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TEACHER:_______________________________________DATE: _________________

Criterion C: Speaking Marks

i.use a wide range of vocabulary

ii.use a wide range of grammatical structures generally accurately

iii.use clear pronunciation and intonation in a comprehensible manner

iv.during interaction, communicate all or almost all the required information clearly and effectively.

TOTAL : /8

STRAND 0 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8

i. The student i.uses a limited range i.uses a basic range of i.uses a range of i.uses a wide range of
vocabulary does not of vocabulary (1-2 vocabulary (3-4 adjective vocabulary and useful vocabulary and useful
reach a adjective ed-ing)and ed-ing)and useful proper phrases (5-6 adjective phrases(7 or more
standard useful proper nouns: nouns: names, surnames ed - ing)and useful adjective ed-ing) and
described names, surnames and and countries, dates, proper nouns: names, useful proper nouns:
countries, dates, professions or jobs, surnames and countries, names, surnames and
professions or jobs, achievements (30 sec) per dates, professions or countries, dates,
achievements(less student. jobs, achievements (45 professions or jobs,
than 20 sec) per sec) per student. achievements (1
student. minute)per student.

ii. grammar The student ii.uses a limited range ii.uses a basic range of ii.uses a range of ii.uses a wide range of
does not of necessary necessary grammatical necessary grammatical necessary grammatical
reach a grammatical structures structures with some errors structures with a few structures generally
standard with many errors which which sometimes hinder errors which do not accurately to describe a
described by often hinder communication to describe hinder communication to person you admire using
any of the communication to a person you admire using describe a person you simple past
descriptors. describe a person you simple past admire using simple past
admire using simple

iii. The student iii.uses pronunciation iii.uses pronunciation and iii.uses pronunciation iiii.uses clear pronunciation
pronunciatio does not and intonation with intonation with some errors and intonation with a few and intonation which
n and reach a many errors which which sometimes hinder errors. However, these makes the communication
intonation standard often hinder comprehension to describe do not hinder easy to comprehend to
described by comprehension to a person you admire comprehension to describe a person you
any of the describe a person you describe a person you admire
descriptors. admire admire

iv all the The student iv.during the group iv.during interaction, iv.during interaction, iv.during interaction,
required does not discussion communicates communicates some relevant communicates most relevant communicate all or almost
information reach a limited relevant information to describe a mini information to describe a all the required information
standard information to describe a biography using proper nouns: mini biography using proper clearly and effectively to
described by mini biography using names, surnames and nouns: names, surnames describe a mini biography
any of the proper nouns: names, countries, dates, professions and countries, dates, using proper nouns:
descriptors. surnames and countries, or jobs, achievement professions or jobs, names, surnames and
dates, professions or achievement countries, dates,
jobs, achievement professions or jobs,

Teacher’s Observation: ________________________________________________________________________________

Parent’s signature

Instructions: Read the rubric very carefully in order to know all the
requirements. Then you will speak for a minute about a person
who you admire, don’t forget to include:
- Name and main achievement.
- Childhood
- Early career and first successes
- Details.
- Relevance today.

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