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HEW, the “people’s
agency” has a grand
design for its people

The schematic drawings shown here

reflect a remarkably unbureaucratic
effort by a Federal agency, its em-
ployees and sensitive consultants to
create a humane working environment.
Initiated during former DHEW Secretary
Elliot Richardson’s days and moved
forward under Secretary Caspar Wein-
berger, the “socio-architectural" plan
calls for aC Street Mall as an organiz-
ing element in the Department’s hig-
gedly-piggedly southwest Washington
setting. Three blocks of airy, weather-
protected, auto-free pedestrian ways
will link major DHEW buildings and
mass transit stops.
The plan’s second star attraction,
also depicted here section, is an

employees' service concourse. Cre-

ated in 20,000 square feet of existing
space, the concourse is a conspicuous
beneficiary of broad gauge research
conducted to determine the needs and
requirements of the DHEW’s 7,900
employees, the neighborhood, its
people and various Department facili-
ties. The service concourse is the first
application of mixed uses in a social-
oriented Federal agency. Included will
be a postal sub-station, co-op gallery,
retail stores, branch bank, credit union,
lounge, training and conference center
and fast-food service.
The plan’s modified implementation
costs are pegged at $5.9 million. The
“socio-architectural study planning and
design team’’ consisted of RTKL
Associates, Inc., Alan M. Voorhees &
Associates, Inc., Economic Research
Associates, Inc., and Behavior Science
Corporation. Each contributed their
skills in architecture, visual communi-
cations, urban design, transportation
planning; economic and personnel
surveying to the two-volume study.


of the best America has in planning,
architecture, and construction. Poor
design occurs in many buildings after

it too late for correction.”

• April hearings held by the Senate
Transportation Subcommittee indicate
that the Subcommittee will consider a
national system of highway graphics
for “directional signs and various
services the interest of the traveling

public.” Actionis expected in a late

summer debate on the revision of the

Highway Beautification Act of 1965.

Dear delinquent cartographer:

Where were you when the First Map

Design Competition, sponsored by the
American Congress on Surveying and
Mapping (ACSM), was held in March?
Six well-known cartographers and de-
signers pored over the more than 170
entries. Only 15% came from govern-
ment map-makers. The judges’ primary
concern was not esthetics but the design
The new army game is called computer aids that are being applied contribution to communicating usable
“Accountable Architecture” by the Corps in site development and information. Entrants won high marks
design for over 3,000 enlisted personnel in such categories as readability, visual

