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today after many months of request

i will finally tell you the full story


uru prepare because this is going to be

a roller coaster of emotions

we will start from the beginning to the

very final day

who are her parents how did she meet


and how did she deal with scar but

before we continue

i'd want to give a big shout out to sam


and vgk for winning the drawing

competition of tanglemane

you too can join the link is in the


are you ready for this adventure this is

the full story of uru

it all started from choyo do you


he was the so-called selfish lion also


as the adopted and not blood related


of muhatu one of the most important


ever to rule in the pridelands the heir

of the throne

was a hadi he was just a cub but was

grown enough to understand

that he was going to be the next king

during this period

choyo always suffered from his own envy

and bad attitude towards the pride but

this was until he met

amani an outlandish lioness that was

passing by from another pride

she had some of the outlander's genes in


but was very kind and compassionate

something about all this

made her and choyo fall in love with

each other choyo and amani

finally had a daughter uru was the name

they gave her

since the first day that she started


she proved to be an adventurous soul

constantly exploring

and sometimes getting in danger due to

this conduct

her parents were forced to constantly

look on her

uru despite of her thirst of discovering

new things

she was really never interested in

knowing anyone in the pride

she seemed very introvert in that sense

ahadi had always been

interested in being friends with her as

he was often bored

and couldn't find anyone to play with

but uru she seemed to be happier alone

than with company

one morning uru managed to go unnoticed

from her parents

and sneak out to a completely new zone

of the pride lands that she had just

discovered but wasn't allowed

to go to this place was the gorge

she had never seen this place from these


and being such a little small cup she


all the imposing sensation that this

massive gorge

transmitted but this wasn't enough for


she wanted to see what the bottom was

hiding from her view

in the meanwhile it had been hours since

uru hadn't been seen by anyone in the


troy and amani were searching for her as

it were mohatu and ahadi

it was late evening and still no trace

of uru

ahadi was very concerned for her and

decided to disobey

and go far away to search her he had

this feeling

probably a presentment that only young

lions can understand

he reached the gorge and was sure this

was the place

being such a huge sight it was going to

be very difficult for him

to check on each edge each rock and each

hiding spot to find her

but suddenly a very high pitched scream

and some rocks falling down could be


from one side of the terrain crack not

too far away

he ran as quick as he could before the

wars could happen

uru screamed again she was stuck

at the top of a rock on the wall of the

gorge and she was too small to jump up

ahadi slipped down the wall reached the

rock and quickly grabbed her with his


if it wasn't for him she would not have

returned home that night

after this experience uru realized

that hadi was not too bad of a lion

after all
and she slowly became friend of him

more and more during time playing

exploring and experiencing new things

as the years were passing by they became


and one day they fell in love

after muhatu passed away ahadianuru

became king and queen of the pridelands

it was not long until they had their


son mufasa both ahadi and uru were very

proud of him

since the very first day he was very

similar to his father

both in appearance and personality they


from the beginning that he had

everything to be

a good king

few years later one day a big

problem surged the pride lands were

running out of water

it was not an uncommon thing as it

happened periodically every summer

but this time was different it was early


how are the animals going to survive six

months of

intense hot weather without water it was

going to be
a disaster they gave it some time

to see if it was just a temporary


but two months had passed and things

got out of hand the whole pride was


and the summer season had just started

at this point there was nobody that

could realistically help

choyo was very old and weak amani had

passed away some months before

the animals were weak and dehydrated and

ahad had to constantly be present

helping the inhabitants in need

and keep the order the only one that

could save the pride was uru

and her adventurous natter would

certainly be of use

she insisted and went on this quest she

had to discover the root of the problem

and solve it

and was totally willing to do it wow

probably one of the best queens ever to


she left the pride and followed the main

river for hours

days weeks food and refuels were not a


as she found both on her way to the


the main and most significant problem

was something that she didn't tell

anyone before leaving she was pregnant

if she had mentioned it ahadi would have

not let her go

away she knew it was all or nothing

in the meanwhile several weeks had

