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Team Jaykaypur
Team At a glance

Team Jaykaypur is associated with 1153 women covering 987 SHGs in 2 blocks of Rayagada
such as Kolnara and Bissamcuttack. Along with this team has initiated engagement on forest
based livelihood promotion and second chance education program in Muniguda, K.singpur &
Chandrapur blocks. The team is engaged intensively around Institution strengthening, APC
promotion, Establishing FPO, Livestock, Forest based livelihood promotion, Second chance
education ( skill, enterprise and education) with 6 professionals, 3 contractual and associates
and 4 consultants.

Goal statement for 3-4 year

1. Nirbhaya, the block level federation as the medium of identity and larger umbrella to
address different socio-political and women issues

2. 8000 women are confident enough to access their entitlements such as ration card,
pension, insurance, employment guarantee (MGNREGA)

3. Mahila Pragati Farmers producers company self sustainable and reaching out to 4000
women farmers with an additional income of Rs 40000

4. Qualitative learning, employability and entrepreneurial opportunities to 1000

marginalized women and young women

5. 10000 forest dependent household have enhanced their forest based livelihood through
CFRMP and convergence with secured 6000 individuals forest rights & 500 CFR titles
across 4 blocks.

Theme GOAL Indicators Progress

Strengthening Nirbhaya  50 active community leaders  20 community leaders
Federation through pool. taking charge for institution
broad basing leaders strengthening.
pool  12 GPLF functioning  6 GPLFs are regular
Women  2 stakeholder interface at  Done in 1 GPLF
Collectives GPLF level & 3 at Nirbhaya
level  25 SHG linked so far and
 Financial Literacy with 400 Rs16 lakh credit mobilized.
SHG & Bank Linkage with 200
Nirbhay federation  To facilitate 300 youth and 50  124 young women enrolled
Gender & leading and taking women in employment and to restart their education.
employment action on education, enterprise  281 cumulative (75 in this
skill & enterprise for FY) got employment after
young women. skill training
 1 new enterprise of Biofloc
initiated covering 30
women are confident  500 left out will be enrolled  109 individuals got pension,
enough to access their in pension & PDS scheme. 28 got new job card and
entitlements 100 new ration card, 300 HH 3638 got wage under
getting LC. MGNREGA.
 Women With  3000 women in APC & FPC  2245 doing winner crop in
enhanced decision fold APC & FPC approach.
making ability and  covering 8500 women  8041 women covered in
access over income. through light touch approach livelihood.
The women farmers  900 acre veg & floriculture  608 acre of high vale crop
will follow (120 acr ) in KH done, out of that 124 acre
sustainable  100 acre of veg in Rabi is floriculture.
practices in  70% getting > 40000/- income  Prototype is evolving with
agriculture,  2000 farmers with concrete the combination of
Livelihood intensive livestock prototype different crops.
rearing and NTFP  Rs 53 lakh turnover
marketing to get an  FPC Turnover 2 Cr achieved in the first half.
average income of  3000 total & 500 intensive  1237 HH covered in
Rs 40000/-. Livestock - Shed, Feed & livestock and 497 in
 BOD taking charge Marketing intensive livestock rearing.
of FPC  Integration has not been
 Rs 30000/- Income  Comprehensive livelihood in initiated.
from livestock for 10 villages
intensive HH
 400 villages  400 CFR and 6000 IFR claim  29 CFR and 1285 IFR claims
covered on IFR & will be submitted in the SDLC submitted at SDLC.
CFR claim making  120 village covering 4090 HH  35 villages covering 670 HH
covering 6000 HH will enhance their forest are improving their forest
 45 % villages doing based livelihood and based livelihood.
CFRMP convergence with 2080 Convergence with 76 HH.
 50 villages implementing  CFRMP initiated in 10
CFRMP villages.

Major feedback received and action around that

Levels Feedback received Action taken

Internal • What are the strategies of  Team is now focusing to plan around the
Managemen the team for irrigation existing irrigation infrastructures. No specific
t infrastructure creation and effort for new creation.
use??  Team has initiated its engagement on FBL,
• How do team thinks about governance for all HHs.
non-APC HHs which are 2/3  Also team engaged with the krushi Mitras of
of the net outreach OLM to reach out the non APC Farmers
through agriculture & Livestock activities.

Donor • Account transfer to  Team initiated collection of active account

producers details of women farmers for account transfer
through FPC.
 Initiated phase wise cropping & intercropping
• Risk mitigation Mechanism for marigold & brinjal to minimize risk.
Capacity building of  Not done concretely.
Government • Year-round agriculture  Team identified potential villages as per
stakeholder irrigation potential to initiate rabi agriculture.
• Enterprise  Few enterprises like biofloc, hatchery, feed
processing etc are initiated in the team.
• Value addition and  Value addition in turmeric is in the pipeline.

Learning generated

Focus areas for the second half of the year


The prevalent covid scenario was a setback for team’s engagement around different SHG led
institutions however during post covid, team has brought back its focus on strengthening
different tiers of institutions. Consistent effort of team has gone for reviving and re-
functionalizing the GPLFs to establishing GPLF as a connecting forum between SHG and BLF.

