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okay AP Human Geography classes last video for folk

and popular culture and we're going to talk about
why globalization of popular culture causes
problems let's get to it boom why popular culture
causes problems well it's a threat to folk culture
right listen Western influence from mdcs can create
a dominant Western perspective and thus what can
happen folk culture may turn into popular culture
influenced by Western perspectives the biggest
reason why folk cultures can and have turned into
popular cultures is due to income which once again
if you have theincome you have the power or the
buying power to purchase popular goods and one
way is through well clothing right there's a huge loss
of traditional clothing throughout the world now
there's a huge contrast between rural workers and
Business Leaders in the ldcs Business Leaders may
have contact with mdcs and may be influenced by
western clothing so for example people that live in
ldc's know that wearing a suit to pick certain social
status it not only does it make you more
westernized but it tells other people within your
country that you have attained some sort of wealth
or special status within Society now as compared to
rule workers which are denoted by folk clothing
doesn't mean that they haven't gained a special
status in society it just means that well they wear a
different type of culture that has not been
westernized another way full culture can be
impacted is through well TV and if you will the
foreign media imperialism that's right I use the
strong words of imperialism now mdc's Dominate
ldcs and the three major countries that dominate
television the television industry throughout the
world is the US the United Kingdom and Japan thus
you can see how these three countries can spread
their influences throughout the world so how do
leaders from ldc's do this issue well they literally
state that is an economic and cultural imperialism
over their countries pretty strong statement there
now TV influences popular causes of Trends to local
folk customs and Trends thus let's say for example
like clothing clothing can change because of the
foreign media even the news when you watch the
world news it's focused more so on Western issues
and not really those of the entire world wow what
have ldc's done well governments have taken it a
step further and censored certain TV stations that
they may not want their citizens to watch so for
example MTV has blocked in many Asian countries
as well as the use of any satellite dish obviously it's
much harder for governments to control satellite
broadcast than it is to control the actual TV lines
planted within their communities so they have
taken steps to minimize Western influences and
keep their folk cultures all right there's also
environmental impacts so popular culture in its
most realist form promotes uniform Landscapes
what that means is one location is similar to
another and really the best way you can see it is yes
through clothing but more generally speaking it
seems through something called Product
recognition and the best example I give you is fast
food chains all the stores look relatively alike right
their food is very similarly named let's say or that
it's almost the same if you go from let's say one part
of the United States to another to a McDonald's uh
or even if you go to another country they might
have some similar menu items anyways it's used to
attract the same customers around the world
through these similar looking stores and food again
promoting uniformity all right and last but not least
there's a negative environmental mpact of popular
culture once again popular culture promotes
uniformity so let's say for example every single
person throughout the world wants to own a car in
every single country all right well this is a huge the
police on natural resources if you look here I just
name a couple orders petroleum cattle yes that is a
resource what if everybody started to eat meat all
of a sudden right links let's say for example for mink
coats what if everybody wanted to wear a mink coat
all of a sudden and then the eating of chicken again
these would deplete a lot of resources now these
Customs changing because of the assimilation that
people want towards Western perspectives in
another way that has a negative impact in the
environment is pollution all right think think about
pollution that has been created due to let's say
mass production canned bottles even old cars
papers plastic these are often not recycled just
rather discarded throughout the world and you can
see by that picture there now Folk culture is Not
Innocent by any means they also do have an impact
as well and there's two specific ways one is
Antiquated farming techniques which can lead to
soil erosion which you see on the left here which is
basically eating up the land and not making it
farmable and then secondly too is the overhunting
of a certain species let's say for example it's
ritualistic to hunt a certain animal well you know
what after a certain amount of time if nobody else is
protagonist animal let's say it could lead to its
Extinction so we do have popular cultural impacts
and full cultural impacts on the environment all
right last video of folk of popular culture we'll talk
more about this in class I will see you then

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