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Assignment course: Basics of ICT

Student ID: 0000306469 Student Name: JAWERIA
Email Address: Address: Karnal Aman Ullah Road
NSC (Nazar Shaheed Complex)
Bhara Kahu Islamabad

Course Details
Program Name: BS English Course Name: Basics of ICT
Course Code: 5403 Assignment No: 2nd
Semester No: 1st (Autumn) Submitted to: Umar Akhtar
Tutor Address: H#22, Street#43, H-Block,
Soan Garden, Islamabad
Question # 01: Write the names of services available on Internet. Also explain five of these
services in detail.
Answer No:1
Services Provided by Internet:
People use these internet services to fulfil their needs and make their life easier.
The Internet offers you all kinds of services. In today’s time, everyone uses internet services.
Like-Student, Teacher, Businessman, Shopkeeper, Customer, etc.
There are various services provided by the internet, which services names are given below.
 Communication services
 World Wide Web Services
 Web Services
 Directory Services
 Automatic Network Address Configuration
 Network Management Services
 Time Services
 Usenet
 Newsgroup
 Ecommerce

1. Communication Services: These for exchanging data or information among individuals or

companies, humans require communication services on the internet. Hence, below are some
communication services offered by the internet for effective communication among the
individuals or companies:

2. Information Retrieval Services (IRC): IRC is an abbreviated term for Internet Relay Chat, and
through this, the users or subscribers of the internet can communicate to the desirable individual
in real-time by connecting multiple computers in public spaces named channels.

3. VolP: defines the Voice Over Internet Protocol that describes the procedure associated with how
to connect phone call and receive phone calls over the internet. Many internet users pretend that
VolP is a viable alternative to traditional lines, but this is a technically a technique that helps the
users make audio calls through the internet instead of traditional phone lines (analog). The user
having a proper internet connection can easily any the individual or a group of individuals
without utilizing the Local Phone Services. This is because VolP solutions are totally based on
the computer device.

4. List Server: the list servers or LISTSER are beneficial in delivering a group of emails known as
content-specified emails to the recipients.

5. Information Retrieval Services: Information Retrieval Services is defined as the procedure for
attaining access to the information or data stored over the internet. The process associated with
attaining, obtaining, or discovering information through the internet is defined as Net surfing.
Connecting the computer with the internet allows humans to initiate the retrieving of data. To
attain this data, humans require software known as web browsers. When user utilize a print or
computer-based information retrieval system, the locate and search the data though files,
database, and so on collections of data. Some of the beneficial sites are as follows:
i. a website having all the data-related materials like free tutorials,
articles, live, online, classroom courses, frequent coding-based competitions, individual-based
expert webinar, internships, along with job responsibilities.

ii. a website known for having advice for students, parents, and educators
associated with how to be more creative.

iii. World Wide Web: The internet is known for having a wide range of networks of
computers interconnected through wireless connections. Using this network of computers,
humans may simply connect to the World Wide Web, commonly known as WWW web is
regarded as the collection of web pages. And for accessing this WWW web, the users may adopt
web browsers using the internet connection.

iv. Web Services: Web Services refer to software used for defined messaging protocols and
made accessible to the users and web-based programs that utilize it using an application service
provider’s web server. Web Services ensure that the information can be exchanged using web-
based platforms. And these utility computing. Get Express VPN Deals to make an affordable
purchase with excellent services.

v. Directory Services: Directory Service are considered the set of software beneficial for
keeping track of the information related to the company, customers, etc. a directory service is
adopted to offer fully transparent access to the printers, servers, and so on devices added to the
system’s network. Some of the favorable directory services include the following:

vi. DNS: DNS refers to an abbreviated term of Domain Number System providing DNS
utilized for mapping computer hostnames with the types of domain names to IP address stored
on the DNS server.

vii. LDAP: lightweight Directory Access Protocol, a set of open protocols required to obtain
access to the data stored over the central internet. This directory server also functions to interact
with other directory servers.

