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JEE ee rr aah eed ( Kinematics of Circular Motion} 1. Abody ismoving with constant speed, ina cincleof iadias 10m. The body compictes one revohution in4s_Atthe end of 3nd second, the displacement of body (in m) fron seaming point is: [St dan, 2023 (Shi (a) #0 (b) 1S (ey 5x Ch Oe 2 Aparticie ismoving with constant speed in When the particle tints by an angie 90°, the raiia instantaneous velocity to its average velocity The value of x will be 16 April, 2025 (Shitty) (2 (ay el a7 3. Asshown inthe figure, s partic speed x mvs, Considering its moti magnitude of the average velocity is: [6 April, 2023 (Shit-1N shoving with constant ram A 10 B, the (a) amis te) 23mis 4. Anobject moves nt a constant spect along a circular path ina horizontal plane with centre at the origin, When the object is at x= +2en, its velocity is Jet / , The abject’s ‘velocity (x) and acceleration (a) atx = ~2au will be [29 Jan, 2023 (Sbift-IN] path, he tangentiat and centripetal fakenby the car to complete first quarter of revolution, iit is moving with ap initial speed of $4 lane is r[i-e* Ys. The vale of ¢ [29 Jam, 2023 (Shift-t} bolls spun with anguloracceleratioa = 6 -2rwhexer isin second and ais in rads, At 0, the ball has angular velocity of 10 rads and angelar position of 4 red, The ‘most appropriate expression for the angelar posizion of ‘he ball 1s 22 (Shift-I)| 3 Motice of a particle in x= y plane is described bya set of (x 2 cnt | avd y= 4 sina lowing equations x= 4sin The path of the particle wilt be: [28 June, 2022 (Sbitt-)} (@) Circular 4) Hel {el Parabolic (eh Blip Apperson mice tows 09 H om a circular paths shunt ‘in figure. Af the destance traveled hy’ him is 10, them the anne if chisplacerncnt would be 125 sy 2022 (SDD gg om GUWLES = = 0.2) ah 40m rotates the (a) are Qe) 47m (19H 9. Afly wheel fs nevelerte! uni foemnly from rest through $ rad in the firs sewn The angle rovoted fy wheel in the nent second, will be [24 June, 2022 (Stef 11] (@) TS md QM 1Smd (ce) Wed Gh) Head 1OL A metal wire off lengits 0.5m and cross-sectional rca 1O-4ne has becaking stress S + 10* Awr!, A block of 10 Ig is attached ot one of the string and 1¥ rotating horizontal circle. The maxiroum line will be as [29 Joly, 2022 (Shif-IN) fen 4 by suber wn angle Asa Uhe centre of the circle How ong it would tae foe a body to coemplete # revolution if its speed is 8 AU per second? Given: 1 ty =9.86 410m [27 Ang, 2021 (Shift) TAU LE x 10m (a) 45x 10%5 Alo 10s fe) 38 1s (72010 aating with an angular speed of 600rpm is rae to 1800rpr in 10 see. The number ie in the process is ? (20 July, 2621 (Swift| 2, A body uniformly acee of rotations | 13. A block of 200 y mass moves vith m wnifor speed in 8 horizootal circular groove, with vertical side walls of radius em. fe block kes 40s 9 complete eee round, the normal forre by the side walls of the groove is: [16 Mareb, 2021 (Sbif-1] () O0314N Gd) 9.889 =1DN (a) 6.28 10-% fe) 9.859 10°N 14, A ponicte is moving along a circular path with a constant speed of 10 ms", What isthe magnitide of the change in velocity of the particle, when it moves through an angle of 60" nround the centre of the citcle? [EI Jan, 2029 (Shitt-1] (fo (dé) 10 ms (a) 105 mis fe) iov2ms "CentripetalTang, nti Acceleration Ney IR, Achitdof masy Skpis pore ry vwakes | rotation in 14s The round (a) 808 (e), 1008 A stone ted to 180 em Fong string 2H revolutions in horizontal ciey In en The maphitide of acceleration of The value of ( Dynamics of Circular Motion J 1%. A coin placed placed tl aistance of | em ftom the cen, velocity ofthe table inhaled, it will ju ata distance of from (a) tem () Lem a hey 18. A sonal block of mass: 00 is tt 1'ayp constant 7.5 Nim ane be Aoving is fined ata particular post A. Ue Wag, ia e cheular path on a smocthberizonal safes (6 April, 2039 sha )O5N (a Og no The et ng version inthe spring ii LSN 48) O75N Acar is moving on a horizontal curved roid witha $m. The approxima maximum speed of ex wll if fiction coefficient between tyres and rou ict {Take y= 10 mr?) (29,Jan, 2023 Sung (a) 3.4 mst 2. (eh 13 mar (d) 17 Abody of mass 200 g is tied to a apcing of spring cx 12,5 Nim, wile the ather end of spring ied ail Ifthe body moves shot 0 ina cieciuar path co sod horizontal surface with constant angular spea Salt then the ratio of extension in the spent its mi will be: 2075 (stat (@yt:2 (yt ‘pate ee ai et SS 9 kg is moving along a tevelted 26. A-curved in a level road basa rales 75 or. The maximrn 30 Fan with anlar velocity of sneodof near farming this curved mad ean he Hens without pas gece acting om the Weck skidding. 