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Presented by/ Salma Medhat Salma sherif Rana Mohamed

yasmen Alaa Mariam ayman kamal

Present to / Dr/ Nashwa Dr/ Nourhan Dr/ Menna

The client wanted a batch of 500
cookie doughs for a funday
organized at a small university.
Initiation phase
feasibility study
1. Research university demographics, student preferences, and event
history to understand potential demand for your cookie dough booth.
2. Calculate total costs, including ingredients, labor, materials,
transportation, and equipment rentals.
3. Estimate revenue based on attendees and price per cookie dough,
comparing it to costs to check feasibility.
4. Assess logistics like location, kitchen facilities, and team resources for
successful execution.
*Project scope*:
-project consists of preparing a vast quantity of cookie dough that would
amount to 500 people.
-packaging each cookie dough
-organizing transportation to deliver the whole batch to the location of
the event
-unpacking them
-organizing our booth there with the dough so everything is laid out and
on display ready to be sold
*Project scope*:
•services we will be providing:
- preparation
-heating every cookie dough -putting each cookie dough in a microwave
- selling the ready cookies to the buyers in no time
-provide tissue to clean up after eating
•deadline: we took this order a week prior to the event and thus our
deadline is in 7 days time.
Project deliverables:
roductio ckaging ality contr Delivery
p a u ol
he n P Q
identification of project
Initiate a meeting with the team members to determine our
stakeholder edita and to conduct information and a small breif
about esita to highlight their benefits , meet their expectations
about our brand and its activities , identify the points that will
achieve their satisfaction from the project and finally focus on
the impact on edita from the project completion
Name of project : Bake in a blink

Stakeholder : Edita

Project manager: Yasmen Alaa

Team members :
Salma Medhat Salma Sherif Rana Mohamed
Mariam Ayman Kamal

Time table: 5-6 days

Deliverables: 500 portions of cookie dough - Packaging

background of the project:

The client wanted a batch of 500 cookie doughs for a funday
organized at a small university.


project plan
First plan and list the activities
- prepare a vast quantity of cookie dough for 500 people
- deal with the delivery company for transportation
- ⁠we also should prepare the packaging for the cookie dough
- ⁠ensure that our booth location does not need any adjustment.
- ⁠deal with laborers to prepare the booth
- unpacking the dough and organizing our booth
- heating every cookie dough when an order is made at our cashier.
project plan
*The project plan will also include the risks that we might face as
- absence of one of the employees that can comprise the wuality of the products
- ⁠delivery delay of the cookie dough ⁠
- power outage
- melting of the cookie dough due to summer weather⁠⁠

*Of course the project plan will include time frame for each activity to ensure the
project completion , that the team members are in the same track and the to
avoid any delay with any activity to meet our client expectation
Creating a resource plan
-Needed labor: employees assigned to prepare the cookie dough (talented
cooks )
— a packaging section with employees (prior experience in food packaging)
- people to drive and unpack the vehicle transporting the cookies
- others to stand at the booth & sell & heat the dough.
•material: oat flour, milk, natural sweetener, eggs and butter suppliers as
well as packaging paper, wraps and a microwave
Budget estimation
e and effo rt re qu ired to produce
• Calculate the tim
s of healthy cons ider in g the nu mber of
• Ingredients: the cost of 500 portion the cook ie do ugh,
ingredients. ly wages or
cookie dough, including the cost of employ ee s invo lved an d th eir ho ur

nsid er any oth er po ten tial co sts such as

• Co
m arke ting mater ials an d p rin tin g • Packaging
• Delivery
Gathering resources
Having bulk quantities of healthy ingredients to ensure there’s
enough for 500 people. such as whole grain flours and natural
Making sure we have enough equipment for a large scale
Having enough employees for production and delivery
ensuring quality control in all of the products to maintain consistency.
Calculating the costs for
Risks and roadblocks:*
Ingredient Quality: getting bad quality ingredients. ensuring quality and freshness of
ingredients by getting them from good suppliers.
Consistency: Variations in ingredient measurements can impact the consistency of the
produced goods. ensuring quality control and a consistent recipe we can deflect this risk
Equipment breaking down : Equipment malfunctions can disrupt the production and delay
the delivery. having backup equipment can help with this risk.
Transportation delays can affect the time of the delivery of the product to the event.
Inexperienced employees can compromise the quality of our
products and its consistency.
execution phase
Reporting progress of a project
1- provide updates on the production process of the products and
2- reporting progress on quality control throughout the production
3- report on the overall amount of ingredients
4- provide updates on budget usage or utilization and report any
differences from initial set budget
Hold regular meetings
Before arranging a meeting we create an agenda for our team
member to focus on the points will be discussed in the meetings
this will help our team member to conduct information about those
points before the meeting and to find out if there's any problem
that they face with those points in order to find solutions within the
meeting .
Holding regular Meeting and timely ,straightforward
communication will help:
Hold regular meetings
- find out solutions for the problems earlier
- keep all the team member on the same track ⁠
- ⁠ prevent any misunderstandings between the team members
- ⁠ Check in with team members frequently to find out how tasks are
doing and to spot any problems that might need making changes to
your original plans.
- Avoid any delays that may affect the project completion
- ⁠deliver tasks before the deadlines
Manage problems
• List the problems that may arise, recognize possible challenges like
ingredient shortages, transportation issues, or staffing concerns.
• Create backup plans for these problems, such as extra ingredients,
multiple transportation providers, or flexible staffing.
• Maintain open communication within the team, addressing concerns and
providing updates.
• Be ready to change plans when facing unexpected challenges.
• After the event, evaluate progress, note successes and areas for
improvement, and use this to enhance processes for future events.
closure phase
determine goals
.Preparing 500 cookie dough
• Maintaining a high level of e 7-day deadline
the p ortions within th
custom er satisfaction with
product and service

• Achieving a certain sales target

during the event
Evaluation of the team performance

1- evaluating the quality of the cookie dough that is produced by the

2- evaluate the team’s ability to meet the project deadlines/ timelines
3- evaluate the team’s ability to solve problems they face
4- evaluate how the team utilizes the budget and how they use it
5- getting feedback from the client to see if the team’s efforts were
Making sure that aspects of the project are
completed & providing reports to key
stakeholders .

In this phase we have to make sure that every project component is

finalized perfectly without any misses or insufficiency , then a report
should be written including all the project aspects that are completed
and finalized to ensure the project completion and then this report is
given to the key stakeholders
Conducting final analysis of the project.

- 500 cookies to be delivered to event at university

-dough material & preparation, chefs, transportation vehicles, employees
to sell & organize at event, microwave were all need items
- deadline set to be a week after deal finalization
- endresult: batch delivered and sold successfully to a delighted audience
Thank You

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