Early Medieval Debate

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Titlc Datc

Pagc 1
Ques Caiticall
on ealy
the mafo hi'sto aiographfcal
medieyal Indfo.
Ans. The teom eas
ealy medfe val denoteban mtezmedfate
peafod between he amcfent? and the med 'eval
he nomenclatuse eazlymedfe val also n h e r
Stand azdized n0 unffoamly accepted one,hough
hasgained Lonsiderable uDTenuy Os a Yalld
Chaonologfcal Segment foshistoaical enauistes. HPstoz-
ans a y e
beenong debadinq the nature of thba
SDLfehypolfhy and eLonomyaf- caly medieval Indfa
heze ane thee dfffezent contendmgexplanatoymodels_
fo undestandfng the tazly medlexal Indian sftuation 3
Lhe Indfan feudal model
of Self-Sufsfcfent, zelatfvely-
closed Ual
eumbmiy charxatte.afz.ed by anessental
himlar wosldoF Lomdsdnd peasats andpzolfezaHon.
ofcastes alSo
dec.entralzed feudal statea
Ihemodelo peasant state and sotfeiyvisualzing a
Baahmana peabont aufamce and Segmentay state
focubing On he PyTamidal pettHon the Stautuza
n the Dumesoud uienomoud Segmentu(Nadud), ad
Wese avaflable n he L0Te.
L. he mode o ntegatlve State and sou'al fonoationa
demondtraHna hephabedstudu exoulloY_o
Impefal Rmadoms 07 xegfonal Supma 7egronak stat eo
Ond Sod'e Hesa 0SS egiona.
he yauious his tonfognphical debated ane fallous
An It 7oducHon to ihe Study o Indfan Histo7y1156
D.D. Kosambf uns the fisst t glve the conceptual defimihon
o feudalfsm n Indfa. D.D. Kosambr dd not 0gTee
ogee wÍth
the Eusopean 0 the Marxistvew offud all'sm n
CLASSTIME India and Asiatc Mode 0of
Title Datc
Page 2

He ntToduced a tw0 stogederelopment of fudallsm

Ifewdalfsm f om obove.
ILfeudal>smf70m below.
The fomes one hen he Rings began to tanfer
hei ffscal and admfnfstativeights OYe land to hai
Subozdnate chfefswho then came nto diset selatfon
wih e peabantzy ompsedthe feudalisnm m
In the latez stage, a class of landownes de Yeloped
wfthin the village between the state and the peaant7y,
gsadually t wfeld asmed powezon he local populaztion,
aprocess he callsfeudausm uom belou
Kosambi also
omeup ufth six essenhfal Youiables on Indfan feudall'sm,
hough his two staqe dexelopmert wOD declazed nul amd
yofd he ebbentfal Yauiable g[ven by him anemaRed
ab Ome ofthefhst ontribution towands the study f
feudalModel Df Early Medfeval India
he essental vaufables ofIndanfudall'sm
1 Poltical Decentralizaton.
I Emesgente oF landed mteamedfaates.
Shit of Economy
N SubjecHdn of Peabontny
Psolffematonof Cabt es
feudal Dfmension o he ldeolgy and Cultune of the peu'od.

