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Published: 2023
Author's note

So, I am not a professional writer or something and my English is pretty

bad as it is not my 1st language. And all those contents here are only my
fantasies hope I won't offend with those made up things which are only my
imagination. That's it, i am a rookie in this line and if I get just only one
reader also then it will be a true bliss for me. I just want a place to pour out
my imagination and here I am so hope to get your co-operation.
-Thank you(IAME)

Nanon was just leisurely taking stroll around his new university where he
was going to study from tomorrow and all among crowd 'BAM' someone
just have to hit him hard on his shoulder. That person even didn't bother to
look back as he apologized and began to move forward. Maybe that person
didn't notice anything amiss but Nanon did. He smelt the familiar scent and
really familiar voice. " Was that him?" he thought to himself and look at the
person who just bumped into him but all he could see was a back of a
person holding guitar with NO written guitar case running off to the
staircase as if he was too late for something important.
"Was I mistaken? It was really that person wasn't it?" he mumbled to
He could never be wrong about that voice which was smooth not too
deep and not too high, and especially that pine perfume from WANGDEE
PERFUME which is as rare as Emerald Ore cause once in a year that
perfume is one in sale for once a year and the price is just as much as high
as its popularity. How did he knew all about those things?
From that day he had opened his eyes in hospital back to 2 years from
present he lost his memories. All he could remember was a dying blur face
of a women and someone whose eyes were clear as crystal, whose forest
like pine perfume which was so mesmerizing that it felt as if it has resided
on the tip of his nose and that particular voice which clearly said
"I LOVE YOU, non"
Who was it? He doesn't know.
When he woke up he was told that he and his mother got into an
accident, she was lucked out while he was able to be saved and apart from
his aunt there was none as his relative. Since then he has been living with
his aunt who holds him dearly as he is her own child and even though he
has already turned out 19 this year his aunt didn't wanted him to leave on
his own but you see He has been living in Phetchaburi and the university he
applied was in Bangkok, it was decided that he had to be on his own.

"hey! Is that you Nanon?" He got out of his trance once he was being
"Huh" was his only answer slowly he turned his head towards the
direction that voice came from. Once he saw who was the owner of the
voice was he was shocked. " Wah, Chimon?"
"YO, buddy! Its really you?"
"Yeah, its really m-" even before he could reply he was bombarded with
series of questions.
"What are you doing? standing in the middle of the path? in this
university? in bangkok? when did you even arrived? why didn't you contact
me? you should have informed me beforehand? Why are you like this? "
Chimon almost finished in just one breath. "HAHA" Nanon lightly
chuckled and said "You haven't changed, have you? speaking so fast! world
is not going to end tomorrow ok? just ask slowly why are you so fast? I
didn't even understood a word."
"Aw,um sorry!haha you see i was just excited to see you thats all! You
still didn't remember how close were we don't you? " Chimon asked feeling
little bit ashamed.
"HUH, Aren't we close now? "Nanon asked "Close! If we were close you
would have conatcted me once in a while asking how I am doing? and
informing me beforehand that you are coming and I just feel bad that it has
already been almost 2 years and you still don't remember how great of a
friend I was. Agh! I am disheartened."Chimon said half seriously and half
"Aw thats-" Nanon was going to say something but was interrupted by a
sudden new comer's voice and words.
"Tii rak!(my dear or my love in thai)" Nanon was confused.
"Uan jaa(my fatty or chubby) I am here with my friend" and became
utterly speechless with the reply Chimon gave to that boy.
"Aww, Hi I am Nanon. You are?" Nanon asked extending his hand
though he was quite shocked at the moment. Seeing his extending hand that
boy smiled sweetly and introduced himself " Hi, I am Pluem. Chimon's
Nanon was like aww thats what it was and then "heh?! Chimon's faen?"

"Yeah, Why are you surprised? it is not that I had said I am a ghost." Pluem
asked jokingly." Aw, I am so sorry for that. I was just surprised that He has
already found someone by his side and even didn't bother to tell me, who
was complaining for me saying we are close. Now I also doubt it."Nanon
reasoned for his action.
"Aw, Haha. Now you know how i feel? An eye for an eye! BLAHH"
Chimon teased Nanon even more. Nanon was left speechless for the nth
time again today. " You surely act childish infront of your hubby, Don't
you?" Nanon said slyly and thought ma pani k kam( I also won't back out)
seeing Chimon's now red puffed cheeks.
Seeing there interaction Pluem said with a low chuckle "You two sure
gets along quite well. Chimon used to talk about a lot about this friend of
his who is more stubborn than he is, Are you the one?"
"What? More stubborn than he? Wahh! Chimon, that was quite
unexpected to get as a welcome gift from you, Isn't it?" Nanon asked
"Pluem ja? When did I told you that? I don't quite remember it, help me
remember it won't you?" Chimon said to Pleum with a glare and with
warning tone that Pleum understood quite well. So, Pleum changed the
topic quickly.
"SO, Nanon Have you already found a place to stay?"
"um, Yes. My aunt managed it. Its just that U building, lots of students
live there don't they? Just looking for a roommate at present." Nanon
replied pointing towards the place where he was going to live.
"Sorry, Dude! If just I was alone but practically I am sharing room with
this giant of mine" chimon said to nanon feeling sorry for his pitiful friend.
"Its ok! I will be going then, I need to unpack and clean my room. See
you guys around" Nanon waved and began to leave. "Bye!" Chimon
shouted from behind. Seems like this is going to be a interesting year. Thats
what Nanon thought without knowing there might be something
unexpecting things waiting for him in his near future.

After reaching his apartment Nanon left a soft low sigh seeing his loads of
undone packed stuffs. Rest of the evening he spent doing nothing but
unpacking his belongings and posting the notice for a roommate. When he
finished managing his stuffs he was exhausted so he lied down on his bed
and roamed through his phone thats when he found that one video that
intrigued him. It was that particular voice that was so mesmerizing and
when that guitar sound added rythm to it, it was so pleasant to the ears.
A/N-just love this song. Its really soothing and you can turn caption on it
has such a nice meaning. Listen to it while reading it will be a great combo.
It was as if that voice was trying wake something deep inside of him.
Suddenly he felt lots of emotions urging him. And most of that was pain,
agony, sadness and hint of joy, that was the effect of that voice on him. It
was the same voice he remembered and it was the same voice which he felt
he could understand the hidden emotion beneath those masked face and that
uncovered beautiful voice.
Nanon instantly felt the urge to know that person but all he could see was
those pretty eyes filled with mixtures of emotion. Seeing his eyes and
observing those eyes felt as if that person was on the verge of breaking
down but something was still urging him to continue.
"Who is this mysterious person whom he could never forget and who is
this masked singer? Are they the same person? If just I could confirm
another possibility..."that was Nanon was thinking when that person
suddenly stopped singing and started talking.
" Hey, everyone! so, that song was for today. Today let me share about
him again" that person talked.
"So, yeah today I think I met him after all but seems like he doesn't
remembers me"his voice was so filled with tint of joy and disappointment
that made Nanon's heart ache. Even Nanon doesn't know why his heart is so
sensitive towards this voice maybe that person is his the only source to his
memory recovery?

First he need to do is to dig into this person's life. Who is he? What is his
connection with his past? Why is he oversensitive toward this person? So
Nanon did what he thought he will do.
He first searched for that person and found out from the same video that
was posted in Fb that the man is quite popular and is widely known as THE
FORGETTEN which is his same name channel in youtube where he will
post covers and shares stories .
"weird name" Nanon talked to himself." Lets see, who are you? and if I
will be able to find you or not." Nanon said looking at nothing but the
channel "THE FORGETTEN". He first watched the first video then second
third and he was so hooked up with THE FORGETTEN's voice his sad
stories and his beautiful messages to the people. Nanon felt as if that peson
is perfect in every way, and sometime felt like he won't be able to find out
who that person is behind that mask but he held onto his only hope cause
now he was even more than sure that this person might be the same person
from his blurry memories because of that voice and eyes.
Nanon was determined enough that he thought he will be successful in
finding that person. He was just wandering off when suddenly his phone
rang so he picked up the call and it was his aunt.
"Non, have you managed your place? And do you like it?" his aunt asked
as soon as he was o call.
"Khrab naa(aunt), I have and yes I pretty much like it. Just looking for
someone to share the room rent with." Nanon replied calmy.
"Aw!? What a coincidence? Drake was saying that he has a friend in
there who was also looking for a place to stay why don't you contact Drake
and talk about it?" his aunt sugested.
Nanon was happy to know there was someone who could he share rent
with so he replied hurriedly to his aunt" Ok khrab, Thank u will
talk to Drake about it, so you don't need to worry about me. I will be
contacting you further for now , I need to talk to Drake,ok naa?"
"Aw, sure bye Non. Take care of yourself. I am off now" his aunt bid him
goodbye and immediately called Drake. After sometime "Yes, Nanon. Is
there something urgent?" a voice replied from the other side.
"Aw, yes I have something to talk to you. Were you busy? Did I disturb
you?" Nanon asked.
"No no, I was just having great time with my Boy here" Drake replied.
"Oh!You asked Frank out?"Nanon asked seemingly taken aback.
"Yes!! and he accepted me so we are together now"


"Oho! You sure make your move fast, don't you?" Nanon teased his
friend through the call.
"Oi!! Stop teasing me, tell me what were you going to talk to?" Drake
retorted from other side while feeling his own blushing cheek.
"Aw, that! my aunt said that your friend study in the same university as
mine and is looking for a place to stay? Is that so?" Nanon asked.
"Um, yes so do you know who is looking for a room mate to share the
rent?" Drake asked back to Nanon.
"yes! I KNOW" Nanon said hurriedly. " Who is it? Is that person
trustable?" Drake inquired quite worriedly.
"Its me I have been searching for a room mate and am i not trustable??"
Nanon asked half seriously and half jokingly. "What? Oh my
goodness...This is even better! Aw, what a great thing to hear! I will text
you his number ok? talk to him yourself." Drake said happily.
"Aw,...ok. Wait!" Nanon shouted " What is his name though?"
"Aw! Its Ohm. pawat chittsawangdee, BEST OF LUCK in finding your
room mate lad. GOTTA GO, bye" Drake cut off the call.
"OHM" Nanon repeated on his own." Did I ever heard this name before?
Well it sound famili-WAIT chitsawangdee...wangdee. HUH! Does he has
some connection with Wangdee perfumes...or maybe his family owns it?
WHAT? Who is this person exactly?" Nanon was murmuring to himself.
TINGNINGRA Nanon's phone got text from Drake.
"Oh! here is it. Lets see, How is my soon to be room mate but need to
confirm if he is willing to..." while talking t himself Nanon dialed the
number and after few rings there was that flat and pleasant voice from the
other side that left Nanon thunderstruck.

(A/N- Not related to content just me fangirling, As tomorrow is our

precious ALLROUNDER JINYOUNG'S birthday I like to wish him
here..."HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JINYOUNG~AH" hehe. According to korean
time its already his birthday so, SAENG IL CHUKA HAMNIDA

Even Nanon himself didn't realized that he was stammering little while
saying" H-Hello...UMM I am Na-nanon"
There was a short pause after that but again the other person replied as if
suddenly got out of his trance "So?How may I help you?"
Nanon's brain immediately did brainstorming and so he just said all the
things he needed to say" You are Drake's friend right? I am his childhood
friend. Its seems like you and me are enrolled in the same university and
Drake said that you were looking for a place to stay? How about my place?
I mean, I am searching for a room mate to share rent. How about you visit
the place tomorrow and decide whether you want to share the space or not?
How about that?"
There was a dead silence from other sides. Nanon thought maybe he is
thinking about it. And after a short while other side sighed softly and said"
Hi, I am Ohm...Umm I will just be there tomorrow with my belongings and
lets discuss, I don't want to drag it more."
"Oh! Tomorrow?"Nanon was startled. "Yeah, Is there a problem?" the
person asked.
"Aw, NO NO it is just that I got a little bit surprised that you don't even
want to observe how is your soon going to be room. Thats all,hehe"Nanon
replied with a short chuckle.
But what he didn't knew was that short giggle made the other person's
heart skip a beat.
"So, see you tomorrow!Ohm" Nanon replied and cut the call short.
"Is it time yet?" The person called Ohm talked to himself. " I'll see you
tomorrow!?" It was voice mixed with surprise, disbelief and sarrow.
"I really am going?" Ohm was murmuring to himself when suddenly he
felt his phone vibrating.
"Hello khab, myaa. How are you?"
"I am fine dear, how have you been?"
"Aw, I am fine too and I have even found a place to stay now myaa so
you don't need to worry and tell him that he is losing his bet."
"Losing his bet?!Huh! you decided?"
"Khab myaa, Don't worry. Take care of yourself, ok?"
"Ok dear you take care of yourself and his too."
"Khab myaa, bye bye"
" Bye,son"
The call ended short.


Nanon woke up abruptly..he was panting so hard and all his body was
covered with sweats. "what was that?" Nanon asked himself. " A part of my
lost memory? Was that my mom who was calling me? Why don't I
remember anything?! People says oblivion is the best but sometimes I think
its far more worse than anything. Not even knowing how I was back then?
What happened before that accident? And with those pieces of blurry
memories I wish I could recover them...I want someone to help me through
it. I am suffering. Can anyone sees it?" Nanon was just muddling over it
when there was a knock on the door that Nanon got up from his bed and
went over to get the door.
"Nanon!?" As soon as door was opened Nanon was greeted with that
particular voice which always brought mixture of feelings and now
listening to it so close Nanon felt little bit nauseous and couldn't even look
in other's eyes cause he knew who was there.
"Hi, Ohm right?" Nanon said after some time of calming himself while
looking straight into other's eyes and Nanon gasped.
Those eyes gave him deja vu!
"Whats this? Have I met him before? Cause everything about him seems
"No, we haven't met each other before its the first time I am meeting
you." Ohm replied looking straight into Nanon's surprised eyes.
"Did I said it so loud?"Nanon asked
"Yes, indeed"Ohm replied .
"Aw! so come inside and have a look yourself "Nanon said
After that Nanon was walking away but was suddenly stopped by Ohm's
voice"Hey! where are you going?"
Nanon replied jokingly" HAHA ...why do you sound like you are afraid
of losing me? I am going nowhere just need to take showers thats all."
What Nanon didn't heard was the soft mumble of Other's" Yes I am...very
After finishing of his shower when Nanon came out he saw Ohm
managing his stuffs and other things so he sat beside him and asked him
while helping him manage his clothes.
"So, Ohm You know right? As we are sharing this place equally we will
be paying each half of the rent right?"
"UM" Ohm replied short
"So what is your full name?"Nanon asked as soon as Ohm replied
"Ohm pawat chitsawangdee" Ohm told him his full name.
"huh! WANGDEE perfumes? Thats your family business isn't it?" Nanon
"Um" Ohm replied
"Wahh!so that unique and rare edition of wangdee perfume, can i know
about it?" Nanon asked hopefully
"Why are you so talkative? Can you just keep quite for sometime?" Ohm
snapped at Nanon.
"Boring" Nanon said in a low voice that even a fly couldn't have heard it
but surprisingly enough Ohm heard.
"What did you just say?" Ohm asked with a serious glance towards
Nanon's direction.
A/N- I am glad to know someone reads my book. Thank you so much to
all who have given some time to my work too. Actually my posting routine
was tuesday and thursday but this thursday I felt really down that I couldn't
think of any idea to keep it continuing so, I am amending now for that.. I
hope I will be on time in upcoming days, but I am pretty much worried too
seeing how my exam is slowly knocking my brain's doors. -IAME