viii. Automatic Network Address Configuration: Automatic Network Address Configuration

functions to decide the unique IP address to the system added in a network. In addition, DHCP is
another server-based network that assigns IP addresses, gateways, and such network information
to the client’s devices by utilizing the Dynamic Host configuration Protocol, a protocol utilized
for replying to and broadcasting the inquiries from clients.
Why cell phones are being considered the good example of ICT? Explain and exemplify it in
Cell phones are considered a good example of Information and Communication Technology
(ICT) for several reasons:
Connectivity: cell phones allow users to stay connected anywhere in the world, providing
seamless communication and access to information.
Versatility: Cell phones are multi-functional devices that allow users to access a wide range of
applications, such as email, social media, navigation, entertainment, and many more, making
them an all-in-one device for personal and professional use.
Mobility: cell phones are designed to be portable and can be carried around easily, providing
users with access to information and communication on the go.
Convenience: cell phones make many tasks much more convenient and faster, such as online
shopping, banking, and accessing educational resources.
Advancements in technology: cell phones are constantly improving, with new features and
capabilities being added regularly, such as high-resolution cameras, artificial intelligence, and
augmented reality, making them an ever-evolving tool for communication and information.
These features of cell phones make them a prime example of how ICT is changing the way we
communicate and access information, improving our quality of life and efficiency. For instance,
a person can use their cell phone to make a video call to a friend and family member across the
world, access the latest news and information from anywhere, and even use augmented reality
apps to virtually try on cloths before making a purchase. These are just a few examples of the
many ways cell phones are being used as a tool for ICT.
Cell phones are considered a good example of ICT and it can be justified by the following
 ICT or information communication technology is an umbrella term that includes any
communication device, encompassing radio, television, cell phones, computer and network
hardware, satellite systems, etc.
 ICT is not limited to telecommunications products like telephones, information kiosks and
transaction machines.
 It refers to the combination of manufacturing and industrial services and applications can be
done with ICT such as video conferencing and distance learning.
 Moreover, the mobile phone is a perfect example of an ICT tool because the mobile phone is a
technology used for information and communication.

1. Submit a 3-4 page report on the usefulness and characteristics of ICT in the field of science.
Answer No: 3
ICT has huge impact on research, enhancing data analysis, communication, and teaching while
posing problems include data security and the need for specialized training.
Science has undergone a revolution because to information and communication to technology
(ICT), which has greatly improved the efficacy, accuracy, and efficiency of scientific study. Data
administration, analysis, communication, cooperation and teaching are some of the areas of
science where ICT has had a particularly noticeable influence. In several domains, including
genomics, the introduction of specialized software and tools has made data processing, storage,
and collection simpler. Via video conferencing and online collaboration tools, ICT has also made
it easier for scientists to communicate and work together globally, strengthening the scientific
community. Moreover, e-learning tools and instructional software have improved access to and
interest in scientific education.
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has revolutionized the field of science by
significantly enhancing the effectiveness of scientific research. One of the most notable impacts
of ICT on science is in data management, analysis, communication, collaboration, and education.
The use of specialized data analysis, storage, and gathering, leading to reliable results in various
fields like genomics. ICT has also facilitated global communication and collaboration among
scientists through video conferencing and online collaboration tools, creating a more connected
scientific community. Moreover, e-learning platforms and educational .software have made
scientific education more accessible and engaging.
However, the use of ICT in scientific research also presents challenges, such as the risk of data
loss, corruption, and the need for extensive training and expertise to use specialized software and
tools. Nevertheless, adequate precautions and training can help overcome these obstacles.
Overall. ICT has opened up new possibilities in scientific discovery, and it will remain an
essential component of scientific research in the future.

