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despite being none other than nala's


her story remains a mystery to this day

today i'm here to bring you my version

of her story

to finally understand the true meaning

behind her character

before we continue don't forget to

subscribe and hit the bell to always be


on the latest lion king stories

this is sarah fina's story

she was just born her name was sarafina

the dunya pride was a chill and friendly

community of lions

the weather was great and there were no

external threats to worry about

many lions were part of this bride two

of them were aberrage and eminem

parents of sarafina and long friends of

capoein aquili

also known as sarabi's parents and king

and queen of the dunya pride

seraphine and sarabi were a friendship

at first sight

both were the only two female caps in

the whole pride

sarabi being the older one they spent

most of their time together


one morning a rogue lion had come from

another pride

he didn't say his name but he looked

dirty and hungry

he woke up the whole dunya pride with

his screams

they are coming they are near he was

repeating in a loop

the animals looked at him strangely and

everyone started hiding behind the rocks

and bushes to not be seen by this lion

they thought he was crazy before chiappo

could come out and try to offer help to

this rogue lion

he was already gone nobody knew what he


but the incident was forgotten after a

few days

however sarafina never forgot about it

and always observed every minimal change

in the environment

including watching in the distance to

see if the rogue lion was still nearby

she found the perfect spot to observe

the whole territory

but they came the day

where everything changed

it was night everyone was asleep and a

scream could be heard from the distance

only seraphine and sarabi woke up

sarafina went to her observer spot to

see what was going on

a fluid of inus had just entered the


devouring everything they encountered

leaving a trail of bones behind them

she and sarabi rushed back to the lions


to wake them up and warn them of what

they had just seen

but time spent on just doing that was

too much

and when everyone was ready to fight the


it was already too late sarafin and

sarabi were told to stay in a hidden


made exactly for its purpose hide from

eventual predators

the cave was big enough just to fit the

two cubs inside

and while both were there the things

they could hear

were indescribable to anyone

roars and groans hits and screams about

for the first few minutes it was like


a growing sound of trial and pain

but as time passed their roars counted

were fewer

and fewer and the whole ambiance was

starting to get

quiet what came from the hyenas were not

groans anymore

but laughs

the two cubs were crying and trembling

fully in panic

until akili the queen of the pride and

mother of sarabi

all injured and covered in wounds

stormed to the hidden cave

and told sarafin and sarabi to run no

matter what direction

but to run as quickly as they could

without looking back akili told the two

that one day they were going to meet


who knows if that was the truth

they ran crossing the whole dunya pride

to get further from it

they ran through all the rubble falling


animal bones and fire seraphina

being the youngest was also the slowest

of the two

and sarabi had to look back from time to

time to see if she was doing all right

what sarabi had seen during the escape

she will never forget

some weeks had passed sarafina and

sarabi were living as

nomads searching for a better place

it was hard the trauma of what had


especially at such a young age made it

more difficult for them

fortunately they knew how to support

each other

they learned how to eat from the

vegetation and hand smaller prey

however they couldn't find a stable

place to live in

as most of them were already occupied


from not so friendly animals

at a certain point they felt lost

they had explored almost everything and

had no

energy to keep searching for new lands

despite all this sarfina was a great


and always found the best places to

observe the origin from

and guide her friend to the next best


for a while they both took a rest but it

wouldn't last
long or else they would finish their


the day before leaving again seraphina

went to a tall rock

to observe where their next path was

going to lead

but what she saw left her stone cold

from panic

there was a pack of animals that was

coming from the origin

and they were advancing fast it was

clear that they were predators

from the way they were scanning the

territory but they were too far away to


which kind of animal they were serfina

warned sarabi

but little hope had the two if they went


there was the risk that the hyenas that

invaded the dunya pride would find them

but if they went straight they were

certainly going to be noticed by the

herd of predators

at the sides there were mountains and no

real way to go through them

they had one more day at most to make a


and live they didn't sleep that night

the next day with no real choice to make

they went off to the mountains


a young lion with a red mane could be

seen playing in the distance

when they arrived they greeted him he

was playing chasing butterflies

near a small creek his name was matuta

srafin asked him why was he so alone

being so young like them and he almost

in a joking way

replied i could ask you the same

sarabi loudly said they are near matuta

without the need for explanations

immediately knew who she was referring


