Beee Experiment No. 3

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Basics of Electrical & Electronics Engineering


Aim: To verify Thevenin’s theorem and to find the load current for the given circuit.

Apparatus: Power supply (0-30 volt), Resistors, Breadboard, connecting wires

Theory: Thevenin’s Theorem states that “Any linear circuit containing several voltages and
resistances can be replaced by just one single voltage in series with a single resistance
connected across the load”. The voltage source is called the Thevenin equivalent voltage,
and the resistor is called the Thevenin equivalent resistance

Steps to apply Thevenin’s theorem

• Remove the load resistance RL.
• Find the open-circuit voltage Voc that appears across the two terminals from where
resistance has removed. It also called Thevenin voltage Vth.
• Compute the resistance of the whole network as looked into from these two terminals after
all sources of e.m.f. have been removed. It also called Thevenin resistance Rth.
• Replace the entire network by single source whose voltage is Vth and whose single
resistance is Rth.
• Connect RL back to its terminals where it previously removed.
• Finally, calculate the current flowing through RL by IL = Vth/(Rth + RL)
1) Make the connection on bread board as shown in Circuit diagram.
2) Ensure that supply is on ZERO position at start.
3) Calculate Rth, Vth, IL and IL’

Observation Table:

Vin Vth Rth IL IL’



Thevenin Equivalent Circuit

IL = Vth / ( Rth + RL)

Hence the Thevenin’s theorem is verified both practically and theoretically in given circuit.

Post Lab Questions

Q1) Apply Thevenin’s theorem to the following circuit and calculate the current flowing
through 2 ohm resistance.

R3 R1
V1 8Ω 2Ω

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