2. Write down the principles of Structured and Modular Programming with the help of examples.
As we have seen much that structured programming is an essential aspect of any of the
programming languages. It basically makes our program in a form of a linear structure in which
the execution of the statement of program starts form the beginning of the program and then it
linearly flows through the program and executing the statement one by one in a sequence. Such
feature makes an effective participation in every programming languages. If each of the
languages do has such aspect it execution will be so easy.
So the main principle of the structured programing is to linearize the control flow through a
computer program so that the execution sequence following the sequence in which the code has
been written. This important principle makes to the following characteristics clear:
 Only one entry and exit is to be used.
 None of the constructs sequence selection and repetition consists of more than three boxes.
 If we visualize any one of the three constructs ( discussed previously ) as they are used then a
third characteristic is evident.
 The entry is the start and the exit is at the end.
So this principle increases the readability of the code which eases understanding testing
debugging documentation and modification of programs.
Including this main goal as our main principle there are some principle that are used for the
structured programming listed as:
1. Standardization
2. Abstraction
3. Expressive power
4. Orthogonality
5. Minimality
1. Standardization: It is always desirable to build software form components that all exhibit the
same external interface. The simples tinted face comprises one entry point at the end. This has
the strength of beings consistent with the essence of sequential programing. It also conforms
with the important idea of calling a procedure as a sequential step and returning from it to the
next instruction in sequence.
Other constructs that posses the same single entry at the start single exit at the property are if
then else and while do.
2. Abreaction: abreaction is probably the most important idea in structured programming. The
human mind cannot devise or understand the whole of a complex system. It can only understand
some part of the system. But it is required and essential to understand the whole system. So to
resolve such problem abreaction is used. In abreaction the system must be described in a notation
that allows subsystems to be see as black boxes whose task is readily understood but whose
detail is invisible. In programming the procedure has long been a mechanism that fulfils this role.
3. Expressive Power: as we have already seen in section 6.5, 2.2 that the go to statement has very
less expressive power because one statement of go to may have 3-4 types of meanings. That why
we require some mechanism for repetition and either a while statement or recursion are sufficient
to provide this facility. Many languages provide both a while statement and a do while statement.
Most languages also support recursion.
4. Orthogonality: when designing a set facilities a good design principle is to create features that
are each as different from other as possible. If this is so we can more easily satisfy the goal of a
minimum number of functions while at the same time ensuring that the facilities are sufficiently
powerful for all our needs.
5. Minimality: when principle of minimality restricts our tendency to include too many facilities.
So to follow the concept of minimality, three constructs given by Boehm jacopini are the
sufficient construct to develop a structured program. There are other control structures that
involve only three or less boxes but from amongst them all this three constructs set is the
minimal set.
modular programming is the process of subdividing a computer program into separate sub-
A module is a separate software component. It can often be used in a variety of applications and
functions with other components of the system. Similar functions are grouped in the same unit of
programming code and separate functions are developed as separate units of code so that the
code can be reused by other applications.
Modules in modular programming enforce logical boundaries between components and improve
maintainability. They are incorporated through interfaces. They are designed in such a way as to
minimize dependencies between different modules. Teams can develop modules separately and
do not require knowledge of all modules in the system.
Each and every modular application has a version number associated with it. This provides
developers flexibility in module maintenance. If any changes have to be applied to a module,
only the affected subroutines have to be changed. This makes the program easier to read and
Modular programming has a main module and many auxiliary modules. The main is compiled as
an executable (EXE), which calls the auxiliary module functions. Auxiliary modules exist as
separate executable files, which load when the main EXE runs. Each module has a unique name
assigned in the PROGRAM statement. Function name across modules should be unique for easy
access if functions used by the main module must be exported.
Languages that support the module concept are IBM Assembler, COBOL, RPG, FORTRAN,
Morpho, Zonnon and Erlang, among others.
The benefits of using modular programming include:
 Less code has to be written.
 As single procedure can be developed for reuse, eliminating the need to retype the code many
 Program can be designed more easily because a small team deals with only a smart part of the
entire code.
 Modular programming allows many programmers to collaborate on the same application.
 The code is stored across multiple files.
 Code is short, simple and easy to understand.
 Errors can easily be identified, as they are localized to a subroutine or function.
 The same code can be used in many applications.
 The scoping of variables can easily be controlled.
Write short notes on the following terms:
1. Mobile technology:
 Definition:
Mobile technology is a type of technology in which a user utilizes a mobile phone to perform
communications-related tasks, such as communicating with friends, relatives and others. It is
used to send data from one system to another. Portable two-way communications systems,
computing devices, and accompanying networking equipment make up mobile technology.
Mobile technology is largely employed in cellular communication systems and other related
areas. It employs a network architecture that allows multiple transmitters to deliver data on a
singly channel at the same time. Because it reduces the potential of frequency interference from
two or more sources, this platform allows multiple users to use single frequencies. The channel
has evolved over time.
This is fast expanding; its applications are getting increasingly broad over time, and it is
gradually replacing other similar sources of communication on the market, such as post offices
and landlines. Mobile technology has progressed from a simple phone and texting device to a
multi-tasking system that can be used for GPS navigation, internet browsing, gaming, and instant
messaging, among other things. With the rise, experts claim that the future of computer
technology is dependent on wireless networking and mobile computing.
Mobile technology is becoming increasingly prevalent. Smartphone users have surpassed 3
billion, and the global mobile workforce is expected to reach 1.87 billion by 2022. Any gadget
with internet capabilities that can be accessed from anywhere is referred to as mobile technology.
Smartphones, tablets, some ipods, and laptops already fall with in category, but this list will
undoubtedly grow in the future years.
Types of Mobile Technologies:
Followings are the few famous mobile technologies:
 4G
 3G
 Wi-Fi
SMS: “SMS” stands for “Short Message Service”. It is now the most widely used and oldest text
messaging service. SMS are also sent over cellular networks, therefore you’ll need a wireless
plan and a wireless carrier. SMS is fast gaining popularity in the world as a low-cost messaging
medium. Every text message delivered to a cell phone has become known as SMS.
MMS: MMS (Multimedia Messaging Service) messaging is a standard method of delivering
multimedia material, including messages. MMS, as opposed to SMS, can send up to forty
seconds of video, one picture, a multi-image slideshow, or audio. MMS texting will be supported
by the majority of contemporary devices.
4G: The fourth generation of mobile networking technology is known as 4G, which comes after
the 2G and 3G networks. Although its commonly referred to as 4G LTE, this isn’t exactly right
because LTE is just one sort of 4G. most mobile network service providers use it now since it is
the most developed technology.
3G: the third letter in the designation 3G stands for third-generation access technology, which
allows mobile phones to connect to the internet. Every new technology introduces new frequency
bands and data transmission rates.
Global System for Mobile technology: the (GSM) is an acronym for Global System for Mobile
Communication. GSM is a cellular technology that is open and digital and is used for mobile
communication. It operates on the 850 MHz, 900 MHz, and 1900 MHz frequency ranges. It
employs a hybrid of FDMA and TDMA.
Code Division Multiple Access: (CDMA) is an acronym for code division multiple access. It is a
channel access mechanism that also serves as an example of multiple access. Multiple access
simply means that data from multiple transmitters can be delivered onto a single communication
channel at the same time.
Wi-Fi (Wireless Fidelity): Wi-Fi is a wireless networking technology that allows us to connect to
a network or other computers or mobile devices across a wireless channel. Data is delivered in a
circular region over radio frequencies in Wi-Fi (Wireless Fidelity) is a generic acronym for a
communication standard for a wireless network that functions as a Local Area Network without
the use of cables or other types of cabling.

