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* Simple present:

+ Usage:
- My brother always goes to school on time. -> thường ngày
- The sun rises in the east. -> sự thật, sự hiển nhiên.

KD: S +Vs/es +O
+ es: O, S, CH, X, SH, Z, C, GH
+ s: còn lại
Ex: Marry goes to school everyday
PD: S + don’t/ doesn’t + V + O
(?) Do/Does +S +V + O ?
Does Marry go ...
* Simple continuous:
(+) S + be + Ving + O
(-) S + be + not + Ving + O
(?) Be + S + Ving + O?
Signal: Look, Be quiet, Listen
Listen! Someone is singing.
* beginning
- setting
+ writing
+ written
My mother is always complaining about me.
My brother is always being lazy. -> lời phàn nàn
My friend is always going to school late.
My grandfather is always going to water the trees.
I’m talking about
I will talk about

* Present perfect:
(+) S + have/has + V3/ed + O
(-) S + have/has + not + V3/ed + O
(?)have/has +S + V3/ed + O

- I have (not) finished my assignment (yet). -> tôi đã hoàn thành nhiệm
vụ của mình rồi.
-> chưa xảy ra ở quá khứ (ko rõ thời gian).
- S + has/have(not) + V3/ed + O.
(?) Have/has + S + V3/ed +O?
- ago -> qkhu.
- I have fixed my laptop for 30 minutes/ since 7pm.
Since, for => HTHT
Leave -> left - left.
Read - read - read
Set - set - set
Put - put - put
Since + 2020, when I was young,
For + n weeks, months, years, days.

- She has left the city since yesterday.

- She has left the city for 3 months.

* Present perfect continuous:

(+) S + have/has +been + Ving + O

(-) S + have/has + not been + Ving + O
(?)have/has +S + been + Ving + O?

Ex: I have been waiting for you for a long time.

Quá khứ hiện tại tương lai

Tôi vừa sửa xong cái máy tính. -> htht

Hôm qua, tôi đánh răng rồi đi ngủ

Ngày mai, tôi sẽ ăn sáng rồi đến trường.
* Past perfect:
(+) S + had + V3/ed + O
(-) S + had + not + V3/ed + O
(?)Had +S + V3/ed + O?

I will lend you a helping hand.

* Future perfect:
(+) S + will + have/has + V3/ed + O
(-) S + will + have/has + not + V3/ed + O
(?)Will + S + have/has + V3/ed + O

Ở quá khứ:
Hành động A xen ngang hành động B đang xảy ra
A -> quá khứ đơn
B -> quá khứ tiếp diễn

I came across my ex when I was moving to the palace.

The phone rang when my family was eating dinner.

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