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Dotted Mosaic Photo Effect In Photoshop

Here is a tutorial how to create a dotted mosaic photo effect in Photoshop. We can make a circular
pattern and then apply it to the photo to obtain a dotted mosaic photo effects. We can apply the dotted
pattern to the mask of the image. Previously, we apply first, pixelate mosaic filter on the photo. In
addition, we create a layer for the background and fill it with black color. Photo for this Photoshop
tutorial is taken from Pixabay. We recommend that you use a bright picture for this dotted mosaic
effect. For more details, please follow the steps below.

1. First, Open the Photos.

Select menu File> Open to open your photo. Duplicate the layer to backup your original photo by
choosing Layer> Duplicate Layer or Ctrl + J. You can hide the original photo visibility options.

Picture: Open the photo.

2. Create a New Layer For Background.

Choose Layer> New Layer or shortcut Ctlr + Shift + N. Fill it with background color of your choice
by choosing Edit> Fill. Click the drop down menu, I would choose Black color and then click OK
Picture: Create a new layer.

3. Apply Mosaic Filter.

Select Filter> Pixelate> Mosaic. Please fill in the Cell Size depends on your photo. I will give the
value of Cell Size 40 px.

Pictures: Give mosaic filter.

4. Create a Document For Dot Pattern.
Create a new document by choosing File> New or Ctrl + N. You must fill in the Height and Width
column with the same size with the mosaic filter size that you just created earlier. For this example I
will create a document with size 40 height and width of 40 pixels.

Fill this document with a background color. I'm going to fill it with the black color by choosing Edit>
Fill, choose Use column Black, and then click the OK button. Create a circular selection using the
Elliptical Marquee Tool then press Delete keyboard button. In order to form a perfect circle, make a
selection using the mouse while holding down the Shift key.

Lastly, create a pattern by choosing Edit> Define Pattern. Please fill in the name of Pattern Mosaic
pattern eg 40x40, then click the OK button.

Picture: Create a document pattern with a size equal to the size of the mosaic cell size pixelate filter
that you have created.

Image: Elliptical Marquee Tool.

Picture: Remove the selection area.

Picture: Define Pattern Dot Mosaic.

5. Create a Mask.
Back to document mosaic photo, then create a mask on the photo by choosing Layer> Layer Mask>
Reveal All.

Picture: Create a mask.

6. Fill Mask With Dot Mosaic Pattern.

Make sure the mask active by click on it and then select Edit> Fill, choose Use the dropdown and
then select the pattern mosaic pattern that we created earlier. Click the OK button. Now, the circle
mosaic photo effect has been completed.
Picture: Fill the mask with dotted mosaic pattern.

Here is the original photo:

Picture: The original photo.

And here is the results:

Figure: Tutorial Dotted mosaic photo effect in Photoshop.

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