Anyone who ever spent so much as one housing units. The original design de- layering, clarity and overall impression.
EM night an old-style military barracks
in cisions made for the projects are being Chairman of the Competition, Albert
will findit hard to imagine that high-
systematically recorded for later com- W. Ward, expressed disappointment
PAG quality design in buildings is uppermost parison and evaluation against actual concerning the lack of participation by
inthe minds of the U.S. Army Corps of facilityuse data. the Federalmapping agencies. And
• Detailed opinion-surveys and struc- why not? The government expended
Engineers. But that’s very much the
case. At its Construction Engineering tured interviews of Army personnel 29,512 man years in FY 72 in actual map
Research Lab in Champaign, III., and have exerted a direct influence on the production alone. Contest organizers
also in its Cold Regions Research choices of color, pattern, circulation, defined the problem confronting the
and Engineering Lab in Hanover, N.H., lighting and furnishings in dining halls Federal cartographer as one of attitude:
the Corps has taken a platoon-point and family housing. the designer-cartographer professional
• Such hitherto ignored considera-
position in determining how the man- mix is unclear. Chris Arvetis, V.P. for
made environment influences the tions as “defensiblespace” principles Advertising, Design and Sales Promo-
people who use And more. The Corps
and personal privacy now receive tion, Rand McNally & Co. had a sugges-
isemploying both the computer and earnest attention. tion: “Typographic influence is not all,
social science evaluation to make or even most, of the contribution that the
architecture more “accountable;” to Hill hearings seek the designer can make to cartographic
improve its chances of panning out as high road in design. excellence. Visual effectiveness of maps
successful habitation for the men and depends on correct decisions regarding
women who must eat, sleep, work and • In June, the Senate Public Works line, mass, color, value, proportion and
play in it. Robert Shibley and Richard Committee held a hearing to review the interrelationship of all these ele-
Cramer at the Office of the
Chief of preliminary plans for an addition to the ments. Designers indoctrinated in the
Engineers are stressing post- construc- Dirksen Senate Office Building. In the special problems and potentials of
tion evaluation to see whether the shadows of a famous design failure, cartography can render a great service
gleam in a designer’s eye actually gets the —
Committee authorized in 1972 to in these areas. They cannot do the
transformed from blueprint to a finished approve plans for the new structure —
whole map nor do they want to.”
structure that yields the optimum results decided seek the aid of architects,
to You get a second chance! The ACSM
in “people terms” envisaged in the first planners and others. As Senator Jen- voted to continue the competition/
place. nings Randolph, Chairman of the Com- exhibit every year. Contact: Albert W.
Some examples: mittee, deemed, “It is especially impor- Ward, Chairman, Map Design Com-
The Boston architectural firm of
• tant that the city of Washington and — mittee, 7017 Benjamin St., McLean, Va.
Perry, Dean & Stewart has developed particularly Capitol Hill —
be reflective 22101 .
Progress in Electronics stamps, by the “Excellence Attracts
husband-wife designers Walter and Excellence” USA
Naiad Einsel, does the same for
special-interest groups.
Anyone can propose a U.S. postage
As we promised in issue No. 1 the U.S.

stamp theme, and plenty of people do.

Civil Service Commission has released
The Stamp Advisory Committee sifts
the report containing 23 recommenda-
about 4,000 suggestions a year to find
tions for improving “recruitment, evalu-
15 suitable topics. Says the Commit-
ation and career development of
tee’s chairman, Stephen Dohanos, “The
designers” in the Federal government.
Titled, “Excellence Attracts Excellence,”
the report is the fourth in the President’s
Who designs our stamps? Federal Design Improvement Program
And who gives them the, of 72, and the result of a year’s study

ah, stamp of approval? by a task force of designers and design

administrators. Some of the key recom-
The four stamps reproduced here were mendations are:

picked from the hundreds of design • Distribution of recruitment bro-

ideas that are screened by the Citizens' chures on design opportunities in the
Stamp Advisory Committee. We show government, supported by ongoing
them to convey some sense of the ever- contacts with design schools and
widening scope and character of the studios to recruit top-level talent.
U.S. postage stamp. Consider the now- • Establishment of “blue-ribbon”

famous “Love” stamp, based on the panels to review applicant portfolios.

ideas we receive are valid ones, never • Revision of employment forms
Robert Indiana painting. A recent fan
mail count, informally tallied by Gordon
snide nor from cranks.” Once an idea to facilitate more accurate descrip-
is accepted, its execution by a particu- tions by applicants of their talents and
C. Morison and Mary Margaret Jamie-
lar designer depends on the subject’s experience.
son at the Office of Stamps, yielded
nature. An artist who has designed one • Modification of government job
an 8 to 1 acceptance of “Love.” Early
publicity had been negative. People
stamp becomes a likely candidate for titles and qualifications to relate more
snorted indignantly over it as a “hippie subsequent commissions, having directly to those used in the private

stamp” or as an excuse for a “birth learned the technical intricacies of design professions.
control symbol” on a stamp. (Indiana, • Continuing education of Federal

by the way, never got a copyright on designers through training programs,

his painting and thus has never enjoyed pilot workshops/seminars and designer
royalties from its widespread com- exchange programs between Federal
mercial adaptation.) and private studios.
Lance Wyman, designer of the 1968 •Coordination of design awareness
Mexican Olympics graphics, created an sessions for agency and department
innovative design series for the heads and other key executive deci-
Sapporo-Munich 1972 Olympics U.S. sion-makers.
commemorative stamp. Adapted from • Formation of an Interagency De-

the official Olympic graphics, the stamp sign Group composed of professional
below interprets the movement and representatives from Federal agencies
competition of the games. and representatives from professional
stamp-scale work. For his efforts, a societies; for the purpose of keeping
commissioned designer receives a the agencies informed of and involved
$1 ,000 honorarium. in the activities and changes at the

