the US and other
density increased, an addressed interrogation mode, Mode nations plan to replace the majority of ATC interrogators
S, was developed to obtain platform data and reduce with ADS-B ground receiving stations by ~2018. Some
system self-interference. It also introduced a self reporting nations plan to bypass upgrades with Mode S interrogators
acquisition mode to supplement the question and answer and go directly from the ATCRBS to ADS-B as the
mode. Increasing traffic density continued to grow, designated surveillance upgrade for the future.
challenging the paradigm of question and answer ATM

978-1-4244-2677-5/08/$25.00 ©2008 IEEE

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ADS-B will be required internationally for civil Mode 5 Level 1 (M5L1) is the synchronous question and
ATC/ATM. A clear case has been made for the installation answer mode. It offers significant improvements in secure
of ADS-B in military platforms [2, 3]. However, ADS-B friend determination over the legacy Mode 4, and includes
dictates that all surveillance be open, and therefore non- a secure data transmission capability. With M5L1, an IFF
secure. This is a recognized vulnerability, but civil interrogator can simultaneously determine friend status
authorities accept it in civil environments. Note that and securely query altitude, mission code, platform
1090ES ADS-B messages are equally important military identification number (PIN), and national origin (NO).
surveillance input. M5L1 introduces the lethal interrogation mode, where a
reply is required from a transponder even when it is in
The open nature of the ADS-B data transmission is
standby mode.
incompatible with IFF objectives in a hostile environment.
It would be vulnerable to the classic IFF threats of Mode 5 Level 2 (M5L2) is a new asynchronous mode for
spoofing and exploitation. Spoofers could attack the secure self reporting. Report formats include ADS-B like
system by generating false reports containing contrived GPS data in 77 bit tactical data report messages. There are
position data. Exploiters could listen to the ADS-B reports two squittering (self-reporting) rates, a long term low rate
to easily track and then advantageously attack the squitter, similar to the ADS-B squitters, and a short
vulnerable aircraft. duration high rate squitter, which can be triggered by a
scanning beam interrogator.
The new Mark XIIA Mode 5 waveform for airborne MILITARY SECURE ADS-B
Identification Friend or Foe (IFF) offers the first For the military secure ABS-B (MADS-B), we recommend
significant upgrade to airborne cooperative identification combining the tracking accuracy and integrity of ADS-B
systems since the Mark XII Mode 4 development in the data with the security of the M5L2 waveform as the
1960s. The US military is preparing to field this new available, secure-interoperable military communications
international standard which features secure data link. The ADS-B data would be reformatted into a subset
transmission in addition to providing high assurance friend of the 8 unused M5L2 formats. The original formats would
determination. Mode 5 uses minimum shift keying (MSK) be undisturbed. All of the M5L1 formats would also be
modulation and spread spectrum techniques to realize a retained for interoperability and lethal use.
processing gain waveform. The waveform defined by
Figure 1 shows a simplified block diagram of a MADS-B
STANAG 4193 [4] includes error control and methods for
capable transponder. The core 1090ES, Mode S Enhanced
reducing self-interference. Security is provided by a Type
Surveillance, modes are current equipment capabilities
1 algorithm embedded in a programmable crypto engine.
realized in the pulse position modulation (PPM) and
IFF Mode 5 capabilities are defined for four levels. Levels demodulation functions in the transponder transmitter and
1 and 2 are well defined and are supported by equipment interrogator receiver.
being delivered now. Levels 3 and 4 have less definition
and are intended for capability growth.

