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Recruiting talents

PDF p 17
Question 1
Describe and comment the situation using the WH ? guideline (what, where, who, when, why, how). You will give real statements and make suppositions.

the recruitment process takes place in a restaurant. The restaurant is divided into two: one account for customers and one for HR.
We find that customers consume what they ordered. The scene takes place in new york. the pictures show us that there are job interviews in the restaurant
and inter action in the room between recruiter and candidates. both are sitting face to face with the candidate answering the recruiter’s questions. Since it is
a job fair, each pass takes turns in the different stands to ask questions about the history of the company and the benefits offered by the company.
Question 2


What are the various ways to go through a recruitment process ? What are the pros and cons of each way and why ?

In your opinion, which are the best ways that guarantee an efficient recruitment and why ? (DO NOT repeat the previous “pro” argument)

Technics Advantage Drawback Preferred

This technic allows to give a first direct The risk is to get a straight refuse from
Move in the targeted company impression of the candidate/applicant the company when you apply and it can
to the recruitment manager. You can be a source of demotivation.
easily get a promise to hire in the firm. It often happens to get turned down.

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