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Change Eye Color in GIMP

Here is a tutorial how to change eye color in GIMP. Changing eye color with GIMP can be done by
making a selection on the eyeball using path tool and then use the command Colors> Hue-Saturation.
Colors can be changed simply by adjusting the slider Hue, Lightness and Saturation. Maybe you want to
duplicate the layer first, so that the original image is safe. We will work using a duplicate layer. Photos
used for this GIMP tutorial is taken from Here are the steps:

1. Open the Photos, Duplicate Layer then Zoom.

Select menu File> Open to open your picture. After the photo open, duplicate the layer by choosing
Layer> Duplicate Layer. To make the selection process easier, zoom your photos by pressing Shift ++ or
scroll the mouse while pressing the Ctrl keyboard.

Picture: Open a photo, duplicate layer and then zoom the image.

2. Create Selection Using the Path Selection Tool.

Click the Path icon Tool in the Toolbox. Make a selection around the eyeball by clicking around it. Initial
path must be met by the end of the path. Press Enter to transform the path into a selection or click
'selection from path' button on the Tool Options.
Picture: Create a selection around the eyeball.

3. Change Color Using Hue-Saturation Command.

With the selection of the eyeball is still active, select the menu Colors> Hue Saturation. In the window
Hue-Saturation, please slide-sliding slider Hue, Saturation and Lightness to obtain eyeball color you want.
When finished click the OK button. Remove the selection by choosing Select> None. Perform the same
steps for the other eye. Good luck.

Picture: Move the slider Hue, Lightness and Saturation to change the color of the eyes.
Here are the results:

Picture: Photo after the eyes color changed.

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