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National Endowment

Federal Design Matters for the Arts

An exchange of information and ideas related to federal design Issue number 17,
January 1979

Mickey’s 50th anniversary recalls Disney designers’ wartime contributions Largely ignored in the avalanche of 50th an-
niversary tributes to Mickey Mouse, his car-
toon associates, and their prolific creator is
the meritorious service they performed for the
U.S. Government in World War II
Walt Disney's wartime films can be classi-
fied into at least three types: 1)psychological
films, 2) films exhorting citizens to support the
war effort, and 3) military training films.
Of the psychologicalfilms, Der Fuehrer's
m -

Ev > Face is best-remembered. This

clearly the
stinging satire encapsulated all the irrever-
ence most of the Allied world felt toward the
1 arrogant regimentation Adolph Hitler imposed
on Nazi Germany and tried, vainly, to impose
on the rest of the world
Completed in 1942, the film earned Disney
the Academy Award for best animated short
A series of satirical films were produced
under a contract between Disney Studio and
the Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs,
which also called for short subjects designed
to enhance the United States’ image in Latin
The message of films designed to inspire
homefront support of the war was more
straight-forward Out of the Frying Pan into the
Firing Line urged housewives to contribute
waste cooking fats for the manufacture of
munitions The New Spirit urged citizens to
This guest of honor received long-deserved recognition at
a White House reception last November
pay their federal income taxes promptly to
support the expanding military budget.

A REMINDER - In training films, Disney Studio deployed

animators who had enthralled movie-theater
patrons with Snow White and Pinocchio to
help the Armed Forces teach citizen soldiers
and sailors to use weapons and complex mili-
tary equipment. Such films were designed to
develop procedures for aircraft identification,
teach riveting and welding, simplify map read-
ing. and train mechanics in aircraft engine
maintenance. This listing includes just a few of
the types of films included in the more than
200.000 feet of film Disney produced under
federal contract in fiscal 1943 By that year
government work accounted for 94 percent of
his company's film-making capacity, a statistic
that moved a motion-picture professional jour-
nal to title an article about this activity, “Walt
Disney Studio —A War Plant.”
For this brief description of Disney's work
for the government Federal Design Matters is

indebted to an article titled, Donald Duck

Mickey Mouse, in the poster at left, warned World WarII
Joins Up: The Walt Disney Studio During
defense leaders against complacency. During the

same war, Donald Duck, shown in a still from a Disney film World War II. The article is an excerpt from a
©U>ut !>'*"« made for the government, exhorted taxpayers to pay Uncle carefully researched doctoral dissertation
Sam promptly and cheerfully. by Rick Shale.
These symbols are among 30 being tested by the Center
for Building Technology

NBS research center gives the Center's Francis Ventre cites the fact that teams to ask the same kinds of questions de-
injuries from slips and falls constitute the sec- signers are asking: “What levels of light do
designers scientific base
ond most frequent cause of accidental death people need for performing various tasks?
Federal designers benefit in significant, if indi- in the nation. What size, shape, shading, and glass tint are
rect, ways from the work of the 230-person Dr. Ventre is chief of the Center's Environ- preferable for window design? What kinds of
staff of the Center for Building Technology on mental Design Research Division, one of four colors should be used to ensure optimum use
the sprawling campus of the National Bureau divisions of the Center. The division's studies of light when there is a need to reduce wat-
of Standards in Gaithersburg, Maryland. are concentrated on architecture, site plan- tage in building corridors? In response, the
The testing and evaluation that takes place ning, occupant safety, and the sensory envi- Center is developing electronic systems to
in the Center's laboratories and offices pro- ronment, including visual communications, measure effects of illumination levels on
vides sound, scientific underpinning for the color, and acoustics. human performance of tasks approximating
standards, codes, regulations, and guidelines The Center's divisions carry out much of those in living spaces and workplaces
that designers routinely accept as givens. • their research in large laboratories, including In another study the Center measured the
Establishing standards that enable manu- a chamber that can test the thermal perform- psychological reaction to environments with
facturers to make floor covering that will ance of full-scale houses and a five-story and without windows Moreover, the Center is

