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WUSBSS 2016E.C 2nd sem.

Grade 12th chemistry test (20%)

Choose the correct answer from the given alternative

1.Soybean is used to replace traditional inks in printer cartridges,highlighting which of the

Green chemistry principles?
A) Atom economy. C) Use of Renewable Feedstock's
B) Reduce derivatives. D) Prevent waste1
2. Bio-polymers exemplify Green Chemistry Principle # 10, which is?
A) Catalysis. C) Prevent waste.
B) Benign solvents & auxiliaries D) Design for degradation
3. The use of solar power is covered within Green Chemistry Principle #6, which is?
A) Atom economy. C) Design for energy efficiency
B) Design benign chemicals. D) Less hazardous synthesis
4. Green chemists reduce risk by?
A. Reducing the hazard inherent in a chemical product or process
B. Minimizing the use of all chemicals
C. Inventing technologies that will clean up toxic sites
D. Developing recycled products
5. The first listed of the 12 Principles of Green Chemistry is?
A. Prevent waste B. Catalysis C. Atom economy D. Benign solvents11
6. Eutrophication can be caused by an inappropriate use of
A. Hydrocarbons and ozone C. Phosphate and nitrate fertilizers
B. Heavy metals D. Insecticides and herbicides
7. Of the following, which one is the effect of air pollutants?
A. Hydrocarbons and ozone- formation of smog
B. Particulates – enhance greenhouse effect leading to global warming
C. CFCs – cause an acid rain
D. Excess carbon dioxide – cause drop in pH of rivers and lakes.
8. Which of the following is NOT a major factor for land pollution?
A. The use of organic fertilizers C. Dumping non-biodegradable wastes
B. The spillage of oil D. Leaching of heavy metals
9. Which one is the aim of green chemistry?
A. Design chemical products and process that maximize profits
B. Design safer chemical products and processes that reduce or eliminate the use and
generation of hazardous substances
C. Design chemical products and processes that work most efficiently
D. Utilize non-renewable energy
10. Which of the following methods can NOT be used to reduce water pollution?
A. Treatment of water before discharge into rivers and lakes
B. Using moderate amounts of agricultural chemicals
C. Recycling industrial and agricultural wastes
D. Discharging heat ladened water into natural water systems
11. Which of the following is a challenge for green chemists?
A. Awareness of the benefits of green chemistry
B. Developing chemicals that are recyclable
C. Training for cleaning up chemical spills
D. Knowing when to reduce and eliminate hazardous waste
12. Environmental benefits of green chemistry include?
A. Fewer raw materials and natural resources used
B. Cleaner production technologies & reduced emissions
C. Smaller quantities of hazardous waste to be treated and disposed of
D. All of the above2
13. Business benefits of green chemistry include?
A) Reduced costs associated with waste treatment and disposal
B) Innovating 'greener' products to entice customers
C) Greater compliance with environmental legislation
D) All of the above
14. Among the following pollutants, which pair causes photochemical smog?
A. Carbon monoxide and ozone C. Hydrocarbons and ozone
B. Particulates and lead compounds D. Nitrogen and sulphur oxides
15. one of the best solutions to get rid of non-biodegradable solid wastes is
A. Leaching B. Recycling C. Dumping D. Spilling

II. Match the following items

16. Sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides A. destroy the ozone layer
17. particulates B. poisonous substances
18. CFC’s C. acid rain
19. Excess carbon dioxide D. Greenhouse effect
20. Lead compounds and carbon monoxide E. irritate the lungs

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