Key Milestones

 Within last 6 months 6 out of 12 GPLFs have been

revived and functionalized.
 Institutionalization of welfare and entitlement
schemes has been initiated in 4 GPs through
GPLF. Around 150+ left out beneficiaries of ration
card were listed out in village level after discussing GPLF and applications were
submitted in block from GPLF.
 As per the SHG master data collection around 62% SHGs are running regularly.
 SHG audit process initiated through revenue model and 25 SHG books are audited till
 Checking of SHG books of accounts in GPLF meeting is an initiative taken to strengthen
SHGs and monitor the condition of SHGs.
 Nirbhaya the BLF has regularized in last 6 months and initiated norm setting and
finalizing the core offerings of the BLF for its members.
 Key offerings that are identified are such as helping members for VAW cases, providing
information on various schemes and helping them to
avail the entitlements and opportunities.
 8 representatives of Nirbhaya visited Sampurna
federation as well as the federation networking
workshop to broaden their vision on federation
The revenue model which was planned to provide SHG audit
service couldn’t be established yet due to lack of efficacy of the trained auditor pool. Team is
planning to collaborate with OLM and Mission shakti for the SHG audit in large scale through
the CRP (CMs) of OLM. A kobo form for the same has been developed which will further
simplify the process.


 23 PGs are formed in the block and all the PGs are engaged on winner crop cultivation to
enhance their income.
 18 PGs are of A and B category and they are conducting their PG meetings on regular
basis, preparing the annual plan and pursuing the standard of cultivation.
 The board members of Mahila Pragati FPCL are intensively involved for different
management activities of the PC.
 The identity of Pragati has enhanced through its services across the PGs. This year it has
initiated providing support to some new villages and they have joined the PG.
 The BOD has taken charge of their institution and conducted the recruitment process of
its officials like accountant and CEO.
 MPFPCL is also facilitated exposure of some other FPCs on better functioning process.
Major strategy to achieve the annual plan-

 Member SHG finalization for GPLF and BLF and their perspective building
 Including CRPs and MBK, Pranimitra, Krushimitra in GPLF meetings in all GPs
 Orientation of CRPs (OLM) around financial literacy and SHG audit
 Patch level training and on field demonstration of audit to CRPs
 Module preparation for GPLF and BLF meeting for better effectiveness
 Orientation of new members on gender, laws related to women rights etc
 Training on different topics (livelihood, gender, entitlements etc) in GPLF level
Livelihood Promotion

Team is involved in agriculture in APC & FPC approach, Livestock and enterprise for livestock
promotion in the team. Agriculture as the major livelihood option covers around 70% of the
total outreach and 37% of the agriculture outreach are covered through APC & FPC. Similarly
51% of total outreach is doing livestock rearing and 21% of livestock outreach is following the
better practices. The enterprise, skill and forest based livelihood are in the initial stage and
reached to very specific pension of the community.


0The livelihood intensification is in the focus of the team with market based vegetable and
other winner crop cultivation and 88 villages are covered under APC approach. Rest villages are
covered with an objective of food sufficiency. 23 producer groups are formed covering 3000
women producers and they have selected 4 winner crops such as 1) Brinjal 2) Marigold 3) Chilli
4) Marigold for intensifying their income.

Key milestone Achieved

• 70 APC villages are involved in PC led
• 23 PGS are doing vegetable cultivation
• Community nursery at all villages and
reached to 1002 acre of winner crop
cultivation in the Kharif out of the plan of
1300 acre.
• 35 new single line trellis with intercropping
• 97 & 124 acres of convergence through input
support from ITDA & OLM respectively.
• Marigold area increased from 60 to 124 acres.
• 17 Lakh input transaction through FPC
• 100 Tons of collective marketing and 89 tons through PC done till Sept. 2022.
• Honourable Governor of Odisha, District collector, BMGF team and many more
government officials visited the APC areas of team Jkpur.

Major Strategy for APC villages Major Strategy for Non-APC

• PG & Village level Planning from April • Capacity building of OLM
• Package designed for different crops by PC KMs
• Advance collection • Food, pulses and cash
• Door step service by PC and on-spot selling crop covered
• Linkage with ITDA and OLM • Exposure to immersion
• Internal exposure sites
• Regular CC monitoring and joint visit with them • Input procurement
• Engaging UM for monitoring and ensuring through PC and local
interventions. markets
• Credit linkage for SHGs through Mission shakti BLF • Major focus on
• Professional wise GP & PG responsibility sharing to consumption and food
bring intensity. security

A review of the overall livelihood strategy adopted by the team for the year

 Team has started the kharif

agriculture planning process in
the month of April. Major
focus was to complete the
planning process in all PGs
timely and advance collection
for input through PC. The PC
has designed the package of
different crops and shared it in
simple Odia temple to all the
villages. As per the packages Rs 6 lakh advances collected form farmer done through PC for
timely supply of required inputs. The package consists of fifty days full crop care remedies
along with seed. It helped us for ensuring proper package of practices.Those farmers, who
have not come into the advance system, for them PC stated on-spot village level input selling
to farmers. PC groomed its business promoter at village level and through them also input
selling continued with a commission basis and door step service to the farmer was ensured.
 Credit linkage through Mission shakti BLF and OLM GPLF for availability of fund with
farmers in right time to procure different farm inputs.
 This year team has deliberatively planned to do convergence with ITDA for input support in
less area (within 100 acres) as compare to the last year. The though behind of this decision
o Timely nursery raising for early production
o Improvising the PC business and crating ownership of the farmers regarding PC
o Long term sustainable approach as ITDA will not provide input for all the year

