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PART – A (Short Answer Questions)

Q. o Questions Taxonomy Outcome
1 List the advantages of DBMS? Knowledge 1
2 List the database Applications? Knowledge 2
3 Define instances and schemas of database? Knowledge 2
4 Discuss Data Independence? Understand 2
5 Explain database Access for applications Programs Understand 2
6 Define (i) Database (ii) DBMS Knowledge 2
7 Explain about Database storage structure? Understand 2
8 Discuss Transaction management? Understand 2
9 Explain the Query Processor? Understand 2
10 Define (i) Entity (ii) Attribute Knowledge 3
11 Define Relationship and Relationship set? Knowledge 3
12 Discuss about Data Definition language? Understand 9
13 Discuss about Data Manipulation language? Understand 9
14 Explain about querying relational data? Understand 9
15 Explain the History of Data base Systems? Understand 2
16 Discuss how can you change the data in the table? Understand 9
17 List various types of attributes? Knowledge 3
18 Discuss How can you alter and destroy tables? Understand 9
1 Define relational database query? Knowledge 8
2 State about SELECT operation in Relational algebra? Knowledge 8

3 State about PROJECT operation in Relational algebra? Knowledge 8
4 Define Aggregate Functions? Knowledge 10
5 Discuss the use of rename operation? Understand 8
6 Illustrate division operation? Apply 8
7 Discuss the basic form of SQL query? Understand 9
8 Define Null Values. Knowledge 10
9 Define tuple variable with its syntax? Knowledge 8
10 Define Dynamic SQL? Knowle ge 10
11 Define Assertions? Knowle ge 6
12 Discuss about trigger? Un erstand 10
13 Demonstrate how to add a NOT NULL column to a table? App y 10
1 Define redundancy? Know e ge 5
2 Define functional dependency? Why are some functional dependencies t ivial? Know e ge 5
3 Discuss normalization? Un e stand 5
4 Illustrate functional dependency with example? App y 5
5 Illustrate fully functional dependency with example? App y 5
6 Demonstrate transitive dependency? Give an example? Apply 5
7 Discuss Domain-Key Normal Form? Unde stand 5
8 Define Armstrong axioms for FD’s? Kn wledge 5
9 Define First Normal Form? Kn wledge 5
10 Define Second Normal Form? Kn wledge 5
11 Define Third Normal Form? Kn wledge 5
12 Define Fourth Normal Form? Kn wledge 5
1 Define a Transaction? List the properties of transaction Knowledge 7
2 Discuss different phases of transaction? Understand 7
3 Discuss recoverable schedules? Understand 7
4 Discuss cascade less schedules? Understand 7
5 Define Two Phase Commit protocol? Knowledge 7
6 Demonstrate the implementation of Isolation? Apply 7
7 Discuss the Procedure to test Serializability? Understand 7
8 Explain about different types of locks? Understand 7
9 Discuss about Failure Classification? Understand 7
10 Define a checkpoint? Knowledge 7
11 Discuss the failures that can occur with loss of Non-volatile storage? Understand 7
12 Demonstrate Conflict Serializability? Apply 7
13 Discuss View Serializability? Understand 7
1 Discuss about data on External storage? Understand 2
2 Explain Clustered Indexes? Understand 11
3 Discuss the Primary and Secondary indexes? Understand 11
4 Define ree Indexing? Knowledge 11
5 Explain Hash based Indexing? Understand 11
6 Discuss the intuition for Tree Indexes? Understand 11
7 Define Indexed Sequential Access Method? Knowledge 11
8 Discuss about Overflow pages and Locking considerations of ISAM? Understand 11
9 Discuss the Cost model of Heap files? Understand 11
Discuss the Cost model of Sorted files? Understand 11
9 Discuss the Cost model of Clustered files? Understand 11
10 Discuss the impact of Workload on Indexes? Understand 11

PART – B (Long Answer Questions)