A/N-Lots of things here are my imagination tho I have done some research
and mentioned some facts but these facts related to university life of
Thailand, I am not sure about it... I couldn't find better sources so I have
mentioned whatever I wanted so hope no one will mind it. I f you have any
idea how it works then plzz feel free to inform me through comments or
chat. Thank you
"Ah-Ah Its nothing, I didn't say anything. I was just mumbling alone"
Nanon said with an awkward smile as he processed what just happened.
"Do you want something to eat? I am going to do some groceries and if
you want I can get you your breakfast, How does that sounds huh?" Nanon
asked while observing every moves of Ohm.
Ohm asked without even glancing at Nanon" So, if you are up to that its
your treat then, I don't mind whatever you will get. Thanks" Nanon was
dumbfounded by this person yet his straight forwardness made Nanon's
heart skip a beat that even he himself failed to notice.
Nanon took his wallet and got out of the room stumbling a little.
After exiting the room he talked with no one but himself " That Ohm guy
is really weird, but I just feel this familiarity and why my mind is in so
much ease when he is around. Aghhh.. Did he knew me before my memory
lost, no but he said its his 1st time seeing me. could he be lying? Is he that
person whom I see often in my dreams, But tho his eyes and his voice are
so similar he has different scent. Who is this person? Aghhhh he is
wrecking my brain, need to think of something else..." Nanon kept walking
faster than before as if he was trying to run away from something.
When he was trying to get something for breakfast he got lost in his
thought of what might Ohm like, and what if food brought by him are not of
Ohm's taste? That was all going on his mind yet he decided to pick
something simple and so he bought rice and omelet.
Before entering the room" I just hope he won't dislike it." Nanon said
quietly before entering the room. He was relieved to see the room less
messy than before and he saw Ohm who was still minding his own
"Hey!" Nanon called out." Come have breakfast. I didn't know what you
like and you said whatever is fine so I just bought us rice and omelet, hope
you won't mind" Nanon said while sitting on one of the chair.
"Um, why would I mind? anyways thanks.." after Ohm said that he also
sits on the opposite side of Nanon's chair ad both began to munch their food
Nanon finished quite fast so he asked Ohm" When is your first class?"
" Around 9:30" Ohm replied quickly finishing his food too.

A/N-I am mentioning this again,I am not familiar with education system in

Thailand so I am writing my own made up system. Please don't take offense
if I am wrong and their are my own imaginary stuffs.
"Oh!so seems like both of our class starts around same time. Wanna go
with me?" Nanon asked looking back at Ohm.
Ohm was looking at Nanon while and when Nanon suddenly looked at
him and their eyes met, Ohm was startled but quickly avoided Nanon's eyes
as if he was caught stealing.
"Aw, I am done already. Get ready quickly" Ohm ordered Nanon and
went to prepare himself for the new and fresh start. Both of them got ready
quickly and went downstairs with a comfortable silence around them.
I know for sure this boy is a lot more than he seems to be. What is it
that he is hiding? I will get to know it someday even if its not today, lets
see who actually is he?
Nanon was playing with his words inside his head and was absent
mindedly walking so he didn't see someone coming from downstairs was in
hurry and that person knocked him right off that moment but someone was
way faster than anything there. Nanon was shocked and was caught off
guard when he felt seemingly big hands than his engulfing him and
avoiding the fall.
"Oi! where the hell is your mind huh? Do you even have clear looking
eyes? Didn't you see someone coming ? What if you really fell from there.."
Ohm akss with clearly shown off worry in his eyes.
"Tha-Thank you, I was just thinking and was not paying attention I am so
sorry that I made you worried." Nanon said with apologetic look.
"AW! Ok! we are going to be late because of you! common!"
Ohm said hurriedly.
Before Nanon could even think any thing he realized someone was
holding his hand tightly and running while the fast wind they felt was
hitting their face. Nanon was surprised with himself that he can feel this
level of security from a person he just met and doesn't even know much
about and how much it felt good when Om's hand was engulfing his own
Who are you, Ohm? Are you key to my memory recovery? Or you
are not even related to my memory loss.
Nanon thought and thought but couldn't find a right answer.
A/N- HAHA almost forgot to update today. I am so sleepy today but still
wants to follow my routine so people who are waiting won't wait much.
Thank You

A/n-I know I am so slow at advancing this story further but I swear I am

really trying my best but I always trip over trivial things and I just drag that
particular thing more and more. Hope with these advancements my writing
will also get better...
They were running so fast stumbling over lots of people on the way,
Nanon suddenly got the feeling of deja vu and to his unknowingness the
person he was being pulled by has his lips tug up a little, a perfect sweet
After running for a quite while Nanon felt like he was running out of
breath and felt nauseous so he stopped and hold his knees with both hands
and bend a little calming his breath and said catching his breaths in between
his words" What... The hell.. why are we even running... so much. We still
have like around 15 mins before it is 9:30, isn't it?" Seeing Nanon's
condition Ohm left a low chuckle though his composition wasn't any good
than of Nanon's.
"Need to be on time on the first day, shouldn't we?" Ohm asked smiling
while looking at Nanon.
Seeing Ohm smiling so brightly for the 1st time since they met yesterday
Nanon was baffled by seeing how much bright and dazzling his precious
smile was that he even forgot what he was asked and the only thought in his
mind was If you could smile so brightly then why were you so aloof and
serious, just should have shown your beautiful teeth.
Sensing his gaze and some moments of silence Ohm looked down
straight at Nanon's eyes and asked" What? Why are you staring so
"You actually look quite warm and approachable while smiling." Nanon
said absent mindedly but Ohm felt somehow in loss of any words to
response to it.
A/N- Guess I am back...but not sure if there will be scheduled updates,
lots are going on and I don't think I will be as much as free as I used to be.
Maybe upcoming chapters might be shorter than this if I don't have much
free time but will try my best to post at my routined time.


IAME- Ahhh,finally its not coming soon only its October 29 yeiii...
It took some seconds to recover his composure after hearing Nanon's
remark. "What nonsense you are spouting, shall we go now? I don't wanna
be the one to be late even on the first day." After saying that Ohm started to
walk again. Though he replied calmly his heart was racing so fast that for
that instant second he felt as if he went back to that time again.
A/N- HAHA I shook myself sometimes...I didn't think I will be putting
flashbacks here but lemme do it as everyone might have connected the plots
already somehow...well lets see how I prove to be in such writing styles. Ok
FLASBAKS timeee~A little one tho
That time when he was used to getting those remarks, he knew how
much the other person fell for his smiles. That time when he was also a
cheerful person with a bright smile on his lips not as like now a seemingly
indifferent silent poker face. After seeing that person again he was pulled
back to that one of their days when they were laughing, playing, and used to
having each other as company.
"Ohm!!" "Hey, Ohm!" hearing his name being called so loud Ohm got
out of his trance and turned where the sound was coming from.
"Alai? (What)"Ohm asked looking uninterested in whatever Nanon was
going to say.
"Well, you continue. I think I will go somewhere else first. Bye," Nanon
chimed and already was running away so Ohm shouted "Huh? Where are
you going now? What about your class?"
"Don't worry I won't ditch my 1st class. There is something I need to do.
I will be done in 5 mins" Nanon shouted back more loudly.
As soon as Nanon parted ways with Ohm he ran toward one of the
classes. "This is the same class isn't it?" Nanon asked no one but himself.
"I think this is it" Nanon mumbled and peak through the door searching
for somebody in particular and he found him.
"Oh, there he is! Hey!" Nanon shouted and waved his hands.
IAME-Today fast update as I am so free right now apart from tones of
homework but wanted to THANK YOU so much to all of the people who
are reading this story of mine and THANK YOU so much for voting the
chapters too, At first I wrote it just for fun and to downpour my imagination
but as I continue writing I found myself quite into writing this book already,
Its like I don't want to disappoint anyone who is giving time to read
RECOVER and as I know myself being a reader it feels pretty bad when
you feel like sometimes you expected too much from a story and so I don't
want to fail myself as a writer too. Hope I will be able to keep up my pace
and determination.


IAME- I am so sorry for not updating yesterday. I didn't have much energy
left yesterday to write anything so I just didn't update anything but here I
am doing it now. Hope you will enjoy it...
The first time he shouted the other person didn't notice he was being
called as he was busy acting lovey-dovey with his lover.
"Ai'mon" he again shouted and finally could get the other person's
"Oh, Nanon! what are you doing here? don't you have any classes right
now?" Chimon asked as he stood up from his seat excusing himself from
Pleum and got closer to where Nanon was standing.
"I do have but there is something pretty important that I need to ask you,"
Nanon said hurriedly.
"What is it? Be quick we don't have much time" as soon as chimon
replied Nanon talked very quickly.
"So like you know before my memory loss had I known someone with
the name Ohm?" Chimon was taken aback by his question but pretended to
be calm and replied to him with another question.
"Did you? Well, that I am not sure, why do you ask?"
"The thing is Drake helped me find a roommate and he introduced the
other person that is Ohm as his friend and I just feel some weird type of
familiarity with that person. As if, its not the first time we met and it got
worse when I noticed him more carefully and you know it is really weird
that I felt the deja vu kind of feeling whenever I am with him. So, just
wanted to make sure...maybe that's not what it is. I might be delusional
right?"Nanon said as he looked straight at chimon.
Chimon replied somehow awkwardly" Why don't you confirm yourself?
Ask him directly if he knew you." While Chimon replied like that all he
was thinking was-
I am so sorry feun, I don't know what to do and I don't even know
what Ohm is thinking of doing I just can't tell you everything...If you
truly want to know isn't it better if you know from him rather than
others, I just hope you will be okay though.
Nanon really took Chimon's suggestion rather seriously and looked as if
he was in a knotted inner fighting.
Seeing his lost face Chimon changed the topic hoping things won't get
any serious"Hai!! Are you not going till now? What are you doing just
standing hurry up or you will be late? GO go quickly."
Nanon was pushed out of trance and out of Chimon's class forcefully and
only after that did he realized he was doomed now as there was not enough
time for continuing daydreaming so he hurried towards his own class.
He was just a little late but got a serious glare from the teacher
IAME-(I am gonna skip these class times if they are not necessary)
At lunch break.
He went to canteen with excitement, such a foodie?
After getting what he wanted his eyes roamed around for some vacant
seats when a weird unfamiliar scene got his attention. He saw two familiar
people talking as if they were really seriously into what they are talking.
"OHM!CHIMON! What are they doing together? Didn't Chimon told me
that he didn't know Ohm? Its strange, Are they hiding something from me?
Hmm?" Nanon mumbled to himself before deciding to take Chimon's
suggestion into consideration" Yes direct approach, I caught you guys...Are
you two really hiding something about my past?" as he went closer to the
persons whom he just caught red-handed?!
IAME- I don't know where this story is going. Oh my goodness, I have
been writing without thinking much I just hope I won't be off track from the
storyline...It all started with a simple main story theme MEMORY LOSS
but I don't know where am I taking this story to, if anything unexpected
happens don't be surprised. I am quite a sudden doer person, will just do
anything suddenly if it feels like it. HOPE YOU ARE ENJOYING IT.
CHAPTER-14 (THANK YOU FOR 500+ reads)

A/N-(Well, I am back. Got a leisure time after so long...I will be posting it

like this irregularly and maybe really really in long intervals and to inform
yall. I still can't figure out quite rightly of the things about college system in
Thailand so I will just go with the one I am familiar with...Just imagine this
how it is there,..HAHA and have you guys watched episode 1 of bad
buddy..Its so good so if you haven't till now just go and watch it! Worth the
Wait! Ok, that is it)
As soon as they both felt Nanon's presence there, they were startled and
suddenly stop talking and looked at each other confusedly...before Nanon
could say anything again Chimon talked faster than him.
"Oh! You are here..what are we hiding? what is there to hide? We just
met each other just a while ago you know that when looking for a club to
join. I met him there, talked to him and found out he knows you and you
two are in the same class, so we just came talking to each other till here.
What is wrong with that?"
After listening to Chimon's reason Nanon was at loss in what to say, so
he just changed the topic
"You both already decided? but when?how?"
"Um..yes!? Keep those questions I am going to get my lunch.
Come"Chimon replied lazily and went to get his food Ohm trailing behind.
Nanon who was just left alone again" Come fast I will find a place for
"Okayy" Chimon gave him a thumbs up.
They ate while chitchatting Ohm being the less to talk but Nanon didn't
notice some eye messages going there and here within his friend and Ohm.
Flashabacku~ about what were they talking about before Nanon came...
As soon as their break started Chimon stood up from his seat and
hurriedly excused himself from his faen and run towards Nanon's class
while mumbling"What the hell is he thinking? What is he trying to do?
Arghh...should have informed me sooner why would he wanna give me a
heart attack...What should I do?"
He quickly ran there and saw the person he was looking for.
"I need to use the restroom, you just go to the cafeteria yourself" and
went away.
"Ok," Nanon said and walked away in the other direction so he didn't see
Chimon following Ohm and "Hey?"
"Oh! Chimon?" Ohm asked surprised.
"Yes me! I...How are you?" Chimon couldn't ask directly.
"Much better. You?" Ohm replied walking towards the restroom.
"I am fine too...Um, you know? this morning Nanon came to me..."
Chimon said hesitatingly.
"Huh?"Ohm looked shocked.
"He asked me whether I know you or not and said that he finds you
somehow familiar. What's going on Ohm? Did you finally decide to face
him? How come you are his roommate and classmate too?" Chimon asked
with both worry and angst in his tone.
Ohm was quiet for a second but talked " Me being his classmate was a
coincidence but roommate seems like its Drake's doing...its' like he wants to
push me further so I will work on it. I also don't know what to do. He had
asked me too whether I knew him or not...seeing him like this, not
remembering anything at all just breaks me more but I don't want to make
him remember those things too. I can't see him breaking apart again,
Chimon" Ohm said directly looking straight into Chimon's eyes. There was
a drop of tear trying to escape through his eyes but he suddenly adverted his
eyes and proceeded.
"Let's not force him to remember, if he is willing I will be there and will
help him through every phase but right now even tho he doesn't know
anything I want to have new moments with him...I was a coward back then
but I will stay strong now."Ohm stated firmly.
IAME- The more I write the more I am lost...what to do???? The story is
not moving at all, How do I write? If someone has any suggestions on what
I should improve myself please let me know cause I really suck in
writing..uhuhu Ok, Please keep supporting my book tho, this is the result of
my inner courage that burst out at the moment I 1st posted it so, its like a
strand of hope for me....

I am so sorry for not updating anything right now. At this moment I am so

busy that I barely have any time to take a peek in here. Things are so hectic
right now, with my non-stop regular classes going on and projects to do, I
really am in need of some free maybe after adjusting myself with
my new routines and whenever I will be free I will post...If any of you are
waiting Please, do not lose patience I will be back soon....

