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Function of Highway

The function of a highway is to provide a facility that allows the movement

of vehicles. Different types of facilities are needed for various vehicle travel
movements. To differentiate between the types of highways, functional
classifications have been developed.

The functional classifications are:
• Local Roads and Streets. A local road or residential street primarily serves as
access to a farm, residence, business, or other abutting property.
• Collector Roads and Streets.
Rural Collectors. A major part of the rural highway system consists of two-lane
collector highways.
Urban Collectors. A collector street is a public facility that includes the entire area
within the right of way.
• Rural and Urban Arterials.
Rural Arterials. A major part of the rural highway system consists of rural arterials,
which range from two-lane roadways to multilane.
Urban Arterials. Urban arterials carry large traffic volumes within and through
urban areas.
• Freeways. The highest type of arterial highway is the freeway, which is defined
as an expressway with full control of access. Access connections to the freeway are
with selected public roads only.

A road inventory study

A road inventory study is a process of collecting, analyzing, and
documenting data on the characteristics and condition of a road network. The study
may include information such as the type of road, traffic volume, pavement
condition, signage, and other features that affect the safety, functionality, and
performance of the road. The purpose of a road inventory study is to provide a
comprehensive understanding of the road network and identify areas that require
maintenance or improvement. The study can be used to prioritize maintenance and
construction projects, allocate resources, and develop long-term plans for the road
The results of a road inventory study can be used to inform transportation
policy, guide infrastructure investment decisions, and improve the safety and
efficiency of the road network.
An origin and destination (O&D) survey
An origin and destination (O&D) survey is a type of transportation survey
that collects data on the travel patterns and behaviors of individuals or households
within a specific region or area. The purpose of an O&D survey is to understand
where people are traveling from and where they are going, as well as the purpose
and mode of transportation for each trip. The survey typically collects information
on a representative sample of individuals or households, asking them to provide
details on their travel behavior during a specified period, such as a day or a week.
There are several methods for conducting O&D surveys, including
 Home survey interview
 Post card questionnaires

Home survey interviews

The information that will be collecting from home survey interviews will include
their household information, and their trip data

1. Household information contains their

i. Address
ii. Size of household
iii. No of people in household
iv. Age and sex information
v. Household incomes
vi. Number of vehicles owned

2. Trip data includes

I. Purpose of their trip Mode of travel

II. Mode of travel

III. Time of departure and arrival
IV. Origin and destinations

Mail survey
Nowadays, most people are connected to each other by internet. So we’ve
decided to do mail survey and there’s s no disruption of traffic and also low
investments are required. One or two surveyors will go to the site and will ask g-
mails or e-mails of the bridge or road users.The bridge or road users include bus
drivers, bus passengers, taxi drivers, and those who are on their own auto mobile

1. Since the road is going to build, are there some transportation problems that you
think you could encounter?
(a) YES.
(b) NO.
(Can you give me some reasons on your answer)
2. Did you know we're going to construct this road?
(a) YES.
(b) NO.
(Can you also give us on how did you know that we were building this road)
3. What problems did you have during the construction period?
4. What is your main purpose of using this road? (Tick below the boxes)
(a) For travelling
(b) For job
(c) For transporting goods
5. Is the road design confusing for the road user, resulting in the possibility of a
road traffic accident? (Can you give me some reasons on your answer)
6. Which benefits did you think about this road for you and the other road users?
7. Is there anything blocking the view of road users (or) are there any sight issues
for road users?
8. What do you think the environmental benefits of this road will be?
9. Does the user encounter any risks or barriers as a result of this road design,
increasing the risk of injury?
10. Do you believe good transporters and shop customers will be able to reach to
their destinations on time as a result of the road?
(a) YES.
(b) NO.
(c) Can you give me some reason depend on your answer?
11. How often do you use this road in a day?
12. Do you believe that once this road is completed, there will be no traffic?
(a) YES.
(b) NO.
(Can you give me some reasons on your answer)
“Thank you for your contribution to the construction of this road. We truly
apologize any trouble this has caused."

After surveying,

There are some factors that need to take into considerations,

 Local traffic patterns both current and future

 Funding, and environmental assessments

Soil information and geotechnical investigation

Soil information and geotechnical investigation are important aspects of any
construction project. The soil information study typically involves collecting data
on the type of soil present in the project area, its composition, structure, and
properties. This data is used to evaluate the soil's bearing capacity, stability, and
drainage characteristics. This investigation typically involves drilling boreholes,
taking soil samples, and conducting laboratory tests on the soil samples to evaluate
their properties.
Generally, soils are classified based on the soil grain size distribution and
plasticity. Some of the popular systems of soil classifications are:
1. Textural Soil Classification
2. AASHTO Soil Classification System
3. Unified Soil Classification System (USCS)
4. Indian Standard Soil Classification System (ISSCS)
Unified Soil Classification System (USCS) is used in this project. It is
adopted by for classification and identification of soils for general engineering
purpose. An advantage of the Unified system is that it can easily be extended to
include more soil groups, giving a finer degree of classification if required. In this
project, a soil sample is taken from every 722 feet in order to calculate by using
sieve analysis method. So, totally 150 samples of soil would be taken along the 33
kilometers long road to laboratory to evaluate their properties.

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