M1 Chip

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M1 Chip

Program: BSc. in Information Technology

Seminar Report


Abenezer Birhanu

ID: 1306674

Submitted to: Muluken B.

May, 2023

Bahir Dar, Ethiopia.



The M1 chip is a new and amazing technology that has changed the world of computing
and it has redefined the standard for performance and power efficiency in computing
devices. The M1 chip is Apple's latest system-on-a-chip for their Mac lineup which
integrates the CPU, GPU, RAM, SSD controller, Neural Engine and many more
computer components all in one single chip. This integration of components has made
this chip to achieve a very great performance that is very much better than the previous
versions. This chip is designed especially for Mac computers and offers incredible speed,
efficiency, and power in which it provides significant improvements in performance over
other currently competing technologies. In addition to its performance, the M1 chip also
adds advanced security features. These include hardware-verified boot, which ensures
that only trusted software is loaded during startup, and encryption that keeps data secure
both when it's stored and when it's being transmitted.

This presentation aims to explore the innovative design and impressive performance
capabilities of and the unique features of the M1 chip and discuss how it differs from
previous generations of Mac processors. By looking into the architecture, performance
benchmarks, and real-world applications of the M1 chip, this presentation provides
insights into the main implications and advantages of this technology for the future of
computing. From there, the presentation dives deep into the architecture of the M1 chip
and examine its integration of CPU, GPU, and neural engine components. We will also
discuss the benefits of the M1 chip in terms of battery life, thermal management, and
application performance. By the end of this presentation, you will have a deeper
understanding of the M1 chip and how it has changed the way computing.

In conclusion, the M1 chip is a major achievement in the evolution of the Mac. Its
impressive performance, power efficiency, and advanced capabilities have transformed
the Mac user experience, and it brings exciting opportunities for developers.


Table of Contents

Abstract ................................................................................................................................ I

Abbreviations .................................................................................................................... III

Acknowledgment .............................................................................................................. IV

1. Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 1

1.1. What is the M1 Chip ................................................................................................ 2

1.2 The Architecture of the M1 Chip .............................................................................. 2

1.2.1 The Main Components of M1 Chip ................................................................... 3

1.3 The Unique Features of the M1 Chip ....................................................................... 4

2. M1 Chip – Literature Review ......................................................................................... 5

2.1 History and Background of the M1 Chip.................................................................. 5

2.3. Applications of the M1 Chip .................................................................................... 6

2.2 Advantages of M1 Chip ............................................................................................ 6

2.4. Limitations of M1 Chip ........................................................................................... 8

2.5. Future Directions for Improving M1 Chip............................................................... 9

3. Conclusion .....................................................................................................................11

References ......................................................................................................................... 12



UMA – Unified Memory Architecture

SoC – System-on-a-Chip

CPU – Central Processing Unit

GPU – Graphical Processing Unit

RAM – Random Access Memory

SSD – Solid State Drive

I/O – Input/Output

ARM – Advanced RISC Machine

MB – Megabyte

GB - Gigabyte



The creation of this presentation wouldn’t have been possible without the help of some
individuals and research tools. So, I want to take a moment to acknowledge some of the
individuals and the other factors that have contributed to its creation.

First of all, I would like to thank my instructor for guiding me through the effective
presentation skills during my class sessions for preparing this stage and opportunity to let
me investigate and present a topic on the field of technology. Which has helped me
improve my research and also presentation skills.

I would also like to thank my friends for helping me to choose the ideas that I came up
with before selecting a one topic and also for the ideas and suggestions they shared to me.

Finally, I would like to thank the audience for the time and attention they have given to
this presentation. I hope that this presentation has provided a very good understanding
into the capabilities and potential of the Apple M1 chip. Thank you.


1. Introduction

The M1 chip is the first Apple-designed chip to power its Mac computers, replacing the
previous Intel processors. It is based on ARM architecture, which is commonly used in
smartphones and tablets, but has been optimized for the Mac. This new chip marks a
significant shift in the way Apple designs its products, providing a tighter integration
between hardware and software.

One of the most significant advantages of the M1 chip is its performance. It features an
eight-core CPU, which is divided into four high-performance cores and four high-
efficiency cores. This allows the chip to deliver exceptional speed and power efficiency,
with the high-performance cores handling demanding tasks such as video editing and
gaming, and the high-efficiency cores conserving energy during lighter workloads. The
M1 chip also includes an eight-core GPU, which provides up to two times faster graphics
performance than the previous generation. In addition to its performance the M1 chip also
have advanced security features. These include hardware-verified boot, which ensures
that only trusted software is loaded during startup, and encryption that keeps data secure
both when it's stored and when it's being transmitted.