With this approach we have done a convergence with ITDA for 97 acres of brinjal
 Looking into the market attractiveness increasing the
area of marigold with convergence with OLM. Odisha
livelihood Mission has provided only sapling support for
124 acres of marigold. The rest inputs were procured by
the farmer by giving advance to PC. Transplanting of
marigold in two phases looking into the festive season.
 Organizing pre kharif exposure for new village for
mobilizing them to cultivated vegetable as cash crops
 Regular review, monitoring and grooming of field cadres
for ensuring different activities at field level
 Capacity building of Udyog Mitra on basic agriculture package of practice and engaging
them to ensure the PoP at farmer level timely and regularly providing the status of the village
through WhatsApp group.
 Grooming Krusi Mitra of OLM for engaging them in light touch approach villages
 Cluster development in specific winner crops
 Community nursery at all villages to raise quality saplings.
 Organizing post kharif exposure looking into the rabi agriculture.
 Convergence with Hort. Dept for single line trellis to promote beans cultivation with
intercropping in NPM approach.
 Developing two NPM intensive PGs, the major intervention planned like installation of solar
trap, inter cropping, use of Trichoderma culture, waste decomposer, pranambrut, application
of FYM in field and chemical fertilizer less vegetable farming.
 Utilization of IBCB cost of PG to procure different farm implements to reduce the drudgery
of the women farmers and easy ensure of PoP.

Different livelihood options undertaken during the Period:

 All the planning process and winner crop selection was done at PG level. This year we
focused in four winner crops as cash crop like brinjal, chilly, beans and marigold.
Cowpea, turmeric, pumpkin is also in the crop basket for income enhancement of the
farmers. Pigeon pea was cultivated for own consumption purpose to address the nutrition
sufficiency of the family. 608.8 acres of vegetable cultivated across all 23 PGs and 394
acres of pigeon pea was cultivated in those PG areas in hilly terrain.
 In last three year 632.5 acres of plantation done across the PG area with convergence
with department of horticulture. This year we have undertaken new 70 acres of
plantation. The 1st year plants have started fruiting form this year, in coming few years
these plantations will become a major asset for the farmers for their livelihood
 This year farmers have cultivated marigold in 124 acres of land, which is a growth of
77.14 % as compared to last year. In the financial year 2019-20 marigold was initiated in
Kolnora block in five acres of land now it reached to a growth of 2380% in area.

Status of PG around Key Parameters:

 23 producers’ group have been promoted consisting of 3000 women in 88 villages as per
OLM and Mission Shakti guideline
 20 PGs are coming in grade A/B as per the grading test of OLM and Mission Shakti.
 All the 23 PGs have received the IBCB cost of amount 45.72 lakhs, from which 22.56
lakhs expenditure done for procuring different farm implements for the PGs and
providing salary of UM. 14 PGs also received the working capital cost of amount Rs
11.20 lakhs, in which 4.95 lakhs of expenditure done in this kharif.
 Average area of cultivation of each PG for this kharif season is 43.6 acres, which
includes high value vegetables and pigeon pea.
 18 out of 23 PGs have participated in the collective marketing process in this six month;
we are expecting all the PGs will come in this fold in coming Qtr. In total 1005.38
Quintal different commodities have marketed collectively.

Status of innovations and demonstrations and its effectiveness

1. Mulching in marigold

This year 1.5 acre mulching applied in marigold

to look in to the increase or decrease in
productivity. However, till now it is found that
the growth of the plant is quite better than the
open field plants. Also, due to higher number of
branches, the number of buds per plant was 3
times more than the un-intervened plant. On
the opposite side it was evidenced that the immediate transplantation after
mulching damaged the sapling. Also, it was learned that the application of basal
dose in plant helps a lot in growth of the plant.

2. Pineapple cultivation
As three PGs in Kolnara block have more hilly land,
vegetable could not be established as a winner crops
these areas. For these terrains pineapple was thought
for experimentation. 30000number of pineapple
sucker are being provided to 50 farmers for this
purpose. In this experimentation till now 80% plant
has survived and the suckers have started forming
new root and leaves.

3. Grafted Brinjal
As brinjal is one of the winner crops of Kolnara block and huge crop damage occurs
due to bacterial attack team planned to experiment grafted brinjal. Under these 4000
numbers of saplings is being provided to 13 farmers. Till now there is no such
damage happened due to disease attack. However, in this intervention the farmer
needs to visit the field regularly and look in to each and every plant. Because in these
grafted plants the mother plant always tries to generate branches of base plant. So, the
farmer has to prune it regularly.

Progress against the plan around all the above aspects

Indicator Cumulative Plan for Plan Achv.

/ For the for for
period 22-23 Apr- Apr-
Sep Sep
Number of Women in Agriculture and Period 8000 7500 8041
Total Intervention area (in acre) Period 5050 4580 26275
Cereal Crops-Net Period 5200 5200 6986
Cereal Crops - Kharif Period 5200 5200 6986
Intervention area (in Acre) Period 2200 2200 9732
Pulses-Net Period 5040 5040 6612
Pulses - Kharif Period 5040 5040 6612
Intervention area (in Acre) Period 1250 1250 3293
Oilseeds-Net Period 500 200 454
Oilseeds - Kharif Period 200 200 454
Vegetables-Net Period 4200 4200 5795
Vegetables - Kharif Period 4200 4200 5779
Intervention area (in Acre) Period 1030 1030 1698
Floriculture Period 200 200 379
Intervention area (in Acre) Period 100 100 124