not exceed the safety limits of slipperiness is plumbing research laboratory. Of the Center's investigating how humans behave during
one of the myriad responsibilities of the budget of about $14 million for fiscal 1978, fires, including how they perceive signs de-
Center. The Center recently developed a ma- approximately three-fourths comes from other (conlmued on page 6)

chine for testing slipperiness, called the federal agencies for which the Center per-
NBS-Brumgraber tester. Now the manufac- forms research.
tiles, bathtubs, shower stalls
turers of floor Many of the standards being developed by
and other products that might cause slips and the Center for Building Technology grow out of
falls must meet standards established by tests institutions' efforts to respond to national
done on this equipment. As justification for priorities. The national need to conserve en-
carrying out this meticulous testing process, ergy, for example, has forced the research

Using portable equipment he developed. Dr Robert

The nearly cubical shape of the Norris Cotton Federal Building in Manchester, New Hampshire, and the windowless north Brumgraber of the Center for Building Technology tests the
wall minimize heat loss from the surface. slipperiness of a suds-filled bathtub
3 the federal government is not only one
. .

of the major builders but one of the major

influences on building in this country.
Today the quality of the built environment
is as much a product of public endeavor as
it is of private endeavor.” Michael Pittas

A new director reflects diverse set of interests in the fields of re- The find most regrettable is that
thing that I

search, education, and community planning the portion of theprogram that dealt with im-
on the design process
Often these grantees have only scratched proving federal architecture has lost its origi-
"I and De-
believe the Architecture, Planning the surface and been able to find further sup- nal impetus. would like to see that particular

sign Program of the Endowment must become port necessary to really go into depth My pre effort revived. After all, the federal govern-
more ecumenical and more effectively involve liminary impression is that the Program ought ment is not only one of the major builders but
all of the design fields was meant to serve
it to be examining the possibility of second one of the major influences on building in this
In this statement Council on
to the National generation grants on a limited basis to allow country. Today the quality of the built environ-
the Arts, the Arts Endowment's advisory body, certain grant recipients to develop their work ment is as much a product of public endeavor
Michael John Pittas, newly appointed director further. as it is endeavor.
of private
of the program, apparently expressed a view- It is my
understanding that Lois Craig and
point shaped by his service as a city planner, the staff on the Federal Architecture Project
an educator, and a design practitioner did an excellent job of defining what consti-
Named to the post last month by Endow- tutes high quality federal design. The issue to
ment Chairman Livingston L Biddle, Jr., Pittas me would be to take this preparatory work
has been an associate professor and acting and help to make it operational
director of the Urban Design Program at Har-
vard's Graduate School of Design As director
Architectural competitions offer a potentially
of Planning and Development for Trenton,
N.J., he coordinated a full range of community
productive new direction for achieving design
excellence in cultural facilities. Recently, ob-
planning and development programs. As di-

served the competition sponsored by the Na-

rector of the Office of Comprehensive Plan-
tional Arts Endowment and the Massachusetts
ning for New York City, he supervised the
Arts and Humanities Council for the redesign
central planning staff units, including those
of the Provincetown Playhouse on Cape Cod.
responsible for economic development and
Not only did the client get a great deal of de-
social service
sign input from the ten design firms compet-
Biddle also named Charles B Zucker as
assistant director of the program Zucker, 35.
ing, but the community was intimately in-

has been a planning consultant and educator volved with the designers as they worked The
and has taught at Rutgers University, City Col- competitors were brought to the community
lege of New York and Anne Arundel Commu-
and prepared their designs in a building that
nity College in Maryland. He was an editor/
was open to the public. was told that over I

writer on the American Institute of Architects

800 local residents participated by advising
(AIA) Research Corporation project entitled the architects during the design process The

“Community Energy Design for Community end result was not only a theater which met
Participation" which will be published in 1979.
the requirements of the performing arts from a