Naturally, this year being the 100th

anniversary of the United Postal Union, To insure that the recommendations
special UPU commemorative stamps be accomplished, the CSC “action
office” is now in full swing with Don
will be issued in June. It’s a pretty
big deal, postally speaking, since the
Holum, Lee Treese, and Tom Coleman.
153-member-nation UPU is the nearest To receive a copy of the report and to
thingwe have to a universal mailing offer your suggestions contact:
arbiter. The commemorative
eight U.S. Office of Examination Plans
stamps honoring UPU will each repro- Bureau and Examining
of Recruiting
The Willa Cather stamp by artist Mark duce a portrait by such masters as Commission
U.S. Civil Service
English typifies the national penchant Raphael and Goya; in each, the subject Washington, D.C. 20415
for memorializing American greats. The is portrayed, of course, writing a letter. Phone: 202/632-6251

Conservation Areas
an idea whose time is nearing

With the rediscovery of neighborhoods

as key units in urban stability and
community quality, a call has come
from various prestigious groups to
reexamine tools available to regulate
local change. One tool is the Park
Service’s Register of Historic Sites, an
inventory of properties and areas of
significantAmerican historical or archi-
The Register has in-
tectural heritage.
creasingly become a document effec-
tive in safeguarding its areas against
destructive change and in supporting

environmental preservation laws.

Successively the Rockefeller study,
“The Use of Land: A Citizen Policy
Guide to Urban Growth,” the Council on
Environmental Quality, its Citizen’s
Advisory Committee and a HUD official,
Laurence 0. Houstoun have pushed to
De renseignement s’il vous plait closely with GSA’s Central Office, the extend the use of the National Register,
Information please Department of Transportation and both in terms of community values, to include

the California and the New York State a new category titled Conservation

Despite what you may have been led to Highway Departments. Areas. This proposed category pro-
believe, the world changes, and is
motes areas, possibly scoring less high
changed, by design. It doesn’t just hap- Box score on Federal Graphics in art and history, but characterized by

pen. At U. S. border stations a compre- Improvement Program: a vitality of street life and neighborhood
hensive graphics communication sys- identity, a mix of uses and a physical
Department of Labor: Full steam ahead. integrity.
tem is happening. The General
Services Administration, in cooperation John Leslie, Director, Office of Public
with the Bureaus of Customs and Immi- Information, is working with John
gration; the Department of Agriculture Massey of the Center for Advanced
and the Public Health Service, is re- Research in Design in a 5-phase pro-
sponsible. The regulatory and direc- gram to improve the Department's
tional information system is bilingual visual identity, design management and
(trilingual, actually; English is constant communication.
with Spanish or French as appropriate). Civil Service Commission: designers
It’s about time. Over 260 million people Blackburn & Danne to review all CSC
crossed the borders last year, and it graphics and to develop a visual
seems axiomatic that people be in- communications program
formed of the basics in a language they Department of Commerce: appointed
can divine. in-house task force to assess its William J. Murtaugh, Keeper of the
Above is one manifestation of the new graphics, thence to put together a National Register, urges that present
signs recently installed at Champlain, department design manual criteria accommodate the Conserva-
New York. Larry F. Roush, Commis- Department of Agriculture: David tionArea setting. That it's the state level
sioner, Public Buildings Service, GSA, Sutton, overall art director, has set nominators who do not maximize the
said, “Champlain is the first of a series down guidelines and standards for a planning potential in area listings.
that will eventually be extended to all total USDA design approach Sematics aside, the smiling faces
180-odd U. S. border crossing sta- National Zoological Park: engaging shown above are a single connotation
tions.’’ The second installation, planned designer Lance Wyman to create a of “vitality of street life” in Historic Fort
for San Diego, California, will be a graphics system as part of major archi- Greene, Brooklyn, an area organized
U. S. first in practical application of tecture/reconstruction program to preserve a park, 1,400 brownstones
advanced electronic and tele-optic National Aeronautics & Space and its quality of life. For Fort Greene
technology to the requirements of Administration and the Federal Energy and similar potential candidates to
signage systems. Administration: both planning an all- the Register, the Conservation Area is
“he design is by Paul Arthur and Asso- encompassing graphics program, an innovative tool for neighborhood
ciates, Ltd., of New York City, working implemented with design manuals. stability.

