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College of Education

School of Continuing and Distance Education

2014/2015 – 2016/2017
PSYC 334:
Research Methods in Psychology

Topic 5:
Sampling in Psychological Research

▪ Dr. Kwaku Oppong Asante


▪ Dr. Emmanuel Nii-Boye Quarshie

Sampling in Psychological Research

1) What is a Sample?
2) Why Sample?
3) Sampling Frame

Lecture Outline 4) Population

5) Sampling Process
6) Sampling Approaches
7) Sample size Determination
What is a Sample?
▪ A sample is “a smaller (but hopefully representative)
collection of units from a population used to determine
truths about that population” (Field, 2005).

▪ The segment of the population that is selected for


▪ The essence of sampling is to help the researcher

select units from the population (e.g., level 300
Psychology students) to be part of the study sample
(e.g., 600 Level 300 Psychology students).
Why Sample?
▪ It is often impractical to study an entire population due to
limited resources in terms of time and money. Sampling
helps to reduce the time and financial resources needed
for conducting research.
▪ Studying an entire population would also mean
increased workload. Studying a sub-set of the population
helps to reduce the workload
▪ Sampling helps to reduce the population to a more
manageable form.
▪ A sample can give results with known accuracy that can
be calculated mathematically. The quality of study is
often better with sampling data than studying an entire
Sampling frame
• The sampling frame is the list of units in the
population from which the sample is selected.
– Registrar’s office
– Class rosters
– Must assess sampling frame errors
SAMPLING (conti…)
• 3 factors that influence sample representativeness
▪ Sampling procedure
▪ Sample size
▪ Participation (response)

• When might you sample the entire population?

▪ When your population is very small
▪ When you have extensive resources
▪ When you do not expect a very high response
Population (definition)
▪ A population can be defined as including all units
(e.g., people or items) with the characteristic one
wishes to understand.

▪ Because there is very rarely enough time or money

to gather information from everyone or everything in
a population, the goal becomes finding a
representative sample (or subset) of that population.
Sampling Process
• The sampling process comprises several
▪ Defining the population of concern
▪ Specifying a sampling frame, a set of items
or events possible to measure
▪ Specifying a sampling method for selecting
items or events from the frame
▪ Determining the sample size
▪ Implementing the sampling plan
Sampling Approaches

1. Probability (Random) Samples

2. Non-Probability Samples
Probability Sampling
• A probability sampling scheme is one in which every unit
in the population has a chance (greater than zero) of being
selected in the sample, and this probability can be
accurately determined.

• When every element in the population does have the same

probability of selection, this is known as an 'equal
probability of selection’ (EPS) design. Such designs are
also referred to as 'self-weighting' because all sampled
units are given the same weight.
Types of Probability Sampling Strategies

1) Simple Random Sampling,

2) Systematic Sampling,
3) Stratified Random Sampling,
4) Cluster/Multi-Stage Sampling

Simple Random Sampling

• All subsets of the frame are given an equal

– Each element of the frame thus has an equal probability
of selection.
• Simple random sampling can be implemented by
assigning a number to each unit in the sampling
• A table of random number or lottery system is used
to determine which units are to be selected.
• Applicable when population is small, homogeneous
& readily available.
Simple Random Sampling (conti…)
• Advantages:
– Estimates are easy to calculate.
– Simple random sampling is always an EPS design,
but not all EPS designs are simple random sampling.

• Disadvantages
– If sampling frame large, this method impracticable.
– Minority subgroups of interest in population may not
be present in sample in sufficient numbers for study.
• Systematic sampling relies on arranging the target
population according to some ordering scheme and then
selecting elements at regular intervals through that ordered
• Systematic sampling involves a random start and then
proceeds with the selection of every kth element from then
onwards. In this case, k=(population size/sample size).
• Suppose we have a population of 100 and we want to
sample 20 from this population.
– We would first calculate the sampling interval (i.e., 100/20 = 5).
This would show that the sampling interval is 5, meaning every 5th
person on the list will be selected. But we must first determine a
starting point.
– It is important that the starting point is not automatically the
first in the list, but is instead randomly chosen from within
the first to the kth element in the list.
– From the preceding example, since the sampling interval
indicates that every 5th person will be selected the starting
point should be within the 1st to the 5th person on the list.
– Suppose we randomly select number 4 (which lies
between 1 and 5), the 4th person becomes our starting
point. We would then proceed by selecting every 5th
person afterwards.
– So, the selection will be 4; 9; 14; 19; 24; 29; 34; 39 and so
on, until we get our sample size of 20.
Systematic Sampling (conti…)
Systematic Sampling (conti…)

• Advantages:
• Sample easy to select
• Suitable sampling frame can be identified easily
• Sample evenly spread over entire reference
• Disadvantages:
• Sample may be biased if hidden periodicity in
population coincides with that of selection.
• Difficult to assess precision of estimate from one
Stratified Sampling
▪ Where the population embraces a number of distinct categories,
the frame can be organised into separate "strata." Each stratum is
then sampled as an independent sub-population, out of which
individual elements can be randomly selected.
▪ Every unit in a stratum has same chance of being selected.
▪ Using same sampling fraction for all strata ensures proportionate
representation in the sample.
▪ Adequate representation of minority subgroups of interest can be
ensured by stratification & varying sampling fraction between
strata as required.
▪ Finally, since each stratum is treated as an independent
population, different sampling approaches can be applied to
different strata.
Stratified sampling (conti…)

Stratified Sampling (conti…)

Disadvantages to using stratified sampling.