1f radius of curved monalis changed tom ane [12 Ape 2023 (SHIRT soelticient of fection between thctyres and the rad remains ey 23008 same, then maximunallowed spevd woaldhe mis. uh 240) (25 duane, 2022 (Shift) 1 jah a constant spiced ‘of 20 mis 27. The point 4 moves with a uniform speed along the Pet tps of rading 40 mA bob circumference of a circle of divs 0.36 mm P fa Gm and covers 37 4 y a assess in 0.1 6. The perpendicul ion " vof ofthe car by a inasstess perpendicular projection *?" from “A° oa the eee sing with the vertical will be: diameter MAN represents the simple harmoic motion of [28 Ja, 2023 (ShiN-] “f°, The restoration force per unit meass when P touches AM ill be [2S Feb, 2021 (Shite-11] WF A a snail boroer beaker placed om it at in 0 sear is revolving SDOW an is cc comer ane perpendicular to its plane ocity a, The coefficient of static {e) 100 (5) 50N sar ve a he beaker and dhe sufiace (©) 987%N (d) 049N she bosom ae ee ipeaker will revolve with the disc if: ‘A particle is moving with uniform speed along the [95 dens, 2002 ED) circumference of a ciele of radius of radius R under the = action ofa central fictitious force F which is inverscly proportional to A, ls time period of revolution will be given by: [26 Feb, 2021 (Shif-D] @y RS mawess spring of spring constant K and Serer os is faed whale the other end is connected (rea @ Tor ‘of mass m lying on a fricthonless inh. i pees in a circular orbit wr ies horizontal on the table. IF the object SSE ene ee ieee welocity & about an axis: central potential field, V(p}= ~C, where isa constant igen rate aC at me tegugh ised end, i eae The correct radius-velacty graptvof the particle's motion 2021 (Sbife-I) thy ties aoe of mes 100 g to the end of 2m long sag and whiels it around in a horizontal planc. The sansa witsaned de maxigpum tension oF BON. 1f the g sani peed with which the stone-can revolve i srumia Thealueof Ki: Awe be srng fs massless and unstretchable) [24 June, 2022 (Shif-F| i ay) 600 a) 00 ‘ML. Four identical porticis of equal massés | ky male tomave along the-circomferense of a cinefe of radi the action oftheir awn jn oiual gravitational attract speed of cach panicle will be: [24 Feb, 2021 (Shift-)| ‘ val @ FN) wg i fafien Al. A modem prand - prix acing car of mass ms eon a Tat tock ina circular arc of radius R with a speed. If ht coefficient of static friction betwoen the tyres and the wack isi, then the magnitude of negative ti F, acting downwards on the car (Assume forces on the four tyres are idettical and g “acceleration due to gravity)|17 March, 2021 (Shift-1)] (HR © m g- arr 32 Aparice of miss mis suspended form a ceiling thiough ‘a string of length £. The particte moves in a» horizontal circle of radius rsuch that 4, The sped ofp will be: (26 Aug, 2021 ( @) & ta fig @ fe te) 2yeg 34. The normal resction “A? for a vehicle of 800 kg mass, negotiating’ a tun on a 30° banked road a1 maximum possible speed withaut skidding is __* 10" kg mv 3! [Given cos30”= 0.87, i, =0.2} [20 July, 2021 (Shif-1)] 695 (6) 102 (IM 72 song: a path ofr Without re re The sti Git coecknt yo Aipand passthe cure. 9.5 gigs 9 Statement ME: I the rd isi ap can cross of the curve IN6 March ana (a), Stavement 1 is incomect aa seme nea) (O) Both ster and stsemerc i an, aM (6) Statement lis corectand titencney eo (2) (oth satement xed statemen. i an won le A particle of mass m moves in g : a ‘entra potential fleld Ue) = Up yp geg i ' Conditions are upped, rai of Posie ote with n® whee is A panicle of mu having force constant snd unseecheg inoh ‘other end is fixed. The system is A eal a about the Fixed end ofthe spring sun sti aes, ice paviy fee space. Then the sre 7 is: (tan, 2099 : k- ma? wt in — ie ‘A Spring mass system (mass m, Spring ean Ff i length ¢) rests in: equilibrinen on a boreal . The free and of the spring is fi tod at the cesta lise. Ifthe disc together with spring mass ston ‘about it's cis with an anguise velocity 1, (E> mei relative change in os gily the option (Jon, 200 (Sti = u @ Abody of mass m= VOkpissmacted ion m6 Of length 0.3 mi. The maximum angulae seed ned) \with which it can be rotated about its oon station (Breaking stress of wine =4.8 «10° Nat af erass section ofthe wire » 10cm?) is [oda et adinaborizcatal | 41 Astone ted w 11s whirled in u vertical the string at the cetre, At ota ais (RSE nthe rod genre inter nin Instunt of time, dhe stone is at its lowest pasion rare from ae ANS HEH il si position swhere the steing i borieontal, 1+ (snifeD) feta? =), The value ofr Is 127 June, 2022 (SINE) (#) 2 (as @s @! ‘A pendulum of Ieagth 2 m consists of'a wooden bob of mass $0 g-A bullet off muss.73 glx fired towards the stationary bob with a speed v.The bullet cmerges out of dhe bob with a speed w’3and the bob just completes the 7 wveitical circle. The value of vis__crasig= 10.m/8') [27 June, 2022 (SbIN-D hin string of fergh Tem lye maxirnuen and 1 the ‘A-smmall bob tied at one end 0 tension ie the jn describing a vertical circle so that ¢ psnite- 1D) minimum tension ia the string are in the selocty ofthe bob atthe highest postin is —_— [25 Fel (Shift-D) fs being whirled in a ermiio § sei oa tong. a for speed The on dune, 2022 ent the mation or “ aoe he esiton of the ree pall (take g= 10 ms) a ge lowest pon of the circular path " ; 0 errant erie te aM jyontal position ANSWER KEY sa 6M OO & ® 8) 16 [2 172 1 my 2) BO BE (AD nw) 3 1 (200) 1. (a) Is: (@) ne he) 3. (¢) Bia) a OD mpl i ang & BI

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