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User Guide Reader
V1.0 User Guide
User Guide V1.0 v1.0 6

2.6 The ADMIRALTY e-NP Reader has now been installed; clicking “Finish” will exit the Setup Wizard. An
ADMIRALTY e-NP Reader icon will be added to your desktop – double click on the icon to open the software.

3 Activation
3.1 Using the Internet

3.1.1 Upon opening the ADMIRALTY e-NP Reader for the first time you will default to the Activation Status screen.
Click the “Next” button to choose your method of communication for your ADMIRALTY e-NP Reader.

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User Guide V1.0 v1.0 7

3.1.2 Select the Internet option and click “Next” to choose to communicate with the UKHO via the Internet, please
refer to 3.2 for alternate method.

3.1.3 You will then be asked for your Login and Password. These will be provided by your ADMIRALTY Chart Agent.
Fill in these details and click “Next” to proceed with the Activation.

3.1.4 On the Submit screen, click on the “Activate” button. This will send an activation request file to the UKHO and
the ADMIRALTY e-NP Reader will automatically process the returned reply file. Click on the “Finish” button to
complete the Activation Process and begin using the features of the ADMIRALTY e-NP Reader.
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Note: Once the e-NP Reader has been activated, orders for e-NPs can then be placed by your ADMIRALTY
Chart Agent (this is not possible before Activation).

3.2 Using Media

3.2.1 Upon opening the ADMIRALTY e-NP Reader for the first time you will default to the Activation Status screen.
Click the “Next” button to choose your method of communication for your ADMIRALTY e-NP Reader.
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3.2.2 Select the Media option and click “Next” to choose to communicate with the UKHO via external email.

3.2.3 You will then be asked for your Login and Password. These will be provided by your ADMIRALTY Chart Agent.
Fill in these details and click “Next” to proceed with the Activation.

3.2.4 Click on the “Browse” button to choose a location on which to save the activation request file. Click the “Save”
button to generate the activation request file.
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3.2.5 Take the activation request file to your communications machine and send an email to with the subject “e-NP”. Full details on how to do this are displayed on the
screen. Click “Finish” to complete this step in the activation process.

3.2.6 This will take you to the “Tools Home Screen”. On your communications machine a return email from the UKHO
will be sent with an activation response file attached. Take the response file and save it to a location of your
choosing on the device the ADMIRALTY e-NP Reader is installed. Click on “Activation” to use this activation
response file.
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3.2.7 Click the “Apply” button to process your recently saved activation reply file.

3.2.8 Click on the “Browse” button to navigate to the saved activation reply file and click “Load” to process that file into
the ADMIRALTY e-NP Reader. Please refer to the screen for further details on this activity. Click on the “Finish”
button to complete the Activation Process and begin using the features of the ADMIRALTY e-NP Reader.
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Note: Once the e-NP Reader has been activated, orders for e-NPs can then be placed by your ADMIRALTY
Chart Agent (this is not possible before Activation).

4 Tools

4.1 Set options for User Settings
The Tools component allows the user to perform all of the Administration tasks available within the ADMIRALTY e- NP
Reader. The User Settings Tool allows the user to choose their method of Communication – Internet or Media.

4.1.1 The Internet method automatically creates, sends, receives and applies a file from the UKHO Servers to the e-
NP Reader. This is for all activities, including Activation, Getting e-NP data or requesting updates (NMs).

4.1.2 The Media method creates a request file which the user should send to
Instructions on how to do this are provided on screen at the time, please refer to section 3.2.

4.1.3 Three Palettes colours allow the user to change the display between “Daylight”; “Twilight” or “Night” by simply
selecting the relevant Palette.
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V1.0 User Guide
User Guide V1.0 v1.0 13

4.1.4 If the user clicks “Next” this will display the e-NP Reader version and associated Vessel, Shipping Company and
Distributor details.

