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CHAPTER IV MARKET SEGMENTATION ( Demographic,Psychographic, Behavioral &


The Besweet Café is open for men, women and other gender therefore our target

customers are everyone who is not prohibited in taking caffeine and sweets The market is

divided into three (3) category such as Teenagers, 14-19 Early Adulthood (ages 20–34), Early

Middle Age (35–45).

Teenagers 14-19

14-19 years old would be the appropriate age to take caffeine, and teens would be

interested in exploring different kinds of drinks and pastries especially those good looking or the

so called “instagramable”, furthermore both boys and girls would love the delicious and sweet

coffee because kids or teens love the sweet and charming look that we offer so they would want

to have a taste of it.

Early Adulthood (ages 20–34)

At this age both men and women prefer to buy coffee at the cafe because a coffee shop

could be a hang out place with friends, to talk to the troops and relax, they would want to have a

coffee to reduce their stress or spend their time leisurely as well as it can also be their study or

meeting place, and while studying they would buy coffee to keep them alert.

Early Middle Age (35–45)

The business appeal to this consumer age group because most of this age stays at the

office and would need coffee first thing in the morning to increased alertness. In addition to

improving cognitive functions, coffee, in moderation, surprisingly can reduce the risk of chronic

conditions and ailments such as Parkinson's disease, diabetes, liver disease and depression. Our

coffee shop would also be a good meeting place to discuss business.

(Name of Target Consumer) (Name of Target Consumer)

Consumer Profile
Sample Consumer no. 1 Sample Consumer no. 2


- Upper Class

Income Range/Social Class - Middle Class - Lower Class

Occupation Blue collar job

White collar job

Gold collar job

Gender and Age Group Male and Female (15 – 35 Male and Female , (18 – 40
years old) years old)

Religion/Ethnicity - Religion - Religion

- Tradition - Tradition

- Beliefs - Beliefs


- Product Specification - Product Specification
- awake the system
Idea of the product and to keep the
alertness/ so they - Provide them
would be energized. products that they can
- Enjoy the rich taste
and aroma.

- Purchasing Behavior - Purchasing Behavior

- To take their time -Try out new things

- Gift or souvenir to friends or
Activities when Buying family members.
- While studying

- When meeting with


- To keep them
energized by drinking
coffee before working.

- Reasons/Motivation of
buying the Product
Motivations for buying - Reasons/Motivation of
- Help them feel less buying the Product
tired, increase energy
levels, burn fat by
jump-starting the - Gift or souvenir to
body's metabolism, friends or family
and improve members.
productivity and
- Taste something new
brain function—
and also to take a
including memory,

mood, reaction times, picture to post in
and general mental social media accounts.
- Treat themselves
- They love coffee. something special.

- Recommended by


- Social Network Sites - Social Network Sites

Digital Channels Used

FB, Instagram, Twitter, FB, Instagram, Twitter,

Vlogs. Blogs

- Source of Information - Source of Information

Favored Information Sources

- Online Product Online Product

Reviews Reviews, Forums, Blogs

& Interviews
- advertisements

Devices used

- Technology Used - Technology Used

(Ex. Office PC, (Ex. Smartphone,
Smartphone, Tablets) Tablets)

- Consumer’s review - Consumer’s review

about the products and about the products and
services. services.

- Consumer’s - Consumer’s review

recommendation about about the products and
User – generated content
the products and services

Through Facebook/twitter
Through Facebook/twitter/
IG Posts Posts, Blogs

Chapter V. SWOT Analysis


Beesweet Café
BUSINESS DESCRIPTION: A coffee shop that is located at Citi Plaza 34th St, Taguig, Metro
Manila that offers a unique type of foods and beverages inspired by the traditional coffee and
mixed with the modern types of sweets and uses a honey as a substitute for sugar because we
promote a healthy way of enjoying sweets, the ingredients used for producing our products are
all locally made to support our very own countrymen. We provide a cup of satisfaction for our

costumer and ensure that they will enjoy what we offer.


● The location ● High rental costs

● Presentation of the ● High staff costs

● The reputation
● High service levels. compared to others.
● The unique taste of
the products.
● Highly motivated staff


● New markets offer ● Price Sensitivity

● Economic boom ● Negative feedbacks

● Every Summer and ● Emerging

rainy seasons our hot Competitors
and cold drinks would
fill the thirst of the ● Economic recession
consumer. ● Natural disaster
● New trends of drinks.
● Pandemic

Product Profile

Date launch

Product Name: Café Americano

Product Number: 0002

Short History of the Product

- Many espresso-based drinks use milk, but not the café Americano – or simply 'Americano'.

