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If we were in Florida today, we would be getting ready to give you advice on how to

prepare for Hurricane Idalia, according to some experts on the subject.

Javier Sierra and Nicolas Duartes expertes in environmental issues would tell us:
To properly prepare for a hurricane, it would be crucial to ensure the safety of you,
your family, and your belongings. So, here's what you could do:
1. They said you should have an emergency kit with non-perishable food, water,
medications and basic supplies

2.They said You´d better Secured your home by closing windows and doors, and reinforcing
roofs and weak structures.

3. They said You should Known the evacuation routes and have an action plan in case it is
necessary to evacuate.

4. They said you´d better Stay informed about the weather forecast and follow the
instructions of local authorities.

5. They said you should Protect important documents and valuables in waterproof bags.

6. They recommended, we should keep electronic devices charged and have extra
7. They told us, we should stay away from windows and doors during the storm
and, we should seek shelter in a safe place inside our home.

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