Major crops under APC

Crop Name HH Area (acre)
Major prototypes evolving Beans 232 39
Brinjal 872 203
The livelihood prototype of team JKpur is mostly
Chilly 494 75
kharif dependent and there are 4 winner crops such
as Brinjal, Marigold, chilli and Beans are cultivated Cowpea 332 82
intensively for significant income generation along Marigold 379 124
with the other crops. The following prototypes are Pigeon Pea 1595 394
evolving in the team among the APC farmers. Pumpkin 95 10
Turmeric 165 75
Total 1002
SL Kharif crop basket Rabi Average Expected Percentage of
No area in acre additional coverage
income in Rs
1 Brinjal+ cowpea+ Sunflower 0.5 50000/- 40%
Pigeon pea
2 Chilli + PP 0.5 35000/- 30%
3 Marigold + Chilli+ PP Sunflower 0.6 60000/- 10%
4 Beans + Brinjal + PP 0.4 35000/- 20%

Progress on regenerative Agriculture:

This year team has decided to develop two intensive PG on NPM practice, the following actions
have taken up

 Application of Neem cake and Trichoderma at field. Farmers have done summer plough
and ensured application of compost/manure at the time of transplantation and nursery
 Farmers are using different organic medicines and fertilizer like Agenyastra, Handikhata,
Jibambruta, waste decompose, Pranambrutaand the farmers have done inter cropping of
radish & cowpea and trapping crop of marigold to control pest attack.
 In few major crops like pigeon pea, cow pea, beans, pumpkins and turmeric farmers are
not using chemicals pesticides and fertilizer. They are only using the bio products and
FYM in their field.
 20 solar traps installed in brinjal plots to reduce pest control.
 Multilayer farming with 5 farmers
 Beans cultivation in single line trellis with intercropping. No chemical fertilizer used in
those fields.
 Nipping of pigeon pea for good growth and application of neem oil for sucking pest.
 Sufficient amount of FYM application resulting good plant growth
 Multilayer farming in 20 decimals of land proving an income of 40-50 K annually.
 Use of waste decomposer also proving good results in plants.
 For pest control periodically spraying of agnyaastra, neemoil is required
 Couldn’t focus end to end engagement in NPM practice.
 Due to heavy rain fall regularly, we couldn’t control the fungal attack in vegetable plants,
so applied copper oxy chloride to avoid the crop loss
 Sufficient amount of cow urine and FYM is not available at field level.
 Farmers are intending to chemical pesticides use.
Plan for scale up:
 Multilayer farming
 Turmeric and chilly intercropping model with all NPM practice.
 Beans with trellis with intercropping.

Progress around FPC

The Mahila pragati Farmers Producer Company was formed in 2020 by 322 producers and it has
started its formal business from 2021-22. So this is the 2 nd year for the FPC to provide different
door step services to its producers with an objective to ensure Rs 20K additional income.
Strategies adopted

1. Increasing the product basket

a. Input:

In addition to the winner crop PC promoted different other creeper and short cycle crops for
intercropping to minimize the risk for the producers. Some crops like cowpea, cluster beans and
radish as intercrop in brinjal, marigold and chilli.

b. Output:

Except the marketing of winner crop team had a plan to put its hand on marketing of other
available things of the area like pineapple, custard apple, mango and tamarind. In all these
products a business volume of 12.23 lakh is being generated with average margin of 10.19%.
However, team also experienced that there is a price hike occurs in the market whenever PC
enters in to the commodity and then the price decreases. Through this process the producer
could able to get additional 2-4 rupees per KG of product.

Product Sales quantity Value (Rs) Margin %

Tamarind 32733 KG 1088830 12.64
Mango 854 KG 23108 12.15
Custard apple 138 Crt 91000 -3.16
Pineapple 1546 No 21060 -60.85

2. Bank payment and receipt from vendors

To reduce cash transaction in PC this year QR codes for PC is being issued and 90% of the
payment from vendors is being received through these QR code. Also PC is giving 98%
payment to its input suppliers through bank transfer.
3. Community level meeting on marketing for making community aware about the difference
between wholesale and retail marketing. Along with this the community is transparently told
about various charges being deducted by PC during marketing to bring ownership of
community on PC.
4. Carder grooming
The business promoters are trained on crop care practices to reach additional farmers. Along
with that they are being trained on maintaining books of account to
make the accounting standardized and transparent for the
Status of FPO/PC against key parameters
1. Achievement against key parameter:
Indicator Plan Ach
Number Of member 3000 1800
ROC filled 3000 988
Share capital ( in lakh ) 16 13.58
Share Capital (lakh) 17 8.74
Input Business 25 lakh 17 lakh
Output Business 175 Lakh 35 lakh
Profit 7 2
Quantity of Product 400 80
2. Status of compliance:
Compliance Last date Status
Increase Of Authorized capital As on requirement Completed
EGM As on requirement Completed
Closing of accounts Completed
Board meeting For Share 30 days before filing Completed
PAS-3 (Share allotment) 60 days of money collection 988 completed
GSTR-1 (Q1) 11 Jul 22 Completed
GSTR-3 (Q1) 21 Jul 22 Completed
Board Meeting (Q1)
Change in office address 30 Days after change Completed
CEO appointment 30 Days after change Sent
DSC renewal On expiry Not done
Statutory Audit 8-Aug Completed
Board Meeting (Q2) 9-Aug Completed
AGM 30-Sept Completed
Director KYC 30-Sept Completed
Change of Sale point Ambered