The drink also uses espresso but is infused with hot water instead of milk. The result is a

coffee beverage that has the same strength of drip coffee but with a different flavor.


14to 18g of coffee beans

Boiling water


Procedure of the Product

- Measure out the beans for a double shot and grind them really fine

- Tamp the beans, then put the portafilter into its spot on the espresso machine.

- Make the espresso

- Heat up the water to 160-170 degrees Fahrenheit

- Mix 1 part espresso to 2 parts water

V. 7P’s of Marketing


Product Profile

Date launc

Product Name: French vanilla latte

Product Number: 0001

Short History of the Product

- French vanilla is the most mild type of coffee since milk is the most dominant one and is perfect fo

those who is not fond of strong coffee or for those who is not allowed to be serve with a strong



3/4 oz French Vanilla Syrup

2 shot(s) espresso

Fill steamed milk


Procedure of the Product

- Steam milk and French Vanilla Syrup together.

- Pour into a glass and add brewed espresso.

- Spoon a thin layer of foamed milk over beverage.

Product Profile

Date launch

Product Name: Special Croissant

Product Number: 0005

Short History of the Product

- Coffee and croissant is another favorite combination. Many call it the match made in

heaven. In France, it is quite common to dip croissant into coffee. The pairing is so perfect

that people can actually enjoy coffee croissant, and what make it more special is the way it

was made, the different fillings and its price.




Active Dry Yeast

All Purpose Flour





Procedure of the Product

- make easy dough from butter, flour, sugar, salt, yeast, and milk

- roll out dough into a large rectangle

- make the butter layer

- enclose the butter layer inside the dough

- roll out the dough into another large rectangle, then fold it back together

- roll out the dough again, fold it back together again

- roll out the dough one more time, fold it back together

- shape the croissants

- bake

Product Profile

Date launch

Product Name: Ube-Macapuno Cake/cupcake

Product Number: 0008

Short History of the Product

- Ube and Macapuno is a special product of the Filipinos and is a good flavour to be made in

a cake and with the right mixture it will be perfect to be eaten while drinking coffee.


Cake flour

Baking powder


Ube halaya





Cream of tartar



Procedure of the Product

- Grease and flour the bottoms of two 9x2-inch round cake pans.

- Whisk together cake flour, sugar, baking powder, and salt in a large bowl until well

combined. Add yolks, oil, milk, and ube flavoring; whisk until smooth. In a separate bowl,

beat egg whites almost until stiff peaks form. Fold the whites into the yolk mixture in two

additions. Divide the batter evenly between the prepared pans.

- Bake at 350°F for 20 to 25 minutes. Let the cake rest for 3 minutes (or until it falls below the

top edge of the pan), then invert the cake until cool. If the cake feels as if it will fall out of the

pan, let it cool right side up.

- Make the icing: In the bowl of an electric mixer fitted with the whisk attachment. Gradually

add powdered sugar, 1 tablespoon at a time. Add ube flavoring.

- Assemble the cake: Slice off cake tops to keep the height uniform and to level off surface.

Reserve trimmings and place in a food processor to turn into crumbs.

- Place one cake layer on top of a cake board. Add about 1/3 to 1/2 cup macapuno strips.

- Dust sides with the ube cake crumbs.

- Decorate cake top with macapuno strips, placing them on the center of the cake inside the

piped borders. Refrigerate for at least 2 hours before serving.

A. Price Strategy
1. PRICING FOR MARKET PENETRATION – since Starbucks and many more known
café has already been in the industry way back then we want to introduce our product in a
very attractive way and that is the lower price of our product compared to the Starbucks
and others prices but despite the lower price, the products are kind of similar with the
looks and taste of those in the Starbucks and we even provide things that Starbucks or
other known café’s doesn’t have.

2. ECONOMY PRICING - For Economy pricing for beesweet cafe we all know that the
ingredients used in making coffee, tea, frape, and cheesecake are quite expensive but we
will still base the price of beesweet cafe menu on the real price of the products. And also
the purpose of this beesweet cafe is to let people know how delicious our menu even if
you’re not rich in life but you can still eat delicious and rich foods at cheap prices. We
will do everything to achieve the price they can afford but at the same time they are
satisfied with the product or service provided by beesweet café.

