Thesis Proposal 2 Construction Management

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Leveraging Digital Twin Technology for Optimized Construction

Management: A Case Study Analysis

Introduction: The construction industry stands at the precipice of a technological revolution,

with digital innovations promising to reshape traditional practices and enhance project
outcomes. Amidst this backdrop, the concept of digital twins has emerged as a transformative
tool for improving construction management processes. This thesis proposes to delve into the
realm of digital twin technology and its application in optimizing construction management
practices, with a focus on real-time monitoring, predictive analytics, and decision support


1. To explore the theoretical foundations and practical implications of digital twin

technology in the context of construction management.
2. To examine the role of digital twins in facilitating real-time monitoring of
construction processes, resource utilization, and progress tracking.
3. To investigate the potential of digital twins for predictive analytics and scenario
analysis to anticipate and mitigate project risks.
4. To assess the effectiveness of digital twins in enhancing decision-making processes
for construction project stakeholders.
5. To conduct a series of case studies to analyze the implementation of digital twin
technology in diverse construction projects and settings.

Methodology: This research will employ a mixed-methods approach, combining literature

review, case study analysis, and quantitative assessment. The literature review will provide a
comprehensive overview of digital twin technology, construction management practices, and
relevant theoretical frameworks. The case study analysis will involve selecting a range of
construction projects where digital twin technology has been implemented or piloted. Data
collection methods will include interviews, surveys, and document analysis to gather insights
from project stakeholders. Quantitative assessment will focus on evaluating key performance
indicators (KPIs) such as cost, schedule, quality, and safety metrics.

Case Study Selection Criteria:

1. Diversity in project types (e.g., residential, commercial, infrastructure).
2. Variation in project scale and complexity.
3. Availability of data and access to project stakeholders.
4. Representation of different geographical locations and regulatory environments.
5. Inclusion of projects at various stages of the construction lifecycle (design,
construction, operation).

Expected Contributions:

1. The thesis aims to contribute to the advancement of knowledge in construction

management by exploring the potential of digital twin technology as a transformative
tool for optimization.
2. By conducting in-depth case studies and analysis, the research intends to generate
practical insights and recommendations for industry practitioners, policymakers, and
3. The findings of the study can inform decision-making processes and guide future
research directions in leveraging digital twins for improved construction project

Conclusion: In conclusion, this thesis seeks to shed light on the transformative potential of
digital twin technology in the field of construction management. Through theoretical
exploration and empirical analysis, the research aims to elucidate the benefits, challenges,
and best practices associated with the implementation of digital twins in construction
projects. By bridging the gap between theory and practice, the study endeavors to contribute
to the ongoing evolution of construction management methodologies and pave the way for
more efficient, resilient, and sustainable built environments.

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