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Drying Technology: An International Journal

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Handbook of Industrial Drying, Fourth Edition Edited by

A. S. Mujumdar
Bhesh Bhandari
Published online: 02 Dec 2014.

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To cite this article: Bhesh Bhandari (2015) Handbook of Industrial Drying, Fourth Edition Edited by A. S. Mujumdar, Drying
Technology: An International Journal, 33:1, 128-129, DOI: 10.1080/07373937.2014.983704

To link to this article: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/07373937.2014.983704


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Drying Technology, 33: 128–129, 2015
Copyright # 2015 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
ISSN: 0737-3937 print=1532-2300 online
DOI: 10.1080/07373937.2014.983704

Book Review

Handbook of Industrial Drying, Fourth Edition Edited by The contents of the Handbook are divided into four
A. S. Mujumdar. CRC Press: Boca Raton, FL; 2015. ISBN: main sections: drying mechanism, drying methods, product
978-1-4665-9665-8. drying, and dryer control for safety and energy savings.
Each section comprises several chapters covering various
The fourth edition of Handbook of Industrial Drying has specific topics spanning the aspects of science, technology,
been published in more expanded and updated version, and engineering of drying. The performance in the form of
covering much more area and recent developments in product quality as influenced by the drying processes has
drying technologies. It includes 16 additional new chapters been well integrated in the Handbook; it has indeed unsur-
compared to the third edition. When the first edition of passed every subject in relation to drying of wide variety of
Downloaded by [University of Aberdeen] at 09:57 29 December 2014

the Handbook was published in 1987, it was successful in materials. There is no other comparable book in the field
fulfilling the gap of a wide-ranging knowledge resource that is so comprehensive and broad.
on drying of food and biological materials. This book The first section of the book covers the principles and
became very popular among students, teachers, and indus- mechanism of drying, including basic calculations, model-
try personnel who found this to be a single source of ing, and simulations. The mass transport properties in dry-
knowledge for teaching as well as operation and design ing of solids and the experimental techniques to determine
of new dryers. I had a first-hand experience of usefulness moisture, heat, and mass transfer coefficients and sorption
this Handbook back then when I was a Ph.D. student. isotherms are described. This section also introduces a
The presentations and illustrations in the Handbook were chapter that demonstrates the use of simple general purpose
advanced and of high quality, yet simple and easy to follow spreadsheets (Excel as an example) in process modeling and
for beginners and rich in content to satisfy the experts in the designing a dryer. This is quite interesting for the industry
field. Through all three previous editions, the Handbook that is always willing to apply a simplified method that
gained high reputation among all relevant stakeholders. replaces the need for advanced knowledge of mathematics
In the course of 25 years, the fourth edition has been and iteration times required during simulations. Spread-
released. This edition has well taken care of new develop- sheets have already been established in many industries in
ments during its quarter of a century journey, and it still mass and energy balance calculations in drying and process
looks as fresh in content as it appeared in its first edition performance assessment.
in 1987. The second section of the book is dedicated to the full
Drying has become an integral part of many processes, as description and fundamentals of different dryers used to
it enables one to convert biological and nonbiological pro- dry solid and liquid materials. It contains 18 chapters, each
ducts into a stable form to extend their usable lives, decrease covering one typical type of dryer. The physical modeling
their volumes, and at the same time make the products and methods of performance evaluation of drying systems
easier and more convenient to use. Expansion of drying have been included in most of the chapters. The types of
industries in the past decade is reflected by the range of the dryers and drying systems included in this section are
dried food products that can be seen in supermarkets. indirect drying, spray drying, drum drying, freeze drying,
Depending on the types of the products, the physical forms rotary drying, fluidized bed drying, microwave and dielec-
of raw materials and their composition as well as the final tric drying, infrared drying, solar drying, superheated steam
required product forms (fine powders to large bulk materi- drying, impingement drying, flash drying, pulsed combus-
als), different drying processes are required and have been tion drying, etc. It is fascinating to find that the Handbook
developed. Drying process requires knowledge of science, covers a wide range of dryers that have been used across
technology, and engineering. Therefore, ‘‘drying’’ associ- various fields to dry diverse types of materials. There is no
ates various inter- and multidisciplinary knowledge. In the other book that presents such a huge range of dryers and
past few years, ‘‘quality’’ has also been the focus, therefore their comprehensive applications. The section also includes
increasingly more research and development has been some novel dryers and special drying techniques that have
undertaken on the materials’ properties. To meet this need, been introduced recently. As spray drying is one of the most
the Handbook continues to integrate drying fundamentals, important drying systems used in many industries, the
design of dryers, and drying technology of wide range of theoretical modeling of spray drying processes has been
products (both biological and nonbiological materials). given a special place as a separate chapter.


The third section is the biggest section, which constitutes This is a contributed Handbook edited by well-
28 chapters dedicated to the drying systems used to dry spe- recognized scientist and drying guru Prof. Arun
cific materials ranging from food to waste sludge. It includes Mujumdar, who has been a global leader in the field. The
a large range of materials, principally food materials such as contributors of the Handbook are also internationally
grain, seafood, fruits and vegetables, herbal medicine, tea, very well recognized researchers and industrial experts;
potatoes, etc. The drying systems for pharmaceuticals, therefore the quality of the Handbook is obviously excellent
enzymes, and proteins are also included. Similarly, drying as expected. The Handbook carries a lot of information,
technologies of ceramics, coal, nano-size particles, peat and thus it is as heavy in content as in physical weight. As the
biofuels, pulp and paper, fibrous materials, biomass, timber= Handbook is quite voluminous, it can be inconvenient to
wood, and polymers are all included. The section constitutes some readers; therefore, the future printing should consider
a wealth of information that is quite useful for researchers use of thinner paper quality without compromising the
and industries that need to identify the types of dryers they physical strength of the paper.
could consider for the drying of a variety of materials. From the point of view of contents and quality of
The fourth section of the book is dedicated to other presentation, the Handbook resembles the well-known
important aspects of the dryer system and drying operations. Perry’s Chemical Engineers’ Handbook. The Handbook of
This section constitutes 13 chapters. The subjects covered are Industrial Drying is recommended to every sector that
Downloaded by [University of Aberdeen] at 09:57 29 December 2014

controls, software for dryer calculations, methods to is associated with drying, such as teaching, research,
improve energy efficiency, life cycle assessment, cost- product production, design, and manufacturing of
estimation methods, emission control, and potential hazards, dryers. In summary, I would say that this is a ‘‘bible’’ of
safety issues, and dryer design considerations. Other miscel- drying.
laneous topics are also included, such as crystallisation and
drying of crystals, solid–liquid separation, pre-treatment Bhesh Bhandari
prior to drying, supercritical fluid assisted drying, heat pump The University of Queensland, Australia
drying, and dehydration during frying of foods. b.bhandari@uq.edu.au

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