3. PSYCHOLOGY PRICING –our café use this type of pricing because since the market
price for the ingredients used in our product is kind of expensive it’s natural that the price
of our product will be higher but we want the customer to think that our product is cheap
despite its sophisticated appearance by putting up a price that could somehow trick them
into buying our product.

4. BUNDLE PRICING - Bee sweet cafe offers a package or a set of goods for a lower and
cheaper price than customer would pay if they bought it separately. Bee sweet cafe do
this for the customer to get what product they want to buy with a discount, for them to
save some profit, because every customer has an amount that they are willing to pay for
products that’s why we offer a best deals for our consumers. We use this type of strategy
to increase our sales at the same time giving our customer a good discount.


140 per
Whole Milk Unit 302 Millenium Place, 1000g
Bukidnon Milk Company
Pasig City 380pesos per
French Vanilla Syrup 750g
Honey 360g
Filmore Street, Super Highway, 80pesos per
White Sugar Cash & Carry Supermarket Makati City 1000g
599pesos per
135 Yakal Street, San Antonio
Coffee Bean S&L Fine Foods Inc. 500g
Makati City
599pesos per
Coffee Bean 1552 A.Paz Street, Paco Metro 500g
Simia Trading
Manila 80pesos per
Sugar 1000g
Honey Chef's Nook Baking and 220 Pilar Street, Addition Hills, 360g
Cooking Supply Mandaluyong City
TOTAL AMOUNT OF RAW MATERIALS (Café Americano) 705pesos

199 pesos per
Milk Bukidnon Milk Unit 302 Millenium Place, 1000g
Company Pasig City 45 pesos per
Sugar 1000g
120 pesos per
Active Dry Yeast 1000g
Cash & Carry Filmore Street, Super Highway, 84.50 pesos
All Purpose Flour Supermarket Makati City per 1000g
20 pesos per
Salt 1000g
7 pesos per
Egg 135 Yakal Street, San Antonio piece
S&L Fine Foods Inc.
Makati City 50 pesos per
Chocolate(Cacao) 500g
100 pesos per
Butter 1000g
TOTAL AMOUNT OF RAW MATERIALS (special Croisssants) 1525pesos
135 pesos per
Cake Flour 1000g
1552 A.Paz Street, Paco Metro 119 pesos per
Simia Trading
Baking Powder Manila 1000g
20 pesos per
Salt 1000g
135 pesos per
Ube Halaya 500g
140 pesos per
Milk Chef's Nook Baking and 220 Pilar Street, Addition Hills, 1000g
Cooking Supply Mandaluyong City 129 pesos per
Vanilla 1000g
160 pesos per
Oil 1000g
199 pesos per
Macapuno 900g
299ph pesos
Cream Of Tartar Cash & Carry Filmore Street, Super Highway, per 1000g
Supermarket Makati City 100 pesos per
Butter 1000g
7pesos per
Egg piece
TOTAL AMOUNT OF RAW MATERIALS (Ube Macapunocake/cupcake) 1443pesos


