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First Analysis of Feedback Characteristics

Feedback Control System Characteristics
Open-loop System

The disturbance, Td(s), directly influences the output, Y(s). In the absence of feedback,
the control system is highly sensitive to disturbances and to both knowledge of and
variations in parameters of G(s)

If the open-loop system does not provide a satisfactory response, then a suitable
cascade controller, Gc(s), can be inserted preceding the process, G(s)
Open-loop Transfer Function
Closed-loop System
Closed-loop feedback control advantages:
Open-Loop System
Closed-loop System
Try to find the answer!
-Explore the role of error signal,
sensitivity to parameter change,
diminish unwanted disturbances
-Goal is to minimize the error signal

(Part 1)
(Part 2-Alternative)

Inputs : R(s), Td(s) disturbance and N(s) measurement noise

Output: Y(s)

Tracking Error:

Loop Gain
Sensitivity Function

Sensitivity Functon

To minimize E(s) : small S(s) and C(s) but we cannot make both small simultaneously

- Reduce the influence of the Td(s), L(s) desired to be large

Design large magnitude controller Gc(s)

- Reduce the influence of the N(s), L(s) desired to be small

From another perspective

May cause highly oscillatory and even unstable, but reduce G(s) effect

Effect of Uncertainty:

-Larger magnitude L(s)

For large L(s) → Small S(s)
→Small change at E(s)
-Zero is ideal

change of rate of G increases but change

of rate of E decreses (or small)
System Sensitivity: Ratio of percentage change in system transfer
function to Percentage change of process transfer function

For small incremental change

Ex: Calculate the sensitivity of the system to changes parameter a

Ex: Repeat for changes K and a with ramp inputs

The Disturbance Signals in Feedback System
Steady State Errors:

Steady State Error is the difference between the input and output for a prescribed
test input as t→inf
We are interested in the steady-state or final value of e(t)
The steady-state error is the error after the transient response has decayed,
leaving only the continuous response
Open Loop
Unity Feedback
General Representation

R(s) is input C(s) output


For a step input, if c(t) = r(t), e(t) will be zero

Larger K smaller esteady-state

Step Input

Finite Steady State Error Zero Steady State Error

Apply final value theorem

Ex: input is unit step

Ex: Calculate steady-state error for inputs 5u(t), 5tu(t) and 5t2u(t)
Ex: Calculate steady-state error for inputs 5u(t), 5tu(t) and 5t2u(t)
System Type and Static Error Constants
Ex: For each system calculate static error constants and expected error for step, ramp and parabolic
Ex: For each system calculate static error constants and expected error for step, ramp and parabolic
Ex: For each system calculate static error constants and expected error for step, ramp and parabolic
Steady State Error for Distrubances

Note that for nonunity feedback system, convert to a unity feedback system and
Applied previous discusions

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