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Will the Second coming be Secret?

The Lord
does nothing in secret.
Othing s He is transparentwith all of His plans for you. Let's study

s e n d time plan is revealed in His word and that is what gives us confidence to take the stand on the
verses in NT speak about the return of Jesus..This event is mentioned about 25000 times in
r p t u r e . . Every prophecy from Genesis to Revelation builds to the cimax of earth's history which
is the
Second coming of Jesus.
ne Bible always portray Christ coming in power an glory, heavenly majesty.. Rev 19: 1
important questions that many ask concerning the second coming

1. How will Jesus come back the second time

2. How can I know that l will be ready when He comes?
The bible gives very clear answer to both questions
God end time plan is revealed in His word

Jesus plainly describes deception before His return this way Luke 17: 23... Look here or look there.. Do
not follow them.. in secret chamber, or in Tokyo in particular religious group... or anywhere on earth..
This claims are false.. .do not go after them

Luke 17: 24... as lightning.. Christ won't appear as miracle worker on the street... our Jesus won't hold up
his hand boasting.. I am the messiah..


1. A literal event: Acts 1: 11 Jesus ascends, the power of gravity cannot hold him down..they saw
Him go.. They will see Him return. Real Christ ascended a real Christ will descend.
Visible event Rev 1: 7 Every eye will see Him. don't you love that? This text emphasize how
Jesus will not come secretly
Audible Event 1 Thes 4: 16 The Lord will come with shout. arc angels... that's not secret.or
quietly.. God's magnificient shout will awaken all of those who have died in Christ!
Christ coming will be a glorious event. Only Christ is a life giver, only He can resurrect the dead

There will be only two classes of people:

The unsaved and the saved, the lost and the redeemed. There is no second chance when
Christ comes again this is the climax of earth's history. So Jesus is making sure to come
literally, visibly, audibly and Jesus comes gloriously.

What happens when Jesus come?

1. Seismic Upheavals
Mountains and Island will disappear and the great earthquake will shake this planet
Rev 6: 14.
2. The righteous death are raised. 1thes 4: 16.. death in Christ will rise first..
3 Righteous living are changed
4 Immortality is given
5 The wicked living is destroyed Rev 6: 15 hid themselves in the mountains...
No change of heart when they see the God of universe descend. they actually reject him by
wanting to hide from Him. In this very action we can see that God's judgment of every heart is
correct. The wicked still want to run away from Him.. it also shows that there will be no secnnd
chance when Jesus comes.. The wicked living is destroyed.
6. The righteous welcome Christ.
7. Righteous will go to heaven.
8 2 Cor 6:2 Behold now is the accepted time
Our eternal destiny is being settled by the choices we make right nobw

Popular misconception: the bible says that Christ

is coming as a thief.

2Peter 3: 10The day of the Lord will come iike uel. / mon
Aoemtak about Chuts comi
leula eoout ths
Matt 24: 43 if the master of the house knows what hour thief would come...

Are these texts spoken about the manner of Jesus coming? Or the time of his coming


The bible does not teach that he comes secretly as a thief.. Matt 24: 44. Therefore.. you also be

ready.Christ will return when you do not expect him...

The second coming will be a surprised to the unprepared but those who have studied the bible will
be ready.
MRLOnphion s o t rapkug)
wnat about one taken one ieft found in Luke 17:36...Two men in the field..

Did the bible say that the one who is left is left alive? No... that's what the popular opinion says.
Luke17:26 Just like Noah Days!!

AT the second coming there will be two classes of people just like Noah days:

One class was saved in the ark the other was swept away and died..

Luke 17:28 Likewise as it was in the days of Lot...what happen?

One class taken out of the city and saved.. the other was burnt up..

One Saved: That will ascend to meet Christ

One lost: They all died and destroyed at Christ second coming


John 14: 21 go and prepare a place for you...

The king of the universe want to be with you for all eternity...Choose to be ready, choose t live with
Christ forever,, Jesus waits for one more sou.

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