In a Federal Design Matters interview be-

technical point of view but one that also met
the community's needs. don't see any reason
fore he assumed his new duties Pittas offered

some comments “as an outsider looking in." why architectural competitions shouldn't be
Some of them follow sponsored for challenge grants under the cul-
program of the Endowment.
tural facilities

The constituency for the Architecture, Plan- Such a program illustrates what mean by I

ning and Design Program is the largest for joint ventures with the Endowment's other

any of the Endowment's programs Yet is the it

most diffuse and the least focused on its par-
ticular needs. I'm going to be particularly Architecture, landscape architecture, plan-
concerned about identifying the variety of ning, urban design, graphic design, interior
interests that form this constituency and pro- design, industrial design, and fashion design
posing new directions sensitive to the design constitute the fields served by the Archi-
field tecture Program They are all fields of applied
Another issue that concerns me is the de- art. Their products must not only be pleasing
gree to which the activities of the Architecture to the senses but must serve useful human
Program are integrated with the other pro- purposes Their common meeting ground is
grams of the Endowment. believe that there
I more than the utility of the artifacts they
is room for cooperative ventures. create. It is the commonality of design proc-
ess which binds them together. It is this
There's little doubt that the Program's seed synergy which may form the future direction of
money grants have responded to a very Charles B Zucker the Endowment's efforts.
4 “Our report will seek to counter miscon-
ceptions that equate design with appear-
ance. It will advocate that the principles of
good design be applied at every stage of
any federal process for delivering goods
and services.” David Dibner

Task force studies effect Humanities; Mortimer Marshall, Defense De- cess from Pennsylvania Avenue, F Street, 13th

