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Creative ICT in Education

Its great because sometimes it works.

Technology Revolution lassroom-technology.html

ICT in Schools
2001 2011

- Dedicated ICT Room - ICT as subject - PCs create paper documents - Spell Checkers - Newsletter - Print CPD schedule - Inward Looking

- Integrated ICT facilities - ICT as a tool - PCs as a publishing machines - Accelerated literacy - Social Media - Become CPD Source - Outward Looking

How can ICT Improve a School?

How can ICT Improve a School?

Attainment - Helps find and organize information quickly (teachers and pupils) - Many creative outputs for students work - Opportunities to collaborate - Bridge gap between school work and homework - Greater opportunities to engage parents

How can ICT Improve a School?

Quality of Teaching Teacher to facilitator Allows a Personalized learning agenda AFL Assessment and student tracking Huge international teaching community Many tools to help organise school life

What are the main things that leadership teams will need to focus on?
1.There is a heavier focus on literacy, particularly early reading and intervention in years seven and eight. Primaries in particular will want to increase their focus on key stage one. Systematic synthetic phonics will come to the fore if progress in reading is behind the norm. Literacy is described by Ofsted as the 'core duty' and 'highest priority' of Primary schools. 2. The self evaluation will need to show, more than ever, through data, evidence and analysis, - which groups of students are most at risk of falling behind;- what programmes, resources and interventions have been put in place to address this; and- what the evidence of success is. 3. The school's response to bullying is critical. There is a strong focus on bullying and the reaction to it. Schools will also want to be confident that they understand the views of pupils and parents about safety in school. Behaviour is more broadly of interest to the extent that it disrupts teaching and learning; attendance will be seen as a measure of safety and safeguarding. 4. School leaders will need to know comprehensively and precisely the quality of teachers and teaching in the school, and be able to demonstrate both the evidence for their judgements and the actions - in terms of training, coaching, resources and, ultimately, performance management - used to increase the proportion of good and outstanding lessons. 5. Contextual value added has been abandoned in favour of value added. Schools can present evidence on their intake and rates of progress. Inspectors will be asking: what are you doing to narrow the gap for those groups of your pupils who need it most? This will often be evidenced by higher rates of progress than the national average for pupils whose attainment is low on entry. 6. Leadership and management will essentially be judged by how well and how honestly they know their school; the ambition of their vision; and how effectively they have targetted effort and attention where it is needed most. 7. The breadth and quality of the curriculum will also be assessed under leadership and management and schools will have the opportunity - which feeds into overall effectiveness - to demonstrate their approach to the whole child. This will often be seen through the lens of how well they are equipping students for the next stage of school/life. Ofsted will not monitor compliance with the national curriculum; they are focused on quality and impact.

Technology Matrix Infographic of College and Technology The Brain and Digital Media

Webt ool M ashup I n t egr at i ng Bloom s Digit al Tax onom y , Gar dner s M ult iple int elligences and Webt ools

K now ledge
Nat ur alist / Spir it ualist
I enjoy the outdoors and teaching others about things

I nt r aper sonal

I enjoy working by myself

! Visual / Spir it ual! !

I enjoy painting, drawing & visualising!


Ver bal / Linguist ic!

I enjoy reading, writing & speaking!

Logical / M at hem at ical!

I enjoy working with numbers & science!


Body / K inaest het ic!

I enjoy doing hands-on activities, sports & dance!


M usical / Rhy t hm ical

I enjoy making & listening to music


I nt er Per sonal

I enjoy working with others


@ pipcleav es

The Future?

The Future?
More Visible learning (online galleries, posters, rich media)

The Future?
More Visible learning (online galleries, posters, rich media) Outsourced specialist lessons (webinars, Facetime, Google+)

The Future?
More Visible learning (online galleries, posters, rich media) Outsourced specialist lessons (webinars, Facetime, Google+) Greater emphasis on Knowledge Management

The Future?
More Visible learning (online galleries, posters, rich media) Outsourced specialist lessons (webinars, Facetime, Google+) Greater emphasis on Knowledge Management International Professional Development school links

The Future?
More Visible learning (online galleries, posters, rich media) Outsourced specialist lessons (webinars, Facetime, Google+) Greater emphasis on Knowledge Management International Professional Development school links Tablets instead of laptops

The Future?
More Visible learning (online galleries, posters, rich media) Outsourced specialist lessons (webinars, Facetime, Google+) Greater emphasis on Knowledge Management International Professional Development school links Tablets instead of laptops Strategic School Clusters sharing expertise digitally

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