he told both to follow him he brought

them to a secret passage

that allowed them to get to the other

side of the mountain

once safe seraphine asked them if he

knew who they were

matuta replied that he calls them

the outlanders evil and bloodthirsty

lions who don't have a home

and wander in the far lands searching

for any animal to it

or just kill for the pleasure of it

whatever was the case thanks to matuta

serabi and sarafina had found a new home


after he was asked matuta told sarabi

and sarafina his experience with the



he was even younger than now a very

little cub

with no home and nowhere to go

being small and weak the world was a

very hostile place

especially for him one day

for the first time he saw animals of his

species in the distance

they were lions

came to them but little he knew what

their real intentions were

when he found out he ran but these evil

lions were unstoppable

it was almost like they never got tired

when he finally found the tree

he climbed on it but when he looked down

he realized

they were gone looking not so far away

there was a big rock and some animals

could be seen over there

when he tried to climb down he realized

he was stuck in the tree

he was too small to jump off without

hurting himself
matuta shouted for help but he was too

far away from others to be noticed by

anyone a few moments later matuta heard

a cracking noise

coming from under his pose the branch

underneath him was about to break

and eventually it did right when he was

falling he stopped me there

incredibly he was levitating thanks to

some big lions

that had come from the pride rock just

to save him

but they were no ordinary big lions

they were the lion guards

the reason why mathut agreed to tell his

story was to reassure the two female

cops to go

ask for help over the big rock in the


they'll give you everything you need and

there are many friendly animals

he said sarafina and sarabi set off

but matuta didn't follow them he said he

didn't belong there

but one day they will surely meet again

they arrived and went up this big rock

two lions came out from the cave matuta

sent us here

the two young lioness said i am king

and she is queen uru welcome to the


ears were passing and thanks to uru and


sarafin and sarabi could grow happily as

part of the bride

matuta used to return for some weeks

every season to visit the pride in


with which he had established a strong


that developed into something more over

the years

seraphina was probably the only lioness


to know matuta's mysterious story

and why he was always alone however

this is a different story and a very

long story of its own

when adulthood came after sarabi and

mufasa had their son simba

matuta told sarafina that he had to go

and he didn't know when he would return

seraphina acknowledged knowing that what

he was going to do was something he was

waiting for his whole life

before going they had their daughter

nala and then

matuta set off and never returned

since that day serafina always looked at

the stars

for a sign from the great kings of the


that he was still alive


as time passed things started to worsen

mainly because of scar after the death

of mufasa

the pridelands were doomed simba


scar had taken over the bride becoming

the new king and giving power to the


however it all happened gradually

during the first years it seemed like

scarce tyranny was not enough to let the

pride fall

even after letting the hyenas enter the


seraphina was the only one that

understood scar in a certain way

she was the only one to whom he opened

to and revealed the trauma

of the death of his mother uru

thanks to seraphina scar was slowly

redeeming himself

and started to show genuine emotions

towards her

which ended up with the birth of their


metoo unfortunately

one day a group of nomad lionesses

showed up to the pride in search of a


the leader of this group was zira the


of the leaders of a group previously

known as

the outlanders

scar ended up falling in doom

again corrupted by zira's evil mind and

thirst for

power he ended up making the pridelands


into the arides wasteland ever existed


sarafina now lived hidden to protect


the main target of scar and zira who

wanted him

a scar's heir me too had time to grow

throughout the years

despite their attempts to make him evil

he fortunately had acquired sarafina's


and thanks to her half-sister nala

who always protected him from scarce

he learned to distinguish the good and

the bad

seraphina taught him about matuta nala's


despite not being mithu's father he

always considered him as such

or as a very near figure that inspired


and protected him from far away

metoo a cup grown in a destroyed

and desert land mentally abused by scar

for his malicious purposes

now knew what his life mission was

he had to find matuta for a reason that

only sarafinan he knew of

after some years he finally took off

in search of matuta but that's a long


the story of me too


sarafina's role in the main story ends


but her story doesn't end right here

there is a reason why she doesn't appear

in the lion king 2

and we will find out why on mitsu's


and the story of nala's father so stay

tuned for that

if you watch still here let me know by

leaving a like

and if you have any theory on how this

story will continue

definitely tell me in the comments also

check out the artists that made the

artworks used in this video the link is

in the description

i'm muscari and i wish you

a good night




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