IAME- I can't believe it. Its just...awww Thank you so much to all of
the readers and thanks for ur votes. I am just so much happy, I was
afraid at first and thought" will I even get readers?" but seeing this, I
am so so so so much happy. It is already 1k!!!! Thank youuu all of you
and hope u are enjoying this book of mine. Now I don't want to let any
of my readers down more so, I will be doing my best. Hope I can meet
ur expectations. Enjoy being here....
Listening to Ohm, Chimon went quiet and lastly gave him an
understanding nod.
After they exited from the bathroom just right on their way to the
cafeteria they found the notice from the respective clubs offering place for
freshers to join...Though both didn't say anything they were contemplating
their own thoughts.
"Um..shall we go and get our lunch?" Chimon asked retreating his gaze
from the notice board to Ohm.
"um" Ohm replied.
Thats what happened, they didn't tell Nanon the truth but didn't
completely lie either.
Their lunch went with Nanon and Chimon battering and Ohm leisurely
listening to them. After completing his lunch Chimon suddenly
remembered about his lover and excused himself with a slight glance on
(Classes and nothing so important that I need to mention happened so
skipping them again)
Seeing how Ohm was directly exiting class Nanon ran behind him
"Hey! Ohm...Can you just like wait for me?" Nanon shouted and felt that
the person he was behind stopped and looked at him with nothingness in his
That look again? Nanon shrugged
"I have somethings to do. You can just go by yourself." throwing that
sentence Ohm just walked away again.
Ohm went to a cafe, ordered a blue hawai, sat around, took out his phone,
and dialed a number.
After a few ring, the other side picked up the phone.
"Hello, Ohm?" the other side's soothing voice sounded through his phone
and he felt that familiar warmth settling around him.
"Hello? Ohm? Are you ok? Why are you quiet? Hello? Are you even still
there?" the girl's voice was mixed with happiness and worriness at the same
"P' Phom kitthung mak na "(I miss you so much) Ohm replied
unhurriedly taking a sip from his drink.


Hearing Ohm's sudden confrontation the other side went quiet and after a
few seconds huff a low chuckle and said "I miss you too, my baby brother"
"How are you P?" never exiting smile plastered on his lips while he
"Aw~ I am fine, but hey are you ok? I am quite worried as you are the 1st
one to call not like other calls. Is everything ok, ohm?"
Ohm was silent after hearing the question and only could say"P..its-Its"
and again went quiet as if he was struggling with his words.
"Ohm? What happened? tell me na, P is worried." Ohm's sister coaxed
him softly.
"Its complicated P. Him, its him. I already met with him P and I am still a
forgotten one. Its my fault, isn't it? I should not have left back then. In front
of him, I played cool, but I was dying of shame and regret P. I don't know
how should I still face him. I have had been thinking about this situation
and how I will pursue him but...its difficult P. I shouldn't have left, now
seeing him it hurts..." at this moment he was already squeezing every word
holding onto his tears" but I don't want to become a coward again"
"Ohm, Do you have confidence in you that, you won't back out, you
won't give up no matter what?" Ohm's sister asked remembering what had
happened back then.
"Its....I am, P. I have had enough of this situation, where I was not even
able to reach out to him. It seemed the only hope I was holding onto for
these 2 years without him was just that as long as I continue with that hell
life someday I will be able to meet him and now I got that chance so, I
won't give up this time, No I won't"
Hearing Ohm's firm statement she chuckled and said slowly" I didn't
know but you have really grown up huh! P will support you. And don't
worry, I will be there soon my little to be your best supporter. SUSU NA!
"Khrub P' (ok) " Ohm replied with that firm tone of his.
"Ok, Ohm just call me whenever you have something going. You know
right, that I will always love you and will support you." she expressed and
was again surprised to hear the other side say"I love you too, P'. Take care
of yourselves there."
"Ohm ok I know you might have mood swings but stop attacking me
with these sweet words, I am serious that when you say it I feel weird. If
you wanna talk next time talk normally ok? BYEBYE"Ohm's sister blurted
out with a teasing tone mixed in it.
"P?!" before Ohm could even reply back the other side had already cut
the call. He chuckled slightly seeing his sister's playful character. After that
Ohm picked up his drink that was abandoned just now when he was on call
and exited the cafe as he was playing only one sentence in his mind"Yes, P'
I will do it. I won't let you and myself down"
(IAME-Here it is now its an apology chapter for my previous
disappearance and future disappearance, as just in a few days I will be
having my 1st terminal exam, but please support my book even tho I am
absent. I just hope you will be enjoying the whole journey of this book.

IAME- To tell you guys the truth, I am still not done with my exams. It is
just now 2 more days but I really can't stop my itchiness to update
something. First I really don't like making another wait for a long time and
second I was just wasting my time on everything except study so I just
thought why not post an update it will be meaningful rather than doing
nothing but wasting my times ;D. So, here it is. Thank you so much for all
the people who were encouraging me. I will be holding onto this book even
tho if it became a shit even at that moment also I will continue to write it
unless I am completely done with my story. Please enjoy being with me.
Ohm strolled around for quite a while thinking here and there, so when
he got back it was already night. But he was shocked when he saw their
room was empty, Nanon was not still back. He was surprised but didn't
intend to intrude on others' privacy and with the thought of starting a new
page from tomorrow, he washed up and went to bed quite early.
TRing!Tring!... Nanon grumbled and with sleepy eyes he got up from his
bed and turned off the alarm that he thought was from his mobile but soon
he was wide awake to see the time being so early and remembering he
hadn't put any alarm. He was furious as his sleep was disturbed and
shouted" What the hell, Ohm?"
Ohm, the culprit who was still in deep sleep despite of that alarm sound
jerked up quickly shocked hearing Nanon's sound.
"What?!" Ohm looked confused and petrified. "Oh my, what is wrong
with you? Why did you yell so loudly?" Ohm spoke rubbing his sleepy
"You!? If you were not even going to wake up then why have you put
your alarm so early? DAMN!" Nanon was so furious that he was woken up
from his beauty sleep.
Hearing Nanon's exclamation Ohm quickly got up from his bed as if
remembering something"Oh! right, I have something to I am sorry
about it. You can just go back to sleep and just go directly to your classes
after you wake up, don't wait for me. I am skipping classes today." his back
disappeared as he ran into bathroom picking up whatever dresses his hand
found but he didn't miss the angry shout from disturbed Nanon"Wait?! Who
was going to wait for you?"
After shouting Nanon again lied down on his bed and just after some
time the soft breathing of the person was audible, reasoning him to be
asleep already. When Ohm came out of the shower he glanced at the person
lying peacefully and mumbled to himself"I won't give up, really not this
Just after that Ohm tidied his look and exited the room cautiously as if to
not wake up the sleeping person. When Nanon woke up it was already
around 8 am so he tidied himself up fast and decided to just eat something
on the way and grab his bags and stuff before rushing out of his room.
While he was walking around the diner's place he was just wondering
what might be so important that Ohm was skipping classes and was
absentmindedly walking so when someone came right behind him shouting
the name he was so shocked that he almost screamed but calmed down after
realizing soon who it was. "Woah?! What are you trying to do by scaring
the peoples' witts off this early in the morning, Pluem?"Nanon asked
holding onto his chest if he was really given a death threat.
Seeing that Pluem jokingly replied"OH! HAHA, I didn't mean to scare
you. It was just you were too absentminded. And btw where is Chim?"
"Chim? Who... Were you trying to say Chimon?" First, he was confused
but soon realized the situation and replied again shaking his head"I don't
know. Shouldn't you be the one to know?"
"Aw, actually he left quite early in the morning saying he has to meet his
friend and he has something to do with them, so I originally thought it was
Soon complete silence fell between both of them and both spoke at the
same time"Where did he go?"

IAME-I am late! Really really late, right? I am so sorry for those who were
waiting. I was so demotivated in writing these days, don't know why? This
chapter became a whole mess as I did really messed it up. I will be updating
as I will write new chapters. I don't know which direction this story is
taking. Like really I am writing so shittily but please do help me with these
things if you think there are things I need to work hard on feel free to
comment or msg me, Hang on guys. I will update soon and maybe my
reason for not getting interested in writing these days might be my results.
Yes! results are already out and I need to work harder for my next terminal
which is just one month away. Its totally a hell of a ride.
-Just then at the right time, Pluem received a message from Chimon that
he will be skipping his classes today and to help him cover up for him.
Pluem just dumbfoundedly stared at his mobile screen before moving his
lips"You know, what? lets get to know each other. You are my boyfriend's
best friend so I need to know how much he is cared for by his friend."
Seeing the sudden change in Pluem Nanon replied"I would have really
liked to sit down and have a good talk with you but you see we don't have
much time and I am really hungry right now. So, join with me to breakfast
if you still haven't had it?"
"Oh! right, I am actually hungry too.HAHA" Pleum replied chuckling.
They quickly found a place to sit and ordered some light breakfast and
started chitchatting.
While "Lets do it" Ohm said while looking at Chimon.
"Yeii!! Lets do it." Chimon said excitedly. After taking his all of the
classes Nanon decided to go find Chimon to ask for some help regarding
the basics of video editing. But again surprisingly met with Pleum and
again both didn't know where Chimon actually went?
"Where the hell did he go? Hey, Is he kidnapped or something?" Nanon
asked jokingly but instead of Pluem's answer what he got was a smack on
head .
"Um, Are you nuts? I am here. Why am I so favoured by everyone? Its
really hard looking after everyone...Uff" Chimon said dramatically. Seeing
him appear after whole day of disappearance Pleum humphed and
said"Where were you huh? I missed you so much." Despite his worries, he
really did miss Chimon. Seeing that, Nanon was left speechless and he was
even more speechless as Ohm came behind Chimon and said"Thank you for
today, You were such a great help."
"Wait what? You two were together all these hours?" Pleum asked eyeing
Ohm with wariness.
"Um, There was something he needed my help and suddenly he asked me
yesterday night so I ran early in this morning" Chimon replied casually.
"Are you two plotting something or what?" Nanon asked breaking the
awkwardness and soon topic diverted towards the work they took a whole
day off to complete.

(IAME-So, missed me? I have been lazy as every day passes by. My mood
swings and my laziness, god it is really takingme long time to update. I
hope your hope will be sweet with a little revealation and with a NEW
YEAR, HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone. I just hope from today onwards
your life will also take a new turnings and you will keep advancing forward
First, they decided to go back to OhmNanon's room as it was nearer to
the place, and as soon as they reached Chimon took out his phone and
began searching for something. After a few seconds, he moved his phone in
front of Pleum and Nanon as if he wanted to tell 'take a look'. There was
THE FORGETTEN's youtube page on screen and Chimon excitedly said
"Look this guy, I have been following him around some days and his
contents ar really good...And see see he had posted his new content."
Seeing the page's name Pluem seemed uninterested and whined "You are
forgetting me for some youtube guy? Its not fair na"
"Eww, thats gross Pleum. Why are you acting spoiled?" Nanon asked
"Hey, guys I am showing you something and where are your attention
huh?" Chimon asked. As soon as Nanon had heard that name he couldn't
help but memorize the voice, the song and that person. Before he even
knew the video have been already played by chimon.
The person started "So, what will I share today? It was that one moment
which I had always wanted to cherish and I am still cherishing it. It wasnot
just a normal day, why? Because it was his birthday. He is special so
ofcourse the day he came into this world is also special. We have known
each other from our very starting of our childhood but I could only meet
and talk to him on my school breaks. So within his countless birthdays that
birthday was after that time when I first permenantly moved in his
neighbours with my grandparents. I knew...." "WAIT! I feel somehow
familiar with this voice, Isn't it just like Ohm's voice. Hey, Ohm you have
been quite...where is he?" Pleum asked hurriedly and noticed that Ohm has
been absent for quite a some while. After Pleum pointed out Nanon's brain
stopped working for sometime as he was nostalgic because of those blurry
pictures roaming around his brain with every word of that person.
As Pleum said Nanon had also doubt wether that person and Ohm could
have been the same, but he have ignored that strange gut feeling. But now it
bcame stronger.
"Oiiii, this was going so good why did you have to inturrupt. Now don't
intrude again. Who cares who this person is, just listen without intruding
ok?!" Chimon said while carefully observing the lost face of Nanon. And he
again played the video.
It continued "I knew it was his birthday but I didn't knew what he liked
or what he didn't so I didn't even thought of buying him any present. All I
tried was making him special that day so I tried what I have never thought I
will do. I tried cooking. It would have been a mess if it was not for my
grandmother helping me out. Anyways, yes I prepared him dish as per his
likeliness and took him to the rooftop of our school which was pretty much
isolated most of the time. There I and he, we both laughed, talked, ate and
enjoyed ourselves. It was not that anything complicated, it was simple but
yet a precious moment for me. So that was it for story section now
dedicating this song to all of those people who loves their beloved dearly
and secretly." And there started strumming of guitar and his smooth voice's
mixture. Pleum was dead shocked, Chimon was having grat time listening
while Nanon was spaced out he felt really familiar. A sense of warmth
oozed out and he remembered those words clearly "I made it for you
specially because you are really special to me"

Nanon was dead struck by sudden memorization that he didn't realize both
Chimon and Pleum's attention was on him.
"Hai, Non? Hey? Yahh!!" Chimon shakes him lightly drifting Nanon
apart from his mind's turmoil.
"Huh? What were you saying?" So he asked regretfully.
"Hoi, Its nothing...It's getting late we should be going or will be locked
outside. Where the hell did this Ohm guy go huh?" Pleum asked getting up
as if he was getting ready to go.
Chimon gave a last full concerned gaze at Nanon, nonetheless said" We
will be going, Non. Take care, ok?"
"Aw, Okay. Good night guys" As they exited the room Nanon still felt
weird. Whenever he tried to think of his past all he could remember was
either the bloody face of that women or that soothing voice of that person
over and over again. As he lay in his bed lost in thoughts he couldn't help
but wander around again about the identity of that man. The idea of that
man being Ohm he just pushes off always, maybe he was afraid of getting
the wrong person or whatever the reason was, he always said that Ohm
didn't have the same scent as of that person and unlike that gentle and warm
person he has only seen Ohm's cool and aloof side but again Ohm's cool
temperament sometimes feels like a facade only.
With thoughts playing and playing he didn't even know when he drifted
in his sleep.
(IAME- so now a short pov from Nanon's point of view.)
Nanon's pov
"Non you are really special to me. Can we celebrate it like this every
year, together?" who is this boy?
"um" and thats me? with that excited voice? This scene! Its part of
my memory? I want to see his face. Please, who are you?
"Non, I love you. I really do. I have felt this way for a long time now,
do you feel the same way?"
Huh? That voice? What is this situation? Another same fragment of
memory? I am again engulfed...His heartbeat, his scent, his voice...his
breath it is too close? Who are you? I want to know more. I want to
recover what I had lost, who exactly are you?
(end of pov here)
"Hm, Non? non? hey, wake up!!" Nanon was jolted up from his dreams
by sudden shaking.
"Shh Non Don't cry. Its okay, na~" Nanon could hear Ohm's little
mumbling but it took him some time to realize that he was clutching onto
the shirts of Ohm too tightly that slight wrinkles had appeared and he was
crying? But at that moment he noticed something. He has basically never
been too near of Ohm but now when he was in his arm, "HIS SCENT!!"
(IAME- So here it is another chapter. It became pretty long than other
ones, I had pretty much of a free time doing nothing today, and now am
blowing the fuse out of my mind thinking the way to keep moving on the
storyline and typing, erasing, and making it to this chapter...OOh, I am a
night owl haha. I don't know if I am moving the storyline too fast but I am
too bad at creating moments, what to do? I am always stuck once a chapter
is finished. I feel so good to write after knowing that there are people who
are reading it. Thank you so much for your supports maybe I will be posting
soon on Jan 16? guess why? any clues? Its a special k pop day guys.
Whoever figures out please do comment below. I will stop ranting.