4.1.5 The e-NP Reader User Permit can be viewed by clicking on the “Copy UPN” button. This can then be pasted
into a document and viewed (the 301 hexadecimal permit will be displayed).

4.1.6 The user can view historical details of their e-NP Reader’s activities by clicking on the “Open Logs” button. This
will open a log file in Notepad and includes details on your Machine ID, Download timings, error messages etc.
This can be useful in diagnosing issues with your ADMIRALTY e-NP Reader, please attach this file to any
support calls you make with the UKHO and send to -
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4.2 How to Get e-NP data

4.2.1 Using the Internet Click on the tile titled “Get e-NPs“to begin the process of accessing the data to view ADMIRALTY e-NPs. Check
your communication setting is set to Internet (if it reads “Media” then click on “User Settings” to amend). Click on
the “Next” button to select which e-NPs you would like to download. The e-NPs which have purchased and require data will be highlighted in a light blue boundary box. To deselect
an e-NP, scroll to the Publication number and click on the title of the book to remove it from your data download.
When you have selected the e-NPs to download, click on the “Next” button to continue the download process.
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V1.0 User Guide
User Guide V1.0 v1.0 15 On the Download screen the user has the ability to download just the e-NP (by clicking on the “e-NPs only”
button) or to include the e-NP catalogue and NMs in that download (by clicking on the “NMs Included” button).
Once the Download Settings are chosen, click on the “Get e-NPs” button to start the download. The e-NP
Reader automatically processes the reply file from the UKHO and displays a success message along with a
confirmation of the e-NP titles downloaded. Click on the “Finish” button to complete the download process. The
e-NPs downloaded will now be available in the Book Shelf.

4.2.2 Using Media Click on the tile titled “Get e-NPs“ to begin the process of accessing the data to view ADMIRALTY e-NPs. Check
your communication setting is set to Media (if it reads “Internet” then click on “User Settings” to amend). Click on
the “Next” button to select which e-NPs you would like to download.

User Guide Reader
V1.0 User Guide
User Guide V1.0 v1.0 16 The e-NPs which you have purchased and require data for will be highlighted in a light blue boundary box. To
deselect an e-NP, scroll to the Publication number and click on the title of the book to remove it from your data
download. When you have selected the e-NPs to download, click on the “Next” button to continue the download
process. Click on the “Browse” button to select the location you would like to load your chosen e-NPs. This could be via
the ADMIRALTY e-NP DVD or downloaded via the FTP site and saved onto a USB Drive or CD. On the
Download screen the user has the ability to download just the e-NP (by clicking on the “e-NPs only” button) or to
include the e-NP catalogue and NMs in that download (by clicking on the “NMs Included” button). Once the
Download Settings have been chosen, click on the “Load” button to start the download.

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V1.0 User Guide
User Guide V1.0 v1.0 17 Once the Download is complete a message of “Successfully loaded e-NPs” will display along with a confirmation
of the e-NP titles downloaded. The e-NPs downloaded will now be available in the Book Shelf and the View
Book components.

4.3 How to Get Updates for e-NPs

4.3.1 Using the Internet This is the process of requesting and applying Updates (NMs) applicable to the ADMIRALTY e-NPs you have
downloaded to your ADMIRALTY e-NP Reader. Check your communication setting is set to Internet (if it reads
“Media” then click on “User Settings” to amend). Ensure the “Request” button has been selected and then click
on the “Next” button to proceed with your Update request.

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V1.0 User Guide
User Guide V1.0 v1.0 18 Click the “Get Updates” button to connect to the UKHO and download the latest updates for your ADMIRALTY
e-NP Reader. On receiving the reply the ADMIRALTY e-NP Reader automatically assigns the Updates to the e-
NPs you have data for. Once the download has finished a success message is displayed detailing which week your e-NPs are updated
to. Click on the “Finish” button to complete the process. The downloaded Updates (NMs) can be viewed to the
right of the main text of the e-NP in the View Book component.

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