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Unit 6 Vocabulary Worksheet 1

Name Jandhy Mishell García Mendoza, B3A.

Technology Collocations
1 Read and match.
0. make photos
1. listen to music
2. play messages
3. send movies
4. watch phone calls
5. take games

2 Look and complete.

3. w a t c h m o v i e s
0. l i s t e n t o m u s i c

1. t a k e a v ide o 4. s e n d m e s s a g e s

2. t a k e pho to s 5. m a k e p ho n e c a l ls

3 Read and correct the sentences.

0. I don’t usually listen to phone calls on my cell phone.
I don’t usually make phone calls on my cell phone.
1. I can take a video using my smart phone.
I can make a video using my smart phone.
2. I send games on the Internet with my friends.
I play games on the internet with my friends.
3. I share movies on my computer instead of on my TV.
I watch movies on my computer instead of on my TV.
4. I use my phone to play messages to my friends.
I use my phone to send messages to my friends.
5. Social networks are great because I can play photos online.
Social networks are great because I can share photos online.
1 D.R. © Richmond Publishing, S.A. de C.V., 2016 Photocopiable 1.6.V1

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