IAME- As of today its 8yearsofgot7's debut. Today they debuted as GOT7

and blessed our Ahgase's life. So I have written this chapter trying to
suppress my laziness as much as possible, I want to learn from them, to
give everything I've got in work that I am doing. I know I lack in so many
places but I will keep growing learning from the present. And hope I could
transmit my positive energy to you guys too, hehe. ENJOY!!
His scent?!
"Hai, Nanon?! You ok? were you having nightmares or what?" Nanon
came back to his sense only after hearing the voice and as he slowly opened
his eyes in confusion what he met with were those concerned eyes of Ohm.
"Wait I will get you some water," Ohm said it and was gone.
'That scent! Was it really Ohm or was I not in my sense back then? '
This is getting confusing. As he was thinking Ohm rushed toward him
with a glass of water.
"Here, Its ok. Calm down."
He slowly turned his head toward Ohm and drank some water.
"Where did you go?" Nanon asked suddenly.
"Aw, you guys were pretty much involved in whatever you were doing so
I went out to buy us some drinks but ended up walking absent-mindedly"
As Ohm answered he ruffled back of his head, which Nanon speculated as
being nervous,' what is he nervous about?'
"Seems like you were having a bad dream, you should get proper sleep
now," Ohm said softly while putting away the glass on the nightstand and
turning off the lights while gently lying down on his own bed too.
Nanon was confused and tired but still, he heard the lowly mumbled
"Have a good dream this time" but he felt his energy drain out as he tried to
speak but the words never left his mouth.
"Nanon! wake up. You are going to be late." as soon as he heard that he
was going to be late he woke up in instant and ran towards the bathroom.
As Nanon was doing his morning routine he gave extra concentration to
ohm's belongings but never saw that one thing he needed to confirm' that
freaking perfume'.
Nanon was even starting to question himself 'Am I dumb or am I stupid'
as he felt there was more than one reason for Ohm turning out to be that
guy but he needs to be confirmed.
'Should I get closer to him to smell him? No, I sound like a pervert!
Arghh.' Nanon was just mumbling even when he was having breakfast.
Dumbfounded Ohm asked worriedly" Hey, you seem to be a little off from
yesterday. Are you okay?!"
"Aw, I am fine. Totally fine." Nanon said that and again went to his own
muttering self 'what should I do? How do I find him?'
"Can you like stop muttering now? Its getting hard to concentrate on my
food." Ohm asked cooly.

IAME- Oh, hell...I just realized the situation here from where it started is
disconnected from the previous chap so edited...
Nanon couldn't think of anything else and was absent-minded the whole
day and even after coming back to their room he still was dazed in his
Nanon's pov
Should I ask him directly? No, he won't tell me, if he had to say
something he would have already...but what should I do?
This Ohm or that Forgotten seems like both are the same.
aghh what should I do?
If Ohm really knew me, then why is he lying right now?
If Ohm really was that same person from my dreams then why does he
wants to hide his identity rather than reveal it to me?
I can't seem to know what is he thinking...Should I ask him directly once
more? There must be something if he doesn't want me to know who he is.
I should just ask him directly.
end of pov...
Before Nanon could even say anything he was confronted by Ohm's
statement instead.
"I have something to say to you." Ohm looked serious so Nanon just
swallowed his questions and decided to listen to him first.
"I don't know, why? but when it comes to you I always tend to think
stupidly and act cowardly. I am such a stupid person..." Ohm paused for a
long time and his gaze was adverted away from Nanon's. Seeing Ohm's
such a state Nanon said worriedly" hey, if u are not okay with saying it you
don't have to."
"Nah, I'm fine. I have to do it. I can't keep you in dark forever. Seeing
you having nightmares, it made me wonder how many of such nightmares
might have tortured you. I am sorry...I have known you since we were kids.
I just want to tell you that I want to help you with your memory recovery. I
can say you the story I know but wouldn't it be better if you remember it
yourself? When you opened your eyes after the accident, I came to see you.
But I was so broken seeing you not remembering me, anything. I was afraid
that those words from my dad will come true, you never remember me. I
should have stayed by your side but instead, I ran away, and I didn't even
realize what I did was stupid until I couldn't see you or met you. I am
At this moment Ohm was bursting in tears and there was Nanon who was
shook to take all the information's all together.
They, they both were a complete mess...
"Non, I am so sorry...but can you let me help you through it." with those
teary eyes Ohm asked Nanon now looking straightly in his eyes.
"I...Can you give me some time to process it?" After saying that Nanon
quietly left their place.
IAME-So hoo, I didn't think I will be revealing this so soon but when I
thought over main plot is actually about recovering his memories
and their relationship development so I want to focus on those factors more.
That's why this continuation was important for me, I think? At 1st this book
was only written with the purpose of sharing my imagination nothing more,
I have never thought about the story development. All I focused on was the
main plot, but now without going off track I will be trying my best to
deliver the best of me. Hope you have been loving and enjoying this book.

IAME- so I think this chapter I will be writing mostly in Nanon's pov. We

need to know what is he thinking of this situation and what he will do right?
so, yeah. Here it is...
Nanon's pov
I couldn't respond to him at all. I need to think about these things
seriously and So I came outside of the room, those words just kept
repeating again and again. I am not running away, I need to face it but I
need some fresh air first to refresh my mind, its not processing at all.
Okay, he knew me and he said it so himself.
I just couldn't think of anything. He clearly said it to my face, I was going
to ask him myself. So, what if I had asked him and he might have told me
then also would I be having the same reaction as it is right now?
When he told me all those things, a lot of emotion came rushing. What
should I do now? He said he wanted to help me, but how? I feel as I am
being suffocated but at the same time relieved?! ... What should I do? I am
so confused, it feels as if I am as much blank as I was back then when I
regained my consciousness after that accident.
'Oh, I am already out of the building? I would just walk around and calm
As I was walking around the street, I remembered how serious he was
when he said he would help me. The thing is a lot of people tried already
and nobody succeeded, So how is he different? To be honest, tho I want to
regain my memories but I am afraid. I know theres this small part of me,
which still fears the negative possibilities. So another thing is, even tho he
wants to help me. Am I ready?
I am right? Yeah, I need to know who was closest, need to know who I
was...Its about finding the lost me, thats why I need to stay strong. If he
really genuinely cares about me, should I give him a chance?
The conclusion is he is Ohm, he is THE FORGOTTEN too, so...he is the
same person from my dreams?! WAITT, he said......
Aghh, I will just take things slowly. Everything, whether he really said it
or not will be clear by then. Why am I thinking about it? I need chilly air
more than this.
END OF pov...
Though, Nanon decided he was still considering it seriously. It was those
bloody nightmares that he didn't want to remember, but what has fate
decided? He was oblivious, and sometimes oblivion is best but sometimes
the worst can be it too.
To make it less awkward, Nanon decided to buy some snacks. Till the
moment he arrived in front of their room he was absent-minded. He
subconsciously pulled the door open and as he entered the room he saw it
was dark and someone was sitting on the floor beside of Ohm's bed so, he
naturally called him out knowing who it was.
"Hey, Ohm"
As he called he turned on the lights of the room and Ohm squinted his
eyes because of sudden brightness.
"What are you doing? sitting on the floor, with lights turned off?" Nanon
said observing him.
"I_I thought maybe, I was rash and came upon you unprepared and was
worried you won't be coming here today." Ohm said even without looking
at him.
"Hey, I need to talk to you openly. Earlier, I was shocked so I ran off,
sorry for making you worried. Here, we can talk while eating right?" Nanon
said handing the snacks bag to Ohm. Ohm slowly looked at the snacks and
then made eye contact with Nanon.
Ba dum...
IAME- WOW, it took me quite a long time to upload. Whos heart went
ba dum? Imagine as you wish. I am so lazy and on top of that, I am just
lying around doing nothing, but ditching all of my notes and projects. I am
sorry guys, I don't have any special reason for being late in the update I was
just lazy...And now my 2nd terminal examination is just starting after 2
weeks from this day. My update has been irregular and I don't know if I
would be uploading between my exams or not. But who knows, I can
maybe update within my exam time too HAHA. I just kept ranting, ENJOY
THE CHAPTER, guyssss

IAME- I am still alive, HAHA I am not still done with my exams but I was
like really guilty disappearing without any particular notice. I was actually
planning to post this chap before I shut myself down for my exams but
suddenly in midst of this chapter I got stuck and it remained like this for
days, now I am finally ready to show up myself again. Sorry for making
you guys wait...and surprisingly when I was unactive my reads counted to
9k?? OMG THANK YOU SO MUCHH to all the readers
Nanon got flustered so he adverted Ohm's eyes quickly and hastily pulled
out a snack packet and sat beside Ohm.
"You see, I was shocked back then when you suddenly revealed. And I
don't know how would you help me, but at least for now, I want to know
you more. It feels as if you are the only one who knows me better I should
know something about you too, right?" Nanon talked as he opened the
packet and extended it towards Ohm.
"What do you want to know?" at this moment they both started to feel
"Your full name?"
"Pawat Chittsawangdee"
" Your age? leave it might be the same as me. How tall are you?"
Ohm chuckled and answered " 188 cm, taller than you"
"Huh? Now you are cheeky? your favorite food?"
"Nothing special, I love every kind of spicy food."
"You know mine too?" Nanon asked curiously.
"You like almost everything, but you don't like foods that are too sweet."
Nanon stared at him for full 10 seconds before stating " It was the same
before? So my food taste is still the same, that happens?"
"It seems so" Ohm replied.
"This is strange, all of these things are strange but Thanks for being
willing to help me out. I might not remember you but Please be patient with
me, I will surely one day" Nanon replied firmly.
"Um, let's go to sleep?" Ohm asked, the day was tiring for both of them,
their tiredness couldn't be hidden from their eyes.
"Um, Goodnight," Nanon said and both went to sleep away from the
Fun fact about this book: It was supposed to be a taekook fic :) but I
changed it to ohmnanon suddenly in course of preparing it.

IAME- I decided to pop up suddenly today. Why was I gone again this
time? There's nothing of a reason just I was really feeling down this week,
because of lots of things going on and my motivation to writing had
completely gone but today, after talking to my friend about this writing and
stuff, I suddenly wanted to write again and here I am in midnight typing
whatever stuffs that come in my mind. Sorry for such irregular posts but I
couldn't force myself when I am demotivated!
'Non? Let's go there again someday, kay?' Nanon heard a faint
undistinctive voice and another one who agreed to it. 'Okay!'
'Non! don't be naughty, come here...Non? I am tired naa' that was such a
warm and sweet voice and Nanon heard the soft giggling of a child.
He could feel scene changing and the more he got a glimpse of them he
got the feeling of achievement as if he gained something and voices became
more and more distinct. He felt mixed emotions, he seemed to have an
acknowledgment that he was dreaming but still felt those moments were not
imaginary, he felt warmth, tenderness, and guilt.
'You did great! Momma is proud of you Non.' Nanon could remember the
other person's appearance, that soft and gentle gaze, slender and tall
figure...Finally, he could remember how his mother looked in his memories.
Tears rolled down slowly, while Nanon was still in his dreams. This was the
first where he remembered her warmth not their nightmares of the crash.
Now, that fear of him about uncertainties of his past, he could feel them
slowly turning into hope. There's always hope, all he needed was the
courage to grasp that little bit of hope inside of him.
In the morning when Nanon woke up he was sitting up in his bed
seemingly distracted by something in his mind, Ohm was the one to get him
back to reality. And Ohm gasped seeing Nanon's teary eyes but he had a
smile playing on his lips. Before Ohm could even ask about the matter he
was shocked to almost death when Nanon jumped straight at him and
embraced him tightly and he heard Nanon saying "Thank you! I think I am
getting them slowly. How is your effect strong on me rather than others?"
But Ohm was so surprised that he heard what Nanon said but couldn't
make sense out of it as his brain was buzzing instead of working properly,
so after calming himself down a little he asked again "Huh huh, what?"
"I said Thank you for helping me out," Nanon said smiling pulling
himself away from the hug but not completely letting off, so when he
slightly took his head back and looked directly at Ohm then only he realized
they were damn too close!
Both were flustered due to their sudden proximity, and both pulled away
hastily. Ohm went back to his cool stature and said " Why are you thanking
"Agh- nothing, we will be late if this continues. Get ready." Nanon said
trying to suppress his blush but one could say he was not annoyed or
unhappy but rather in a good mood.
IAME- And Thank you all of you wonderful people for 10k+ reads. Stick
with me till the very end of this book. :D

IAME- Here is Chimon if anyone misses him. Well, I am irregular...No

comment about that. This one is pretty short?! I have a hard time to even
writing this much, I got stuck HAHA. Who knew the story I thought so
casually will be tangled with such a complex character's emotional
development. I am trying my best to think and write nowadays, I didn't use
to do that previously :D My thoughts are tangled...ENJOY this chappp!!
"Hey!" Nanon waved at Chimon which Chimon replied with a wave.
"You are done with your class?" Chimon asked coming near to Nanon.
"Um, I guess you are already done too?" Nanon said.
"Yeah, its over," Chimon replied looking relaxed but suddenly his whole
body froze when he heard what Nanon said next.
"Yesterday was a day full of surprises for me. So, Ohm said that he
known me for quite a long time and So, you know him from back then?"
Nanon asked Chimon.
" can't blame me for not saying anything to you! I know this is
an important matter but wasn't it better that you two were the ones working
on it rather than any third party getting involved?" Chimon stated
defensively while Nanon glanced at him and shook his head replying " Did
I say anything that it was your fault? You made it yourself. I think its better
this way, I am glad he was the one to tell it."
Nanon continued "I don't know how to describe it?! He gives off that
cold yet warm vibes, and I was really taken aback by his confessions but I
am trying to consume it. Guess? it would take some time to take it in
completely but his words have a deep effect on me and I, myself am unsure
about the reason, why..."
Chimon turned to look at him and saw how deep Nanon seems to be in
his thinking, one could see those tears welling up in his eyes but he held a
soft smile as he spoke "I have some memories of how mom used to be now.
I didn't get any nightmares but felt as if the sense of regaining something
when I could remember how she was. I am being able to see the positive
side of recovering my memories"
Seeing how happy Nanon was Chimon replied gently "Seems like he
really can help you. Well, I didn't think he will reveal this fast but I am glad
you are positive about it. I am still not clear what happened between you
both back then tho, so I'll be rooting for you both, I guess?"
"Oh, how's Pleum doing by the way? He is not with you today?" Nanon
asked realising Pleum's absence.
"Why are you making it sound as if he is always clingy? Trust me he is
not, haha he has some work to do so he is not here." Chimon said
Nanon laughed at that remark without even denying any accusation made
against him, and asked " Shall we grab something to eat? I am hungry."
"If its your treat," Chimon replied hurriedly.
"Oh, okay. Come lets go." Nanon dragged him agreeing to the idea.
-( Before I disappear again, I will like to ask a question. Please feel free
to suggest. Well, what must one do to move on? like moving on from
maybe crush or someone...IDK what am I even trying to sayyy)

"Hey! Dinner?" Nanon called Ohm awkwardly.