▪ First, sampling frame of entire population has to be
prepared separately for each stratum
▪ Second, when examining multiple criteria, stratifying
variables may be related to some, but not to others,
further complicating the design, and potentially reducing
the utility of the strata.
▪ Finally, in some cases (such as designs with a large
number of strata, or those with a specified minimum
sample size per group), stratified sampling can potentially
require a larger sample than would other methods.
▪ Is an example of 'two-stage sampling' .
▪ First stage: a sample of areas (known as clusters) is
▪ Second stage: a sample of respondents within
those areas is selected.
▪ Population divided into clusters of homogeneous
units, usually based on geographical contiguity.
▪ Sampling units are groups rather than individuals.
▪ A sample of such clusters is then selected.
▪ All units from the selected clusters are studied.

Advantages :
▪ Cuts down on the cost of preparing a sampling
▪ This can reduce travel and other administrative

• Sampling error is higher for a simple random
sample of same size.


Three types of cluster sampling methods.

▪ One-stage sampling. All of the elements within selected
clusters are included in the sample.
▪ Two-stage sampling. A subset of elements within
selected clusters are randomly selected for inclusion in
the sample.
▪ Multi-stage sampling
• Complex form of cluster sampling in which two or more
levels of units are embedded one in the other.
• It involves sampling sequentially across two or more
hierarchical levels, such as first at the county level, second
at regional level, third district level, fourth at the household
level, and ultimately at the within-household
Example of multi-stage sampling
▪ Suppose a researcher wants to examine whether socio-
demographic characteristics determine teachers’ attitudes
towards adolescent sexuality education in Ghana. The first-
stage sampling involve randomly selecting 1 of the 10 regions
in the country. The second stage sampling may involve a
random sample of a number of secondary schools (e.g., 20
schools) in the region. And finally, the third stage sampling
may involve a random sample of a number of teachers from
each of the 20 secondary schools. Thus, in this study the
sampling may be done in three different stages.

▪ From the example above, we could say that multistage

sampling technique, is essentially the process of taking
random samples of preceding random samples.
In summary…

▪ Any sampling method where some elements of

population have no chance of selection (these are
sometimes referred to as 'out of coverage'/
'undercovered'), or where the probability of selection
cannot be accurately determined.

▪ It involves the selection of elements based on

assumptions regarding the population of interest,
which forms the criteria for selection. Hence, because
the selection of elements is nonrandom,
nonprobability sampling does not allow the estimation
of sampling errors.
We visit every household in a given area, and
interview the first person to answer the door. In any
household with more than one occupant, this is a
nonprobability sample, because some people are
more likely to answer the door (e.g., an unemployed
person who spends most of their time at home is more
likely to answer than an employed housemate who
might be at work when the interviewer calls) and it's
not practical to calculate these probabilities.
Type of non-probability sampling strategies

1) Convenience

2) Quota Sampling

3) Snowball Sampling

4) Purposive Sampling

▪ Sometimes known as grab or opportunity

sampling or accidental or haphazard sampling.
▪ A type of nonprobability sampling which involves the
sample being drawn from that part of the population
which is close to hand. That is, readily available and
▪ The researcher using such a sample cannot
scientifically make generalisations about the total
population from this sample because it would not be
representative enough.
Convenience sampling (conti…)
▪ For example, if the interviewer was to conduct a
survey at a shopping center early in the morning
on a given day, the people that he/she could
interview would be limited to those there at that
given time. This would not represent the views of
other members of society in such an area, if the
survey was to be conducted at different times of
day and several times per week.

▪ This type of sampling is most useful for pilot


▪ The population is first segmented into mutually

exclusive sub-groups, just as in stratified sampling.

▪ Then judgment used to select subjects or units

from each segment based on a specified
• For example, an interviewer may be told to sample 200
females and 300 males between the age of 45 and 60.
• It is this second step which makes the technique one of
non-probability sampling.
Quota Sampling (conti…)
▪ In quota sampling, the selection of the sample
is non-random.

▪ For example, interviewers might be tempted to

interview those who look most helpful. The
problem is that these samples may be biased
because not everyone gets a chance of
Snowball Sampling
▪ In snowball sampling the researcher
depends on initial research participants
who make referrals to other potential

▪ This sampling method is used when the

sample for the study is very rare or is
limited to a very small subgroup of the
Snowball Sampling (conti…)
• Advantages:
– Allows the researcher to reach populations that are difficult to
sample when using other sampling methods.
– The process is cheap, simple and cost-efficient.
– This sampling technique needs little planning and fewer workforce
compared to other sampling techniques.

• Disadvantages:
– The researcher has little control over the sampling method.
– The sample may not be representative.
– Sampling bias is likely to be higher when using this sampling
Purposive sampling or Judgmental sampling

▪ The researcher chooses the sample based on

who they think would be appropriate for the

▪ This is used primarily when there is a limited

number of people that have expertise in the
area being researched.
Purposive sampling (conti…)
• Advantages
– Cost-effective and saves time
– Helps the researcher to avoid irrelevant ‘cases’
• Disadvantages
– Vulnerability to errors in judgment by
– Low level of reliability and high levels of bias.
– Inability to generalise research findings
In summary…
Sample Size Determination

▪ Krejcie, R. V., & Morgan, D. W.

(1970). Determining sample size for
research activities. Educational and
Psychological Measurement, 30(3),
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