Help wanted —on updating Has your agency enjoyed
a very useful Federal arts “The Design Necessity”?
FEDERAL DESIGN resource guide
If now would be a fine time to put

ASSEMBLY The highly professional piece of work ina bid for this popular exhibit, pre-
shown above was done by SP4 Robert pared for the First Federal Design
D. Blue, and tells you something
it Assembly. Starting August 1 it will be ,

about the U.S. Army that you probably available for monthly bookings by
The date, place and chief didn’t know before. Specialist Blue’s Federal agencies in the Washington,
operatives are set for
all drawing won a top award in the Fifth D.C. area. All you need is the yen and
“The Design Reality” All-Army Art Exhibition. What you prob- 144 square feet of floor space. General
ably didn’t know is that such activities Services Administration will handle
When? Two full days, September 1 1 & are an integral part of the U.S. Army transportation and installation. “The
12. Where? Arena Stage, 6th & M Arts and Crafts program. Design Necessity” exhibit bonuses in-
Streets, S.W.,Washington, D.C. This program is but one entry of clude: hand-out copies of an informa-
Who? The Second Federal Design many in a guide to Federal programs tional brochure and a ten-minute 16

Assembly Task Force, an eminent force, for the arts, crafts and cultural insti- mm color film titled, “What Do You
indeed. Serving as chairman is Assist- tutions being prepared by the Associ- Mean By Design?"
ant Secretary of State for Educational ated Councils of the Arts under a grant For bookings contact: Gail Harper,
and Cultural Affairs, John Richardson. from the Federal Council on the Arts Federal Council on the Arts and the
His colleagues on the task force are, and the Humanities. It will be available Humanities, 202/382-6841.
alphabetically: J. Carter Brown, Direc-
from GPO in late fall 1974.
tor, National Gallery of Art; Nancy Here’s where you come in. If you A DC treat: “Beyond Taste
Flanks, Chairman, National Endowment know of any unusual Federal programs Evaluating Design”
for the Arts; Thomas H. McCormick, which have the potential and/or capac-
ity for providing funds and services
Public Printer, Government Printing That’s the title of a lecture series being
Office; Larry F. Roush, Commissioner, offered in July by the Smithsonian
Public Buildings Service, GSA; Frank Resident Associates program. Top de-
Stanton, Chairman, the American Na- signers, such as Paul Arthur, George
tional Red Cross and former President, Nelson and Richard Saul Wurman, will
CBS; Ronald H. Walker, Director, Na- lecture on criteria in all design fields.
tional Park Service. The series is scheduled for four Tuesday
What else? Well, on the initiative of evenings, beginning July 9. For Asso-
the Federal Council on the Arts and the members, the cost is $18; for
Humanities, there will be a White House nonmembers, $24. (Federal employees
briefing for Cabinet members and note: If your job is design related, your
agency heads. The idea is to provide agency may pay for the course; contact
this distinguished group with a progress your personnel officer.)
report on the Assembly and the Federal For up-to-the-minute specifics and —
Design Improvement Program. to register —
contact the Smithsonian
What is the realm of the Assembly's Associates at 202/681-6722. And hurry.

