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Exploring the Impact of English Language Utilization on Academic Achievement: A

Comprehensive Descriptive Quantitative Study of Students at JSTNHS

The capacity to use language is known as language proficiency (LPT). According to Wong (2010),
linguistic competency is the ability of students to communicate ideas, information, and concepts for
academic success in the social studies subject area. The term proficiency describes a person's level of
ability in a language. A proficiency test that breaks down knowledge into the areas of speaking, writing,
listening, and reading can be used to gauge proficiency.

Journal of english language teaching and learning.(n.d.c). http://jim.


English language competency refers to a person's capacity for successful English communication. This is
an essential ability to the modern world, as nearly all universities use English as their primary language
of instruction. Because non-native english speakers may struggle academically and in communication,
nearly all institutions require non-native English speaking students to take the TOEFL or IELETS test to
determine their level of English proficiency.

Gunantar, Devy Angga.2016. The Impact of English as an International language on English Language
Teaching in Indonesia. Language Circle: Journal of Language and Literature

According to educational studies, students attitudes towards a second language course, their language
teacher, or a specific foreign country where the second language is taught all have an impact on the
language they learn succed in.Gardner contended that if students impression of those who speak the
language under study are favorable, they'll be highly motivated which will therefore affect how they
understand that vocabulary. He looked at the relationship between the students motivation and attitude
toward learning English and their readiness to participate in culture studies, which lends credence to
Gardner's assertion. Pupils who delighted in learning about English speaking nations typically had a
better good outlook and increased drive to learn the English language.

Relationship between English Language, learning strategies,attitudes...(n.d.c).http://eduimed.usm.

my/EIMJ20130503/EIMJ20130503_03 pdf
Language acquisition involves progressing from basic to advanced proficiency, as English learners move
through six levels according to the WIDA Consortium. These level gauge students grasp of technical
language, complexity in speaking and writing and their understanding and use of language elements.
The assessment, ACCESS for ELLS, helps tailor teaching materials and plans. However, while it positions
students on a proficiency scale, it doesn't reveal the duration or specifics of the English proficiency
journey. Various factors influence the speed of learning with some students taking longer based on their
starting proficiency level. For instance, reaching proficiency can take three to seven years, depending on
the initial level. Different proficiency levels have varying needs and rates of language develoment.

Student who don't speak English as their first language go by various name and classifications. " Limited
English Proficient " (LEP) and " English Language Learner " (ELL) are commonly used by the Department
of Education and most U.S states. These terms assess proficiency compared to native English speakers.
While they're often used interchangeably, " ELL " is prepared over " LEP " due to the negative
connotation of "limited". The WIDA Consortium defines English proficiency as the point where academic
achievement becomes more tied to content knowledge than language skills. Those fluent in English at
school entry are labeled " Iniatially Fluent English Proficiency " (IFEP), while those progressing out of ELL
status become " Reclassified Fluent English Proficient " (RFEP). Classification decisions rely on English
proficiency measures, but understanding language acquisition's nuances and it's impact on academic
success poses challenges.


ACADEMIC DEVELOPMENT. https://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=tidas_sdt=0%2 C5&9

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