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JUBAIL ENERGY SERVICES COMPANY REVISIONS oN oa CHECKED, BUS Olas Jbt 1559 SCOPE OF WORK AND TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR DEVELOPMENT OF NEW STORAGE YARD FINAL CONTRACT NO. "SCOPE OF WORK & TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR “DEVELOPMENT OF NEW STORAGE YARD”. JUBAIL INDUSRIAL CITY SAUDI ARABIA PLANT HO. Page rots | 00 SOW-TS.22-008 JUBAIL ENERGY SERVICES COMPANY HU) Ls Lab IS5 10 2.0 REVISIONS PREPARED SCOPE OF WORK FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF NEW STORAGE YARD GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF THE WORK GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF THE WORK, ‘The work described herein includes furnishing of labor, materials, ols, and equipment required to the development of new storage yard in JESCO- Seamless Plant in Jubail Industrial City. This work shall be Jump sum turkey includes but not limited to the following: 1.1 Ground Leveling and Compaction work for the storage areas. SPECIFIC DESCRIPTION OF THE WORK ‘This PROJECT includes, but not limited to, the following: 2.1 Ground Leveling and Compaction work for the storage areas ‘The area is being developed for storage of pipes. The development work to be carryout as per the autached layout, Contractor is required to prepare bill of quantity, material data sheets, and whatever else required to complete the project in accordance with the present specification, in order to comply with Project Time Schedule and submit method of statement and project schedule for the whole job and to agree with JESCO. The method statement to meet widely cuEcKED based standard work procedure and quality control requirement. The work includes, but not EF limited to following details. ee 24d 2.1.1 Contractor shall perform the job as per approved drawing, method of statement and, ee site condition 25000sq.m of land, right side of main entrance need to be developed forthe storage aa space with 8m access road. 2.1.13 Contractor shall dispose the vegetation and unwanted material to outside JESCO premise with contractor's risk. 241.14 Contractor shall perform the trimming and levelling in proposed area for placing 300mm base course on existing compacted soil. The back filling material ean be taken from the near by area, if required to maintain the level of grade. Apply water (flooding) and compact the levelled area as per JESCO instruction and satisfaction Contractor shall supply base course material (Class-A) and place’spread the material with thickness of 300mm in two layers above existing compacted grade. Contractor shall compact 1* layer of base course shall be compacted with 95% of, modified proctor density and the 2*4/ final layer shall be compacted with 100% of, modified proctor density, shall be tested (sample tested by third party) as per the standard [one test shall be done in every 460m (S000R) of each area. The compacted layer shall bein level of eurb stone with enough slope, ‘SCOPE OF WORK & TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR | _PLANTNO. ‘SOW-TSNO. PAGENO._[REV. JUBAIL INDUSRIAL CITY ‘SAUDI ARABIA . Sees Oe tea ota [Hen ‘DEVELOPMENT OF NEW STORAGE YARD" Page 3 32 33 34 35 36 3.7 38 39 3.10 3 JUBAIL ENERGY SERVICES COMPANY Bia) Gd Lol Ib Contractor shall supply and spread 1 ayer Gem) ofslag/gravel ontop of compacted base course layer. 21419 Contractor shall arrange third party inspeotor for soi sampling, testing and compaction testing and tho tot roports shall be submited, Contractor shall be responsible for all nearby lighting poles, manholes, eto, and damages shall be rectified/teplaced, if happened, Contractor shall submit survey report before and after levelling and compaction. Contractor shall keep | 2.1.1,13 Contractor shall construct Sm wide access road for entrance, 2.1.1,14 Contractor shall keep clean the site always from debris, neter shoulders all around the area, 3.0 SPECIAIL, TERMS AND CONDI ‘The CONTRACTOR shall make his own estimate of quantities forall items based on the package ‘provided, field inspection of the SITE and other appropriate investigations. ‘The CONTRACTOR shall locate, protoct, support and relocato (if necessary) all underground and above ground utilities and other construction which may be uncovered or otherwise be affected bby the WORK. ‘The CONTRACTOR shall exercise caution, familisize himself, and investigate the WORK SITE, thoroughly prior to actual commencement of WORK. Work Permit Procedures and clearanco procedures, isolation/insulation of employees working near energized linevequipment and safe working procedures shall be strictly adhered in accordance with General Instruction on Work Permit. ‘The applicable provisions of JESCO HSE procedures and Safety Manuals shall be implemented in the job site ftom the slat to the finish stage ofthe project Health and Safety Program shall be submitted by the CONTRACTOR for approval of JESCO ISD prior to the execution of the project. Safe work procedures approved by PROJECTS SECTION and ISD Seotion shall be strictly enforced and adhered to, by the CONTRACTOR, Installation or posting of safety and / or waming signs in the working areas or in neaely machine locations as recommended by JESCO OH&S Representative. Wihere design is required, contractor shall obtain JESCO approval on drawings before starting any construction / installation works. Drawings shall include detail description for the materials, equipment’s and quantities required for the project, Disconnectsafety switches to be