Military Aircraft Transponder Military Aircraft Class A Transponder

or Ground/Surface Class C Receiver

M5 Encryption M5L2 MSK

Data from & M5L2 MSK Demodulation & ADS-B
GNSS/GPS Waveform M5 Decryption and
& Aircraft MADS-B
Target Data
Tracking & Status to Display
Data over Either Path

ADS-B Class B Mode S DF-17 Mode S DF-17 ADS-B Class A

Register Data PPM Modulated PPM Waveform Track & Display
Generation Waveform Decoding Generation

Added for ADS-B Added for MADS-B

Figure 1 MADS-B System Components

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For ADS-B support, data is accepted from aircraft’s AIRBORNE POSITION
navigation and global navigation satellite system (GNSS) Figure 2 illustrates the mapping of the 1090ES, downlink
source, processed and loaded into the Comm-B Data format (DF) 17 airborne position from the BDS register
Select (BDS) registers. In ADS-B operation, data from (0,5) into the MADS-B M5L2 format 24. Recall that the
specified registers are sampled at random intervals payload for the M5L2 is limited to 77 bits and that the long
(~2/second rate) and used to create the 112 bit downlink 1090ES formats are 112 bits long.
message. For military-secure MADS-B operation, the data
in the 112 bit downlink message would be remapped into Mode S DF=17 MADS-B
Airborne Position (BDS 0,5)
the 77 bit tactical data field payload of the M5L2 message.
5 Format 24 Header
That M5L2 message would then be encrypted and 1
modulated in the same manor as any other M5L2 5 DF Code
3 CA Status
messages. 2
14 - MIL PIN
19 Address
On the receiving end, there is a MADS-B/ADS-B Class A 24
AA Mode S
5 - Nat Origin

77 Bit Tactical Data Payload

track and report generator. It accepts data from either the 6 4 Add’l Addr
4 Type Code
demodulated 1090ES replies or the decrypted, 5 Type Code
2 Surv Status
demodulated, and reformatted data from selected M5L2 2 Surv Status
1 Single Ant
messages. The track and report generator function is 12 Altitude

essentially independent of the source of the ADS-B data. 12 Altitude

112 Bits
1 Time (T)
With judicious re-formatting of the data from the normal 1 Time (T) 1 CPR Format
1090ES payload to the M5L2 payload, MADS-B provides 1 CPR Format CPR
CPR 17 Encoded
all of the advantages of the civil ADS-B operational use 17 Encoded Latitude
and integrity, while providing critical military grade Latitude
security. CPR 17 Encoded
17 Encoded Longitude
Mode 5 provides up to 16 level 2 message formats, 11 of 24 Parity
which are assigned to standard Mode 5 interrogate-reply Identity Code
functions and 5 are proposed for assignment to MADS-B
functions. The Mode 5 level 2 formats proposed for Figure 2 Airborne Position Report
MADS-B are shown in Table 1.
The most critical data which is the essence of the position
Table 1 Mode 5 Level 2 Message Formats 24 - 31 report is identically formatted in the MADS-B position
Squitter Transmission report. The 2 bit surveillance status field (Surv Status)
Format Sub- Used for Report Type signals emergency and identity pulse (IP) in four states.
format The 12 bit altitude is the GNSS height. The time flag field
24 None Air Surveillance Airborne Position signals the synchronization method. The compact position
25 None Surface/Ground Surface Position report (CPR) format flag signals whether the odd or even
26 0 Air Surveillance Airborne CPR data is included in this report. The latitude and
Velocity* longitude data are CPR encoded.
1 Platform Type Airborne The Mode S DF and civil aviation (CA) status codes (1)
& Status Capability**
are not mapped into the MADS-B report. The differences
2 Surface
begin with (2) the 24 bit aircraft address (AA) field being
3 Reserved for IFF & Military Status dropped in favor of the 19 bits of the military platform
4-7 Unassigned MADS-B Subformats identification number (PIN) and national origin (NO),
27-28 Reserved for MADS-B*** along with (6) 4 additional bits reserved for military
* Required with Format 24. identifier expansion. The type code (3) is compacted from
** Supplements Formats 24 and 25. 5 bits to 4 bits to report all accuracy and integrity levels of
*** Formats 29-31 reserved for standard M5L2 future use ADS-B airborne position except for one type code. The
single antenna flag (4) is not mapped into the MADS-B
The airborne position and the airborne velocity report report because military aircraft typically have dual
types are explored in detail below to show the reformatting antennas.
of the ADS-B data into the M5L2 payload constraints.