3. Gender Sensitive action and institutionalization process

 Focus to regularize the PG meetings and all the crop planning done in the PG forum.
 All the operational area is divided among the professionals to strengthen the
institutions and to develop connection among the community to develop a sustainable
 Inclusive decision-making process and financial literacy of women on financial
reports/terms: This year the BODs are involved in different processes of decision
making like quotation analysis, vendor identification, package preparation for farmers
etc. in addition BOD is being aware on plan Vs achievement, different financial jargons
and their meaning, reading financial reports etc.
• Interaction with different vendors: under this approach the board members interact
with the vendors through phone as a agenda of BOD meeting
• Discussing on financial statement with BOD: in addition to build capacity of directors
on reading financial statement financial statement of each quarter is presented in the
board meeting by the accountant.
• Inclusion for recovering credit from vendors: The FPO members are included in
recovering credit from the market for enhancing their bargaining skill.
• Visit to Vendor’s shop: As a strategy leader of different PG have visited to different
vendor’s shop to get knowledge on bigger market, get feedback from the market
players on business process and product quality.
• Business plan preparation for the company at the beginning of the year: As a strategy
of inclusion of leader pool of PC have gone through the training of business plan
development and prepared the annual business plan for the year 22-23 at the
beginning of financial year.

Resource mobilization strategy and amount of program fund mobilized

1) Mobilization From Community

a. Input advance
For the purpose of working capital, the community was oriented about the preparedness
before adopting any crop. Under this strategy the community was aware on problems arises in
our context due to lack of timely availability of Agri input and damage percentage due to the
same. With this strategy a sum of 6.5 lakh rupees is being raised from community as input
advance. This money not only helped the community to get timely input but also act as working
capital for the PC.
b. Share capital
Past year team had focused to mobilize 17 lakh paid-up capital from the shareholders. In which
team could able to mobilize 1800 members investing 13.5 lakh rupees in the company.

2) Mobilization From Stakeholder

a. Mobilization of working capital from Mission shakti
This year team have a plan to mobilize 25 lakh working capital for PC from mission shakti. For
this purpose, team have already submitted 5-year business plan, PC details to program
secretariat for further follow-up.
b. Marigold sapling & brinjal input mobilization from OLM & ITDA
This year for a quantum in marigold to establish as a cash crop in the area, marigold sapling for
120 acre are being mobilized from OLM department worth 9.6 lakh rupees. Similarly ITDA has
supported brinjal cultivation in 97 acres worth 13.58 lakh.
c. Mobilization of storage structure
In addition to working capital application for allocation storage infrastructure is being
submitted to mission shakti department, which is under process.
Technology Used

1. Use of application to track real-time cash flow in PC

2. Use of application to track real-time stock movement
3. What’s App group
For information sharing on weather, immediate action to be taken, rate declaration and
cross learning.
4. Aadhar Enabled Payment System (AEPS): team has initiated a process for direct
money transfer to the account of the women farmers through the AEPS. 7 AEs are
groomed and they will do the process in this year.

Major Challenges
• Last yr Cotton price misguided vegetable farmers
• Delay in Input supply by ITDA
• Cont. rain fall, Delayed fertilizer application – stunted growth & wilting
• Delay in vegetable classed with Paddy calendar
• Red ant in Brinjal
• Back to Back external visits hampered planned engagements.
• Cash transaction in the FPC
• Long pending payment from vendors
Major learning
• Full package system reduced tension of FPC
• Credit linkages helped for investment
• Input advance helped to generate working capital for the PC
• Sometimes introduction of company increases the price of commodity (tamarind, custard
apple, pumpkin)
• Proper planning reduces stock loss as a result cost of input to farmer reduces
Way forwards
• Team reorganised with 3 Panchayats each for professionals for effective community
• Team initiated collection of Bank details for account transfer in the upcoming season.
• Identifications of the irrigation potential villages and rabi planning
• Indenting for sunflower and large scale cultivation with specific interventions.
• Continuing engagements of the Ums to ensure interventions at village level
• Grooming young professionals and CSPs on agriculture practices.

Team is involved in intensification of goat rearing, backward poultry rearing, layer, color and
broiler bird rearing and bioflock under the livestock activity. Earlier there were more focus in
the Mukundapur patch but this year team has strategically tried to move to all the patches.
Further there was only focus on poultry but this year attempts are made to balance the both
goat and BYP rearing. Some attempts are also made to experiment various new practices such
as ethno-vet, Biofloc and broiler in the operational area to bring significant income from the
Key milestone achieved in Livestock activity
• 4 batches of brooding are completed in the solar hatchery unit. In total 1700 chicks
were brooded and supplied to 65 HH.
• Community contributed on their own and procured Desi & Assil bird from the Hatchery.
• Initiation of Bokashi Enterprise at Bandhaguda village on entrepreneurship mode.
• 200 Layer bird distributed to the SHG under RKVY scheme through Mission Shakti.
• Poultry marketing experienced with Rs 1 lakh
• Goat Marketing -13 goats of one village through
PC doing a total transaction of Rs.84300. Farmers
got incremental income of Rs 25000/- from the
• 2 SHGs of Bandhaguda took loan from the bank
and procured 50 Goats from a farm for rearing
through PC by investing Rs 2.7 lakh.
• 1 individual & 2 group based broiler units initiated with 500 & 1000 capacity and 5 group
based goat shed constructed through convergence with Mission Shakti.
• Acceptance of Liquid Mineral Calcium & mix oil (Total 90 Ltr sold in the local area)
• 34 Prani Mitras are active in the villages and livestock activity initiated across areas.
• Mutual support environment developed with Vat Dept.
• Data collection in progress : Kobo data 198 & goatery app 185

