WT Assignment1

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Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad

Department of Computer Science & Engineering,

Web Technology (CS18103)
B.Tech (VIII Sem, 2023-2024)


Q1. In an organization 'X' Employees are categorized as: Technical employees, Non-Technical
employees and Management employees, Every employee has FirstName, LastName, ContactNo
and E-mailID as shown in the following sample data:

Category of FirstName LastName ContactNo E-mail

Technical Bob Dylan, 1224567847 Bob@gmail.com

Non-technical Gary Moore 2546879546 Gary @gmail.com

Management Rod Stewart 8459621486 Rod @gmail.com

Based on the given sample data, answer the following questions:

 Create a Document Object Model Node tree for employees.

 Create xml document for employees.
 Display the result as per above table using XML DOM

Q2. Write a JavaScript program to find the given number is palindrome or not and also show its
output using HTML.

Q3. Prepare about.xml file for your favorite book and also create simple XLink in
simplexlink.xml file. Make a link in element book-detail with about.xml as remote resource over
the title name of your favorite book. Display the result in a new window when the users click on
the link.

Q4. In developing a web application using JavaServer Pages (JSP), what are the best practices
for structuring the application architecture to ensure maintainability, scalability, and security?
Consider aspects such as separation of concerns, modularization, use of MVC (Model-View-
Controller) architecture, handling of business logic, integration with databases, implementation
of authentication and authorization mechanisms, prevention of common security vulnerabilities
such as Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) and SQL injection, and optimization techniques for
improving performance.

Q5. What are the key features and benefits of using CORBA for distributed computing, and how
does it compare to other distributed computing technologies such as RPC and web services?

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