of federal policy on design partment; J Walter Roth and Erma Striner, and and direct pedestrian linkage
14th Streets,
GSA, and Michael Kane, Council on Environ- to the National and the hotel. Ground floor retail
Recommendations of a task force on design mental Quality. space will be accessible from all surrounding
willbe included in a review of federal cultural To gain broader insight for its deliberations streets and through a central atrium.
policy to be submitted to President Carter in the task force sent questionnaires to more With this, its first offering of commercial prop-
mid-February. The General Services Adminis- than 40 other agencies, organizations, and erty, the Corporation rounds out the National
tration is the lead agency for the panel, one of professional societies, soliciting their views Theatre block. Quadrangle Corporation is al-
five contributing to the review GSA Adminis- about existing programs and asking their pro- ready building an office building adjacent to the
trator Jay Solomon has named David R Dib- posals for possible new federal initiatives. National at the northwest corner of 13th and
ner. the agency's assistant commissioner for The subjects to be considered by other task E Streets.
construction manage- forces and their lead agencies are: Careers in To return the Willard to its original elegance,
ment, as chairman. Culture, Department of Labor; Cultural Facili- the board of PADC selected Florida builder
The study of federal ties and Resources. HEW; International Cul- Stuart S. Golding, the Fairmont Hotels Corp. of
cultural policy being
is turalPrograms, International Communications San Francisco, and architects Hardy, Holzman &
made at the request of Agency, and the Media in Culture, the White Pfeiffer of New York. Their plans, chosen from
the President under House Domestic Policy Staff. among those submitted by 10 competitors, call
direction of Stuart E. fora hotel annex that will be compatible in de-
sign with the Willard's Beaux-Arts style. They
Eizenstat, assistant for PADC chooses designs for National
domestic affairs and also call for a courtyard along Pennsylvania
Theatre block and Willard Hotel
policy. Task force efforts Avenue that will be lined with shops The project
are being coordinated All but the earliest designers of a revitalized is expected to cost $50 millionand be com-
by the Federal Council Pennsylvania Avenue in the nation’s capital have pleted in 1982.
on the Arts and the sought to temper the momumentality of this PADC approved a resolution limiting the
Humanities. David R. Dibner ceremonial corridor with the kinds of diverse at- height of buildings on three city blocks west of
The design task force's mission is to "de- tractions that make our most interesting cities the FBI building (Squares 291. 322, and 348) to
termine the direct and indirect consequences vibrant places. 160 feet, inclusive of all permanent roof struc-
of federal policy on the quality of design in To that end the present staff of the Pennsyl- tures except stairway penthouses, atrium
building, transportation systems, recreational vania Avenue Development Corporation envi- skylights, cornices, and architectural embellish-
facilities, community development, graphic sions nearly a million square feet of space on ments. In addition, development on these
communication, and public works projects of the Avenue
for such facilities as galleries, spe- blocks will be limited to a maximum floor area of
all kinds. The review will encompass a con- shops, and restaurants. Four million
cialty ratio of 11.0 Formerly, roof-top structures not ex-
cern for significant relationships with the natu- square feet of new office space and some 1.500 ceeding 18 feet were permitted above 160 feet
ral environment, preservation of vital links to new housing units, they feel, will guarantee a and a potential FAR limit of 12.0 was possible.
history through historic preservation, and the good daytime mix of permanent residents and
cultural value of wildernesses." office workers with the perennial waves of EPA saves $300,000
Dibner said the design panel will evaluate tourists.The addition of night clubs and addi-
on redesign of manual
the effectiveness of existing federal programs tional theaters may even fulfill urban planners’
that affect design and will suggest new policy repeated promises of life after dark. Redesigning of a pesticide-instruction hand-
directions for these and future design-related With the selection of teams to redevelop the book to conform to the Environmental Protec-
programs. block containing the venerable National Theatre tion Agency graphic standards manual re-
“Our report,” he added, “will seek to counter and to renovate the Willard Hotel, the Corpora- sulted in a $300,000 saving, according to
misconceptions that equate design with ap- tion has taken a long stride toward these impor- Robert Flanagan, chief graphic designer in
pearance It will advocate that the principles tant goals. EPA's Office of Public Awareness
of good design be applied at every stage of PADC
selected Quadrangle Development The publication’s format was changed from
any federal process for delivering goods and Corporation, The Marriott Corporation, and the two columns of ten-point type to three col-
services.” Rouse Company, to develop the site between umns of nine-point type and many full-page
The task force consists of 15 other members 13th and 14th Streets, N.W. The developers will illustrations were reduced to one or two col-
representing nine other federal departments build a sixteen-story, mixed-use complex de- umns when itwas determined that they would
and agencies. They are Hope T. Moore and signed by Frank Schlesinger, F.A.I.A., Washing- communicate as effectively in a smaller size
Wallace Macnow, Interior; Robert Thurber and ton, and Mitchell/Giurgola, Philadelphia. The The pesticide manual thus was reduced from
Martin Convisser, Department of Transporta- building will contain an 820-room hotel, 100,000 84 pages to 44 pages and the production
tion; Roy F Knight and Phillip M. Kadis, Na- square feet of retail and 450,000 square feet of cost from 70 cents a copy on an initial run of
tional Endowment for the Arts; Ellen Elow, An- office space, 760 underground parking spaces. one million to 40 cents a copy a savings of —
drew Euston, and William Millkey. Department The 1600-seat National Theatre will stay intact. $300,000.
ofHousing and Urban Development; Edwin The overall project will cost an estimated $110 The graphics manual was compiled by de-
Dorn Health, Education and Welfare; Robert million and is expected to be completed in 1983. signers Chermayeff & Geismar as part of a
Peck, Federal Council on the Arts and the The design features a multi-level mall with ac- graphics standardization program for EPA

