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ftlsFdEcm{ r5qra rrctrr


fufrI d"rf{, rrcr rtirrl
TfrElltrrf, Vc-< art, aS Ed, - tlo oo? Erq-ffsrr Elffit
011236M240, 01 r236M201

F.No. 1/2004(Admn.I/A&B/2874) March-2024


I I MAR 2024

Sub: Grant of Relief to Central Government Dens ioners/familv nensioners-

Revised rate effective from 01.01.2024- Rrqardinq

The undersigned is directed to circulate the following O{fice Memorandum

received from the Govemment of Indi4 Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances &
Pensions, Department of Pension & Pensioners Welfare, New Delhi (copy enclosed) as
detailed below:-

S. No. O.M No. & Date Received From Subiect

I No.42/04/2024- Govemment of Indi4 Grant of Deamess Relief to
P&PW(D) dated Ministry of Personnel, Cental Govemment
13ft March, 2024 Public Grievances & pensioners/ family
Pensions, Depa(ment of pensioners-Revised rate
Pension & Pensioners effective from 01 .01.2024
Welfare, New Delhi shall be enhanced from 46Yo
to 50%o.

This issues with the approval of Competent Authority.

Under Secretary (Admn.)
firnded/lUC-sections with the request to take further action in the matter.
2. UccWebsite
3. UGC e-office.
@ajender Kumar)
Section Offrcer (Admn.)
No. a2N212fr24-P&PW(D)
Govcmrnant of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & pensions
Dcpartnent of Pension & Pensioners' lyclfirc

3rd Ploor, Lok Na:rak Bhawan

Khan Market New Delhi-l I fi)03
De:- l3h l\rarci,2024
sub: Graar of Deemcr Relicf to Cutral Governmcrt psorlonsn/family pensiorerr _ Revired
rete c0..tive ftom 0 t.0f J02+reg

Thc undoitigaed is directed lorcfcr to rhh Dcpartmert's oM No. ,12104/2023-p&pw(D)

dsrbd' 27.-la 2c23 on thc subjsct nreafioned above aod to statc tftEt the prcsidcnr ls
dccidc that the Dcamcss Rclief admisgible to ccrtral oovcrnmenr pensionen/Famil;
,r""*a ,"
shell bc enhanccd from the existing rate of 46vo b J0% of the uasic pensioJi;iiv'*r.i",
(irrcludirqg additional pensinrrfamily pension) r.eJ 0l.t Jrinluarry,Wl4.

2. Tlese rates of DR will be applicable to the following categoriesi

(i) civilian centrar cove.m111. pensionerJFamily pensioners incruding central covt.

absorbee pensioners in psu/Autonomous Bodies in respcct of whJm
o;;;; 1"""
becn issued vidc this Departnrent's oM No. 4B4ndo2-?epw1o)vot.ti aared
23.06.2017 for rcstoration of full pcnsion aicr expiry of commutation period
,f l5
(ii) fie Armcd Forces Pendoaors/Farnity pensione' ard civitier pcnsioners/Famiry
Pensioners poid out of ttc Defencc Scrvice Estimates.
(iii) All lndia Service Pensioners/Family pensioners.
(lv) Railway PcnsionerVlamily Pcrxionets.
(v) Pcmioncrs wb arc in rcccig of providoaal pcndon.
(vi) The Buma civilian PcnsioncrvFam y
pcnsioncrs and pensiorurs/famiries
displacid Govemment penaioncrs from Burmd pakietsn, in respect of
whom or&n
havc bccn issued vide this Department s OM No. ZinnOiX-papW(B) daicd
I t.09.201 7.

3. . - Po
paymcnt of Derress Rerief in,orving a fraction of a rupec dralt
be rounded ojr 1o thc
next highcr rupet.

4' Thc pEymcnl of srrears of Deamess Reliefshall not bo made bcfore the
datc of disburssmenr
of pension/family pensioa of March, 2024.

5' othcr provisions goveming gant of DR in *spect of emproycd lrmiry pcnsionrrs

employed ccnral covemmenr pensioners wi be reguratcd ir'*iora-*''*itn' ,i.' anrr re-
containod in Rure 52 of CCS (pension) Rures, 202r snd rhis Departmcnfs
oM No. 45n3y7-p&pw
(c) d'cd 2'7.1999 es amcnded tom time to time. 'rhe provisioris rerating ,"gri",io,
o o'iiR;h"r"
a pensionor ir in rcceipt of morc than onc pcnsion will remain
unchurgcd.* "

6. In the case of retired Judgcs of the supremc court urd Higl coutts, necessarrr ordcn w r bc
issued by tbc Deparunent ofJustice scpararcly.

y-11 bc the- rcsponsibiliry oflt pansion disbursing authorities, iacruding the natiorurizcd
l-,-- -'l ro catculate rhc quannm of DR peyablc il each
Drotts, erc. individuat crs.
8' The officcs of Ascourta& Crenanl and authorised Pcnsion Disbtrsing
B8nlc are requested to
arrange paymont of Dearness Relief to pensionersffamily peneloners -o"
rh; b;;';i-rl**
wrlrout waiting for any ftrdrcr instrrctions &om tle comptolrer anda,ralt"i-c"r.,ur
Irdia and the Rcserve aank af India in view of rercr No. 528-T4' iu3+ro-r ,i
datod 2:roat sst ot
the comptrollcr aad Auditor Gcncral of India addrcsscd lo all Accounrrnr
Bnnk of lrdia ci,.ula No. GANB No. 29i8uoA{4
(i,(cct-ysl da'd rhc
- - 2Ir
-- May, 19fl
addrecsed to starc Bank oflrdia and its subsidiaries and ,riN"ilonatisea
9. In so &r as thc pcrsons serving in Indian Audit ard Acsoun8 Depaftrent are
orderg arc issued in consulradon with the comproller and Auditor G'ercral
conclmpd, *tse
urder Artich 148(5) of &e Constitulio of lndia.
of India, o-.ia"t"a

l0- This icsues in accordance-

Iith the Ministry of Fiaanc€, Depertncnt of Expenditure's oM
No. )/12024-E-II (B) datcd t2.03.2024.

Hindi version will fo ow.

(Ravinder Kumar) 13
)'l 1
I. All Minishics/Dcparthents of the Governnrent of lndia
2 Chicf Secretaries and AGs of all StatesruTs.
3. CMDVCPPCs of all aurhoriscd pension Disbursing BanLs
4. C&AG of India, UPSC, etc. as per srandad erdorsrment list.
5. Rescrvc Bank of India (RBl) for Information.

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