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Laboratory sheet for Engineering Thermodynamics.

Performance Characteristics of Spark ignition

Internal Combustion Engine.

Purpose of the Experiment

The objective of this experiment is to study the engine performance characteristics,
such as brake power, torque, brake specific fuel consumption, etc. under different
engine loading conditions using a hydraulic dynamometer coupled to a single
cylinder petrol engine.

1.0 Introduction
Perhaps the best-known type of engine is the reciprocating internal combustion (IC)
engine. One of most widely used IC engine is the spark-ignition (SI) gasoline/petrol
engine, used in everyday passenger vehicles.
In this experiment an engine test bed will be used to evaluate the performance of a
single cylinder petrol engine which is attached to a dynamometer.
The purpose of the engine dynamometer is to measure engine output. The engine
dynamometer will absorb the power and torque levels at varying engine speeds to
allow performance assessment to take place.

2.0 Theory
Internal combustion (IC) engines may operate on a 4-stroke cycle or a 2-stroke
The current engine is a 4-stroke. In a 4-stroke cycle the piston has to go through four
strokes in order to complete cyclic thermodynamic processes.
The air-standard-Otto cycle is the idealised cycle for the spark-ignition internal
combustion engine. This cycle is shown in figure 1 on a p-v diagram.
The Otto cycle 1-2-3-4 consists of following four processes:
Process 1-2: Reversible adiabatic compression of air.
Process 2-3: Heat addition at constant volume.
Process 3-4: Reversible adiabatic expansion of air.
Process 4-1: Heat rejection at constant volume.

06 January 2018
Theoretical and experimental p – v diagram for a petrol engine.

Figure 1 The idealised OTTO cycle on a p-v diagram.

A more realistic p-v diagram for an actual engine is shown in figure 2. This is known
as an indicator diagram.

Figure 2 A typical pressure volume (p-v) diagram for a real engine.

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2.1 Indicated Power
Indicated Power is defined as the power developed by combustion of fuel inside the
engine cylinder. It is always more than brake power.

Indicated Power =IMEP× A×L×n equation 1

Where :
IP = indicated power ( W )
IMEP = Indicated mean effective pressure ( N / m2 ) ( Pa )
A = Area of piston ( m2 ) L = Length of stroke ( m )
rev / s
n = Number of working cycles per sec ond n =
2.2 Brake Power (bp)
Brake horsepower (bp) is the measure of an engine's horsepower without the loss
in power caused by the gearbox, generator, differential, water pump and other
2 πN×60
bp = equation 2
bp = Brake power ( W )T = Torque ( N . m ) N = Engine speed ( rev /min )

2.3 Brake Mean Effective Pressure (BMEP)

Brake mean effective pressure is an indication of engine efficiency regardless of
capacity or engine speed

BMEP= equation 3
Swept Volume × n
BMEP = Brake mean effective pressure ( Pa)bp = Brake Power (W )
Swept volume (m3 )n = number of working strokes per sec ond

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2.4 Brake specific fuel consumption (BSFC)
Brake specific fuel consumption (BSFC) is a measure of the fuel efficiency of any
prime mover that burns fuel and produces rotational, or shaft, power. It is typically
used for comparing the efficiency of internal combustion engines with a shaft output.

Fuel used per hour Fuel volume flow rate × fuel density
BSFC = = equation 4
Brake power in kW Brake power
BSFC = Brake specific fuel consumption (kg /kWh)
Fuel used per hour is in kg /hour Brake power in k W

2.5 Brake thermal efficiency

Brake Thermal Efficiency is defined as brake power of an engine as a function of
the thermal input from the fuel. It is used to evaluate how well an engine converts the
heat from a fuel to mechanical energy.

Brake power Brake power (W )

η= = ×100
Energy input Fuel consumption (kg/s)×Fuel calorific value (J /kg)

equation 5

η is the brake thermal efficieny (%)

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3.0 Experimental method
A variable speed variable load test will be performed. In this experiment the throttle
is held in one position and the engine speed will be allowed to gradually drop as an
increasing load is applied by the dynamometer. The test will begin at a fixed opened
throttle position at nearly no-load condition. Then the load will be increased
gradually. At each engine speed, the required values such as air flow rate, fuel flow
rate, torque and fuel consumption rate etc will be recorded.