Design briefs: Building arts museum A system can accomplish as much nelli atthe Second Studio Semi-
congressional resolution to
joint as four or five persons using tra- nar for Federal Graphic De-
study establishment of a Na- ditional methods, according to signers at the Illinois Institute of
tional Mus'eum for the Building Murray Lee. chief of CIA’s visual Technology The graphic and in-
Artswas signed by the President information and design. dustrial designer heads a firm
November 4. The resolution initi- Federal architects The that has offices in New York.
ates studies on the feasibility of American Institute of Architects Paris, and Milan Grids is for
converting the Pension Building is working with the Service
Civil sale for $1 .60 by the Superin-
into the museum and is aimed at Commission to update stand- tendent of Documents, U S
securing responses from those ards for federal architects AIA Government Printing Office.
active the building arts. The
in wants CSC to rewrite its career Stock No 036-000-00038-4
building arts include all practical standards to mandate that all Document design The
Spandrel at Pension Building doorway.
and scholarly aspects of archi- federal architectural jobs be American Institutes for Research
tecture, landscape architecture, held by licensed professionals has begun a document design
engineering, building and con- above a GS-11 rating The Insti- project to promote clear and
struction, urban planning and tute hopes this will encourage simple writing and design of
design, physical development federal architects currently not public documents Funding for
and renewal, and historic pres- licensed to apply for licenses the three-year project is being
ervation. The Committee for a and bring federal standards up provided by the National Insti-
National Museum of the Building to those used by state licensing tute of Education AIR will work
Arts, Suite 400, South, 1800 M boards. During the past 14 with Carnegie-Mellon University
Street, N.W.. Washington, D C. years, a number of architectural and Siegel & Gale. Inc . a pri-
20036 will send a copy of the graduates have taken advan- vate firm specializing in lan-

museum proposal to those mak- tage of the Navy Department's guage simplification and lan-
ing tax-deductible contributions architectural intern program to guage training AIR will conduct
to the committee of at least $5 earn their credentials as archi- research, provide information
Automation for graphic tects The Navy's goal is to pro- services and technical assist-
design Genographics
. — an vide well-rounded experience for ance on designing documents,
interactive computer system that architectural graduates so they and develop new college and
creates graphics for artslide
is — are fully qualified to take regis- graduate level writing and de-
being used by the Central Intel- tration examinations, according sign training programs for the
ligence Agency and the National to Ron Johnson, a Navy 1981 school year Designers in-

Security Agency. The Depart- spokesman He said the interns terested in more information
ment of Energy, the Pentagon, are actually sent out on con- should contact Dr Janice C
and Wright Patterson Air Force struction sites where they serve Redish, Project Director. Ameri-
Base's Foreign Technology Divi- as inspectors for six months. can Institutes for Research. 1055
sion plan to install similar com- Air Force conference Thomas Jefferson Street, N.W..
puter systems. The system, de- Some 100 senior architects, en- Washington 20007 (202) 342-
veloped by General Electric, en- gineers, and guests from gov- 5000
ables an do a complete
artist to ernment and industry attended Chaparos appointment
Section of Pension Building frieze
layout on a TV screen, store the the 1978 Air Force Systems Nicholas Chaparos, the Arts
layout on discs, and retrieve it Command Design Conference at Endowment's coordinator of de-
for revisions. Andrews Air Force Base De- sign information and education,

inn An
create or
can use the screen to
up preexisting
cember 4-8 The conference in-
cluded sessions on open space
has been named adjunct pro-
fessor of design at Cooper-

inn n
symbols or layouts, do illustra-
tions, change and manipulate
office planning, signage and
graphics, designing for the
Union School of Art and Design
in New York City He will teach a

stored data, change colors and handicapped, housing, and the course in which he will draw on
sizes of layouts and symbols. building of commissaries. a wide range of current federal
The stored data can be trans- New publication Grids: design problems.
ferred to film and turned into Their meaning and use for fed-
Genographics display slides for visual presentations. eral designers by Massimo Vig- Questions or problems
The system can be linked up the latest publication of
nelli is related to design?
with TV systems, can transmit Federal Design Library, a series Write Design Action Line. Na-
data over phone lines, and can presenting information and ideas tional Endowment for the Arts.
program additional items into the about federal design This 39- Washington, D C. 20506, if you
original system with a remote page, illustrated publication is have a design problem (or a
terminal. One person using the based on a presentation by Vig- solution to one).

