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Powerful Cleansing for the body…

By Christiana Moore

Whether it be a colon cleanse, liver cleanse, kidney cleanse, full body cleansing or poison
detox, activated charcoal will – to a greater or lesser degree – be beneficial and should be
Remove toxins from the body, charcoal is the best single detoxifier for whole-body
Of course, along with charcoal, one cannot forget water both on the outside and on the
inside to help wash away poisons.

Detoxification is an ongoing biological process that prevents toxins (from infectious agents,
food, air, water, and substances that contact the skin) from destroying health.

chronic exposure to toxins produces cellular damage, diverse diseases, allergic-like reactions,
compromised immunity and premature aging.”

Best treatment a proper way to clean and strengthen the digestion track and bloody stream
it also strengthen the immune system and supplies vital nutrients.💪

Remember last week, I say we are planning to go on a cleansing, we are going start this

I want you to get pH strips or you can go to the clinic and check it out if you are acid or
alkaline before we start.
Please talk back to me, so I know what you understand, and what you don't understand.

P H Strips

If you can make your charcoal with Pure Burn wood it ok no wood that spray with chemicals.
You can make your own but it will not be the same way as activated charcoal that go to a
different process but I prefer you to use the activated charcoal ,but if you can’, use what you

This is the recipe here we go

3-5 teaspoon of aloe Vera gel, I prefer the fresh One 2

teaspoon of activated charcoal.
1 tablespoon of molasses.
The juice of one lemon or half, can be added.

But it's not any a certain hardwood like example guava wood

Also coconut shell

Mix or blend together in half cup of water or herbal tea. Use filtered water if possible, or rain
water but boil 1st.
Take it for two weeks.

This can take for one month skip a week or two week and repeat.

Take in the morning and before bed on an empty stomach.

2-hour before a meal

Avoid excessive calories or processed foods on those days.

I has been repeated numerous times one must insure that they are maintaining adequate
water intake.

That means with every dose of charcoal, and throughout the day.

Always remember that pure clean water is the absolute best cleansing agent in the world.

As charcoal passes through the GI tract it is constantly picking up toxins, either those that
have entered the body through ingestion, breathing or skin contact, or those resulting from
the body’s metabolism.

While charcoal grabs onto (adsorbs) these toxins your body still needs help to move the
mass along until it is all eliminated from the body. That is where water intake is so vital.
remember again. Charcoal does not discriminate when it comes to poisons. It pretty well
grabs onto all poisons, including drugs, which are pharmacologically classified as ‘poisons’.

So if there is any concern that charcoal may interfere with your medications then you have
several options.

1. Don’t take any more charcoal internally

2. Give yourself a 1.5 – 2 hour window around the time of your medication when you do not
take any charcoal
3. Treat yourself to a nice warm batch with a half cup of charcoal powder added into it.
Since the skin is the largest organ of the body, the charcoal in the water will be able to
detox the body.
the ability of activated charcoal to draw toxins from deep tissue as well as deep organs, In
this way charcoal can also help as a colon cleanse, liver cleanse, kidney cleanse or as a full
body cleanse.

You will be relaxed after such a bath.

In place of charcoal powder, granular or lump or bamboo stick charcoal can and suspended
in the water.

This is what I want you to observe about your body

with any new regimen, start slow and listen to your body!
You may have bad feelings at the beginning because the body is detoxing
These symptoms will pass, and then you should experience increased energy, clear skin,
decreased bloating, better sleep, positive vibes and more.

Who Shouldn’t Use Activated Charcoal

do not use activated charcoal if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. Activated charcoal is a
powerful detoxifier and is not selective on what it flushes out.

Using activated charcoal may decrease the effectiveness of your medications.

Always take activated charcoal on an empty stomach, away from food or other supplements
as it can interfere with nutrient absorption.

Drink and cleanse responsibly & yes, activated charcoal will change the colour of your stool,
it will be black.

After drinking the charcoal for two weeks then we going do this.2
Whether it be a colon cleanse, liver cleanse, kidney cleanse, full body cleansing or poison
detox, activated charcoal will – to a greater or lesser degree – be beneficial and should be

Of course, along with charcoal, one cannot forget water both on the outside and on the
inside to help wash away poisons.

Detoxification is an ongoing biological process that prevents toxins (from infectious agents,
food, air, water, and substances that contact the skin) from destroying health.

Chronic exposure to toxins produces cellular damage, diverse diseases, allergic-like

reactions, compromised immunity and premature aging.”

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