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Forum: General Assembly 1

Topic: Measures to prevent the abuse of AI systems

Main Submitter: The United Kingdom
Co-Submitters: United Arab emirates, China, Canada, Iraq, United States of America, United


Emphasises that nearly 87 million Facebook users had their personal information sold without
consent in 2016,

Acknowledging that AI is threatening the ability to distinguish fact from fiction, unless told so by

Acknowledges that AI does not have the empathetic traits that humans do, this is an ethical problem
that makes it necessary to prevent the replacement of human evaluators with artificial intelligence

Realising that there is an arms race between member states to develop Artificial Intelligence,

Concerned by the absence of effective and comprehensive or unified data protection law

Acknowledging that the proliferation of generative AI is making disinformation easier to produce

Deeply concerned by the reduction of media literacy due to inability by humans to distinguish between
a true image and one which is artificially generated.

Acknowledging that member states having their own individual policies which will not be as effective
as international agreements on AI laws

Recognises that ChatGPT had more than 1.6 billion visits in June, 2023.

Consider that 31% of school codes and regulations have explicitly banned the use of AI tools whilst
46% of students have used AI-based tools.

1. Calls for all member states to attend annual meetings, hosted by UNESCO, which will aim
a. Encourage collaboration between stakeholders so that all member states are well
informed on the use and misuse of AI systems such as stock market manipulation and
b. Increase the distribution of knowledge among stakeholders to standardise approaches
to AI evolution and protection such as parents to preserve AI software code,
2. Request that governments form robust policies, rules and ethical guidelines to create a
reliable mechanism against AI abuse that will;
a. Promote and guide the use of AI software,
b. Address liability and transparency in the release of new software
c. Be thoroughly enforced through;
i. fines proportional to the offence,
ii. community service such as cleaning public locations,
iii. permanent bans from online websites services like Github, Google Cloud or

3. Further invites AI system developers to release monthly reports on their software, similar
to the concept of patch notes in the gaming industry or release notes in software
development which will;
a. inform the public off any modifications, fixes, changes or new additions to the
software through detailed explanations to promote transparency,
b. assists AI system development teams to quickly alert fellow workers of new features,
defects or anything of unethical behaviour, such as discrimination,

4. Calls upon member states to ensure that automated systems are made and used in a way
that is fair to everyone by preventing algorithmic discrimination in ways such as but not
limited to:
a. ensuring that the data present in these systems is representative and does not unfairly
discriminate against and target certain groups
b. implementing measures to aid those with disabilities within these systems
c. Companies monitor the systems before and after they are used in order to test its
effectiveness and evaluate any problems that occur in regards to discrimination. All
systems that are monitored should be done so before a fortnight is up. If a fortnight
has passed and not monitoring has taken place they will be eligible for a fine.
d. setting up an independent group whose role is to monitor the system and produce
public reports evaluating the system. This can include the problems that were
discovered and the solutions implemented to fix them;
i. This group will have an annual meeting once a year to discuss major events in the
Artificial Intelligence World, with an independent UN body
ii. This meeting will be held in the UN body’s headquarters

5. Requests that nations highlight the importance of ensuring AI does not assume control
over people’s jobs and leave them without work, in such ways but not limited to:
a. Entrusting companies that when using AI, they need to think about how it will
affect employers, finding ways to use AI that will help people do their jobs
better but which do not replace them, such as:
i. Encouraging the development of augmented intelligence, whereby
artificial intelligence augments human workers rather than replaces them
ii.Encouraging companies to create new jobs that work with AI, instead of
just using it to replace people in understanding that AI lacks basic
empathic traits that humans possess and thus cannot fully replace
iii. Offer training programs to help people learn new skills so that they can
work simultaneously with AI;

6. Encourages member states to make sure AI is used in a way that is ethical and safe for everyone. In
the followings ways including but not limited to;
a. Ensuring both companies and Governments have policies and facilities in place to
make sure that AI is used responsibly, such as;
i. The continuous upkeep or updating of the policies of countries A.I uses
and the meaning or purpose behind them,
ii. The use of monitors who check upon the AI and how it is making
decisions which will prevent the outcome of it breaking away from human
control or damaging the environment.
b. Making sure companies and Governments do not abuse people’s privacy and data
through the use of a clear and simple language document detailing all that the
particular model of AI is capable of, which will be presented to the general public so
they are not left not knowing if or how their data is being shared,
c. Ensuring that AI is made transparent, accountable and safe by;
i. Giving people the opportunity to see how AI is making decisions and who
is responsible for these decisions,
ii. Implementing a mechanism which ensures that if something goes wrong
there is an efficient way to fix it and prevent it happening again.

7. Recommends that the government and Non-Government Organisations (NGO’s), such as the AI
Now Institute and Open AI, help educate and boost public awareness development in ways such as
but not limited to;
a. Radio Stations,
b. Televisions Programmes,
c. Billboards and Posters,
d. Campaigns,
e. Social media such as Youtube, Twitter and Instagram,
f. School talks and programmes.

8. Calls upon governments, organisations, individuals and all developers to strengthen their data
privacy and security in ways such as but not limited to;
a. data encryption of all devices through softwares such as Bitlocker or AxCrypt,
b. anonymization to strip data of personally identifiable information like names using
techniques such as data swapping or masking,
c. conducting frequent security audits available through different organisations such as
Astra Security or Flashpoint.

9. Encourages governments to consistently monitor and assess AI systems to quickly identify

exploitation and manipulation, whilst granting the ability to intervene in any unauthorised activity
through means such as;
a. publicly posted reports,
b. research reports,
c. statistical publications,
d. fact sheets,

10. Urges the government and organisations to frequently implement ethical hacking in technological
and AI systems to discover vulnerabilities and errors that could be exploited by cybercriminals
attempting to steal;
a. Employee personal information,
b. Financial details,
c. Corporate data,
d. Access to system software,
e. Stealing other sensitive information by using the infection of internal systems with
malware to have power over victims,

11. Deeply urges AI developers to educate themselves, individuals and organisations on the
importance of adapting responsible and proper habits to avoid any risks through;
a. Development Courses,
b. Software engineering academies such as the IEEE Academy,
c. Work Programmes which include review sessions to promote progress,

12. Wishes to remain actively seized in the matter.

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