used in working areas shall be installed within sight of the ccauipment it protects and the use of lockouts should be strictly implemented. ‘SCOPE OF WORK & TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR | _PLANTNO. | _SOATSNO__[pacENO. [EW ‘DEVELOPMENT OF NEW STORAGE YARD”. Page BAL NOUIRALEIY ALDARA Ey soursazane | 385 | os at 43 4a 45 46 47 48 49 4.10 41 5 52 33 mM 6.0 COMPLETION OF Wo! JUBAIL ENERGY SERVICES COMPANY als ted bbl BS 4.0 SUBMITTALS ‘The CONTRACTOR shall submit the following items for review and approval by the COMPANY REPRESENTATIVE before commencing WORK, Contactor shall submit RFI one day prior to start any setivity for JESCO acceptance and inspection. Contractor shall submit the specifications/MDS of the materialsitems to be used, for verification and approval. Contactor shal! submit MOS prior to stat tho activity for JESCO approval Contractor shall submit as bull drawings after the completion of the project, Contractor shall submit work schedule and daily progress reports Coniracior shall submit contractors HSE policy. Contractor shall submit organization structure with required qualification details, Contractor shall submit example of Accident Prevention Strategy such as Risk Assessment, or accident prevention tools like Job Safety Analysis or Task Analysis Contractor shall submit records and maintenance for equipment’s and services like TUV Certificates & licenses Contractor shall submit accident history records, incident statistics. Contractor shall submit proof of adequate resources such as PPE, 5.0 CIVIL, MECHANICAL & ELECTRICAL WORK, All works shall be performed in professional manner and any intemational standards like Savdi Aramea SABIC, ete Contractor shall adopt extreme precautions to avoid damaging the other company property. Under certain condition company property is damaged or found damaged contractor shall replace or repair and make it good without any extra cost. Contractor shall supply and install materiale as per make and model mentioned or as per specifications, AND HOUSE KEEPING Contractor shall clean and repair all areas which become necessary after construction and bring to suit the surroundings or acceptable to JESCO site representative. 7.0 WARRANTY AND GUARANTEE OF WORK TESCO examination and verification of the documents as well as supervision on site shall not reliove the contractor from his responsibilities. The contractor shall bear the responsibility of the following ‘contractual requirements, Guarantee the implementation date of his work in accordance to detailed time schedule to be approved by JESCO. The Contractor shall be therefore ditectly responsible for possible delays due to his own default that will be subjected to penalty. ‘SCOPE OF WORK & TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR “DEVELOPMENT OF NEW STORAGE YARD”. JUBAIL INDUSRIAL CITY ‘SAUDI ARABIA ‘SOW-TENO, PAGENO._[REV. Page sow-ts.22.008 | {888 | 99 JUBAIL ENERGY SERVICES COMPANY BAS Shedd Lob 359 ] 7.2 The contractor shall bear all responsibilities and carry out every necessary modification, integration of correction that might occur due to lack of information of errors contained in the documentation supplied by him 7.3. After completion of work the contractor or his authorized representative shall inspect and furnish Company (ESCO) an unconditional warranty covering workmanship and materials valid for all period of Ten (10) year from the date of completion, During the warranty period, contractor shall correct any defeets which may occur, with no additional cost to the Company in such a situation, contractor shall inspect and effect immediate repoits othe systoms as required within 48 hours of noticed received by him from the Company by telephone, E-mail, fax or letter. 80 ON ‘The work site is inside JESCO plant located at Jubail Industrial Cty, South of road 150 and Westside of road 251, The sit is open greenfield to be develop for pipe storage, sey [oo CONTRACTOR EoUIPMENT comply with OH&S requirements necessary to execute and complete this work. cacao 10.0 PROJECT CONTROL ey 10.1 For proper conto ofthe projet the Contr sal provide all he following documents fr JESCO review / approval and shall be used for the coordination with JESCO supervision team. . Work schedule allel Sa et am ray a © Listof equipment © Construction and Erection schedule including 3 weeks look ahead © Material certificates © Concrete/asphalt mix design © Daily Log for menpower and equipment ‘+ Inspection quality plan including measurements instrumentation certificate © Notification test plan Request for Inspection together with check list and approved drawing during execution of ty * Notification of working time each at © Erection/ Work completion Cesificate 10,2 ‘The Contractor shall submit periodic Progress report as agreed with JESCO representative, "SCOPE OF WORK & TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR “DEVELOPMENT OF NEW STORAGE YARD". PAGENO, JUBAIL INDUSRIAL. CITY ‘SAUDI ARABIA SOW-TS-22-008 JUBAIL ENERGY SERVICES COMPANY al ee 11.0 HSEAND THE WORK COORDINATON 11.1 The Contractor shall inspect the work-site and its surroundings to satisfy himself as to the nature ‘and extent ofthe work, materials necessary for the completion of the project and access to work- site and in general to have obtained for himeelf all the necessary information ag to risks, contingencies, and all other circumstances affecting the execution of his project. 