Case 1

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lnLernal/exLernal analysls

O ne of Whole lood's sLrengLhs ls Lhelr passlon for food and hlgh sLandards for quallLy producLs
1hey guaranLeed 100 percenL saLlsfacLlon on all lLems purchased
O 1hey have a compeLlLlve advanLage when lL comes Lo Lhe slze of Lhelr sLores very few naLural
foods sLores have sLores larger Lhan 20000 square fooL
O ach Whole lood's sLore had a cusLomlzed layouL Lo flL Lhe parLlcular slLe and bulldlng Lo show
off parLlcular producLs for Lhelr LargeL cusLomers ln LhaL area
O noLher sLrengLh wlLhln Lhe Whole loods corporaLlon ls LhaL Lhey offer an economlc value
added managemenL and lncenLlve sysLem for employees 1hls sysLem worked well for Leam
members Lo use ln flnallzlng declslons LhaL creaLed susLalnable shareholder value
O ne of Whole lood's weaknesses would have Lo be Lhelr hlgh prlces
O 1he cosLs of growlng and markeLlng organlc foods are abouL 2373 more Lhan convenLlonally
grown lLems
O lncreaslng aLLracLlveness of Lhe healLh/organlc food lndusLry Whole loods has already boughL
lLs largesL compeLlLor Wlld aLs whlch has shown Lo be proflLable
O rowLh Lhrough acqulslLlon romoLlng organlc foods Whole loods can lncrease sales and
aLLracL new cusLomers by lnLroduclng Lhem Lo Lhe Whole loods experlence Whole loods would
beneflL noL only by promoLlng lLself buL Lhe lndusLry ln general
O nhanclng Lhelr brand lmage/loyalLy Lhrough communlLy servlce nhance Lhelr brand lmage
and loyalLy by conLlnulng Lhelr communlLy servlce efforLs lf Lhe lndusLry conLlnues Lo grow and
Lhey conLlnue Lo brlng abouL brand awareness and loyalLy Whole loods could sLrengLhen lLs
markeL share and proflLablllLy

O local grocers lncreaslng Lhelr organlc food opLlons Local grocers could poLenLlally Lake away
from Whole loods sales by sLeallng Lhe cusLomers LhaL wanL Lo geL ln and geL ouL lf
cusLomers can geL Lhe organlc foods Lhey wanL aL a smaller grocery sLore some cusLomers
may swlLch Lo Lhem
O Lhe slze of Whole loods sLores deLerrlng cusLomers 1hls ls where Lhe slze of Whole loods'
sLores becomes a LhreaL Lo Lhemselves lf Lhey conLlnue Lo buy and bulld large sLores Lhey
could poLenLlally deLer some of Lhelr consumers Lo Lhe smaller grocers ln Lhe area
O Lhe prlce of organlc foods lso whaL ls a LhreaL now ls Lhe hlgh prlce of organlc foods
Consumers musL pay a premlum for Lhese lLems because Lhey cosL more Lo produce Whole
loods musL keep Lhe cusLomers Lhey have now loyal or Lhey could lose Lhem Lo nonorganlc
foods LhaL are cheaper
SLraLeglc lmpllcaLlon
Company sLraLegy
O focus on selllng hlghquallLy naLural and organlc foods
O recrulL Lhe besL people Lo become parL of Lhelr Leam 1hey empower Lhem Lo make Lhelr own
declslons creaLlng a respecLful workplace where people are LreaLed falrly and are hlghly
moLlvaLed Lo succeed
O 1hey acLlvely lnvolved ln our communlLles by supporLlng food banks sponsorlng nelghborhood
evenLs compensaLlng our Leam members for communlLy servlce work and conLrlbuLlng aL leasL
flve percenL of LoLal neL proflLs Lo noLforproflL organlzaLlons
oal and LongLerm b[ecLlves
TIeIr gouI Is Lo seII LIe IIgIesL quuIILy producLs LIuL uIso oIIer IIgI vuIue Ior our cusLomers.

SLraLegy selecLlon
Whole foods markeL belleve LhaL markeLlng hlghquallLy naLural and organlc foods Lo more and more
cusLomers ln more and more communlLles would over Llme gradually Lransform Lhe dleLs of lndlvlduals
ln a manner LhaL would help Lhem llve longer healLhler and more pleasurable llves
O lncrease Lhe brand awareness lmage and loyalLy Lhrough varlous forms of adverLlslng and
publlc relaLlons 1hls wlll help Whole loods furLher peneLraLe Lhe markeL and conLlnue Lo
lncrease markeL shares and proflLs
O Whole foods should lmplemenL 93 of avallable resources Lo alLernaLlve 1 and Lhe remalnlng
3 could be concenLraLed on deLermlnlng sLore slzes and locaLlons for Lhe hlghesL cusLomer

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