 Security Issues:
a security issue is any unmitigated risk or vulnerability in your system that hackers can use to
do damage to systems or data. This includes vulnerability in the servers and software connecting
your business to customers, as well as your business processes and people.
Here are the most common types of internet security issues or web security problems and some
relevant steps you can take to protect yourself, your data, and your business.
1. Ransomware Attack: the goal of a ransomware attack is to gain exclusive control of critical data.
The hacker encrypts and holds your data hostage and then demands a ransom payment in
exchange for the decryption key you need to access the files. The attacker may even download
and threaten to release sensitive data publicly if you do not pay by a deadline. Ransomware is the
type of attack you’re most likely to see reported in major news media.
How to prevent: the most effective ransomware attack protection is to have a thorough, frequent
backup of critical data in a safe location. The attacker loses leverage with a solid backup and
recovery plan, allowing you to erase and restore the affected data.
2. Code Injection (Remote Code Execution): to attempt a code injection, an attacker will search for
places your application accepts user input such as a contact form, data-entry field, or search box.
Then, through experimentations and field content will do.
For example, if your site’s search function places terms into a database commands into search
terms. Alternatively, if your code pulls functions from other locations or files, they will attempt
to manipulate those locations and inject malicious functions.
How to prevent: besides server or network-level protections like Cloud Flare and Liquid Web’s
Server Secure Plus, it is also important to address this security issue from a development
3. Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) Attack: java Script and other browser-side scripting methods are
commonly used to dynamically update page content with external information such as social
media feed, current market information, or revenue-generating advertisements.
How to prevent: Adjust content security policies on your site to limit source URLs of remote
scripts and images to only your domain and whatever external URLs you specially require. This
small and often-overlooked step can prevent many XSS attacks from even getting off the ground.
4. Data Breach: a data breach occurs whenever an unauthorized user gains access to your private
data. They may not have a copy of the data or control it, but they can view it and possibly make
You may not even know there’s breach immediately. For example, the attacker may have an
administrative account password but hasn’t used it to make any changes yet.
How to prevent: this internet security issue can be challenging to address because an attacker at
this stage is generally taking careful steps to remain hidden. Many systems will print connection
information from your previous session when you log in. be aware of this information where
available, and be mindful of activity that isn’t familiar.

5. Malware and Virus Infection: malware is short for malicious software. Malware on a workstation
can encrypt data for ransomware purpose or even log keystrokes to capture passwords. Hackers
typically use malware to expand existing access to your site or spread access to others on the
same network.
If malware is present, you’ve already been breached. Therefore, it’s crucial to determine which
internet security issues led to the breach before any malware cleanup or restoration.
How to prevent: on workstations, mitigate the risk of this security problem by being careful
about what you download and using antivirus software to find and safety remove any malware.
Keeping these antivirus applications regularly updated is critical, as the malware is constantly
updated and improved. In addition, workstation logins should be users without administrative
access. In a worst-case scenario, keep good backups to restore the workstation if it is
compromised too deeply to clean.

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