Q. No Questions Taxonomy Outcome
1 Compare and Contrast file Systems with database systems? Apply 1
2 Define Data Abstraction and discuss levels of Abstraction? Knowle ge 2
3 Discuss about different types of Data models? Un erstand 2
4 Describe the Structure of DBMS? Un erstand 2
5 Discuss additional features of the ER-Models. Un erstand 3
6 Discuss about the Concept Design with the ER Model? Un erstand 4
7 Write about views and updates on views? Know e ge 10
8 Explain different types of database users and write the functions of DBA? Un e stand 2
9 Explain about different types of integrity constraints? Un e stand 6
10 Discuss about the logical database Design? Unde stand 4
11 Distinguish strong entity set with weak entity set? Draw an ER diag am to App y
illustrate weak entity set?
12 Differentiate relation schema and relational instance? Define the te ms a ity and Unde stand
degree of s relation? What are domain constraints?
13 Illustrate outer joins with example? Apply 10
14 Describe logical connectives of SQL? Understand 10
15 Discuss about active databases? Understand 10
1 Illustrate different set operations in Relational algebra with an example? Apply 8
2 Define Join? Explain different types of joins? Knowledge 10
3 Discuss about Domain Relational calculus in detail? Understand 8
4 Define trigger and explain its three parts? Differentiate row level and statement Knowledge
level triggers?
5 Illustrate Group by and Having clauses with examples? Apply 10
6 Discuss about Complex integrity constraints in SQL? Understand 6
7 Discuss different types of aggregate operators with examples in SQL? Understand 10
8 a. Define a nested query? Knowledge
b. Write a nested query to find the names of sailors who have reserved both a
red and green boat? 10
c. Write a nested query to find the names of sailors who have reserved all
9 a. Discuss correlated nested queries? Understand
b. Write a query to find the names of sailors who have reserved a red boat? 10
c. Write a query to find the names of sailors who have not reserved a red boat?
10 a. Explain Relational calculus? Understand
b. Write a RC query to find the names of sailors who have reserved boat 103? 10
c. Write a DRC query to find the names of sailors who have reserved boat 103?
1 Illustrate redundancy and the problems that it can cause? Apply 5
2 Define decomposition and how does it address redundancy? Discuss the problem Knowledge
s that may be caused by the use of decompositions?
3 Define functional dependencies.How are primary keys related to FD’s? Knowledge 5
4 Define normalization? Explain 1NF, 2NF, 3NF Normal forms? Knowledge 5
5 Compare and contrast BCNF with 3NF? Apply 5
6 Describe properties of decompositions? Understand 5
7 Explain about Schema refinement in Database design? Understand 5
8 Illustrate Multivalued dependencies and Fourth normal form with example? Apply 5
9 Discuss about Join dependencies and Fifth normal form? Understand 5
10 Illustrate Inclusion dependencies with example? Apply 5
1 Explain ACID properties and Illustrate them through examples? Understand 7
2 Discuss How do you implement Atomicity and Durability? Understand 7

3 Illustrate Concurrent execution of transaction with examples? Apply 7
4 Discuss Serializability in detail? Understand 7
5 Discuss two phase locking protocol and strict two phase locking protocols? Understand 7
6 Describe Timestamp based locking protocols? Understand 7
7 Describe Validation-based locking protocols? Understand 7
8 Discuss in detail Multiple Granularity? Understand 7
9 Explain in detail Storage structure? Understand 7
10 Discuss Deferred database modification and Immediate database modification? Un erstand 7
11 Discuss how do you recover from Concurrent transactions? Un erstand 7
12 Explain Buffer Management? Un erstand 7
13 Explain different types of Advanced Recovery Techniques? Un erstand 7
14 Write in detail about Remote Backup systems? App y 7
1 Write in detail about Hash based Indexing and Tree based Indexing? App y 11
2 Compare I/O costs for all File Organizations? Un e stand 11
3 Explain in detail about ISAM? Unde stand 11
4 Explain B+ trees? Discuss about this Dynamic Index Structure? Unde stand 11
5 Demonstrate searching a given element in B+ trees? Explain with example? Unde stand 11
6 Illustrate insertion of an element in B+ trees with example? Apply 11
7 Illustrate deletion of an element in B+ trees with example? Apply 11
8 Write in detail about Static Hashing? Apply 11
9 Explain in detail about Extendible Hashing? Understand 11
10 Explain in detail about Linear Hashing? Understand 11
11 Compare and Contrast Extendible Hashing with Linear Hashing? Apply 11

PART – C (Problem Solving and Critical Thinking Questions)