"Oh, sure" Nonetheless Ohm agreed to the offer and then began the
atmosphere with awkward silence, they were both silently eating but
someone couldn't bear it.
"Um, Doesn't the atmosphere feel weird? I know I said I will be taking
some time to completely digest but we can try easing things up, right?"
Nanon spoke first.
"That...that should be natural right? like maybe with time?" Ohm said.
" Let me start, then. How was your day?" Nanon asked with a smile.
Ohm replied with a smile too "Good, I guess? How was yours?" "Mine
They ate their dinner slowly opening up with little chitchatting.
After having their dinner, "Do you have like anything to do? Maybe
projects or assignments?" Ohm asked Nanon plopping on his bed slowly
taking out his laptop.
"No, I'm free. Don't have anything to do right now, why?" Nanon asked
looking at Ohm.
"Um, do you want to watch some movies? Its fine if you don't want to,
haha" Ohm stated nervously. But Nanon suddenly moved towards Ohm's
bed and sat beside him while asking, "What are we watching?"
"You like the horror genre, so some horror movie night?" Ohm asked
Nanon while searching for something.
"Wait, whats with I like? What do you like? If we are both watching we
both must enjoy it, right? What about you? What do you want to watch?"
Nanon asked looking at Ohm.
"Then-" Ohm clicked a movie and both were so immersed in it just after
some time they were laughing so much that they were clutching their
After finishing one movie.
"Lets watch another?" Both have the same thing in their mind and start
their movie marathon.
"Hai, Ohm!!! Wake up. Oii!! we're late..." Nanon's loud voice rang
through Ohm's eardrums jerking him up in one go.
"Shitt!!" Ohm cursed and their day started with a hectic morning.
IAME- What am I writing? Don't ask me, I don't know myself. It was
supposed to be a 20 chaps or something fic but now it seems as if the story
will prolongate to another 20+ chaps, Yeah I need to draw a plotline for his
memory recovery. But trust me when I say I am trying, I have never used
my brain once for any other things, not even exams!! Well, need to use my
brain in exams but not this much, So stick with me hehe. END OF

"Um Non" Ohm called out Nanon softly and Nanon replied "Hm" and went
"huh?!" with surprise.
"Um, Can I call you that? If its okay with you." ohm said cautiously.
"Aw haha that, yeah you can..." Nanon replied with a chuckle and the
atmosphere became weird again but this time it was Ohm who broke the
silence and asked: "So I was going for an evening walk, wanna join?"
" I'll go" with that they both walked down the street that they were used
to walking alone but both could feel the calmness of the situation now.
"You know what? I would have asked about you if you didn't do that
yourself that day." Nanon suddenly blurted out making Ohm raise his brows
slightly while asking " You were?"
"So you kind of doubted already?" Ohm asked looking at Nanon.
Despite their surroundings not being that calm, their conversation was
not disturbed even a slight bit. As Nanon heard Ohm he replied honestly,
"Um, It was hard not to. I think I met you on the first day of college and
you might not know but the thing I am familiar with about you is your scent
and your voice, that FORGOTTEN aren't you him?"
"..." Ohm was left speechless, he definitely left so many loopholes in his
hidings but nevertheless when he returned to Thailand he never intended to
hide for long anyways so, it was not a surprise that he left so many clues.
"my scent and my voice, huh?!" Ohm asked again to make sure if he
heard that part correctly and he got confirmation with a single "Um" from
"So, you have had a suspicion about my connection to your past since the
1st time we met?" Ohm asked slightly astonished.
"Something like that, but I did not want to jump to a conclusion without
confirmation so I didn't ask you first" Nanon replied looking at Ohm firmly
and then straight in front of him where he saw a scene that made him pause
his steps.
Seeing Nanon abruptly stopping Ohm followed Nanon's line of view and
saw a boy seems to be around 7 to 8 years old, he was riding a small bicycle
which was being pushed by his mother while the dad seems to be taking
their video.
Nanon felt several emotions rushing up, yet his lips slowly curved up
while tears were welling in his eyes blurring his visions. Suddenly he was
wrapped in a warm embrace he could feel warmth and comfortness, he
never felt this relieved not after he woke up from that crash but at this
moment when Ohm was holding him tightly he felt all those mixed feelings
vanishing away feeling only loved.
IAME- Is my update sudden? Well, I guess not...Its already midnight
here and I have this sudden urge to update.Today's rambling session is all
about my complaints. I would like to share some news too. :(( I don't know
how it can be this fast but another terminal exam is just right on the corner,
I'll be busy preparing for it after few days as maybe in 8 or 9 something
days the exams will start (T T) but maybe I'll be posting of I feel like it
while in the midst of exams ;)
No more ruining moods with these things, I hope you enjoyed the chap...I
am always thankful to you guys for giving me and my book opportunity. I
appreciate all of your support and patience, be with me till the end...

day guysss 😭
(IAME- let me explain what is that pic? That pic shows that today is the last
with this day all the sufferings, happiness, everything from

Nepali calendar. Happy Nepali new year and Happy songkran ) 💚

this year is going away as new year will start from tomorrow according to

Nanon let his tears run down he didn't make a sound just silently wrapped
his arms around Ohm and buried his head further. They were at the side of a
street but none could care more as one was worried about the other while
another was trying to calm down his rushed emotions. Many passersby
passed them while taking glances but neither of them was bothered.
After some time Ohm realised that Nanon was not crying anymore but
his hands were still tightly wrapped around him. At that Ohm asked smiling
"You okay?"
"Um...Can I stay like this for some more minutes?" Nanon replied
snuggling in Ohm's chest and taking in his calming scent.
Ohm was flustered by Nanon's sudden action and it made him nostalgic.
"..." Ohm didn't say anything but hugged Nanon even more tightly as if
he was scared Nanon might leave.
They stayed like that treasuring the moment, they are by side of each
But their silence was broken off by several consecutive rings of call.
With a grunt, Ohm picked up his call and his face turned stern seeing the
caller's id. With a serious look on his face, he went some distance away
while talking to the person on call. Nanon tried to join all the things that
happened in just some time, he figured out there's a lot going on with Ohm's
Remembering the earlier moment he felt happy and didn't even realised
he was smiling unconsciously. Later while he was still lost in his thoughts,
ohm came and tapped on his shoulders that he got out of his trance.
Seeing Nanon lost Ohm raised an eyebrow asking " What are you
thinking? Shall we return now?"
Nanon nodded his head lightly and they returned to their place with a
calm silence settling between them.
(Why don't they talk you ask me? I don't know TT)
As they walk slowly with the sun setting down the sky started to look a
bit colorful, slowly the blue sky turned to orange color with a tint of red
glowing as if representing the changes between Ohm and Nanon's
relationship then and now.
"It feels nice," Nanon stated walking while looking up at the sky.
"Um, it does." was all Ohm replied maintaining the same silence once
again as no one took the initiative to talk after that for some moment but
suddenly Nanon's eyes started gleaming seeing the grilled pork.
"Lets eat before going up!" As Nanon said that he directly rushed into the
line in front of the shop even before hearing Ohm's answer. Ohm was dazed
for some time after that he quickly went to the place where Nanon was
expectantly waiting in line.
They waited for some time and finally came to their turn, Nanon was so
excited that he was going to eat hurriedly but before he could taste any his
skewers were stolen from his hand and from right in front of his mouth. He
slowly turned his head toward the person behind it and heard Ohm saying
"Don't hurry, its hot."
(That was it for this chap. now guys I will be gone for some days well it
doesn't matter that much right? I rarely give any updates even in weeks, but
still, I am informing you my exam is after 3 days, wish me luck T T, hope
you enjoyed it)

I want to thank everyone who has been reading this book patiently 🧡 It's
not a chapter update but a hiatus update. I don't know for how long but I
need some recovery time, my grandma passed away.Although she was quite
old I was never ready for this. I am not saying my final goodbye or
anything I just wanted to inform you all that I may be gone for longer
period than I had said previously. Screw my exams. I just hope everyone
will be
understanding and patient with me. I will comeback soon after taking some
time to myself. There's lot going on my mind. That's it. THANK YOU SO
-Anupama Rai

IAME- Wassup guys? I'm back!! Phew took a long time to get motivated.
I'm doing fine how about you guys, how have you all been doing?
And surprise DOUBLE POST, making up for my lateness~
"Don't hurry, its hot" as Nanon heard Ohm saying he subconsciously
agreed "um"
They slowly walked the way to their place.
"This brings back the certain memories of ours..." Ohm said letting out a
small sigh remembering those days that were not that long time ago.
Hearing him Nanon perked up seeming to be interested and Ohm
continued "When we were dati-" he suddenly stopped midway in his words
and as if correcting his words again repeated " when we were in high
school, you know before the incident. Your favorite place was the skewer
stall in front of our school. Nanon was listening while munching on his
skewer, he slightly raised his eyes to see Ohm's expression but could not
find any hint at all about that word slipping.
'What was he originally wanted to say?' that was what Nanon was
thinking when Ohm suddenly took his hand in the hold and pulled it toward
him, taking a bite of the skewer. Nanon was basically absent-minded and it
took him some seconds to process whatever happened in just a few seconds
of him being in trance.
"Wh-at you didn't buy it yourself, saying you don't want to eat and now
you are stealing mine?" Nanon glared at Ohm but he only got a soft chuckle
from other people.
Nanon didn't bother with ohm anymore just focusing on eating and
walking. The journey to their place afterward was filled with only some
words and they have already arrived back.
They both went to sleep after washing up, the light was turned off
covering the whole room into a dark and serene silence but Ohm was wide
He couldn't get off the thought of previous call, it has been long since his
dad talked to him like that was what he was thinking. He somehow felt
more relieved even after the tiring day. He softly mumbled "Good night"
despite knowing the other person has already fallen in deep sleep.
"I feel as if theres this new routine that has been born? " Nanon said to
Ohm while putting his dress on. Ohm didn't knew what he was talking so he
seriously asked "What routine?"
"You see, I told you right that I saw my mom in my dreams and it seems
as if it was something from my childhood memories and feels as if I am
recovering my memories with every night passes by? Won't it take forever
for me to remember like this, like its half of my life that I had forgetton..."
As he talked his voice became small and small to the end and he seened
Seeing him like that Ohm sighed and said softly "Don't push yourself too
hard. It has not been that much time that you are recovering your memories,
be patience. I'm right here to be there with you for however long that might
take." he gently took Nanon's hand and stroke it few times making dazed
Nanon come out of his trance.
"Um" his words fell short noticing that stroke which lead into sudden
burst of warmth in his heart and all he could mutter to Ohm for being here
with him now was "Thank you"
"Aren't you thanking me too much?! Like, I may not deserve it. Lets go
now." Ohm said that and went to the doors leaving behind the confused
Nanon. "Don't deserve it? Hey, what are you talking about? Finish your
words before leaving. Hey!" Ohm had already walked out of their room and
left out a breath trying to ignore the heavy feelings regarding his past.

Nanon followed Ohm out of their room and saw that Ohm was waiting
for him by the door, seeing that Nanon's mouth curved into a sweet smile
and said "Lets go fast, I'm excited!!"
As they had a day off today, when Nanon knew that Ohm was going to
record his first official song ever, he became so much excited that he
begged Ohm to tag him along with the studio How could Ohm reject his
pleading eyes? So, yeah they were going together to the studio.
Nanon was following Ohm like a good child when he noticed that they
were heading towards the parking lot of the building?
"Huh?" Nanon was stunned as they stopped in front of a car that seems to
belong to Ohm?
"Wait! You can drive?" Nanon asked pretty much surprised by the fact.
"Um" Ohm replied shortly, opening the door of the car and literally
pushing a stupified Nanon inside.
After settling himself ohm realised something that Nanon was suddenly
quiet so he has a sudden thought and he asked cautiously "Umm- does it
triggers-" before he could finish his sentence Nanon looked at him directly
and asked, "Why were we troubling ourselves to run every morning to our
classes then?"
"You were thinking that?" Ohm was surprised and he didn't know if he
should cry or laugh. He was worrying for nothing.
"What? we are just 10 to 15 mins from here, aren't we? Why would you
need a car to drive for such a short distance?" Ohm asked contemplating
their situation.
"Aw, that makes sense too. Still..." Nanon didn't say anything after that,
just laid gently cross folding his hands and looking ahead saying "Lets go!"
Ohm was dumbfounded by his sudden mood change and couldn't help
mutter ' still the same' which Nanon's sharp ears of some occasional time
could clearly pick up and his lips broke into a soft smile.
The recording went really well, the producer there was amazed by
Nanon's constant energetic cheering. It was already almost evening when
they came out of the studio, so they decided to just have dinner before
going back to their room.
They went to a nearby diner place and ordered some dishes while they
were talking about the recording suddenly in flash mode someone came by
giving Ohm a big hug exclaiming "Man! Its been a long time. Who's with
yo-" as Drake slowly turned around to greet the other person sitting there
his words were caught in the throat "Oh crap, I don't know you." he said to
Ohm and smiled at Nanon clearing his throat "I don't really know him, Nan-
He was stopped by Nanon's serious-looking face and his hand gesture of
stop, he bowed down some more before whispering in Ohm's ears " Shit!
Did I mess it up?"
Then he heard a hearty chuckle from Ohm as he was led to the empty
seat by Frank.
"We can join you guys, right?" Frank asked jokingly which both Ohm
and Nanon replied with a nod.
"Well, I know you all know Ohm" Nanon stated making Drake's mouth
open in surprise, and taking the opportunity of that moment Frank pushed
some salads inside his mouth saying "Now, here you are being a good boy,
eating healthy foods" which made the other persons observing the
interaction laugh then did only Drake recovered from his shock.
"How? You have gained your memories back?! Aw- Nanon!" Drake
excitedly exclaimed but Naon replied truthfully "No, I still don't remember
IAME- Here you are guys. Hope you all enjoyed these 2 previous chaps
as I really enjoyed being able to write after getting demotivated for some
time. Thank you to everyone who has been waiting patiently for an update,
I'm back!

