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Mathematics in industries

-By Vasanth Stalin

Mathematics in manufacturing car

For each part of a car - which is an assembly of many thousands of parts, there are mechanical engineering disciplines, each in itself highly
mathematical, which are applied in its design and in its construction, and then further in its testing and validation :
Strength of Materials
Friction and adhesion analysis
Mechanics (in this case, not fixing the car, but perhaps better understood as the physics of moving objects, in a gravity field)
Electronics and Electricity (especially important in modern electric cars)
Chemistry : for paint, engine parts, interiors, lubricants, tyres, batteries and almost everything else - its a very mathematical science)
Fluid mechanics - for both aerodynamics, and fluid flows in engines, and air conditioners
CAD/CAM - using computers to keep it all together, and allow the design to be executed with high precision. Literally the application of
mathematics made into a physical device, the digital computer.
Computational Analysis : An offshoot of CAD/CAM, and known as CAE these days.
3D Printing - usually SLS of metals and plastics, taking CAD design and rendering it in industrial materials, including CFRP (Carbon-Fibre
Reinforced Plastics, typically lightweight nylon grains) : this allows Audi AG to produce most of a Lamborghini Aventador’s specialised parts
and body panel formers cheaply - so although you pay $500k for the car, it only costs them $100k to make it !
And more - Everywhere you look into a car, you see the work of many hands and brains of skilled engineers and their engineering disciplines. The
mathematical equations and computer programming runs to millions of different applications, in unusual ways. It is fair to say there is no one single
equation governing a car, truck, or any other vehicle in the world today.
Growth of automobile industry for past five years
The study on the growth rate of the Indian automobile industry till March 2020 clearly indicated that there is a deep long-

term structural slowdown in the industry as the compound annual growth rate (CAGR) across all major vehicle segments has

declined over the last three decades.

The CAGR of the Indian passenger vehicle industry was at 12.6% between 1989-90 and 1999-2000 which dropped to 10.3%

between 1999-2000 and 2009-10. However, it reached a new low of 3.6% in the decade to 2019-2020, the study reports.

The past five years have been particularly hard on the passenger vehicle (PV) segment. Its decline was steeper. From a CAGR

of 12.9% between 2004-05 and 2009-10, it tanked massively to just 1.3% between 2014-15 and 2019-20, the SIAM data shows.

In the two-wheeler segment, CAGR has dropped from 9.8% during 1999-2000 to 2009-10, and to 6.4% during 2009-10 to


Similarly, three-wheeler sales have dropped from a CAGR of 9.8% during 1999-2000 to 2009-10, and to 3.8% in the past ten


Meanwhile, the commercial vehicle segment witnessed still more drastic drop in annual growth rate. From a CAGR of 12.7% in

1999-2000 to 2009-10, it has come down to 3% in the past decade.

Growth of textile industry for
past 5 years

This is the Chart that shows textile industry growth in India for the last 10 years.
mathematics in oil and gas industry

Mathematics is used for example to estimate the volumes

of oil and gas in reservoirs to optimise performance of

wells and pumps that get the oil and gas to the surface,

to improve the quality of the fossil fuel projects, and to

minimise vessel transportation and final delivery costs.

growth of oil industry for past 5

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