Q. No Questions Taxonomy Outcome
1 Consider the following ER Diagram.

Apply 3

Discuss how many minimum numbers of tables are needed to represent M, N, P,

R1, R2?
2 Let E1 and E2 be two entities in an E/R diagram with simple single-valued
attributes. R1 and R2 are two relationships between E1 and E2, where R1 is one-
to-many and R2 is many-to-many. R1 and R2 do not have any attributes of their Apply 3
own. Calculate the minimum number of tables required to represent this situation
in the relational model?
3 Analyze and find whether View exists if the table is dropped from the database? Analyze 10
4 We can convert any weak entity set to strong entity set by simply adding
Analyze 3
appropriate attributes. Analyze why, then, do we have weak entity sets?
1 Consider the following relational schema
Employee (empno,name,office,age)
Loan(empno, isbn,date)
Apply 10
Write the following queries in relational algebra.
a. Find the names of employees who have borrowed a book Published by
b. Find the names of employees who have borrowed all books Published by

c. Find the names of employees who have borrowed more than five
different books published by McGraw-Hill?
d. For each publisher, find the names of employees who have borrowed?
2 Given the Students relation as shown below

Apply 10

For (Student Name, Student Age) to be the key for this instance, analyze and find
value of X not be equal to?
3 Given the relations
department (deptno, deptname, address) App y 10
Solve which query cannot be expressed using the basic relati nal a geb a
operations (U, -, x, , p)?
4 Write SQL Query to find second highest salary of Empl yee f m Empl yee
table? Apply 10

1 Consider a relation scheme R = (A, B, C, D, E, H) n which the f ll wing
functional dependencies hold: {A–>B, BC–> D, E–>C, D–>A}. Write the Apply 5
candidate keys of R?
2 Consider the following relational schemes for a library database:

Book (Title, Author, Catalog _no, Publisher, Year, Price)

Collection (Title, Author, Catalog no)
the following are functional dependencies:
Apply 5
a. Title Author --> Catalog_ no
b. Catalog no --> Title Author Publisher Year
c. Publisher Title Year --> Price
Assume {Author, Title} is the key for both schemes. Apply the appropriate
normal form for Book and Cancellation?
3 Consider a schema R (A, B, C, D) and functional dependencies A -> B and C ->
D. Solve and find whether the decomposition of R into R1 (A, B) and R2(C, D) Apply 5
belongs to which one or both (dependency preserving and loss less join)?
4 Show that: if α → β and α → γ then α → βγ Apply 5
1 Consider the following transactions with data items P and Q initialized to zero:
1: read(P);
If P=0 then Q:=Q+1;
T2: read(Q); Apply 7
If Q=0 then P:=P+1;
Solve and find any non-serial interleaving of T1 and T2 for concurrent execution
leads to a serializable schedule or non serializable schedule. Explain?
2 Analyze which of the following concurrency control protocols ensure both
conflict serializability and freedom from deadlock? Explain the following:
Apply 7
a. 2-phase locking
b. Time-stamp ordering
3 Consider the transactions T1, T2, and T3 and the schedules S1 and S2 given
T1: r1(X);r1(Z);w1(X);w1(Z) Apply 7
T2: r2(Y);r2(Z);w2(Z)
T3: r3(Y);r3(X);w3(Y)
S1: r1(X);r3(Y);r3(X);r2(Y);r2(Z);
S2: r1(X); r3(Y); r2(Y); r3(X); r1(Z);
r2(Z); w3(Y); w1(X); w2(Z); w1(Z)
Analyze which one of the schedules is conflict-serializable?
4 Suppose that there is a database system that never fails. Analyze whether a
Apply 7
recovery manager required for this system?

1 Consider a B+-tree in which the maximum number of keys in a node is 5.
Apply 11
Calculate the minimum number of keys in any non-root node?
2 In the index allocation scheme of blocks to a file, Calculate n what maximum
App y 11
possible size of the file depends?
3 A clustering index is defined on the fields of which type? Analyze them. App y 11
4 Calculate the minimum space utilization for a B+ tree index? App y 11
5 Consider the B+ tree index of order d = 2 shown in Figure

Apply 11

a. Show the tree that would result from inserting a data entry with key 9
into this tree.
b. Show the B+ tree that would result from deleting the data entry with key
8 from the original tree, assuming that the left sibling is checked for
possible redistribution

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