In this seminar, we will dive deep into the architecture of the M1 chip, exploring the
ways in which it differs from previous Mac processors, and how it achieves such
impressive performance metrics. We will also examine the real-world applications of the
M1 chip, including its impact on everyday use cases such as web browsing, video editing,
and gaming. We will also compare the M1 chip to other processors on the market,
discussing its strengths and weaknesses in comparison to competing technologies.
Additionally, we will explore the potential implications of the M1 chip on the future of
computing, including the ways in which it may shape the design and functionality of
future Mac devices.


1.1. What is the M1 Chip

Image 1: “M1 Chip on Board” credit: gadgetmatch.com

The M1 chip is Apple's latest system-on-a-chip for their Mac lineup. A system on a chip
or system-on-chip is an integrated circuit that integrates most or all components of a
computer or other electronic system. These components almost always include on-chip
CPU, memory interfaces, input/output devices, input/output interfaces, and secondary
storage interfaces, often alongside other components such as radio modems and a GPU –
all on a single chip. SoCs may contain digital, and also analog, mixed-signal, and often
radio frequency signal processing functions. And on the M1 chip is a highly advanced
piece of technology that integrated several crucial components of a computer into one
chip, including the CPU, GPU, RAM SSD controller, and Neural Engine.

This integration of components allows for much faster and more efficient processing,
which results in significant performance improvements over previous generations of Mac
processors. The M1 chip also brings advanced security features, including hardware-
verified boot and encryption, which ensure that only trusted software is loaded during
startup, and data is kept secure when stored or transmitted.

1.2 The Architecture of the M1 Chip

The M1 chip architecture is based on ARM as mentioned earlier. ARM Architecture is

usually used for mobile phone but now it has been adopted by Apple for their Laptops


and Desktops. It has a 5 Nano-meter chipset with base clock of 3.20 GHz. It features a
unified memory architecture that allows the CPU, GPU, and Neural Engine to share the
same memory pool. Here is a more breakdown of the M1 chip's architecture:

1.2.1 The Main Components of M1 Chip

CPU: The M1 chip features an 8-core CPU with four high-performance cores and four
high-efficiency cores. The high-performance cores are designed to handle intensive tasks,
such as video editing and gaming, while the high-efficiency cores are ideal for light tasks,
such as web browsing and email. The CPU also includes a 12-MB L2 cache, which
provides high-speed memory for frequently accessed data.

GPU: The M1 chip includes an 8-core GPU that delivers exceptional graphics
performance, making it ideal for tasks such as video editing, graphic design, and gaming.
The GPU is designed to work seamlessly with the CPU and UMA, providing high-
performance graphics while also saving power.

Neural Engine: Neural Engine is a dedicated AI accelerator or coprocessor found within

the A-Series Bionic and Apple M series of systems-on-chips designed by the company
The M1 chip features a 16-core Neural Engine that is designed to accelerate machine
learning tasks.

Memory: The M1 chip's UMA allows the CPU, GPU, and Neural Engine to share the
same memory pool, which helps to reduce data transfer between different components
and save power. The M1 chip can support up to 16GB of unified memory.

I/O: The M1 chip includes several built-in I/O controllers, including a Thunderbolt 3
controller, USB 4 controller, and Wi-Fi 6 controller. The built-in controllers help to
reduce latency and increase performance, while also reducing power consumption.

Security: The M1 chip includes several hardware-based security features that help to
protect user data and prevent unauthorized access. These features include secure boot,
which ensures that only trusted software can run on the computer, and a secure enclave
that stores sensitive information such as passwords and biometric data.


The M1 chip's architecture is optimized for performance, power efficiency, compatibility,

and security, making it a significant advancement in chip design and a game-changer for
the Mac platform.

1.3 The Unique Features of the M1 Chip

The M1 chip offers several unique features that make it a powerful and efficient
processor for a variety of tasks. Here are some of the unique features of the M1 chip:

 Rosetta 2: The M1 chip uses Rosetta 2, a translation layer that allows existing Mac
applications to run on the new architecture. This means that users can run their apps
on the M1 chip, even if they have not yet been optimized for the new architecture.
 Integration: The M1 chip integrates multiple components onto a single chip,
including the CPU, GPU, Neural Engine, I/O controllers, and memory. This
integration allows for faster communication between the different components and
results in improved performance and power efficiency.

 High Performance and High Efficiency CPU cores: The M1 chip has an 8-core
CPU with four high-performance cores and four high-efficiency cores. The high-
performance cores are designed for tasks that require more processing power,
while the high-efficiency cores are used for lighter tasks. The M1 chip can
intelligently switch between these cores based on the task at hand.

 Neural Engine: The M1 chip has a 16-core Neural Engine that is optimized for
machine learning tasks. This allows for faster and more efficient processing of
machine learning algorithms, which can be used in applications such as image and
voice recognition. The Neural Engine is also used to accelerate video processing
tasks, resulting in faster video encoding and decoding.

