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Methods of Philosophizing
Week 3 & 4

Name: Adrian Josh R. Dupo

Grade/ Section: 12 Stem

Activity 1: Opinion vs Truth

Direction: Answer the following essential questions:
1) What is the importance of differentiating opinion from truth?

Knowing how to separate opinions and truth you see the advantage of not being easily fooled
or misled. It also gives you time to evaluate situation and assess wether they are false or valid

2) How will you describe a person who upholds truth and wisdom?

A person upholds truth and wisdom is someone who can be trusted he or she is sensible and knows
what is right and wrong. In short he or she is a moral person or an individual with a character that

Activity 2: Experiential Learning

Direction: Share your experiences on the times you did not use reason in your
life but rather, you relied more on emotions or opinions of other people. What
did you learn from the experience? Include drawings or illustrations if needed.
There are many moments in our life where our emotions gets the best of us. Hence there are instances
where we utter words and do deeds that we later on regret. This are the consequences of having our
emotions rule over our sensible sode if this habit continue we may end up in miserable situation later
on. People we love might misunderstood us or they might end up leaving us. That is why,its relevant
that we learn how to control our emotions. Let our sensible minds do the thinkin, talkin and the doing.
There is one time that I let my anger consume me I was just being tease by my family but I got so
annoyed that I shouted at them. My parent were shocked they didn't expect that I got do something
so disrespectful. They end up not talking to me for a day as punishment. Instead of feeling good of
expressing my anger I just feel worst. I was contemplating inside my room and I realized it was my
fault. I let my anger consume me and let my emotion ruled over me. Look where it got me- a
devastating feeling and total regret. By the end up of the day I brought up the courage to apologize to
my parents for what I did. They started lecturing me to handle my emotions. My father reminded me
that if I don't keep my emotion intact, then someday it could lead to my downfall. From then on I
learn to keep my head on the game. Use my head before my emotions, my minde before my feelings.

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