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The results figure1

Table1 state of smoking

Frequency Percent
smoker or 28 46.7
gprevious smoker
gnon smoker 32 53.3
Total 60 100.0

Table 1 shows (N=60), 53.3 % (n=32) of the sample were smokers

46.7% (n=28) of the sample were smokers

Table2 age distribution

Frequency Percent
20y 2 7.1
22y 3 10.7
23y 2 7.1
24y 3 10.7
25y 6 21.4
26y 5 17.9
27y 7 25.0
Total 28 100.0
Tables2 shows 25% of smokers were 27y/o
And 21.4% were 25y/o the rest are
Scattered among the other ages

Table3 duration of smoking

Frequency Percent Figure 2
<1y 2 7.1
3y 5 17.9
4y 4 14.3
>5y 17 60.7
Total 28 100.0
<1y 3y 4y >5y

Table3 shows that 60.7% of the smokers have been smoking for more than 5 years

Table4 reasons
Frequency Percent
recreation 4 14.3

relieve 15 53.6
curiosity 9 32.1
Total 28 100.0

Table4 shows 53.6% started smoking to relive stress, 32.1% out of curiosity and 14.3% for recreation
Table5 thinking

Frequency Percent
yes 15 53.6
no 6 21.4
sometimes 7 25.0
Total 28 100.0

Table5 shows that 53.6% of the smokers are thinking about quitting while 21.4% are not
Considering quitting anytime soon

Table6 knowledge
Frequency Percent
knowledgeable 32 53.3
ill informed 28 46.7
Total 60 100.0


Table6 shows that 53.3% of the sample are knowledgeable about smoking while 46.7% were ill informed
Table7 obstacles

Frequency Percent
withdrawal symptoms 4 14.3
no support 2 7.1
no replacement 9 32.1
none 3 10.7
didn’t try 10 35.7
Table7 shows that 32.1% of the obstacles
Total 28 100.0 that faced those who wanted to quit smoking was
That they didn’t find replacement to smoking


Table8 stay away

Frequency Percent
friends advice 1 3.1
health programs 2 6.3
waste of money 3 9.4
religion 20 62.5
society and 6 18.8
Total 32 100.0
Figure 8

Table8 shows 62.5% of the reasons that helped the none smokers to stay away from smoking was
religion , 18.8% was fear from society and parents, 9.4% because it’s a waste of money

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