Free Will

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Free Will

In my opinion I believe that free will does exist and everybody has the ‘gift’ of free will but
there is a lack of portrayal of it within our society due to certain restrictions like the law, self
conscious as well as morals. We as a society have the ability to make our own decisions as
well as choose our own actions, however this changes in different situations. For example,
things such as genetics, you didn’t have the ability to choose how you look or who your
family is, showing that not everything has a decision that can be made and that there are
limitations to almost everything. Moving onto my next point, the belief of free will means
that people’s consequences are merely caused by their own actions, meaning that the main
cause of suffering may reside within humans. So, what would one do when one makes bad
decisions? I think that there is no need for punishment unless such a violent act has been
committed, instead one should educate the person and help them grow and improve society
rather than causing fear throughout. This means that God isn’t to blame for suffering in the
world if everyone has free will however one could argue that God created all, God created
people and should know humans the most well and is often known as Omniscient meaning
that God is aware of the suffering but does not put a stop to it. So, does that mean God
doesn’t care? (but naturally your opinion relies on whether your religious or not)

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