Major Strategies adopted

 Initiation of livestock initiative across all patches of the team.
 Grooming of the Prani Mitras of OLM and regular engagement with them
 Convergence with different departments like Mission Shakti, OLM and Veterinary for
value addition in livestock activities and joint action with the staffs.
 Use of ethno-vet practices through the PMs.
 Action research on some ethno-vet practices to standardize its effectiveness.
 Experimentation on different varieties of poultry bird rearing to standardize the poultry
Some new initiatives of this year

 Biofloc enterprise
30 SHG members of Sarabguda initiated the
bioflock activity in group mode through the
support of OLM and Selco foundation. OLM has supported 4.5 lakh, selco foundation
has supported solar energy for 20X7 and community contributed Rs 0.5 lakh for the new
initiative. 2000 Morrell and 3000 Rupchand fish are cultivated in the 6 tanks (15000ltr
capacity each). The morrell fish couldn’t survive due to some varietal issue and the
Rupchand are growing as per the expectation. The farmers will get an income of Rs 1.2
lakh from the 1st culture of 6 months duration. The Governor of Odisha has also visited
the enterprise and encouraged the farmers.
 Broiler farming
Team has initiated 2 group based and 1
individual broiler farm with the support of
Mission Shakti in Badakhilapadar, Karagadi
and Robadi village. The SHGs have taken
loan from the Mission Shakti and initiated
the activity and there are 40% grant from the
Mission Shakti. The average weight of the
birds is around 1kg with 98% survival rate.
Another 5 such entrepreneurs are in the
 Goat farming in group mode
Due to the goat marketing initiative the farmers are now motivated towards goat
rearing in the operational area. 2 SHGs of Bandhaguda purchased 25 goats each by
investing 2.7 lakh through bank loan. They are using 2 low cost goat shed made earlier
for the purpose. Similarly other 5 SHGs of different villages have made the low cost goat
shed with the support of Mission Shakti and keeping their goats in the shed.
 Experimentation of Ethno-vet practices
Some ethno-vet practices like use of Liquid mineral calcium, Digestive Cum De-wormer
Powder, Chireita etc. Digestive Cum De-wormer Powder is a multipurpose powder and is
suitable for de-wormer, immunity booster, bloat, indigestion, anorexia, fever,
inflammation, liver functioning. Apart from ruminants it can be fed to BYP too. We have
captured the effect with some farmers and got the better result and now planning to
expand. Similarly there are good responses for liquid mineral calcium and the SHG has
sold 90 liters locally with better result for milk increment in goat. Team is going to
initiate an enterprise based on these materials.

Plan Vs Achievements
Indicator Plan 2022-23 Ach
Net HH Under Livestock 3500 1237
BYP HH 2500 1053
Goat HH 1000 474
Intensive BYP HH 500 497
Intensive Goat HH 400 327
Goat Shed 200 107
BYP Shed 300 218
Village Intervene 100 101
Total MT/CSP 5 2
Total CAHW 30 34
Prototype HH 500 500
Analysis of 193 HH data collected through Kobo for intensive farmers

Type of HH Numbers HH Sold Total

Either Amount
BYP/Goat in Rs
HH Having both 97 73 850713
BYP and goat
HH Having only 88 43 60690
HH Having only 8 5 91950
Total 193 121 1003353

20000 18390
15000 11654
5000 1411
0 Both BYP &Goat(73 Only BYP (43 HH) Only Goat (5 HH)

Major Challenges

 Despite several attempts the hatchery unit is not yet standardized for operation. So
more focus is going for the brooding.
 Due to lack of technical knowledge in the field of Bio-Floc challenges are faced in
implementation of Bio-Floc.
 Though of regular and on-time vaccination still there is outbreak of diseases like pox in
chicks resulting in mortality
 Proper running of the Feed units.
 Poultry supplied by department are of low quality
 Lack of carder cost for livestock interventions.
Focus area for coming 6 months to achieve the team’s goal

 PM grooming on regular basis to ensure basic and ethno-vet practices across team.
 Mobilizing ITDA to support 95 HH in Dunduli GP for BYP cluster development as per the
submitted plan and ensuring end to end practices to actualize income.
 Strengthening relationship with ARD dept. and PRADAN for joint action.
 Setting up the BYP model on the basis previous experience,
 Standardizing the broiler units with proper care and marketing through PC.
 Standardizing the feed enterprises and bokashi enterprise.
 Data collection for proper analysis of the impact of our interventions.

Progress around Forest based livelihood (FBL) and claim making process
Team is engaged in 5 blocks of Rayagada district for promotion of forest based livelihood and
supporting the government for digitalization of claim making process such as Kolnara, Bissam
Cuttack, K.singpur, Muniguda and chandrapur.
 Digital and Technology based mapping is accepted and
appreciated by all government stakeholders.
 The Jamisathis are confident for digital mapping process
and the revenue model established in 5 blocks
 Claim documents prepared in 114 Villages.
 78 IFR Claims got approved in SDLC.
 Existing IFR validation of 1190 claimants of 45 villages
through digital platform
 637 HHs have transplanted 25910 saplings in both CFR
and IFR areas
 14910 saplings are procured from the forest department by the community and 11000
saplings were raised on their own.30 kg of forest species seeds were being sown in the CFR
 10 hector plantation in CFR area with convergence with forest department.