theme “The Design Reality”? It in- June 30 is the deadline.
cludes architecture, landscape archi-
tecture/environmental planning, visual “Design Awareness” workshop
communications, and interior design/ for the managerial mix
industrial design.
And who, exactly, will be making On the theory that if you’re accountable
these aspects hum? The SFDA Coordi-
for design you ought to know what it’s
nator and four Program Chairmen: Lani
all about, the landscape/planning firm
Lattin, Executive Secretary, Federal
of Lawrence Halprin & Associates and
Council on the Arts and the Humanities;
Bill N. Lacy, Director of Architecture +
for arts projects — sing
out! To channel the Arts Endowment will stage a pilot
your thinking, here an example of
is “design awareness” workshop next fall
Environmental Arts, National Endow-
what we mean: the Department of De- in Washington for invited Federal ad-
ment for the Arts; Gerald Patten, Chief,
fense Surplus Property Program makes ministrators. Its objective: to increase
Environmental Quality, National Park
certain property and equipment avail- adminstrators’ understanding of design
Service; Jerome Perlmutter, Federal
able at bargain basement prices. as it relates to their management re-
Graphics Coordinator, National Endow-
If you have an idea that can make a sponsibilities. The Halprin organization,
ment for the Arts; and C. Kent Slepicka,
good guide even better, contact: not new has con-
to the educator’s role,
Director, Special Programs Division,
Linda Coe, Federal Council on the Arts ducted numerous participatory work-
General Services Administration.
and the Humanities, 202/382-6841. shops across the U.S.

to showcase agencies’ contributions to design

excellence and to share innovative ideas from
the design world at large, the National Endow-
ment for the Arts is publishing Federal Design

For your own copy

Federal employees may receive Federal Design
Matters free of charge. Contact your agency

An off-reservation Indian school fessional use of modern planning ana printing officer or:
Federal Design Matters
wins award for being on target educational technology. Perhaps more 806 - 15th Street, N.W.
significant was the decision to eschew Washington, D.C. 20506
The low silhouette of a contemporary “indian-ness.” The ninth-through- Telephone: 202/382-6841
twelfth graders come from many tribes, Non-federal persons interested in a subscrip-
building and the open classroom pic-
tion at the annual rate of $2.60 or single rate of
tured here are the architectural mani- a fact which influenced the architects
$ .70 should mail their request and remittance
festation of an enlightened ethnic to design a “background so that to:

outlook. Sherman Indian High School ‘indian-ness’ can come from the Superintendent of Documents
students to the structures.” Government Printing Office
at Riverside, California, is a boarding
Attn: Mail List
institution for 1 ,000 Indian students from
Washington, D.C. 20402
the Southwest. Designed by Rhunau, Why this newsletter? Notice: Use of funds for printing this publica-
Evans & Steinmann, AIA, for the Bureau The Federal Design Improvement Program tion approved by the Director of the Office of

of Indian Affairs, Sherman High re- Federal Design Assembly, Federal Architecture Management and Budget on October 5, 1973.
Study, Federal Graphics Improvement, Upgrad-
cently was “selected for display” by the Acknowledgments
ing employment practices for Federal design
American Association of School Ad- —
professionals has made significant progress.
Chairman, National Endowment
Nancy Flanks
for the Arts:

ministrators and the AIA. Positive To keep Federal administrators and design-
design elements are its thoroughly pro- ers attuned to the Program's accomplishments,
William Flouseman, President
Environment League Incorporated
Editorial Supervision:
Lani Lattin, Executive Secretary
Federal Council on the Arts
and the Humanities
Jane Clark, Researcher
Federal Council on the Arts
and the Humanities
B. Martin Pedersen, President
Pedersen Design, Inc.
Dave Hausmann, Art Director
National Endowment for the Arts
Type used:
Display type: Avant Garde, Bold and Light
Text type: Helvetica, Bold and Light

National Endowment Postage and Fees Paid

National Foundation on the Arts
for the Arts
and the Humanities
Washington, D.C.
Official Business

GPO : 1974 O - 550-084

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