o Tndfan feudalism 1965

RS Shosma udes t ooRa thonough StudyOF the phena
menonof Indian feudallsm in his booR 'Indàn feud al'sm
He reected Kosam's bifuacation above and bel He
CLASSTIME|Studfed- his phenomenD who le
Tille Datc
Pagc 3
He divfded Indran feudalu'sm Into thee phobes
I fisst Phabe 350 15D A.D
I Seuond Phabe 150 1D00 A.D
I Thid Phase:D0D 12 00 ADD.
5ome of he f eatuza of feuda
YmDddel Ouluned by hm uweTe pTactile of Toakrg land
gnan whfch g0e he benefidarfeb fudfa'al and fscal
afghts and sghts ove he pople of donaded vYllage
weul ad he fncaeabing- (nuidente of fosced labou,
ded'ne m taadeand ofnage andpaument of £ial
haoughland TerenuL He taces he otgins of feudalism
18 &0lyentusfes of Chalstan esa when the pacess f
land 9ants ntensiffed. The eaulestevidence of land
9anthInda Omeb uom 1st (entuzs B.C. but the
dfd nottaansfez admínístzative pauer to benefftfanfes
Peshaps thebe ahts were gfven fo theery f s t ma
n Second centuT AD. Buddhst monRs from 5*Centuny
Onwands hese manta became 4Ttquent anddevelopecd
Cestam featues which ed topolHfcal decentalizanian
hese were aighd to ollut taxes,_eniou e Tevenw
of land ouonomy- 0n the land and mo3e Datim
In 6" Centuny A.D 4rants wexe given to mencant
qurldsalso Ihey
ullds weTealDuwed he exemptionO dues
dom to deal uwth labouss and moae. EComomic fudalin
Dn ne babis o R.S. Shanmas COnception op fudal>sm is
chosac Lslzed y Ruvauzalicm t s maim opects ane
LEme1genLeDf landed mtemedfaates
I Prebence of closed, naluralL tuOmomy
MEmezqenca oVillage ab a6elf sufficfent unit of poDdu

on and di'starbufon.

IYAgnaaian txpansiox 6ubstantially lanqe Scale

Title Date
Page 4L

Ihesestauctuma changes n the ecmomy tracede te the

gsowth lamdgaants lhs distubed and tramAfonmed.
Hhe exfstinq 0g7arafam odez. After the tambfcaration
land 9anis became pesmanent , e ducimg the 0ginal
uuvatos ttheposition o Lenants who ould even Supfez
evichion. Ihe emezgente of fonCed labou unD an mpoztant
nbhtuhioml development and this alght was alven
doneesSubje chim also ncaeabed due to the wrde s0nge
D taxed and lexfes uuhfch the peabants had to pay
hccbadin9 to Shanma, evidence fon he disposs.ession and
mpoye7[Shment opeoDantay wme faom peadant rotest
Sfnce tbe se o feud alsm ib taaced to land 90nts
which gale auay he lartyofhat stafeuene made
R.S shaama expahd hem udinq a henas op Causaon,
ci fna two catsis a he Labon fon the eva lantu o
|lamdqanis. aisis tanteduÍth he decune in Inda's
lomg dis tancetrade. Shanma also omsidens the natuse
oginteana sosal dynamics ab neSpomsible fax land qnanis-
He speaRs af aSocal utsis bodedon theaccoumts
lop Kali Age n Puraas.
Hi's thedy taRen fonuand -
the woBRS f ScholaS iRe D.N Jhaa and8NS Yada va
Yadoxa ehborated he Lomceptof Kalí Aqe as a peaisd
DF ollegedly Shanp class antagomism,whfch led to
he LMemgenCeor feudal ondea He paayfded an.exfdena
fo IncTe obina and grants to miutauy officeud dumrg
pOstqupta Pera 'bd

Landlordism and Tenancy h Ancfent and Medieval

India as eyealedby Epiaraphical Re wnds 1961
nIn hs woa, D. C. Sizcar aied provehat RS Shm a
Title Datc
Pagc 5

had Confused the land londs 0b feudal loads.D. C. Siala

held a víew that piestly class was_nbt he moSt
Suriabe fon endeaigSeavicesof feudal ypes thu
feudalsm wOd jusl aa mfs nomez n the tasly
IndfanContex and wad COnfubed a Landlozdsm t
may be a tght veew n texms of nasow
e0ly Euro=

pean umpaufson howexes t t misses Out an mpom tant

pofnt op when Brahmfns did plays most mpoatant
ole n thepOcess0f enly- State foz matuon Pe wbe
he onceptOF andlozdam to descotbe tne situation of
tasly medfevoal India

0 A Histooy or South Imdfa. 8 from Paebistosic Times to

he fal_o Vijayanagaa Y" edihion) l1915
A. Nilakanta Sastaípa.ebented appicture of a
hfghl centrased empheumde the cholas He ponte
Ou he StIutune of he State wth_an efffeternt
buseauLsaa Ompmebensive eYenu Sustem, and a
stao myamd navy thin his polhy Saatar
alSo denHfted a laage umberOf autD nomoua
llages Hi's onception of the State n ealy medieval
South Indfa Kemained unguedtion fom Sometme nis
histoioq7aphical tzadihion was Seafausly challenged by
Buzton Stcn.

