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Eagle Research Corpora�on® con�nues to provide the latest communica�ons op�ons at compe��ve prices. In
addi�on to the many op�ons available for data sharing, Eagle Research also provides a web data hos�ng website
that allows subscribers to view measurement and other opera�onal data online from any computer or handheld
device. Please contact your sales representa�ve for more informa�on or simply Login with Username: demo and
Password: demo at:

Data can be graphed for any sta�on, simply and quickly, by selec�ng the Sta�on of interest, choosing the date range
and variables to display, and then click Graph. The embedded graphing tools allow for Zoom In/Out on areas of
specific interest, and are combined with Pan tools to move around in the data easily. Automa�c scaling of the
variable data allows evalua�on of trends and rela�onships of the data to be read easily at a glance.

Drilling down into Sta�on data is

easy on the web. Just select the
Sta�on of interest, the Time/Date
Range and then simply click on the
Month/Day to reach the Hourly
Data. Some XARTU™ databases
even store data down to the
minute if specified. Typically 40
Days of hourly data are stored in
the RTU itself and the historical
data is only limited by available disc
space on the Host system.



1076 State Route 34 | Hurricane, WV 25526 | 1.877.757.6565 | | Rev 17_03 CORPOR TION
Web Data Updated Four Times a Day
Instantaneous Values: Hourly history records:
■ Flow Rate ■ Flow �me
■ Line Pressure ■ Volume
■ Differen�al Pressure ■ Average DP
■ Average Pressure
■ Average Temperature
■ Instantaneous Voltage

Web Data Hos�ng

The satellite or cell tower receives

The ground sta�on is connected to
the informa�on and then passes it
the Internet and relays the meter
to a ground sta�on.
informa�on along to the Talon™
At each meter run, a flow computer with so�ware package, where it is forma�ed
a communica�on module gathers the into useable data. The data is then
informa�on and then on a prescribed published on a web page that is
interval transmits the informa�on to a accessible to authen�cated users.
satellite or cell tower.

Traveling users can connect

over wireless or wired
networks in hotels and Wi-Fi
hotspots to access the data on
the web site.

A mobile user with a cellular Measurement data is available to

card in a laptop can connect to users on a corporate network by
the Internet and access the authen�cated logon to a web page.
data from anywhere that
cellular service is available.

Field to Front Office Solutions™

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