11.2. All Safety requirements relating to work permits and clearance procedures, isolation/nsulation of ‘employees working near energized lines/equipment and safe working procedures shall be strictly adhered to throughout the execution of the project in accordance with the Company Safety Manual. Safe work procedures approved by Project coordinator shall be strictly enforced and adhered to hy the Contractor. 11.3. The Contractor shall coordinate with project coordinator so thatthe execution of the project shall be in an orderly manner as not to interfere with or jeopardize in any way with the operation of existing facilities at the plant, Contraotor shall keep the site clean and neat to the satisfaction of the company, 114 "The Contractor shall engage approved satty officer (attend safety training from JESCO) to control the safety measures at sits during the execution of job. 11.5. ‘The Contractor shatl engage work permit receiver (attend work permit receiving training from ESCO) to receive the work permits form the concemed department forthe execution of the job. 11.6 JESCO personal and Contractor shall coordinate in the work carefully to establish safety et workplace, 17 Each party shall ensute that the activities of one persor/organization will not introduce « hazard for another inthe area, (example: Ifone contractor working at height it would be sensible to avoid ‘others working beneath them in the area) 11,8 Joint Ocoupiers Promises (Monitoring tho Work) ~ Contractors shall comply with the Safe Working Practices arranged by JESCO. L1.9 Contractor shall ensure that contractor employees deployed are qualified, trained, competent, and medically fit to undertake their duties or services. 11.10 Contractor employees shall follow "Signing IN" & Signing OUT" log sheet made by hosting Department, 11.11 Contractor shall provide name for on-site foreman/coordinator 11.12 Contractor shall comply OH&S Mandatory Trainings and other OH&S Program(s) defined in JESCO HSE Manual or Procedures, 11.13 Contractors to attend Weekly or Monthly OH&S Meeting for All Contractors Coordinators/Safety Officers and as required by JESCO. 11,14 Contractor's Coordinators'Safety Officers shall submit Contractor's OH&S Incident Report Monthly Report, 12.0 SUPERVISION OF WORK ‘Work will be supervised by Company project engineer or another authorized representative on-site ‘SCOPE OF WORK & TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR “DEVELOPMENT OF NEW STORAGE YARD”. PLANT NO, 'SOW-TENO, PAGENO, | REV. Page Gots | 00 JUBAIL INDUSRIAL CITY ‘SAUDI ARABIA, A ‘SOW-TS-22-008 JUBAIL ENERGY SERVICES COMPANY lbh) bad bbl Id 130 WORK TIME Contractor shall be allowed to work from 06:30 to 18:30 fa. daily (from Saturday through Friday and allowed to work 24 hrs. as per work requirements). 140 HOUSE KEEPING AND DISPOSAL OF SCRAP 14.1 Contractor shall clean and repair all areas which bocome necessary after construction and bring to suit the surroundings or acceptable to JESCO site representative 14.2 Contractor to keep the workplaco clean and fre of debris at any time, 14.3. The Contractor fo make him own arrangement for debris handling and sorape disposal as agreed with IBSCO representative, 14.4 The Contractor shall store the old material other usable material in the area a8 designated by Company Project, RHVISIONS incer or another authorized representative on-site. 14,5 ‘The Contractor shall provide containers to dispose-off all waste/serap materials to the areas as designated by the Environmental Section. 150 ER WORK REQUIREMENTS, 15.1 The Contractor should not use JESCO facility such as Kitchen & restroom, Contractor is responsible for providing acceptable barriers, warning signs, signal and devices to prevent entry cf unauthorized personnel and equipment into the worksite and passage of dust from worksite to occupied area, 15.2 Coniractor shall arrange at its own all the necessary facility require for his personals to work at site APPROVED 160 PERMITS AND APPROVALS 16.1 ‘The CONTRACTOR shall obtain work permits in eccordance with current COMPANY regulation before any WORK is started. 162 Contractor to depute work permit receiver to receive and close the work permit as per JESCO i HSE procedures. 16.3 Access to JESCO Plant requires permits through Company"s Department and work atthe Plant require work permits, It isthe contractor's responsibilty to obtain in advance all such permits required for the execution of the project. 170 BID REQUIRMENTS: 17.1 ‘The CONTRACTOR shall submit one original commercial proposal and one original technical proposal & two copies of technical proposels. 17.2 Technical proposal shall include tocknical specification for project requirements, list of materials and delivery time, list of equipment to be used, conttactor project organization structure, lis of similar projects executed by contractor and all related information and certificates and execution schedule(plan, ‘SCOPE OF WORK & TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR “DEVELOPMENT OF NEW STORAGE YARD". PLANT NO. ‘SOW-TSNO, PAGENO, [REV Page : sow-ts.22008 | 7288 | o9 JUBAIL INDUSRIAL CITY ‘SAUDI ARABIA JUBAIL ENERGY SERVICES COMPANY FN ob Lt IS5 18.0 Completion Period: Work shall be completed within 15 Days fiom the date of Contract / site handed over to Contractor. ATTACHMENT-1 REVISIONS PROPOSED _ARERA PREPARED | eB.ont Son ys rs0, pershye CHECKED, oon LOT 5 FOR RC/CHEMANOL iv: END of SOW-TS-22-008. ‘SCOPE OF WORK & TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR | _ PLANT NO, SOW-TS NO, PAGENO._| REV. “DEVELOPMENT OF NEW STORAGE YARD".

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