IAME- so, I have had this chapter in draft written till half for like from the
day I have last updated. I was going to update sooner but situation is not in
my favor, I'm sorry for this much inconvenience and Thank you so much
for all these supports. My mom's hospitalized and my finals will start in 5
days, this chap might feel rushed but I'm sorry this is all I could do for you
all who has been waiting. Hope you will enjoy it!
As their order was placed in front of them all of them started to savor the
taste with a slow-paced conversation about this and that. Suddenly Nanon
felt his phone vibrating and he excused himself to get the call.
His mouth quirked upon seeing who the caller was. He happily picked up
the call "sawadee khrab, Pa (aunt)"
"Sawadee ja, Non"
"How are you doing dear?"
"Great pa!"
"It must be great that you have even forgotten about this old aunt now?"
"That's not it, pa~there seems to happen too much thing I couldn't wrap on
anything that's why I could 't call you. Don't be angry na?"
"I'm not angry, dear. I was just worried that's all."
As they started to talk it took him almost more than 15 mins to get off the
call. 'Gosh, how much I miss home?' With that thought, he went back to his
friends who seems to have a fun conversation going on. He just sat at his
place quietly and listened to what they were talking about so he could
participate in the conversation too.
"So we will be going now," Drake said as he and Frank got in a taxi. As
Ohm and Nanon saw them leaving Nanon muttered to Ohm while looking
at the departing taxi. " Why can't they just be at ours? It's not that we are
some strangers or something!"
"That's called their privacy now let's go back"
"Kay!" Nanon said and quietly moved towards their place.
Next morning, "Ah~we are not late today" Nanon exclaimed happily.
While they were heading towards the university Nanon asked Ohm " Oh!
Any update on your recording?"
" Nothing much, the producer actually contacted me again yesterday and
scheduled to meet again this weekend." Ohm said glancing the person
beside him.
" woah, I knew it! You did great there." Nanon said beaming with happiness
as he smiled at Ohm actually happy for Ohm.
Ohm softly mumbled " you have been always like this" which Nanon failed
to catch and with a sigh he smiled at Nanon asking " Will you go out with

To say the least Nanon was baffled " Yea-what?!"

"Um, I mean like it'll be on weekend so will you go with me there again?"
Ohm corrected his words surpassing his smirk that was about to appear on
his face seeing nanon's reaction.
" Oh sure" Nanon said with an embarrassed smile, quickly moving towards
his seat.
"Woah, it feels nice getting done with all of the classes. Will you go back
home directly?" Nanon asked Ohm who was waiting for him outside of the
" I'll just go back directly. Why? is there some place you need to be?" Ohm
"Um, yeah I was planning to head to the library"
"Oh then I'll head back?" Ohm asked unsure if he should head back to the
room or follow Nanon.
"Okay, I'll see you then" with that Nanon rushed off from the place where
he was standing previously.
"That was fast?!" Ohm chuckled at the rushness of Nanon and headed back
to their room.
Nanon had lots and lots in his mind these days, he felt as if he was
lagging behind his study so, yeah he went to library to self study. He slowly
moved towards the row of bookshelves to find the book he wanted to study
but amongst his search he found something else, he saw the book "Fifth
"This book so familiar" with that keen interest he took the book along with
some other course books.
As he read by the lines, pages he felt as if he had read the book already.
"This book...Have I read it before? Before losing my memories? I was
reading those lines to somebody, who was it, who?" Nanon began thinking
hard trying to force his memories but it was not easy, with the heavy
pressure he put on himself he felt anxious and his breath started to become
hasty, at that moment he could only think of one person right at that
moment so he dialed and called. The call was picked soon by Ohm "Hello!"
With short gasps Nanon said some words with difficulty "
Listening to Nanon's voice like that Ohm himself began to panic but he
tried his best not to freak out and he tried helping Nanon by guiding him to
try slow down his breath while he hurried to his car downstairs and headed
straight to the library, the library was just around the corner of the college
building and it didn't took him that much time to reach there. With haste he
ran inside the library trying to find out Nanon and when he saw him Ohm's
heart tightened seeing Nanon in a very poor condition.
Although Nanon had calmed down somehow as Ohm went up to him he
looked sideways where Ohm stood, the light from the window, that made
the sweats on Ohm's forehead glisten slightly. With Ohm's presence the
reassurance came back to him and Nanon slowly let his body fall which
Ohm gently hold onto. Nanon slowly closed his eyes and lost his
consciousness softly lying on sturdy abs of Ohm.
IAME- That is it!! How was it all of you?? How y'all doing?? I am pretty
much done with my exams and my mom has been discharged too, so I think
everything is good for me till now, what about y'all?

It's already over 7 years, I don't think we can keep going on like this, let's be
on our own way?"
"Pol, what are you saying?"
"Nan, you know right why I was with you all these years? I feel as if I'm
losing myself more and more with days getting prolonged, so please let me
"I- You"
"Please take care of Nanon for me?"
"You will right, Nan?"
"Why are you doing this now? Just why? When I thought I will fight alone
to bring him up why did you extended your hand, why!? Don't leave him,
me now, don't do this..."
"Nan, we were never in love and you know I could never have myself love
you the way a family is grown. He has already waited enough, don't you
think? I am so sorry, Nan but this time I want to go to him..."
"I am sorry"
'Where are you going? Don't leave us!'
"Mom where did dad go?"
"He went to someone he loves."
"Why mom? Don't he love us too, why did he leave us for that person?"
"I'll tell you this when you will grow this tall and be a nice men, okay?"
"You promise mom?"
"I do"
That vivid memory of being left behind, A 7 year old Nanon couldn't
understand but he became more clear and clear about that as he slowly grew
up. At that time when Nanon was dealing with his dad leaving them, there
he came.
"Why are you upset over this? See my grandma told me that see those stars
are one of my grandpa, she says that even tho she can see him he is still far
away but your dad is still in this earth so he is not far away he is just some
distance away from you. So don't be sad about this na"
'Yeah, I remember. I remember him, her, them...'
Nanon who was laying unconscious on a bright hospital bed had a soft
smile growing on his lips, yeah all of them, he was reminiscing.
That time when he and Ohm first met. That time when Chimon got into a
fight for him. That time when Ohm's grandma had gone away. All those
times, Nanon forgot about slowly started to surface on his mind.
IAME- I am so sorry for disappearing, I thought I will post soon after

getting done with my exams but even after getting results I have not posted
yet I am an active procrastinator and IDK for how many days, I was only
delulu about writing something but ended up doing nothing. I am truly
sorry, please don't let my mistake get to you to enjoy the chap, Hope you
will Enjoy itt☺️

IAME- Hope you will enjoy it 💕

With the overflooded memories from the past, Nanon felt everything that
he couldn't explain. Pain, sorrow, fear, joy, and what not? The
overwhelming sensation from all those forgotten moments, significant or
insignificant however was it, Nanon finally was able to have all those
The state Nanon was in after recovering his past memories was a very
delicate one. He could feel the unsettled calmness within him toppled by the
turmoil, that his lost memories created.
So, how should he be actually feeling? and how did he feel?
As if the fallen pieces of jengas' getting towered again the gaps and
blankness in his past were finally bridged. Those hard-to-explain emotions
inside of him grew so severe that he was going into depth of his sorrowful
memories rather than the good ones that were worth preserving. The image
of his mother lying in a blood pool from that nightmarish night was the last
thing he saw before losing consciousness and waking up with no memories
of his mother, who nagged, scold, loved, cared, and treasured him. And now
he was capable of recalling he couldn't hold any longer.
His heart was wailing, his mind repeating that incident time and again.
He had difficulty breathing.
He might have known subconsciously that he was not conscious and he
was further drifting away from reality as his emotions overflowed. Humans
tend to be more affected by bad memories than good ones, aren't they? That
was what Nanon was going through.
Had he been affected by those good memories of his, would he be
suffering like this?
He could hear some small voice filled with surprise calls for him but he
couldn't differ who was it.
Dark and that was the cost of recovering his memories? So, what was it
that did not let him have these memories sooner, was it him? Even Nanon
might have been aware of that one corner inside his heart that was so afraid
of maybe recalling bad memories that the RECOVERY of his memories
was fruitless.
"Non, wake upp!!"
"I'll call the doctors, you be here with him."
"Non, please open your eyes. I... Non...Please..." As Ohm saw Nanon
was sobbing so hard but was not opening his eyes, he panicked. He called
out for him but Nanon was wiggling in pain seemingly distraught but his
eyes were shut tight. After seeing this Chimon hurriedly exited to call the
doctors while Ohm called out for Nanon but he didn't respond.
Ohm had always been weak when Nanon was in this state, he himself
was broking down. he knew he have to keep it up but has he been able to
overcome his fear at all over these years? He has promised himself, Yeah he
won't leave. Not this time. So, he again called Nanon in the softest voice he
ever have used which he thought might not reach out to Nanon but then
suddenly he heard Nanon calling "Ohm!"

IAME- I'm back!! This chap is like the whole background story of the short
glimpse in chapter 34 yup Nanon's father and mother's thingy. If any of you

💕 😅
are confused about their relationship and all just ask in the comment section
I'll try to make you understand Hope you will enjoy it. See you guys soon

"Ohm" hearing a small child's painful squeak, Ohm who was twice as small
as who he was in present ran towards Nanon seemingly worked.
"What happened? Are you okay?" Little Ohm asked carefully observing
Nanon if he was injured or not.
But the little mischievous Nanon started chuckling "nothing hehe I just
wanted to scare you"
"Non! You are so bad, I'm angry with you now. Humph" saying that Ohm
turned towards the opposite direction from where Nanon was standing,
folding his arms and pouting slightly at the thought of him getting fooled.
"Ohmmm" Nanon said his name in prolonged way to get his attention yet
Ohm looked away still pouting.
"Don't be mad na~ Ohmmm"
"Ohm! Ohm! Look at me"
"Don't be angry, sorryyyyy"
"Don't be angry pleaseee please please"
Nanon kept pestering him following Ohm's trail way back their home.
Nanon slowly started to feel bad so he kept quite silently following an
already cooled downed Ohm. Ohm was thinking of pulling prank on Nanon
too when they reached near Nanon's house and even from outside of the
gate they could hear shouts coming from the house.
Both were scared by the noise but still slowly approached the house and
went inside the gate slowly peaking from a rather slightly opened door, they
saw three figure Nanon could decipher his father and mother amongst them
while he couldn't quite figure out who the third person was.
"P'Pol stop it, will you?"
"This is not it P'Pol. We should just break away." The person whom Nanon
never saw said which his father replied rather aggressively.
" Nan, sorry. It's all my fault. The more I keep going like this the more I felt
as if I was betraying everyone around me. I am sorry but I want to be selfish
this time, I don't want to let him go anymore. You understand it right, Nan?"
"But why why now?" Nanon saw his mother's head hanging low as if her
head had so much load to carry.
It's already over 7 years, I don't think we can keep going on like this, let's be
on our own way?"
"Pol, what are you saying?"
"Nan, you know right why I was with you all these years? I feel as if I'm
losing myself more and more with days getting prolonged, so please let me
"I- You"
"Please take care of Nanon for me?"
"You will right, Nan?"
"Why are you doing this now? Just why? When I thought I will fight alone
to bring him up why did you extended your hand, why!? Don't leave him,
me now, don't do this..."
"Nan, we were never in love and you know I could never have myself love
you the way a family is grown. He has already waited enough, don't you
think? I am so sorry, Nan but this time I want to go to him..."
"I am sorry" with that he grabbed the other person who was standing dazed
with unexplainable sympathetic expression on his face looking at Nan and
dashed towards the door leaving the broken Nan totally shattered on the
floor. As Pol pulled the door wide open his eyes went wide too seeing the
two small child huddling in each other's embrace seemingly distraught from
the scene they have seen.
Pol stopped in his track and slowly bending down he said in a softest tone
to Nanon " I love you, Non. Take care"
And went away without looking back leaving the both mother and son duo
in a mess of their tears.

Till how many days did he dwell on that departure of his dad? All the
things were too complicated for him to understand clearly, he could have
been fooled by his mother's words but one thing he knew for sure was that
'Dad had left them.'
The pain would have been more fierce if he hadn't consumed the whole
fact of his dad leaving gradually with him growing up. He knew,
understood, and accepted it, yet that same person was curled up in the
hospital bed, trying to not remember what had happened. 2 years of
oblivion and the sudden force of memories were pushing him through the
pains that he was obliged to overcome, all on his own? That's when he felt
the cold touch of someone, engulfing his arms, that moment finally jerked
him off to reality, he opened his eyes widely in shock and in confusion over
all the mess in his mind and among all of them standing in front of him.
The presence of light was so sudden that he needed some time to adjust
and all the calling voices were just ringing in his mind but he couldn't quite
figure out anything for some minutes, and after realizing that the person
whose hands had gone cold with the worries was holding him by shoulders
to adjust his position, and slowly his face became more clear, seeing him
like that Nanon was in a daze for some time. Then he slowly heard all the
worrisome voices of Ohm, his friends, his aunt?
With a sigh of relief, the doctor asked his aunt out to have some
conversation while Ohm cautiously spoke "Hey? How are you feeling?"
The slight hoarseness in his voice trickled Nanon's ears, without any words
Nanon engulfed the man in front of him snuggling close to him finally
feeling some warmth exuding from him, and with just that slight action
Ohm knew that Nanon knew he had cried.
The other two presents in the room were awkward fourth wheeling them
so they quietly exited the room warning the new set of visitors to not go
inside for a while.
They remained like that, complete serene silence between them and a
comfortable cuddle. Nanon had buried his head close to Ohm's rapidly
beating heart, he inhaled the fresh scent of him comforting him enough to
make him talk. He slowly started "I...I...remember now...I, me, us, and her...I do remember everything
now, Ohm" he barely managed to speak a whole sentence with numerous
pauses in between, despite that Ohm remained silent listening to him
patiently and seriously.
"I am so sorry for not remembering you" Nanon finally said the words he
had dreaded to say from the day he had remembered Ohm, all this while the
hold of his became even tighter around Ohm and he could hear Ohm's
voice, and breath close to his ear "I have always regretted being a coward,
leaving you all alone when you must have needed someone close the most,
I am so sorry, I am really sorry, I can't reprimand this but I want you to
know that I will never leave your side..." with that they need not tell each
other anymore what they have felt like. Nanon forgetting the one and
bestest of friend of his life and a sweetheart was the cost he would have
paid for trying to erase the memory of every dreadful memory. It was not
that he now felt more afraid of those moments or something, it was just the
courage of having someone by your side when you needed one that he
wanted to face those moments finally.
IAME- so how are y'all doing? A lot of people might have already fallen
out of this book due to my irregular update and more so my poor plot
development but I think the ending is not far away now guys, I actually
wanted to listen to all of your thoughts on how this has been going so far
right now? I know there's a lot I need to work on but I can't figure out
which which. Anyways, I hope you will enjoy it <3