Peasant State and Scíety n Medfeval South Indía

BuntonSten hab pofmted out the wntaadfction fn
wi th theChola monaac-
he vÍew of KA.N. 6aSta
CLASSTIME-hu- an exfoemeuy poueofu monancby at he
Title Datc
Page 6

apexlevel and the oYeswhelmfng pebente of

local self bodied at he village& He adapted the
Seqmentasy State model explain he South Indian.
Statesfom he Pallava te the Vifayanagana peaiod.
The Seqmentany State wa OmpoSed f many SmPla

Segments SuTToumdm a o7e and was 7w ed by the

Ring. He divíded Sovesetgnty o political Savezefanty
and tual hegemony 0Hmer featuzes ae a mulnplid't
oF Lented, Spec+alfsed admfnísBnaiYe staff and pramidal


O Was here feudalism n Indian Histozy? 1981

n this auucle Mukhla 9uestton the Ind'an_feudalism
hesisat he heore hicaland the empfxcal leyel
by Ompauina- he med'eval Indan Scenau'o wth
medfeval Euope Mukhfa say hat Euxapean fudalisnm
developed0 a eSultof charges a he bade of
Socreh n Indfa, he btablfshment of feud au'sm a
auaibuted. state achio Mukhfa suggested toaB
medieval Irdian eLOmomywad chasactem'sed b high
fesiu f e land, lo Subsfshence needs of the
peaants_ amd penants f7edomof ontol ovez the

cessDpDducfonHe _empnaSis.ea the faee peasant

pDduchiom he chaaateai'shic featune of the medievalL
Indianeomomy He also aques to move auwa RLOm
usoLentmlsm n he study o hstoay. OTtb thus
nteryeníon he debaBe waA no mge Dnpined
fuud alfsm ltrade dfchotomy He wntends that seafdom
an cidental featune n India He blames Shaama
foT paDduding empnfcal exfdente indfcahna similaz
CLASSTIMEAe velppments Y Tndia ond Eumpe.
Title Date-

How feudal uas Indfan feudallsm ? 198

In hisauticle he seponds oMukhfa's and bthe
CoIHatsm Sauing tha the LDId doeD not meam
anything wfthout fts oducts. lhe peasarts may haxe
POSSesSed. land labour cottle amd agfautunalImplem-
-ents but his uontrol_ove the means of pmodu ctfon
wOaD not veuy ferHve0dH fauts of p00d uciOn
was taken by he land lomds He sugqested that feudalism
has D be_ Seen ab a mode D distibutfonof the means
poducton amd the appoopníaton of ne suplus.

O teudal Socfal foamatfon n Eazly Indfa 3 1987

D.N. Jha slightly modi'ffed the theomyof RS. Shasma He
arqued that w e were to gire omplete cTedit to the
Outside fomces o se and dedne o Indfan ommeVe
hen we a unonsuously acceping Ma71's proposihon
that Tndlan Socitty lacRed the ntesal stength to change
by tse He Said the we Should fouA_om he domesthHc
Soctalconflucts tho shaped the feudalisation spoluHto-
eonomfc Stauctures inIndioa

The Easly Medfeval în South India11913

The Politcal Stuctuse of Eaals Medfeval South India1113
The feuldalsm madel oO South Indïàn fudali'am duninq
he eamlu medleval peniod waa Suggest
td Kebavan

Ve luthat He anques ha h e basfc daectpaoduceas

in afudal System 0LWn the Meand of pDduction hem-
Selyes în aYeny technical sense lhe pollhcal Stuctucx
CLASSTIME O eul medeNa South Indio wabURe the ypita
Title. Datc
Page 8
fudal Pynamid wit he kinq at he top, wfththe
fudatty chfe tatns fmme.dfotel belou hm, wlh the
DLal quoups nadus, bnahmadeuas and nagasamsbelow
hem he tenants and uutlvatoas below hebe qoups
and fnaly he landless hbouseas a theottom.
ThsPy2amfdal hferanchy found in mfUtany ogan
is auton and fudtafaladministzation ab wel.