NBS research center (continued from page 2) Urban environmental design: Revised guidelines for cities applying for

a concept becomes a force Community Development Block Grants make

signed to give emergency instructions. Such funds available under these grants for estab-
tests can provide vital information to graphics For nearly two decades steady progress has lishment of “an administrative capacity to use
designers responsible for building signage. been made in a movement to promote the in- a systematic, interdisciplinary approach to the
Other research on the sensory environment tegration of community-development forces integrated use of natural and social sciences
deals with people's responses to noises. The — both public and private to bring about op- — and the environmental design arts and plan-
results of this forms a rational basis for acous- timal change in the environments of cities. ning and decisionmaking." The authority for
tical criteria for buildings. It has high potential Urban environmental design is the most this ruling and much of its language is derived
value for the designer of an open-space office widely accepted umbrella term for this from the National Environmental Policy Act of
who must reconcile conflicting requirements in process 1969
order to provide space that will permit visual With regulations that make urban environ- The new program in urban environmental
contact while preserving a reasonable meas- mental design an eligible cost in federal design will be launched through a third-of-
ure of speech privacy. Community Development Block Grants and a a-million dollar HUD contract with the National
The Center does not confine its research to new program that will aid cities seeking to use League of Cities Under this project Euston ,

the kind of testing that can be done under the concept, the Department of Housing and told mayors and other city officials, HUD will
laboratory conditions. With the General Ser- Urban Development has taken a long stride fund university research projects, support
vices Administration and the Department of toward making the practice of urban environ- publication of materials about successful case
Energy the Center is engaged in field studies mental design operational. studies of urban environmental design prac-
on the energy conservation performance of a Andrew F Euston, Jr. HUD's chief urban,
tices in local government, and provide techni-
seven-story office building in Manchester, design officer, offers this definition of urban cal assistance to communities.
New Hampshire The Norris Cotton Federal environmental design: Euston is coordinator of and will moderate a
Building there is a “living laboratory" for test- "The concept of urban environmental de- series of lectures beginning January 22 at the
ing and evaluating methods to conserve en- sign shifts the focus from aesthetic design for Smithsonian Institution that will explore the
ergy in office buildings The monitoring of the its own sake to design focused on people, liv- concepts of urban environmental design
building's performance is testing the effec- ability and quality of urban life,
tiveness of such features as small, double- “It is interdisciplinary in approach and fo-

glazed windows, innovative climate-control cuses on the administrative and policy proc- Acknowledgments
equipment, and different lighting systems. esses for improving the quality of new devel- Coordinator. Design Information and Education
Nick Chaparos
Evaluation of the building's performance ex- opment, rehabilitation, restoration, and neigh- Ass Coordinator, Federal Graphics

tends to a study of the occupants' reactions to borhood preservation. Economic, social and Catherine F George
Editor Writer: Simpson Lawson
the innovative design features. In examining behavioral analysis become equal elements Designer David Hausmann
these reactions, through questionnaires and with physical environmental design.” Photos Linda Rich. Joan Kelly ACTION
interviews. Bureau of Standards evaluators
will have access to complaints filed by the

occupants with the GSA Building Manager National Endowment

The degree of correlation found between for the Arts
these two channels of expression is expected Washington, D.C.
to be useful in making final judgments about 20506
building performance.
This evaluation is the most far-reaching of Official Business
the Center's application of the practice of
post-occupancy evaluation of buildings. A
team from the Center was one of two groups
taking part in an interagency post-occupancy
evaluation project supported in part by a
grant from the National Endowment for the
Arts. This project included four major building
types: a housing project for the severely dis-
abled. designs to accommodate mail delivery
and communication in housing for enlisted
Army men, an NIH laboratory, and a court-
house and federal-office building The primary
focus of this series ofstudies was to explore
the potential for linking knowledge and tech-
niques of the physical and behavioral sci-
Notice: Use of funds for printing this publication approved by the Director of the Office of Management and Budget
ences with the design issues facing the de- For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U S Government Printing Office. Washington, D C 20402
sign professions. Price $1 20 domestic, $1 50 foreign (single copy) Subscription price $4 75 domestic, $5 95 foreign per year


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