passed and a significant amount of lives

in the pride lands were at risk

few had already died and now also food

was missing

everyone counted on uru but the common


that something had happened to her was

pretty obvious

finally uru reached the source

the problem was that a bunch of trees


and dirt probably pushed there by a huge

thunderstorm were positioned right in

the middle of the stream

blocking the passage of water and

creating a sort of

natural dam she couldn't do it alone

she was going to need the help of

several animals

to clear all that waste fortunately

after exploring the zone for a while uru

found a friendly pride that was willing

to help her

it took three days working day

and night to remove all the waste


the water started running again uru

thanked everyone and quickly ran back

towards the pride lands

from there a distant sound could be

heard at one point

everyone quickly got up to look at what

was happening

the water was finally coming back to


every lake and river everyone shouted of


and the land flourished after very few


the thirst ended and there was more

water now

than any other summer uru had succeeded

but it was still some days later until

she showed up

ahadi was happier than ever and promised

uru that he will never separate from her

ever again


uru was now at her final months of

pregnancy the whole pride was patiently

waiting for the birth

of hers and the hari's new cub the time


and uru gave birth to her second son

he was very similar to his mother green


dark brown fur and kind of an outlandish


he was a very needy cub sometimes a bit

capricious and because of this

on the day of the ceremony he was given

the name

taka which as opposed to what many

people think

it means won't since his first

weeks of life he showed a great desire

to draw attention to himself

but this attitude worsened as time went


because of ahadian mufasa spending

nearly no time with him

ahadi's goal from now on was to raise

mufasa to be the best king possible and

teach him his values

but taka he was completely left alone

if it was not for his mother uru things

would have gone differently

and in a worse way but instead she was

always there for him

trying to give him all the attention he

needed and raise him

as best as she could all by herself

unfortunately taka developed bad

emotions towards his father and his big


he started to become envious for not

being the hair of the throne

despite of uru trying to teach him

humility something inside him took over

that teaching

he wanted to feel important he wanted a


this led him to start associating with

the hyenas

it was something very serious as the

hyenas were the main

enemy of the pridelands and once he got


he was severally punished by a hadith

but fortunately

the situation didn't escalate


during his adolescence taka spent most

of his time

outside the pride lands uru was very

concerned for him

as he essentially never showed up

one day after many weeks without seeing


he was found inside the pride rock by

his father

he had brought some mahinus and had

immediately tried to speak to him asking

for explanations

he looked very angry and disappointed

taka didn't want to speak

but at the moment he had anger and

frustration kicked over ahadi

and he lost his po nailing his claw on

taka's face

he had injured him leaving his face with

a permanent scar

for life the hyenas immediately ran away

and uru showed up just right after that

and got mad at ahadi for what he did

but the damage was already done tucker

left the pride rock and ran away

since then he gave himself the name scar

to never forget the action of his father

from then on things changed

forever scar never met his father again

and mufasa was now an enemy for him

he showed anger but deep inside him he

felt alone

and truly wanted someone that could help


lucky was he that his mother still loved


uru was car's only support for the rest

of his life
the only moments that he felt consoled

and glad

were the ones that he spent with his

mother he passed

through a very harsh time and she knew


scar willing to do anything for his


he stopped frequenting the hyenas and

spent most of his time with her

uro was very glad for this but she was

also very old now

scar knowing that her time had to come

sooner or later

he spent every day with her for the last


for him she was all a mother

a friend and the father he never had

one night uru in her last days

she asked scar to keep a promise she

didn't ask him to accept his father and

brother in his life

but at least to forgive them

the next morning scar woke up

but uru she did not

the night uru had passed away in her


with the heart in hope that scar in the

years to come
and for the rest of his life would never


his promise

the story of uru is such an important


in the whole lore of the lion king


we dove into the three most important

stages of our life

and got a sneak peek of scars story

i hope you liked this video if so leave

a like

and if you have any theory about uru

scar or any of this

definitely leave it in the comments also

don't forget to check out the artists

their name will be in the description

i'm askari and i wish you a good night



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