For Venti size


Product Name: French Vanilla Latte

Quantity Ingredients Equivalent Unit Price Price in Mixture


4 tbsp. French Vanilla 56.7g 380 750g 28.728 pesos


1 cup Milk 150g 140pesos per 21 pesos


1 tbsp Coffee Bean 14.17g 599pesos 1000g 8.49 pesos

1 tbsp Honey(optional) 14.7g 155 1000 g 2.28

2 tbsp White 28.35 80pesos 1000g 2.26


Depreciation Cost 15

Utility Expenses 10

Total Recipe and 85.76

Material Costs

Total Recipe and 110 pesos

Material Costs


Product Name: Café Americano

Quantity Ingredients Equivalent Unit Price Price in Mixture


2TBSP Coffee bean 28.35 grams 599pesos 1000g 16.99 pesos

2TBSP Sugar 28.35g 80pesos1000g 2.27

/1TBSP / Honey 14.17g /155 1000 g /2.196

Water 709g 35pesos per 6.56 pesos


Depreciation Cost 15

Utility Expenses 10

Total Recipe and 50.82

Material Costs

Retail Price per 70 pesos



Product Name: Special Croissants

Quantity Ingredients Equivalent Unit Price Price in Mixture


1/3 cup Milk 64g 199 pesos 1000 g 12.736

1tbsp Brown Sugar 14.6 g 45 pesos 1000 0.657

1tsp Active Dry Yeast 5.2g 120 pesos 1000 0.624

1cup All-purpose flour 96g 84.50 pesos 1000 8.112

A pinch Salt 2.2 gram 20 pesos 1000 0.044

½ tbsp. Butter 8.4g 100 pesos 1000 0.84

1pc Egg 1pc 7 per piece 7

1tbsp Chocolate(cacao) 10.4g 50 pesos 500g 1.4

Depreciation Cost 10

Utility Expenses 10

Total Recipe and 51.413

Material Costs

Retail Price per 69pesos



Product Name: Ube-Macapuno Cake/cupcake

Quantity Ingredients Equivalent Unit Price Price in Mixture


½ cup Cake flour 64 grams 135 pesos per 8.64

1000 g

1tbsp Baking powder 5.69 grams 119 pesos per 1.132

1000 g

A pinch Salt 2.48 grams 20 pesos per 1000 0.0496


1/3 cup Ube halaya 85 grams 135 pesos 340 11.47


1 cup Milk 96 grams 140 pesos per 14.4

liter/1000 g

1tsp Vanilla 2.48 grams 129 pesos per 0.31992

1000 g

1tsp Oil 2.48 grams 160 pesos per 1 0.3968


1/3cup Macapuno 85 grams 199 pesos per 900 16.92


½ cup Creamof tartar 64 grams 299 pesos 1000 g 19.136

Egg 1 pcs 7 pesos per piece 7

1tbsp Butter 14.2grams 100 pesos per 1.42

1000 g

Depreciation Cost 10

Utility Expenses 10

Total Recipe and 100.88pesos

Material Costs

Retail Price per 110 pesos



- The way to promote our new business beesweet café is:


- One of the best promotion for the beginner businees like beesweet café, this coupon represent the loyal
customer in café. In other word they could come again and be a loyal customer.


- The online advertisment is the number one effective promotion in business like beesweet café, we
promote our café in online that almost everyone in the world using internet can see it. And also the
customer have a advantage to this because they can order through online.


- We can promote in social networking page our menu, freebies and also the discount in beesweet café.
We post it in social media page and 50% of the people using internet can see it.


- Our product itself can promote and call the attention of the people as well as our packaging or the way
how we present our products to appear delectable in the eyes of our customers and when they had a taste
of it they will be definitely be satisfied.


- For our sweets we have prepared a bite size to offer as a free taste for the customers since a lot of our
products will be a traditional sweets it may be new to their eyes so to pacify their doubts and curiosity
they must have a taste of it first.Bottom of Form

PLACE- The BS CAFÉ is located at CITI Plaza - Fort Bonifacio - 34th St, Bonifacio
Global City, our floor plan is a place made while bearing in our mind the well-being of our
customers and for them to be comfortable, it is a 1 storey building but with wide space that
allow customers to have a safe distance from others so they could have their own privacy
and peace. The place is designed to look like the traditional coffee place with wooden like
walls but is concrete and designed with the modern coffee brewer tools to make it more


As to comply and not to add to the problem in the environment, the packaging of our

products is made up of paper so we used paper cups, lids and paper straws and although using

paper cups means cutting lots of trees it’s still possible to recycle it and is much more safe for the

environment, we would also join tree planting activities as much as possible. In our paper cups is

the printed logo of our coffee shop and the motto below it and in the lid of the cups is a cheer up

quotes or motivational quotes.

For our regular customers or those who want to they could order their personalized cups and

tumbler with our logo and their names on it in our cashier for a more comfortable way of

enjoying our products.

- They could bring their cups home or left it at the café and well keep it sterilized to ensure

the cleanliness of it.

sample only:


BS café offers a varieties of products and services such as coffee, tea,

traditional or local sweets and others, we ensure that what we offer is something
that can satisfy the needs and wants of our customers, what makes us different
from the others is that we support locally products made from the Philippines our
very own country as well as we promote the traditional sweets that seems to have
been forgotten , so although we also offer something from the foreign country we
still prioritize products that our made locally and has significance in our country.
Another thing is for those customer who do not like waiting they can order ahead
of time through our online application that allow them to choose what they want so
when they arrive their order is ready to be enjoyed. We made our sweets with the
beverages in mind so they would suit each other. Bee sweet cafe serve clean, safe
and fresh products we assure that every customers are safe, secured and
comfortable with our shop.