As the sun was setting down to welcome the dawn of stars, they watched
the sun eloping itself in the sky as if it never existed, neither Nanon nor
Ohm talked they just kept quiet thinking about every possibility that was
yet to come true. Who knew how long they had been standing there slightly
leaning on the window seal lost in thoughts and for how long?
But after taking some time, Nanon gathered up the willpower to speak up
first. He took a deep breath, he started slightly dampening his unusually dry
lips "I've made up my mind. I'll personally see you off."
Ohm might have guessed the answer but it still took some time to
comprehend what Nanon just said. He understood what Nanon was
Although he prepared himself for these possible two answers from
Nanon either "Don't" or "Yeah, you should" but still it was still hard for him
to swallow the lump forming in his throat. He pensively replied, " You are
one cruel of a person, hm?"
"Sure I am, I can tell what you might want to hear and what I really want
to speak too, but maybe I want to be rational for the very first time around"
Nanon spoke with a light chuckle that was filled with so many complicated
emotions than happiness, his eyes were looking straight ahead but one knew
those reflections reflected in his eyes didn't reach his mind, which was
wandering somewhere else.
"Can you say then?" Ohm asked facing the side profile of Nanon.
With that Nanon's gaze finally left the endless maze of clouds and landed
on Ohm's face. They were standing close to each other gazing through the
narrowed window that when they both were facing each other their faces
were mere inches apart just some. They both could feel each other's light
sweet scented breath so near, right on their skin, the air they breathed
became one and so had their mind and heart become too.
No matter how much it had been since they started dating, no matter
which day, the day when they both confessed at the same exact time, they
still felt the rush in their veins with every sincere confession. No matter
how much they have touched each other, they both still felt unusual with
those scalding touches. No matter how much they have spent their time
together, they still wanted more of it, more time together.
That was just as simple and as complicated as it was. Nanon knew what
to do, with his instincts so he slightly hooked his both arms behind Ohm's
neck and pulled him close meeting his lips as they both poured the longings
they would have to bear with the situation coming ahead. Nanon had tried
and Ohm had tried to not break apart in front of each other but still, the
small sobs were uncontrollable as they both knew what was on each other's
Slowly they pulled apart and without even catching their breaths, both of
them spoke at the same time "I don't want you to go"
"I don't want to go"
At that Nanon chuckled bitterly and stated "But still you need to go"
Ohm remained silent and Nanon continued "It won't be long. It won't be
long, right?"
With teary eyes, Ohm tried to put on a forced smile and said "Yeah, of
course, yeah It won't be long. 2 years will go in a blink of an eye. No matter
how far I'll be, no matter for how long I'll be gone, don't worry, okay? You
know right? It will be fine, don't be afraid." that consolation Ohm was
giving might have sounded as if it was for Nanon but it was more for him,
more for him to try to bind his anxiety, it was for him to make him realize
that situation had turned different, it was to try to make himself understand
that they have to be apart for some time.
Nanon dropped his gaze to the floor and said "I'm more sad than afraid"
"I guess you are still braver than me then?" Ohm said trying to crack the
pensive atmosphere, with that Nanon suddenly met his eyes and slowly
took Ohm's hand into his and asked "When is your flight?"
"It's 8 days from now on."
"Okay! I won't say any cringe line of let's enjoy to our best before we
will be apart or anything like that, but let's be with each other this time
around tho. Suddenly I'm greedy of your time now that you are going to fly
away to some few, oh! not few...but a long distance away." Nanon mumbled
clutching Ohm's hands even tighter.
"Let's be more comfortable with this, like our going-to-be a long-distance
relationship?" Ohm said finally cracking a tiny smile.
"Yeah, our going-to-be a long-distance relationship..."
IAME- I can't believe myself!! I never knew I could write so
dramatically...Now, this is the gateway to the main event, this event.....

this fic has been of one year old🤧

Iame- Wow, I am finally back with another chap. Actually with this month,
I am such a forgetful person that I don't
even remember the precise date but I do know I had first posted this story in
september of last year. When I had started it I had never imagined I will be
going through so long with it, and I absolutely had never imagined its views
to be 16k+ All these love and supports feels so surreal, but I have always

upcoming days
been thankful of all of you guys, I will try to give it a good chaps in
and will be soon back after I'll be done with my

As Nanon took Ohm's hand and wandered off to the same streets they
have been too much familiar with, he stopped, looking at the newly
constructed building.
He remembered there was a small noodle shop right at that place where
the new building was standing strong. Everything changes as time pass by,
he knew it. He wanted to be confident about them yet he still couldn't help
but sigh as his gaze fell upon their intertwined hands that were soon going
to be separated.
Feeling Nanon's unusual mood Ohm nudged him lightly with his other
hand. Nanon caressed Ohm's hand, and with that, he strode forward trying
to not think about anything at that moment. Nanon knew all to well about
difference in reminiscing the past and holding on to it, while he might have
been trying to keep calm but time and again the facade of him being happy
about the situation would shake as, his hardly faltering gazes will sweep
around Ohm's face.
Despite pulling an indifferent face, Nanon's mind was in turmoil just like
that, quite a few questions, be it reasonable or unreasonable revolving
continuously on his mind. He was not at all conscious of his surroundings
neither the presence around them as his heart made its way to the familiar
yet a distant feeling place.
Both of them were quite, walking side by side with hands clasped tightly
around each others' and with a lot of things on mind, yet none wanted to
bare out their thoughts in-front of each other, that was just how they were,
they kind of knew how much it was affecting them and their relation but not
one of them wanted to put effort on trying to turn out the situation different
cause no matter what they also knew the time wanted to flow on its own
and the fate too.
The bustling streets were far off now as they proceeded to the somehow
silent and sparsely located houses, both of their feet remained still as they
looked up at the trail of a small hill. The place was not secluded but with
people minding their own busy life the hill was almost always lonely.
With a reassuring nod to Nanon, Ohm smiled and slowly proceeded up the
trail slightly letting go of his hand. The sun was making its way down to the
west as they walked and walked to the top, where they sat finding their all
to familiar spot and silently watched the serene scene of everything beneath
and above them.
With another long moments of silence the sun almost had been eloped by
the western horizon and the wind had gone little chilly, yet both of them
remained still as if the time had stopped for them.After some minutes,
finally Ohm stood up observing the seemingly dark surroundings, he
extended his right hand to Nanon who was still seated caressing the grasses
beneath him. Without even glancing up or thinking anything his hand had
made its way to Ohm's, that was the trust they shared.
Just with that slight interaction Nanon's heart perked up as he thought
'Yeah, I trust him' . Despite everything with that slight realization he felt as
if even by a little, the heaviness he was feeling had been lifted. With a small
smile he stood up and made their way down and to the places where they
came from.
After some days of spending every second with each other Ohm had to
go to Bangkok, after all he needed to prepare for everything now that he
had only one day left from his boarding. With a hope and trust of seeing
each other again they had departed that day, even when the car Ohm had
rode on had left his sight Nanon stared at that distant place where Ohm has
dispersed to, slightly feeling afraid of something that was yet to happen.

Iame - Oh astronomy? Do listen people if you haven't, don't know why I am

suggesting but maybe it kind of fits the vibe of the phase we are right now
in this book?
With a heart filled with an inexplicable heavy feeling, every step he took
forward to the airport felt like a great struggle, those long strides he used to
take had become suddenly slow, timid, and short as if the weighed heart has
heaved its burden on his legs. With the view in front of him getting clearer
and his mind finally getting more conscious of the situation he started
dreading the decision but with a hesitant feeling, the slight excitement of
challenging himself was not unnoticeable either.
How great was it to think simply that getting out of his comfort zone,
leaving everything behind and residing at some new place adapting to every
new thing will be easy? With mind lost in countless this and that he waited,
waited along side his parents chattering with his sister, waited with
continuous shadows of people walking back and forth by him, waited with
his eyes roaming around the entrance scanning for that particular figure to
walk in without his notice the seconds had already turned to hour, the loud
conversation of his family had died down, the slow walks had turned hast
and quick with the announcement to board the particular plane they were
supposed to get to but he, he was just unconscious of this.
"Ohm?! You need to go now, son. You're going to miss the flight already."
Ohm's mom went to him and slightly poking him talked reminding him he
had to go.
As if unaware of what his mother said Ohm still reluctantly stared at the
distant crowd but he saw no-one,in his heart he knew, it would have been
hard if he were here but still he wanted to embrace him before parting ways,
he would have been satisfied to just have one more glance of his lover's
face, that moment felt so short before he was amidst his parent's concerning
It was surprising how he was not worried about leaving his home behind
maybe he had already grew accustomed to living far away from home, as
much as he can remember his most of the childhood had gone with his
grandmother and his parents were hardly home given their working
premises. More so he knew his relationship with his parents was not going
to evoke in just two years thats what he thought...
But what he and Nanon had was no matter the confident he had the thread
connecting was after all still fragile and thin, he trusted himself and Nanon
but what about the situation and condition they had yet to face? He didn't
trusted that, but there was something be it urge or the sense of responsibility
he felt over the situation he had created himself with choice he made his
feet moved. With last glance and with seemingly empty but undeniably
heavy heart he moved forward, he walked ahead not even noticing his
parents words of blessings neither his sister's calling.
Just what a dirty game of fate...with his touch leaving the national land
Nanon's consciousness blurred away softly touching the emergency
stretcher suddenly joined by ambulance's loud ringing siren...

He mindlessly boarded and landed in a foreign land, with an unsettled

mind at alter he just walked as if the soulless body moving. The first thing
he'd do after some tiring hours of flight? He would check out his phone, but
nope no calls, no texts, and no service...with a heavy hurtful sigh, he
followed his sister to wherever she was heading.
The ride to his sister's apartment was filled with momentary callings and
talkings of his sister, despite their closeness it was the very first time he felt
disconnected from the mood she was in. His mind wandered off back to
those familiar places with familiar presence, he had thought he was doing
so much okay there and will be somehow fine in here too, but reality finally
kicked in him.
After just some minutes of being in there, he was dreading his decision,
he knew he had never been good at taking decisions but this time, unlike
every other previous time, felt different and more regretful. Yet there was
again this different pulling sensation having his remorse and his control on
leashes, a tight one on top of that.
Suddenly with that everything became hard to comprehend, he was
looking out of the window but no view was leaving an imprint on his mind
like how those old streets he had wandered off to countless times did, no
chatters of his sister reached his mind like how he had always been
successful in, just like that they were in front of his sister's apartment where
he was supposed to be for next 2 years yet his state didn't scream
Noticing the long hours of her brother's cloudy mood, Ohm's sister
cautiously tried to know the reason "Ohm? Are you okay? You have been
spacing out all this time?"
Hearing the sudden question, even when he wanted to say something
nothing came out of his mouth, he stared blankly at his sister, lips tightly
shut, getting the blank glance as the only answer his sister was at a loss of
words. Seeing her brother in pitiful state with all her might she tried to
comfort him "Ohm.."she softly began "Is it about Nong'Non?" at that Ohm
dejectedly turned his eyes away and found his way to the sofa nearby.
"Hey, listen...are you not confident in your relationship?" with that Ohm
finally spoke hastily "That is not it,P' is just, it...I don't know how to say,
I trust him and our relationship P' but I don't know...I've just been restless?
And I don't even know the feels...suffocative P'...and hurts so
much..."he hardly finished his words finally letting go. She had never seen
her brother this dispirited and sad before so she hardly knew how to
comfort him so she just awkwardly went over to him and put her slenders
hand around his shoulders letting him rest his head on her embrace, as if
saying lets share this burden together?
"If you are not okay with all these, don't try to be fine and show you are
all good, okay? can just maybe take your time comprehending the
situation and you two can always contact each other, right? I won't say 2
years is a short time but if you are here all determined then I know you will
be able to hold on but if you are not fine with this you can just go back to
where your heart is, right?" with her limited capability of comforting she
tried to calm her brother but Ohm said nothing after that, simply layed his
head on his sister's shoulder for some good few minutes.
"I...I will contact...them" with that he quickly got up from where he was
seated and with some long breathes in and out he took out his phone and
called the first number, he called his parents, he certainly had thought 'what
if i call again but he won't pick up this time, either?' that maybe why he
didn't dare dial up the number he had been dreading to talk to.
"Hello..." his dad's voice sounded muffled and somehow dreamy...he had
forgetton the time difference. With slight hesitance he cut off the call.

IAME- First, I am so sorry for completely disappearing with no updates, It

is so frustrating but I had to deal with another exam...I was finally done
with it yesterday and this chap...I lack so many things, I am not good at
writing expressively, and I have a complete idea and scenario but it is not
put into writing beautifully, so I was like totally stuck in this chap from god
knows when ):) Anyways, somehow a long chap from me... :) Hope it will
pay off the long wait as compensation...
The hours he waited for a single piece of information about Nanon had
turned into days, that had already been collectively a week. No one literally
no one, he could reach no one for days, and with that, his heart had gone
cold from the concern. Countless calls, texts to Nanon, and no response at
all, everyone in his friend circle had gone quiet with no possible interaction
at all. No matter how he tried to convince himself saying everything should
be good, he knew something was definitely not right.
After a couple of days of absent-mindedness and nights of sleeplessness,
every day Ohm was wiggling in pain in his closed room definitely not ready
to adapt to the changes at all. Seeing the situation of her brother up close,
his sister felt even more desperate to do something to help him.
She went in front of his room and knocked twice but she noticed that the
door was open, after not getting any response she slowly opened the door,
seeing the brightly lit room she was somehow confused and she saw her
brother sitting in the farthest corner of his bed seemingly lost in thoughts,
seeing this she quietly left the room.
"Pa, you know something right?"
"?? what do I know?"
"What is happening there, Pa? Even if you don't know can you help me
check on Ohm's friends?"
"Ohm's friends? What happened? Is he alright?"
"I don't know Pa, he if, I don't know how to describe it,
he has been in some bad condition, Pa"
"Can you say in detail what is happening?"
"He is totally not in here at all, its as if he is spacing out all the time,
thinking about don't know what"
"Ahh, it's okay Pa if you are not getting what I am saying but I might
have some idea can you give me Ohm's any friend's number that
you have?"
"Ohm's friends, I'm sorry but I think I have number of anyone"
"Oh! That's fine then, Pa. I will manage another way."
"What way? where is he now? "
"He is in his room, I gotta go, Pa. Love you, bye"
The call was cut off. Ohm's father looked at his phone somehow worried
about the situation, seeing this Ohm's mother who was sitting by listening
to the conversation said softly, "You should tell them. Don't do this, you
know it's not going to turn out good."
At that, he just weakly looked at her and said nothing, he let out a sigh
with a heavy heart looking down at his tightly clasped hands.
"Hey" "Ohm?" "Are you okay?" At that Ohm turned his eyes to meet his
sister's direction, he had a dark hollowness clear in his eyes totally seeing
disconnected from her words, the evident black circles making him see as if
a sick person.
"Give me Nanon's number," she asked extending her phone towards him,
he looked at her and down at her phone blankly, without saying anything he
just passed his phone to her.
She took his phone and was on her way of leaving his room when she
heard him say, "He won't pick up," slightly startled she looked back at him
waiting for him to speak further but he had already averted his eyes and was
back to his 'in my own world' mode.
As she went through his contacts she was shocked, how many calls is it,
there were repetitive calls on one particular number she almost felt dizzy
looking at it. Helplessly, she called but no answer, she sighed thinking 'was
he avoiding him?'
Seeing how it won't work like that she searched through his contacts and
she called the one she knew was his closest friend.
A few rings and someone picked up, she was thoroughly surprised.
"Is it Drake?"
"Aww yes? May I know who are you?"
"Why are you all ignoring him?"
"Huh?! Who? I'm sorry but maybe you got the wrong number?"
"..." Drake was silent hearing the name.
"Who are you? And what about Ohm?"
"It seems as if you all are ignoring him, why are you doing this, huh?"
"Who is ignoring who?"
"I'm his sister, I don't know the full thing but what I know is there was
something going on between Ohm and Nanon, wasn't it? Then he comes
here Nanon doesn't even come to send him off and seems like everyone is
ignoring him, you deliberately didn't pick up his calls, isn't that it, seeing
how you picked up mine?" she spoke directly to the point clearly frustrated
over Drake trying to act oblivious.
"He left on his own, Phi. can you say, Nanon didn't come to see
off, how can he Phi, he is like this..." Drake's voice came off somehow a
little bit aggressive and a little bit choked at last.
"What? What is he like now? Not better than my depressed brother,
"Phi, you...! Didn't he say anything to you? I can't believe it, is
all of this happening? I'm not getting him at all. What is he even trying to
do? He has gone crazy to go to Sates with you at first knowing Nanon got
into an accident, and now trying to contact anyone, will it even change
anything? What does he want now, Phi? Leaving like that, does he care now
how Nanon is doing? When he clearly left like that." Drake was furious,
furious that Ohm could do this, he thought he knew someone else before
not this Ohm.
"Wait..." after a long pause, Ohm's sister finally spoke again, hardly
consuming everything.
"Nanon got into an accident and Ohm knew? What are you saying,
Drake? He has been frantically calling Nanon since he got here, he is
worried sick and I don't think he knows anything about this situation there.
How did you even assume that he knew? Have you even asked him yet?"
"...UHh..that...but uncle said..." Drake was finally calming down trying to
take in Ohm's sister's point, how...why has he become like this?
"Uncle? Pa? Did Pa meet you? Don't tell me he said something about him
knowing anything about Nanon's situation?"
"What situation?" suddenly a hoarse and rough voice came from behind
her, shocked as she turned around she saw her brother who has never left
his room behind her. With quick steps, Ohm came to her and asked hastily
"What? What situation, Phi? Nanon, is he okay? Did something happen?"
As every word of Ohm's reached Drake's ears he was taken aback,
suddenly realization came in. How did he become so stupid? Why did he
think Ohm would do anything like that? With realization Drake felt
uncomfortable guilt, he lost it with rage or what?

