Reflection Prof Ed1

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Arianne Leigh C.


1. If you given a chance, which development stage would you like to be

in? Why?
 If I am given a chance to choose to which development stage, I
would like to be in is in early adulthood stage, because in this
stage we can do things and we are already matured. We are
physically complete, we can now learn to accept responsibility,
actions and criticism. We also we the profit from errors. Lastly,
we can socially progress from age related peer groups to people
with similar interest and experiences.

2. Reflect on your stages of development. Were you able to acquire the

developmental tasks expected for each stage. What facilitated your
acquisitions of the ability to perform such tasks?
 In my early childhood, middle childhood, adolescence stage, and
adulthood. I was able to acquire these developmental tasks. I
believe that my ability to live independently and make choices
and control my life evolve over a period of time. When I was a 1
year old my mom taught me how to walk, even though
sometimes I fell down, taught me how to say the word “mama”
and “papa” and taught me everything as I can. Then, when I was
three years old my mom tried to send me to school as a toddler.
It was a first day of the school and I’m so shy. But my mom is
still there to guide me. Then I start to introduce myself to my
classmates and to my teacher. After a few months I learned a lot
of things like, I can already write my name, know how to color
and everything. One day my teacher tells us she has a test on the
next day. Then my mom said that, if I’m going to study and got
the high score, she will buy me my favorite food, and then I
study hard and as a result, I got the highest score. So, as she
said, she brought me my favorite food. When I was seven I
entered a regular second grade class. Good decision-making
must be developed over a person's lifetime First became simple
choices when I was quite young. What shirt do you want to
wear? What drink do you want, and my choices were respected.
When I picked out a shirt that clashed outrageously with my
pants my mother did not override my choice. This gave my
beginning decision-making real validity even if my taste in
clothes left much to be desired. At the stage of adolescence. As
a teenager I struggle body changes, mood swings and social
issues. In this stage I feel I can do whatever I want in my life.
Sometimes I left home without saying goodbye to my mom, that
I do not do my usual immature. Maybe it is part of growing up.
As the time goes by, now I am in the stage of adulthood I learn
to be a responsible and make my

own decision beacause it’s a important part of the journey of a

adulthood. One thing for sure though to become an adult you
must be mature and ready to take on the world. Being an adult
means achieving a separate identify, being able to support your
self and/or your family financially, and being able to provide
yourself with a house or a place to call home. Adulthood
consists of many different aspects, and is not an easy part of life.

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