 Unified Memory Architecture: The M1 chip has a unified memory architecture

that allows the CPU, GPU, and other components to access the same pool of
memory. This eliminates the need for data to be copied between different types of
memory, resulting in faster performance and improved power efficiency.


 Advanced Power Management: The M1 chip uses advanced power management

techniques to optimize performance and power efficiency. It dynamically adjusts
the CPU and GPU performance based on the workload to achieve maximum

 Hardware Security: The M1 chip includes several hardware security features,

such as hardware-verified boot and encryption, to keep data secure and a secure
enclave that stores sensitive information such as passwords and biometric data.

2. M1 Chip – Literature Review

2.1 History and Background of the M1 Chip

The M1 chip was introduced in November 2020, marking a major shift in Apple's computer
hardware strategy. However, the history of the M1 chip dates back several years. In 2008,
Apple acquired a semiconductor design firm called PA Semi, which had expertise in low-
power processors. This acquisition signaled Apple's interest in developing its own chips
for its products. In 2010, Apple released the A4 chip, its first custom-designed system-on-
a-chip, which was used in the iPhone 4, iPad, and later in the Apple TV.

Over the years, Apple continued to develop its chip-making capabilities, releasing new and
improved iterations of the A-series chips for its mobile devices. In 2018, Apple released
the A12X Bionic chip, which was used in the third-generation iPad Pro. This chip was the
first to feature Apple's Neural Engine, a dedicated piece of hardware designed to accelerate
machine learning tasks. In the same year, Apple announced that it was working on its own
chips for its Macs, which would be based on the ARM architecture.

In 2020, Apple announced that they would be transitioning their Mac lineup to their own
processors, and the M1 chip was born. The M1 chip is the first processor to feature both
the CPU and GPU on the same chip, as well as the Neural Engine and other components.
The M1 chip also features a unified memory architecture, which allows the CPU, GPU,
and other components to share the same memory, reducing latency and improving


The history of the M1 chip is rooted in Apple's strategy to have greater control over the
performance and power efficiency of its products. The M1 chip marks a significant shift
from the use of Intel processors in Mac computers and has the potential to change the future
of computing. Its integration of multiple components onto a single chip and its custom-
designed architecture optimized for the Mac operating system has made the M1 chip a
game-changer in the world of processors.

2.2. Applications of the M1 Chip

Improved Performance: The main application of the chip is providing a better

performance. It provides improved performance compared to previous Mac processors.
This includes faster CPU and GPU performance, which can lead to faster app launch times,
smoother multitasking, and better gaming performance.
Longer Battery Life: The M1 chip is more power-efficient than previous Mac processors,
Native iOS App Support: The M1 chip allows Mac computers to run iOS apps natively.
This means that users can run their favorite iPhone and iPad apps directly on their Mac
without any modifications.

Enhanced Security: The M1 chip includes a Secure Enclave that provides enhanced
security features, including hardware encryption and secure boot. This helps to protect user
data and prevent unauthorized access.

Machine Learning: The M1 chip includes a dedicated neural engine that can perform
machine learning tasks up to 15 times faster than previous Mac processors. This can lead
to faster and more accurate machine learning applications, such as image and speech

2.3 Advantages of M1 Chip

The M1 chip offers several advantages over traditional processors, including exceptional
performance, power efficiency, compatibility, security, improved graphics, and
affordability. These advantages make the M1 chip a compelling choice for users who
require high-performance computing in a portable and energy-efficient form factor.


Performance: The M1 chip brings up to 3.5x faster CPU performance. The M1 chip's
performance is a significant advantage over traditional processors.

Image 2: ”Single core geekbench performance score” credit: macrumors.com

The M1 chip also features a 16-core Neural Engine. It is capable of 11 trillion operations
per second for up to 15x faster machine learning performance compared to the previous
generation of models that have moved to the M1. which is designed to accelerate
machine learning tasks. This makes the M1 chip an excellent choice for data scientists
and other professionals who need to run complex machine learning algorithms.

Power Efficiency: The M1 chip's power efficiency is another significant advantage. The
chip is designed to consume less power than traditional processors, which means that Mac
computers that use the M1 chip have longer battery life. The MacBook Air, for example,
can last up to 18 hours on a single charge, which is six hours longer than the previous


generation of MacBook Air. The MacBook Pro can last up to 20 hours on a single charge,
which is the longest battery life ever offered by a Mac computer.