3.1 Equipment
The outline of the engine test bed can be seen in figure 3.

Figure 3 The engine test bed.

The single cylinder petrol engine is coupled to the hydraulic dynamometer via a
shaft. The water source for the dynamometer ensures constant pressure flow into
the dynamometer while operating. The water flow which controls the dynamometer
and thus the engine load and rpm is adjusted via a needle valve.

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3.2 Petrol Engine under test
• Type: - Single cylinder, twin overhead valve, 4-stroke petrol engine.
• Fuel: - Petrol of minimum 90 RON.
• Fuel supply: - Gravity fed conventional carburettor with manual choke and
mechanical governor to regulate maximum speed.
• Ignition: - Spark plug via permanent magnet and coil induction.
• Starter: - Cord and handle recoil starter.
• Engine internals
 Capacity 208cc
 Bore 70mm
 Stroke/crank radius 54mm / 27mm
 Connecting rod length 84mm
 Compression ratio 8.5:1
 Oil Capacity 0.6 litre
 Exhaust outlet (nominal) 1”BSP
• Max Power 5.2kW (7hp) at 3600rpm (without air cleaner and exhaust).
• Net Power 4.5kW at 3600rpm
• 2.2kW at 1800rpm
• Air box inlet orifice 18.49mm

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3.3 Test Procedure
1. Switch on power to the instrument frame.
2. Ensure there is enough petrol in the fuel tank and check that fuel is showing in
the Automatic Volumetric Fuel Gauge
3. Open the water supply to the dynamometer and set to a low flow (1ltr/min) do
not run the engine without water flowing!
4. Set the controls on the engine to the start configuration (hot/cold as
a) Open the fuel switch
b) Set the choke position
c) Set the throttle position
d) Turn on the ignition switch
5. Pull the start cord as follows

• Slowly pull out the starting handle until you feel resistance
• Allow the handle to return and rewind the cord
• Firmly pull out the starting handle
• Guide the handle back to its rest position
• If the engine has not started, try again
• Once the engine has warmed up you must fully open the choke

6. Initiate communications in the Versatile Data Acquisition Software (VDAS)

(see fig. 4)
7. Set dynamometer needle valve to position 1 (litre/min) (i.e. top of float at 1)
8. Wait two minutes and record data (see fig. 4)
9. Repeat steps 7 & 8 for the needle valve float at
1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5, 5.0, 5.5. (litres/min)
10. Save to excel (see fig. 4)

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Switching the engine off.
1. Set the engine throttle to minimum
2. Set the water flow to a minimum flow (but not off)
3. Run for 2 minutes
4. Turn the ignition switch to off
5. Turn off the engine fuel switch
6. Slowly pull the start handle until you feel a resistance; this ensures both
valves are closed and the cylinder is sealed.
7. Turn the main water supply tap to off

Initiate communications save to excel Record data view recorded data

Figure 4 commands for the Versatile Data Acquisition Software (VDAS) software.

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4.0 Results and discussion
4.1 Results
You are required to plot the following using the data you have saved.
Present all the graphical data, outlined in table 1, for the engine and comment on the
ambient conditions.
Present a table with all the measured values. Present a table with all the processed
Graph Y Axis X Axis

1 Power (W) Engine speed (rpm)

2 Torque (Nm) Engine speed
3 Specific fuel consumption Engine speed
4 Thermal efficiency (%) Engine speed
5 Air/fuel ratio Engine speed
6 Exhaust temperature C Engine speed
7 Volumetric efficiency (%) Engine speed
Table 1

4.2 Discussion points.

Compare your results against the manufacturers data in the file “TD201_211 user
guide 0517.pdf” available in Blackboard.
You should highlight the engine performance and how that performance is affected
by the variations imposed.
Explain/justify the various curves of the diagrams, in particular how they changed
with the variation of load. Add whatever you believe to be worthwhile mentioning
about the engine performance and how this was influenced by the load.
Describe your sensations concerning the noise, heat, vibrations, etc, of the engine,
in particular how they changed with the variation of speed.
Identify sources of error.
In your discussion briefly reflect on the experiment. Your language should be clear
and expressive. You can write this section in first person (I, me, we, etc etc.). The
reflection should not just be a simple description of the experience but an analysis of
how the experience contributed to your understanding of self, others, and
What were the challenges and pitfalls? If you were to do the group test again, how
would you approach it this time?

06 January 2018

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