President Vice PresidentAs one of the most important person in the

company he/she must possess qualities that is
A president is expected to work with ZANDRA harmony OGALE befitting of a leader.
to the board and other executives to develop
GRADUATED AT APCA (Academy of Pastry and Culinary Arts)
short and long-term priorities, plans and with flying colors - Innovative, confident, good
strategies, the president is tasked with communication skills, trusthworthy.
providing good leadership for the organization.
They are accountable for ruling over theSecretaryentire - Can remain calm and create solution
workforce and will control budgets and ensure everytime there will be a problem.
that resources are adequately distributed.
- Financial and Operational
Production Manager
Vice President ● Always ready Finance Manager
to support the President.
Always CRUZto support the president
and making sure that the plan for the ● Excellent written and verbal
BS Accountancy Graduate BS in Economic graduate
business is being done properly. communication skills
Assistant Manager Assistant Manager
● Executive-level presentation skills and
ability to handle high-level client

● Strong interpersonal, relationship-
building, and negotiating skills

● High level of proficiency with Microsoft

Baker Barista
Office (Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint)
Waiter Waitress

Secretary ● Good communication, customer service

A secretary is responsible for administrative and relationship-building skills.
and clerical responsibilities and assists with
Cashier Guard Janitor
long-term initiatives as well as everyday ● Teamworking skills.
activities. Schedules meetings, kept records and
reports are filed. They are the one who ● Organisation and time management
compiles and distributes the documents. skills.

● Attention to detail.

● Negotiation skills.

● Assertiveness.

● Flexibility.

● Tact, discretion and diplomacy.

● High level of proficiency with Microsoft

Office (Excel, Outlook, Po

Production Manager ● confident.

- Ensuring that the production of the
products and services are to be made ● technical skills.
smoothly or to manage the problems
that will happen during the production. ● project management skills.

● organisation and efficiency.

● leadership and interpersonal skills.

● communication skills.

Finance Manager ● problem solving skills.

- Financial managers is in charge of
advising the president or employer on ● IT and numerical skills.
appropriate business planning and help
in decision making processes to ensure ● commercial and business awareness.
that businesses are financially
successful. This might involve advising ● excellent communication and
on investments, savings, pensions or presentation skills.
insurance products.

● an analytical approach to work.

● high numeracy and sound technical


● problem-solving skills and initiative.

● negotiation skills and the ability to

influence others.

● strong attention to detail and an

investigative nature.

Assistant Production Manager - Has a wide and deep understanding of

the Production Manager Job so he/she
- Will help, support and follow the order
could assist the Production Manager
of the Production manager.
properly work properly.
- And is responsible for the day-to-day
tasks in a productionl department.

Assistant FInance Manager - Has a wide and deep understanding of

the Production Manager Job so he/she
- Will help, support and follow the order
could assist the Finance Manager
of the Production manager.
properly work properly
- And is responsible for the day-to-day
tasks in a financial department.


No cellphone policy Non-compliance of the policy will be

Employees should keep their phone on their lockers faced with warning first then a minor
and are permitted to check their phones on their
break/duty. punishment to sever if a continue

disobedience is shown.

Must look presentable at all times Non-compliance of the policy will be

faced with warning first then a minor

They have to wear the corresponding uniforms in
punishment to sever if a continue
each day and proper hygiene before proceeding to
disobedience is shown.
their designated job. Dress code can also help to


employees from guest.

Cleanliness is a must Non-compliance of the policy will be

They should be washing their hands as soon as they faced with warning first then a minor

start their shift. Enforce proper hand washing. Place punishment to sever if a continue

hand washing signage over each sink. disobedience is shown.

AWOL (absence without leave) is prohibited Non-compliance of the policy will be

Employees must submit requests for time off or other faced with warning first then a minor
types of leave in writing. In case of emergency one
punishment to sever if a continue
must provide a reasonable reason with evidence.
disobedience is shown.


- Must Serve And Comply to The Costumer Needs with Respect And All Smile.

- Protect Proprietary Information Of The Company And Its Customers And Suppliers.

- If There Are Trouble Report To The Manager as Soon As Possible.

- Time is gold therefore.All Must Arrive On Time.

- Observe Cleanliness at All times.

- Be Cautious. Conduct Work And Other Activities With Due Regard For The Health And
Safety Of Others

- Treat everyone with respect and without discriminatory attitude regarding the status of


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