Stars and Constellations

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Stars & Constellations

Fatima Sofea Auni Nazirah Ayu Nazerra

231223 230923 230938

Najlaa Mahirah Amal Balqis

231064 230607
Definition of Star Evidences from
and Constellation science perspective

Quranic verses & Conclusion

summary of Tafsir
Stars Constellations
Formed in large clouds of gas and Grouping of stars which form a
dust called molecular clouds. pattern in the sky.
Contains, mostly hydrogen, with Constellations were named after
some helium and small amounts of objects, animals and people from
other elements. ancient time.
Every star has its own life cycle, The stars in a constellation are not
ranging from a few million to trillions necessarily near each other.
of years.
key terms
Light years Astronomer
A light-year is the distance light travels in Scientist who studies the objects in the
one Earth year. One light-year is about 9 sky, including planets, galaxies, black
trillion km holes, and stars.

Celestial bodies
A celestial body is any object that
astronomers observe in outer space,
either within our solar system or outside
of it.
Nearest Stars To Earth
Alpha Centauri (4.37 light years)
Barnard’s Star (5.96 light years)
Wolf 359 (7.78 light years)
Lalande 21185 (8.29 light years)
Sirius (8.58 light years)
Quranic verse &
sciences perspective 1
Al-Furqan Verse 61
‫َتَباَرَك ٱَّلِذى َجَع َل ِفى ٱلَّس َم ٓاِء ُبُروًۭج ا َو َجَع َل ِفيَه ا ِس َٰر ًۭج ا َو َق َم ًۭرا ُّم ِنيًۭرا‬
[Blessed is the One Who has placed constellations in the sky, as well as a radiant lamp and a
luminous moon].

This refers to the stars in general. They are regarded as a being like towers (the word
burooj), translated here as {big stars}, also means towers) and fortresses that guard cities.

The big stars are like towers that are set up to guard the heaven, as missiles are hurled
from them at the devils, {and has placed therein a lamp} giving light and heat, namely
the sun {and a luminous moon} in which there is light, but no heat.
Birth Of Stars
Stars illuminate the light for all living things on the Earth.
Astronomers discover that nuclear fusion of material on the surface
of a white dwarf directly powers all the light from a nova explosion.
The explosion of a white dwarf produces a large amount of energy
and light, gradually increasing the star’s brightness by thousands or
millions of times.
The light from the stars has vast functions and benefits especially for
human. There are many adverse effects if the stars do not exist.
Quranic verse &
sciences perspective 2
Al-Anam Verse 97
‫َو ُه َو ٱَّلِذى َجَع َل َلُكُم ٱلُّنُجوَم ِلَت ْه َت ُدو۟ا ِبَه ا ِفى ُظ ُلَم ٰـ ِت ٱْلَبِّر َو ٱْلَبْحِرۗ َق ْد َف َّص ْلَنا ٱْلَٔـ اَيٰـ ِت ِلَق ْو ٍۢم َيْع َلُم وَن‬
[He Who made the stars for you, so that you may navigate by them in darkness (or when you
lose your way) on land and sea].

If you lose your way or the traveler is not sure which direction to take, Allah has made
the stars (constellation) means by which humans may find their way when travelling for
their interests or for the purpose of trade.

Each constellation is a point of light in the heavens that is a beacon for a lost soul in the
desert or a lonely mariner on the seas.
Astronavigation is the art and science of determining a position and
plotting a course using celestial bodies, particularly stars, as reference
According to ancient civilisation, the Egyptians, Greeks, Mesopotamians
and many more count absolutely on navigations via stars and constellation
for most of the times.

For example, to find the true north using the stars, people need to locate
the Polaris star that looks like a large spoon or perhaps a wheelbarrow, the
North Star. Polaris is near the end of the handle of the Big Dipper and
stays in nearly the same spot in the sky all night, making it a reliable guide
for true north.
ursa minor

Astronavigation is the art and science of determining a position and
plotting a course using celestial bodies, particularly stars, as reference
According to ancient civilisation, the Egyptians, Greeks, Mesopotamians
and many more count absolutely on navigations via stars and constellation
for most of the times.

For example, to find the true north using the stars, people need to locate
the Polaris star that looks like a large spoon or perhaps a wheelbarrow, the
North Star. Polaris is near the end of the handle of the Big Dipper and
stays in nearly the same spot in the sky all night, making it a reliable guide
for true north.

Stars and constellations are an interconnected entities created by
Allah SWT.

These creations have various purposes, one of it is as a

navigational tool.

They are the very being in which illuminates the night sky and
decorates our space majestically.
NASA. 2022. Space Place. December 6. Accessed May 21, 2024.

National Radio Astronomy Observatory. 2012. What are constellations. December 8. Accessed May 21, 2024.

Tate, Karl. 2022. January 28. Accessed May 31, 2024.

Millis, John P. 2020. ThoughtCo. January 10. Accessed June 10, 2024.

“Astronomers Discover the Science Behind Star Bursts That Light up the Sky | University of Canterbury,” n.d.

Winegard, Rick, and Rick Winegard. “How to Navigate by the Stars | Replogle Globes.” Replogle Globes, January 6, 2023.

As-Sa'di, Abdur-Rahman. Tafseer As-Sa'di Volume 3 (Juz 7-9). Kalamullah. Accessed May 20, 2024.

As-Sa'di, Abdur-Rahman. Tafseer As-Sa'di Volume 7 (Juz 19-21). Kalamullah. Accessed May 21, 2024.
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