No of village concept seeding done 440 355
FRC Const / reconstituted 440 246
CFR claim document prepared 420 125
Joint FRC Completed 420 117
Joint Verification Completed 396 61
Final Gramsabha 396 41
No of claims IFR filled at GS level 6150 3736
No of IFR claims recommended by GS to SDLC 5620 1285
No of IFR claims recommended by SDLC to DLC 3400 225
No of IFR claims approved at DLC 3400 147
No of claims CFR filled at GS level 390 125
No of CFR claims recommended by GS to SDLC 390 29
No of CFR claims recommended by SDLC to DLC 215 4
No of CFR claims approved at DLC 205 4
Status of institutionalization and engendering engagements
 50% Women members in FRC and CFRMC in all villages.
 Patch level Orientation of women members around FRA
perspective and CFRMP
 Regularizing the Monthly meeting of CFRMC.
 Active participation of all members and villagers in claim
making process and facilitating to ensure women participation.
 Inclusion of single women through FRC.
 Capacity building of PRI members on FRA and importance of
 FRA claim making in GP saturation in potential villages with active participation of PRI members.
 Revenue Model in each village
 Developing linkage with forest department for plantation in CFR and IFR areas.
Perspective & Status of CFRMP and key insights to take it forward

Activity Plan Achievement

CFRMC formed 290(50) 41
CFRMP prepared 130(50) 10
CFRMP implemented 120 10
Village under forest based livelihood 35

Families under livelihood 2200 637


Due to the community mobilization on CFRMP and exposure to the immersion villages the CFRMS has
taken lead to initiate forest plantation in their respective CFR and IFR areas.
activity # Villages # Families Plants Numbe
Plantation by their 9 301 Amla,jackfruit,custardapple,drumstick, 11000
own nursery mango,tamarind
Saplings from forest 21 633 Amla,jackfruit,cashew,karanja,baradas 14910
department aga,tamarind,bamboo,neem,custard
Seed sowing by their 9 177 Mahua,jackfruit,tamarind,mango 30kg
own in CFR areas
Horticulture 3 50 Cashew 100
plantation ACR
Plantation by FD 2 50 Amla,jackfruit,tamarind,sahaja,karanja 15 hctr
 Community mobilization in PVTG villages
 Delay in SDLC submission, Joint verification and Final Gramsabha .
 Changes of different administrators at different level.
 No proper Focus of District and sub division level administrators on FRA.
 RIs are demanding financial help from community .
 Drop out of groomed jamisathis .


 2-3 days camp in each block to reach all the villages

 Patch level orientation of women members of FRC and CFRMC
 On field support to jamisathis .
 Bi monthly orientation of jamisathi around mapping and documentation
 District level coordination meeting of all stakeholders
 Quarterly Orientation of Revenue and forest department staffs around FRA and CFRMA
 Regular interaction with all the stakeholders
 Convergence of CFRMC with different department
 Weekly and Monthly Review of the progress.

Second Chance Education

Activity Plan Ach till Sep 2022 Revised plan (Sep 22-Dec 23)
Skill 300 30 under training 636 cumulative
281 in placement
Education 100 124 enrolled 100 pass out
Enterprise 30 in this FY Standardizing the existing enterprise

Key milestone achieved-

 Cumulative 281 young women are placed in employment and out of that 75 candidates
got placed in different sectors in this FY.
 124 learners enrolled in NIOS for education.
 The honorable governor of Odisha Prof. Ganeshi Lal ji visited PRADAN facilitated biofloc
enterprise of Sarabguda village of Rayagada along with the entire district administration.
He appreciated the tribal women entrepreneurs for their initiatives and business
perspectives. This group enterprise will generate additional income of 1.23 lakh per six-
month cycle.
Trade No of candidates Salary
SMO 155 11000
GDA 64 12000
Tech trade 53 11000
Retail 9 14000

Strategies adopted-
 Awareness campaign and IEC
material distribution around skill
and education in different blocks
 Block level counseling camp for
skill and employment
 Information spreading through
social media
 Follow up from cadres and
record keeping of mobilized
 Counseling of parents along with
 Discussion about skill and education in GPLF meetings to mobilize candidates
 Patch wise classes for learners in 3 study centers
 Class activities like – quiz competition, essay writing etc, class test for betterment of
 Reluctance of parents to send their daughters to distant cities
 Young girls engaged in unorganized sector like prawn factory
 Vacancy not available in specific trade
 Drop out of mobilized candidates
 Difficulty in progress in other blocks due to not having cadres
 Difficulties in continuity of the class due to distance of WEH,jkpur.

Major Take away-

 Sharing of success stories in different community forums can be an effective way to
mobilize candidates.
 Reason for drop out of candidates need to be analyzed and addressed.
 Dropped out students can be engaged in enterprise
 Trade wise WhatsApp group of candidates to be in regular touch with them.
 Detailed and clear information need to be shared with candidates and parents both.
 Need to engage in the existing enterprises

Focus for the next 6 months-

Major focus for next half of the year is as follows…
 Mobilizing around 500 candidates for skill in order to reach additional 300 women in
 Follow up with dropped out candidates
 Providing better quality education to the learners to help them to succeed in the exams.
 Running and stabilizing the existing enterprises
 Sharing success stories and visuals distribute IEC material and spread the information in
GPLF meetings in order to institutionalize the process.
 Capacity building of learners & skill candidates on gender and women rights.