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The parity identity code (PI) is dropped because the M5L2 The subtype defines whether the velocity is available and
has a CRC integrity check on the data within the whether it is in the normal or supersonic range. The intent
cryptography, and the waveform has Reed-Solomon error change flag is growth function to signal a planned flight
correction coding on the transmitted data. attitude change. The instrument flight rules (IFR) flag
signals the air navigation capability of the platform. The
The surface position report is mapped similarly, with the
navigation accuracy category for velocity (NACv) is a
movement, heading, and heading status fields being
look-up table for different velocity sources. The East/West
included in the identically mapped from the DBS register
(E/W) and North/South (N/S) velocities and direction flags
(0,6) to M5L2 format 25.
provides the amplitude and sign of the velocity vector
AIRBORNE VELOCITY components in those two dimensions. The vertical rate
source indicates whether a GNSS or barometric source is
MADS-B Airborne Velocity Format 26 Subformat 0 being used. The vertical rate and its sign provide the
information is contained in four different ADS-B velocity component of the velocity vector in a third direction. The
subtype messages. Except for modifications to the Type difference from barometric and its sign provide the index
Code field, it is completely included in MADS-B Format into a look-up table to determine the difference between
26. ADS-B Subtypes 1 and 2 give velocity over ground GNSS and barometric altitude.
for subsonic and supersonic velocities, respectively. Figure
3 illustrates the mapping of the 1090ES, DF 17 airborne These three formats, airborne position and velocity, and
position from the BDS register (0,5) into the MADS-B surface position constitute the core ADS-B position reports
M5L2 format 26 for supersonic platforms. that are supplemented by several status messages that
provide information on the type of aircraft, fixed obstacle,
Mode S DF=17 MADS-B or airport surface vehicle whose position is being reported.
Airborne Velocity (BDS 0,9)
Subtype 1 shown, also 2,3,4
5 Format 26 Header
Because these messages have certain redundant
5 DF Code
1 information and information that only applies to civil
3 CA Status transport aircraft, not military tactical aircraft, the ADS-B
3 Subformat
status message data can be compressed into a single
AA Mode S 14 - MIL PIN
Address 19 Address MADS-B message without the loss of essential safety and
5 - Nat Origin tracking information.
77 Bit Tactical Data Payload

5 Type Code 4 Add’l Addr

3 Subtype 3 Subtype These four message formats, three position-velocity and
1 Int Ch Flag
Int Ch Flag
IFR Flag 1 IFR Flag
one status message, may be thought of as level one of
1 NACv 3 NACv MADS-B in that it provides a secure air-to-air conflict

1 E/W Dir 1 E/W Dir

112 Bits

10 E/W Velocity 10 E/W Velocity

avoidance and airborne surveillance system that directly
1 N/S Dir 1 N/S Dir complements ADS-B and supports civil (ADS-B) and
10 N/S Velocity 10 N/S Velocity secure military (MADS-B) operations.
1 VR Source 1 VR Source
1 VR Sign 1 VR Sign
9 Vert Rate 9 Vert Rate
2 Reserved 2 Reserved
1 Diff Baro Sign 1 Diff Baro Sign
7 Geo Baro Diff 7 Geo Baro Diff

24 Parity
Identity Code

Figure 3 Airborne Velocity Report

Similar to the airborne position report mapping, the DF

code and CA status (1) are not included in the mapping.
The convention of using the PIN and NO in place of the
AA data are also consistent with the MADS-B position
report. The subformat field uses 3 bits of the tactical data
payload space. The critical 51 bits of ADS-B velocity data
are mapped one for one into the MADS-B payload.