The making o Ealy Medfexal Ind'a i 1994

8D Chattopadhyaya Says the sole of land gnants as a
|meano of exploitation ibs ove emphabfzed, because_
ome doesni Rnow the pmoponton o f he total uulttyable
lamd that was befng 37antedHe povfdes Yidence to
Shou had fo.efgn taade did not decume but_onHnwed
Similarly, he Says hat eomomtcbosis or tbe uaban
LemBoe wOD an agfuuusa Swuplua gemesated b
expansfon and new mehodsof ltyatubin He aldo Sayd
haB eyen if Some aly medferaldtf'esdid defne,
0g7aaiam led to trade and_extamge whtch
led ndevelopment ofocal exchange nod kuom 9
centuxy onwasdb paovidinga new Rnd of unbanization
in 0
medieyal tmes HeSugaests an altennative uay-
o Iookng at tne dexelopments fn thispeutod He fdentipia
fnte-adated histnaicalpa0esses that helps ud undeastanmd

the ntense psocess of state fomation me of them

momic i.e 0gaitusal expams*on that intensffred
and widened t6 9engmaphfcal hmizona n his peuod

The Socalprocess wab onAequene af the eonomfc, as_

du to 6pead of aqa1ultuze îndenou taibo got nu
pOmated n cadte Sustem a owe lerels hgnanlan xmng
CLASSTIME no led toa Suaplus, whtch was a
Page 9
pre eausite foz he fomatlom o State soutety

lhe feudal 0der & 2000

It ban edfted volumeo Jha paeveous wosr He has
nclud ed papens explosfng the ultural amd fdeolngl cal
dîmensfons ar whaB he caUs the peudal 0%der One opf
he majo dfmensfoma So exploed ib hat of 2eafon,
espectallypopular zegfon ox BhaR, both m noztH and
SouthIndfaand heqzouwth of Indas egonal wltu2
and languag

6 Easly medfeval Indfan Socfety 200p

In hs wosk Shasma modipfed hfs
and fews
RApanded ts Sope to looR at feudalfsm_a an_
eDnomfc fonmatton whtch eYolved Out_of
Soca calsis fn Socfety, slanifying In he mfndsop
Penple he beginníg he Kalfyuga,athex than
entey as the_ Lonaequena op state ationa He tuane
's atenhon t o the deologfcal and ultusal aspecta
ofnefeudalSDfehyand hcudedSome nev themea
Such aTanaism, and he feud al Mnd, where
he xplomesSuch paoblems ad the neplechon op
feudal hiesaschfes aut andaHchite ctuae a the
deas o qatu'tude od Loyalty0d deologicalpaups
of uda S0iety, etc..

eInter 0gating Ppuftfcal System : InteqratYe Psocesses

and States in Pre modean Ind'a & 2015
HenmannKulke Kulkefocuses the Integaative Madel,
Title Date
Page 100

hichfoCuseDon ntensfve state deyelopmend at

he eqfonal lexel. He has 9uesttoned St en
oncept 3tual sovene fgnty. Acconding t wR In
a tadiHonal SouTety pauuulasly n Indfa, 7itual
Soxeselgndty- Seems to be an mt eqmalpaut. ARey
elemen o he 6egmentamy State heoy wOs allo
he S0-alled Baahman peadani asanceat the
madu he peabant wuas always explo>ted buy tha.
Baahmam_and kshataiya ombfnat'on Ihe model wns
0iginallypposed toexplain_he tzibal sttuation
and not Suftedto astzatified Saufety-
The debate
SuaToundÍna he chagacteaizing of eaalymedaval India
ove _Hhe last thinty eas haAeniched Ou undezs ta-
mdmq he tmes Forly MedÝexal could tbus_be
best undezsto0d b_examíning thepexsperhve of dffere
scholaasand by occephing he homageneity n_chaaacter
State Sybtem whfch Yaufa kom seqfon t o eqfon


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