Compatibility: The M1 chip includes a technology called Rosetta 2, which allows apps
that were designed for x86 processors to run on the M1 chip without modification. This
means that users can use their existing apps without having to worry about compatibility

Security: The M1 chip's security is another advantage. The chip includes several
hardware-based security features that help protect user data and prevent unauthorized
access. These features include secure boot, which ensures that only trusted software can
run on the computer, and a secure enclave that stores sensitive information such as
passwords and biometric data.

Improved Graphics: The M1 chip also includes an 8-core GPU that delivers exceptional
graphics performance. Which is up to 6 times faster than the previous generation of Mac
computers. The GPU is capable of handling intensive graphics tasks, such as video
editing and gaming, with ease. The chip's graphics capabilities are also ideal for
professionals who need to work with high-resolution images.

Price: The M1 chip offers excellent performance and power efficiency at a lower price
point than many traditional processors. This makes Mac computers with the M1 chip an
affordable option for users who require high-performance computing without spending
too much money on it.

2.4. Limitations of M1 Chip

While the M1 chip offers many benefits such as improved performance and power
efficiency, there are also some limitations to consider. Users should assess their software
and hardware needs carefully before deciding whether the M1 chip is the right choice for

 Compatibility: The core drawback to the M1 chip right now is that, because it
uses a different architecture, it won’t be able to run x86 apps without emulating
them. Users may need to rely on Rosetta 2 emulation or find alternative software.


Developers are already on the case now. However, many major software
developers have already released updates that are compatible with the M1 chip,
and the number of compatible apps is growing.

 External GPUs: While the M1 chip has a powerful integrated GPU, it does not
support external GPUs. This may be a limiting factor for users who require even
higher-performance graphics for tasks such as professional video editing, 3D
rendering, or gaming.

 RAM Limitations: The M1 chip has limitations on the amount of RAM that can
be used. The current maximum is 16GB, which may not be sufficient for some
high-end applications such as professional video editing or running multiple
virtual machines.

 Limited Configurations: Currently, the M1 chip is only available in a limited

number of Mac models, including the MacBook Air, MacBook Pro, and Mac
Mini. This means that users may not have as much flexibility in choosing their
hardware configurations as they would with other processors.

 Limited Upgradability: The M1 chip is integrated into the motherboard of the

Mac. This means that users cannot upgrade their processor or graphics card
independently, which may be a limiting factor for users who prefer to upgrade
their hardware over time rather than purchasing a new system

2.5. Future Directions for Improving M1 Chip

The M1 chip is already an impressive piece of technology, but there is always room for
improvement. As the world becomes more reliant on technology, the demand for more
advanced and powerful processors will continue to grow. Here are some future directions
that could be taken to improve the M1 chip:

Increase the number of cores: The M1 chip currently has an 8-core CPU and an 8-core
GPU, which is already impressive. However, future versions could potentially have even
more cores, which would increase its performance and power efficiency even further.


Improve the neural engine: The M1 chip's neural engine is already a great feature for
machine learning and other artificial intelligence applications. However, improvements
could be made to make it even more powerful and efficient, allowing for even more
advanced applications.

Expand memory capacity: The M1 chip is currently limited to a maximum of 16GB of

memory. Future versions could potentially support more memory, which would be
beneficial for applications that require large amounts of memory, such as video editing
and scientific simulations.

Enhance compatibility with external GPUs: While the M1 chip has an impressive built-in
GPU, some users may still require the use of an external GPU for certain tasks.
Improving the compatibility with external GPUs would be beneficial for these users.

Increase compatibility with third-party software: While the M1 chip is compatible with
most Mac software, there are still some third-party applications that have not been
optimized for it. Improving compatibility with these applications would be beneficial for
users who rely on them.


3. Conclusion

Throughout this document, we have explored the architecture, performance benchmarks,

and real-world applications of the M1 chip. We have discussed how the integration of
CPU, GPU, and neural engine components has resulted in significant improvements in
speed and efficiency. We have also seen how the M1 chip's advanced security features,
such as hardware-verified boot and encryption, offer enhanced protection for sensitive

In summary, the M1 chip is a very powerful and efficient processor that has
revolutionized the world of computing. It offers great performance, advanced features,
and impressive capabilities that were not previously possible. This chip has enabled Mac
devices to perform faster, smoother, and with greater battery life, all while maintaining
high levels of security. The M1 chip is the start of a new era for Apple and the future of
computing. We can expect to see more powerful chips with even more advanced features
and capabilities in the coming years. Overall, the M1 chip is a game-changer that sets the
bar high for the future of computing.



Apple M1 Chip: Everything You Need to Know; By Juli Clover, October 13, 2022


Apple unleashes M1, November 10, 2020


What Is the Apple M1 Chip?; By Tom Brant, April 22, 2021


System on a chip. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia




Apple M1 Chip: Specs, Performance; By Michelle Ehrhardt, October 19, 2021



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