Partnership action and Engagement with stakeholders/systems

Team is mostly associated with different government departments and CSOs of the area and
outside for various development action. OLM, Missionshakti, ARD, DRDA, ITDA and
horticulture departments are associated for livelihood enhancement, program fund for the
farmers, farm mechanization and plantation and there are enhanced relationships with PRADAN.
Similarly we are associated with the forest, revenue and ITDA for FBL and claim making
process. The relations with these departments have developed but reflection in work is very slow.
Further team has not able to establish good relation with OLIC and OAIC for irrigation
infrastructure creation.
Team has established good relation with the Harsha Trust, B-able and Selco foundation for
exchange of knowledge. In last 1 year team could able to enhance good relationship with PRI
members around FRA.
Challenges in partnership
 The government partners sometime use us as there extended hand to ensure and organize
things, which create extra work load over the team.
 In few cases (particular to officers) they don’t want to share the credit of good work done
in the field.
 Sometimes govt partners through the responsibility over us during failure.

Strengthening in-here preparedness

Person power scenario

Particulars Name Remarks

Team coordinator Jagat 2.5 years in the team

Amit 10 years in the team & engaged on FPO

Sipra 3 years in the team & engaged on FBL

Executives Prakash 6 years in the team & engaged on APC & agriculture

Dinesh 1 year in the team & engaged on Livestock

Sweta 2 months & engaged on Institution & Skill

Project based Bikash 1.2 years and engaged on FPO promotion

contractual staff

Consultants 3 Braja ( 7 yrs – FRA), Ajaya ( 1 year – FRA) Abhiram ( 2

months SCE)

Development 4 Sanjana,Sanghamitra, Rameswar and Ansuman (4 months )


Scenario of Community Cadres:

Themes Number of cadres

Master trainers/cluster coordinator CRP/CSP/CVs

Agriculture 4 4

Livestock 2 1

FBL 12

Education 3

Skill & enterprise 2

Institution 1
Building Conducive Team Climate & Making the team a better place for women to work

Currently team is in a growing phase and has developed the culture of building knowledge and
expertise in each themes.There are 16 members in the team ( 5+1 executives, 4 DAs, 2 associates 1
contractual & 3 consultants). Recently 5 new members have joined the team and started their
development carrier.Team has tried to make a comfertable and conduicive enviornment for the 4
women collegues in the team.The steps followed to bring inclusiveness are as follows..

 Giving equal space and importance for their professional growth.

 Team is able to build knowledge of all the members regarding the Sexual harrasment and atrocity
 Each indivual has got the space to build knowledge around a particular theme and representing
PRADAN in different forums.
 Team has taken decission that During the Menstral cycle women members will take leave to have
rest .There is another provision to avail WFH facilities or use of vehicle as per need.
 There is a provision in team to avail four wheeler in case of long and night travel of women
 All the menbers have taken the resposbilities to engage with different stakeholders.

Team has condiucted an internal survey to capture the scope of improvement in the team culture and
climate. As per the survey with all the team members team need to work on the following aspects

 Need to enhace confrontation

 Making the enviornment conducive so that each one can express them selves.
 Support each other in their growth.
 Improve in giving and receiving feedbacks and working upon them.

Name of the Areas of Names of the trainings attended in Changes observed after
professional expertise last six months the event

Jagat Agriculture No significant but

and Gender Regenerative agriculture focusing to integrate in
present practices.
Amit FPO
promotion & No
Sipra FRA & FBL Focusing on grooming
PAS & Women leadership Das, Receiving the
program feedbacks to improve
Prakash Agriculture & Perspective and
Livestock Regenerative agriculture conviction enhanced for
Dinesh Livestock Working on evidence
Sweta Institution focusing on institution
Federation network workshop & FC-2 building and taking
accountability of work
Resource Mobilization, Communication and Partnership

Annual budget sanctioned

Name of the Name of the Key focus areas of the
DSC in Programme
project donor project
lakh fund in lakh
Agr. Cluster development
APC BRLF 6.26 3.03
with Marketing system
To strengthen production
ASHA BMGF 22.6 4.63
and market systems
LEAP WALMART 23.08 6.72 Completed
FPO , value chain,
PROWFIT WALMART 10.93 3.08 technology &
Self sustainable FPO
BUILD 3.88 Institution & RA
Employment, Education
SCE –II UN Women Yet to allocate
& Enterprise
Ford Ford
Foundation Foundation 17.07 Forest based livelihood
Omidyar Omidyar
3.41 Forest based livelihood
Network Network
Silicon Valley Silicon Valley 4.96 DA stipend

Team has more engaged in the district for program fund mobilization from different
departments and mobilized 28.85 lakh as input support to the farmers. Apart from this team
has submitted one proposal on skill in the district but it was not successful. There are deficit Rs
24.33 lakh of development support cost in the team for the FY 2022-23.

The last 6 months were critical and eventful for the team. Most of the district and block
level officials got transferred and new officers have joined. It took time to build relationship
with the new officers to represent PRADAN. However team could able to manage it better and
placed PRADAN in a better state. As a result of this the District Collector visited 2 times to our
area and appreciated the work. The honorable Governor of Odisha Prof. Ganeshi Lal has visited
2 of our villages. Similarly team has successfully organized and hosted 2 donor visits such as
Rainmatter and BMGF in the team. Similarly team realized that due to the thematic focus the
connection with the community is reducing. So team reflected on that and reorganized to
strengthen the community institutions by taking responsibilities of the operational areas. 4 new
DAs have joined in the team and team is focusing to build them along with the intensification of
different activities. Team is putting its best effort to achieve the set standard and hopeful to
reach to the goal by the end of this financial year.

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