"Who are you? Did I know you?"

Ohm was startled as he had flew back to the country in a hast without
second thoughts, he could have done that before but the state he was in, his
mind could hardly think and now he was back in front of him, he had
hugged in relief, he seemed okay but the question took him aback.
With astonished look Ohm pulled away from that awkward embrace and
locking his eyes with Nanon's he asked in disbelief with some confusion in
his voice "Are you okay, Non?"
"I'm..." Nanon looked at him with even more of a confused look, looking
lost about the situation and so finally the person who was standing by
Nanon's side all this time quietly watching them spoke, it was Chimon, " He
doesn't remember"
Ohm's relieved face had changed different colors already, he was
thoroughly surprised as his eyes darted from Nanon's face to Chimon and
back to Nanon again quickly, seeing him softly nod. Ohm was totally lost at
the situation. Chimon wanted to further explain but Ohm spoke first
"I'm...Ohm!" He stuttered.
"Uh...yeah? Hi Ohm?"
"This..." Ohm couldn't speak further as his already disoriented mind had
started crumbling down. As his visions were getting blurry with tears, his
loosely collected thoughts had scattered again. What was this situation he
was in? How? Why is it even happening? He could comprehend none as he
stood there in front of his Nanon who seemed somehow distant and a
stranger with face of someone familiar. He was slowly breaking down and
Ohm definitely didn't knew whom to put blame on? Him who had flied
away in wrong situation? Or Nanon who seems to be struggling with his
own memories? Or his father who clearly wanted to hide everything from
He stood in same place with his mind and heart heavy with inexplicable
feelings and with a look registering as being in a never ending cruel agony.
Nanon did nothing either, as for him he looked confused himself, he looked
at Chimon helplessly trying to get him talk about the boy in front of him
and the situation that he had let everyone in. Chimon, of course pitied him
but still with a restrained look asked Ohm, "why are you here now, Ohm?"
Ohm didn't answer so Chimon further prodded for an answer as how he had
knew Ohm not closely but he had thought when Nanon will be facing some
shitty situation he will be the first one by his side and now he felt he had
wrong impression of him, "Why are you even bothering yourself with this
now, Ohm? It is weird that you can turn your back to him so quickly and
still come to him? But for what?" Chimon's words were sharp fueling the
immense guilt Ohm had been feeling for nothing, yeah he could have been
there for Nanon but he was unable to do so, he was guilty all over for it but
was he to blame? What was his fault that everything seemed like he
shouldn't have gone to States at all, why can't no one see him struggling
too? Struggling about not knowing Nanon's situation, struggling on
digesting everything he has been told, Nanon can't remember? He felt
unfair that he was being told of when he didn't even knew anything, he
wanted to say that loud, how much he wanted to be by Nanon's side too,
how desperate he was to let Nanon remember everything, how much guilt
he has been frustrated by himself too but he choked unable to say anything.
He felt a lot but could utter nothing, trying to contemplate everything, it
occurred to him he, himself was blaming himself more than anyone and
with dejection his head had lowered to the extreme that no one could see his
teary eyes and his shrunken face.
He simply couldn't keep calm in such situation as he turned around quietly
speaking nothing and sprinting at the fastest speed to somewhere he can
vent of his uneasiness. Nonetheless Nanon and Chimon somehow were in a
collective state of daze as they saw Ohm's vigorously running off figure.

surprised with myself too 😂

IAME- what is happening to me guys?? I posted so fastt...I'm pleasantly
After posting yesterday's chap I was somehow

motivated today to write again? I've never been this much high on
motivation...still its a shot chap tho...
You did came two years ago too, didn't you?" Nanon asked slightly turning
towards Ohm who had been warmly embracing him from behind all this
time. Snuggling his face further more in Nanon's shoulder Ohm replied with
a muffled voice, "Mm"
"And I didn't recognize you?" Nanon softly asked and felt Ohm slightly
"It must have been hard on you...?" Nanon said with his voice getting lower
as he tried putting himself in Ohm's position, what if someday Ohm won't
recognize him? What will he do? That question just directly pierced his
heart so he could never even imagine the pain Ohm must have felt.
"Let's not talk about whom might have suffered thing...It was hard but I had
something driving me to not give up on you till today, you know..." Ohm
said supporting his chin on Nanon's shoulder, his breaths reaching napes of
Nanon's neck slightly tickling him.
With a light chuckle Nanon asked with amazement, "Drive? What was
motivating you huh?"
"The day I came back here, after meeting you, I still don't know why and
how but I had ran off to my home, I was like somehow desperate maybe or
I may have thought I was not the only one to blame so that day I had a huge
fight with mu dad, he had said "I knew you will be like this that is why I
never told you"...the dialogue felt classic..." As ohm remembered the day,
now his heart was light unlike how his heart had felt like tons weighing that
day. With a soft sigh he continued "I still don't get it why he thought hiding
your condition with me was the best option for me but now I remember if
he had not challenged me back then I don't know how I would have been
As Nanon listened to Ohm describing softly, he took in all the information
clearly and asked again, " challenge? What did you even get challenged on?
Seeing if I will remember or not?" He pondered, seeing his dazed self Ohm
chuckled and said pleasingly "Something like that...he may have thought I
will be able to forget you eventually in two years and everything will be
okay, I was completely determined to be back as a total opposite of how he
had imagined and be in front of you, being by your side...I don't understand
myself either..." reminiscing the past both felt the tranquility of those
moment, just some days ago they both might not have felt okay with the
past they had had once,but with each other by their side now they were
trying to recover from the trauma both had gone through, what if they are
not okay? At least their hearts were relieved to have each other, that was
more than what they would ask for.

IAME- Been busy these days, busiest since birth...and putting it to an end is
somehow a great difficulty, time passes quickly this proves, it feels as if it
was just yesterday when I first let my courage take a hold of me and publish
for the first time, whatever shit I wrote, I wrote I want to keep all these
intact and unchanging of how it was published in here to remind of myself
time and again on how I started and where I left, so despite lots of errors
and shortcomings through the plots I won't be changing anything, guys...
THANK YOU all for all the support and immense patience you all have for
this book, I Love this my upstart book in writing journey and immensely
appreciate all the hearty supportive words...
My line of sight, which had always found you near faced darkness
within my light, you
I try to search within
and the unfamiliar gaze puts away my calmness
Again, When I opened them, I wanted you to be in front of me
Again and again, again and again
I dozed off, waking up not finding you by my side
That distorted past...
I put back as I gaze at your somber eyes filled with images of me now
Again and again, again and again
I let out couple more sighs of relief
As I gaze at you again and again...
The soft music played with a moist and mellow voice, with melancholy
carved in every word. With the final beats fading away and the song ends
up, there was a prideful clap vigorously echoing through the room. A young
voice could be heard praising endlessly, "This is so good. I'm going to cry,
you seem to have grown up returning back there, huh?"
Glancing at his excited friend over a video call Ohm chuckled slightly
asking leisurely, "It's been some time, how have you been?"
The boy paused and said with a soft chuckle, "Pretty much done with
adjusting to the environment. It's head-spinning awesome sometimes and
overbearingly overwhelming at times, but I'm doing good."
"That's nice. You experiencing these things won't make you cry and go
back to the states will it?" Ohm said playfully, controlling his laughter and
glancing up at the person's uncontent face on the screen.
"Stop it! you... I am a very hardworking and dedicated person, don't
forget." the boy said disapprovingly shaking his head very determined to
deny the fact.
"Yeah as if." Ohm teased him even more making the caller cut the call,
pretty much pissed off by all the teasing.
Ohm's lips were hooked up high, seemingly in a pleasant mood after
teasing his friend, so when he felt his waist being pinched softly he was
startled, finally feeling the movement from his asleep lover. He turned to
face Nanon, and seeing him completely awake he asked, " When did you
wake up?"
"Just now when you were enjoying yourself teasing other people," Nanon
said somehow with a sour expression, clearly someone was jealous, maybe
a little.
Ohm was silent for some time as he was trying too hard to hold back his
laughter seeing Nanon jealous like this, finally calming down he began to
clarify unhurriedly caressing Nanon's face softly, "He is only my close
friend, not that you didn't guess. I got into music not that long ago because
of him, we were in the same school in States, that's where I met him and he
is a good friend to me."
Unconvinced Nanon spoke, his voice quite hoarse from the sleep, "I
haven't still heard the song yet."
Not knowing if he should cry that Nanon was not letting him off the
hook, or laugh cause he looked very adorable with his slightly messed up
hair, and his dropping eyes, sincerely looking for the answer, Ohm spoke
pointing out the fact, "You were there all the time when first
listener, isn't it you, baby?"
Ohm's soothing voice almost coaxed Nanon and perfectly snatching the
chance Ohm changed the subject, "Oh! Your aunt! Has she called you after
arriving there?"
"Umm, she did. She was finally settled hearing you were too persistent to
not leave me."
Ohm chuckled lightly engulfing Nanon in a warm back hug, as Nanon
relaxed, letting his head rest on top of Ohm's rapidly beating heart. Nanon
sighed thinking back to the things that were still to be cleared, "Won't you
meet your father now?"
"I don't know. I haven't been able to construct any idea of how it will
even go. It has been hot and cold in our conversation all these 2 years and
it's somehow awkward trying to go back to the solitary harmony we had
back then, and I am yet to know why did he do what he did, in this lifetime
maybe I will be incapable of." Ohm dejectedly said as he sniffed the
fragrant scent of his lover, letting himself drown in the moment of utter
comfort and contentment.
Their shared dormitory became silent as both surfed through their own
tangled thoughts that were getting arranged more and more. No matter the
phase and the situation upcoming in the future, they both wanted a break
from the shackles around their mind and heart that had chained them tightly
to their past, knowing they have wasted too much of their present in despair,
slowly recuperating and recovering from all those wounds given by past,
they expectantly lived their present, but who knows if happy ever
exist...what is the limitation for oneself to recover and be completely
unphased by the past that had pained them to their shattered self
one knew and the oblivion continues but do they care who are living in this
present only?
IAME- A good or a bad bye? Well, I wanted to give it a good closure but
trust me when I am saying the ending came a little too fast for me too, I,
myself haven't expected myself either when I started writing this chap...but
I felt longing it won't help anything out...there are lots of things to be
cleared and I will let it be unfilled like this forever, haha if you are confused
I am all open to any questions tho, don't be hesitant. And guys I really
wanted to write extra chaps but am not sure if I will or not. And those lyrics
are self-written by me, myself...PRAISE ME IN YOUR HEART okay
Did you guys notice the blatant promotion of a possible new fiction from
me? HAHA, any guesses on who it will be? That man Ohm was talking to
who is he? Well, I will come back messier and later with another fanfiction
maybe hahahahha, for this book official goodbyes are now sent off!
BYEBYE everyone...
Extra- AU

Feeling the person laying beside him shift uncomfrotably Ohm dazedly
woke up from his sleep just to hear Nanon's pained crys.
"Non?" Ohm gently shook Nanon who was still struggling, definitely
dealing with a nightmare.
"It can't be..." Nanon's breathing was getting heavy as tears began to fall
from his tightly shut eyes.
"Non? Hey! Non...! wake up!" Ohm tried to wake Nanon again nudging
him more. At that time Nanon suddenly grabbed his hands shouting
out,"Don't go..." Nanon's breathing was frantic as his dazed eyes stared
Ohm's face for some time. With a soft sigh of relief Ohm took Nanon's both
hands in his gentle hold.
"Hey, its okay now..."
"Have you calmed down?" Ohm asked concerned. Nanon was dazed for
some seconds, slowly evening out his breaths and calming down he sifted to
Ohm's side more leaning on Ohm's waist staring at his hands being softly
After getting silence as an answer from Nanon Ohm softly asked again,"
Bad dream?"
Nanon lightly nodded. They both remained quiet.
After some time Nanon broke the silence as he talked, " It was really
scary..."pausing he begain again, "It felt so real, as if I've personally
experienced it"
Gently kissing the top of Nanon's head Ohm tried to sooth him, " It was
just a dream, a bad one but its okay now, hmm?"
The room went quite overall as Ohm held Nanon's hand within his warm
hold ensuring his presence beside him.
"I saw that my mom and I had an accident..." Nanon spoke weakly,
shuddering at the scene he had dreamed, that was too real to be just a
dream, and was much more like a fragmented memory.
"She...died..." that was really just a dream, Nanon was clear about it but
still he felt sad. Maybe what he saw was what he never wanted to
experience, someday will come when someone will depart, how could he
not know? Nonthless the said bad dream left him in unkempt despair.
He felt Ohm's hand gently wiping his tears that had already fallen down
from his eyes to his cheeks, feeling the soft and warm touch of his hands
Nanon overlapped his own hand on Ohm's as he let it rest on his cheeks,
slightly leaning onto the touch, breathing out a contented sigh.
"You will never leave me, right?"
"Mm...I won't"
"It's not that I am asking every seconds of your lie, I just want you to
never leave me, like not for forever."
Nanon said looking up at Ohm, under the dim light coming from outside
creeping from in between some distance of curtains, Nanon couldn't see
Ohm's face clearly but he could still see the shine of his eyes, bright , it was
like his presence in his life, so staring up at him Nanon felt reassured.
"How can I ever leave you?" Ohm said reassuringly bending down
slightly kissing Nanon's forehead lovingly.
"I...I don't want to sound this clingy or whiny but I feel scared. Life is a
lot about meeting and partings, I've felt the pleasure of meetings already but
I don't want to face all the partings, not yet. I want to stay with you, mom,
our friends and everyone, I'm greedy, what should I do?"
"We're still here, still with you, still together..."
"Mm,it's such a relief. That was just a dream."
Nanon muttered lowly wrapping his arms around Ohm's waist settling in
Ohm's steadily beating heart and calmly heaving chest, dozing off to sleep
IAME- So, the finaly closure...Now it is really THE END of this book,
with an extra story. If anybody's confused it is just, what if.... in another
universe...Hope you'd enjoy it, Much Love.
Goodbye everyone, hope to have you in my other stories too :))

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