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Traditional and 2 M5L2 with GPS 3 MADS-B Provides
M5L1 Q&A Position Reports Position & Velocity
Reports + Status Data

Provides Track History Provides more Accurate Provides Accurate Predicted

Track History Track from Aircraft NAV
• Interrogator determines
System – Best data source!
track from past & current • Interrogator still tracks
position reports from history data • Receiver tracker minimal!

Figure 4 Tracking Improvements with MADS-B

alternative methods of friend identification and ATM are

Having the ADS-B velocity component advances the
quality of situational awareness in the critical air-to-air In addition to creating a ‘network view’ of the ATM/IFF
case. Figure 4 illustrates the progression of track quality communications channels, there are additional
improvement as the IFF system evolves from traditional opportunities to expand MADS-B capabilities to meet a
question and answer operation to a self reporting MADS-B number of unmet military surveillance and identification
paradigm. needs using the self-reporting method to minimize self-
interference and exploit the interoperability advantage
In the traditional Mode 5 Level 1 (1), a track history is offered within M5L2. These include providing greatly
accumulated from past position reports. Each position expanded information on the state and status of each
report is estimated by interrogating a target across a friendly aircraft and its crew. This is a major leap from the
beamwidth and centroiding multiple replies. With the pre-Mode 5 IFF ID where the result of an interrogation
current Mode 5 Level 2 squittered position reports (2), an was simply whether you were a friend and your
estimate of the target position is self reported and the approximate location, to MADS-B with extensive
tracker has a more accurate track history to extrapolate information on aircraft and crew in real-time that would be
future positions. However, the MADS-B squittered reports universally available to US and Allied militaries.
(3) include both position and velocity measured by the
reporting platform – minimizing the complexity and CONCLUSION
uncertainty in the receiver tracker.
MADS-B is a robust, universal IFF upgrade that tracks the
An additional level of total friend situational awareness is most significant civil ATC surveillance update in the last
also enabled by the rich data content of the MADS-B 50 years. It provides a low-signal-density solution to the
status messages derived from the ADS-B catalog. The self- IFF problem of self-interference losses due to over
reporting form of surveillance building on ADS-B and interrogation. MADS-B provides for a transition to a
Mode S information exchanges also provides a mechanism network enabled IFF system to solve the most severe IFF
for communicating military-only messages that provide operational problem of fratricide due to the IFF
state and status information on the ADS-B/MADS-B transponder being ‘turned off’ because of excessive
communications channel at 1090 MHz and the interrogation. Performance and integrity are now
interrogation channel used by civil Mode S and M5L1 at monitored largely within the system. Use of the existing
1030 MHz. Mark XIIA Mode 5 Level 2 waveform and key ADS-B
tracking system elements assures that MADS-B
Knowing and mapping the interference levels – power and
performance will remain current with any mandated civil
message rate information – at the aircraft source can
ADS-B tracking updates without need for additional
enable the surveillance network to identify sources of
military interoperability coordination.
over-interrogation and jamming, and where and when

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[1.] RTCA/DO-260A, Minimum Operational Performance
Standards for 1090 MHz Extended Squitter Automatic
Dependent Surveillance – Broadcast (ADS-B) and Traffic
Information Services – Broadcast (TIS-B), April 10, 2003

[2.] Frain, S., Van Sickle, G., “CNS/ATM for Tactical

Military Aircraft”, Digital Avionics Systems Conference,
2003, Indianapolis, IN, pp. 4.D.1-1 – 4.D.1-9.

[3.] Van Sickle, G. The Military Utility of ADS-B,

presented at the Air Traffic Control Radar Beacon System
(ATCRBS), Identification Friend or Foe (IFF), Mark XIIA
System (AIMS) Conference 2008, San Antonio, TX

[4.] STANAG 4193, North Atlantic Treaty Organization

(NATO) NATO Standardization Agency (NSA)
Standardization Agreement (STANAG), Technical
Characteristics of IFF Mk XA and Mk XII, Interrogators
and Transponders - Part V: Technical Description of the
Mk XIIA System, 2007

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